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Chapter 12: Chapter 12

A/N: In honor of Bleach's return ❤

Unlike yesterday Kagami didn't immediately leave after school ended. Instead he decided to take a look at some of the clubs and after school societies. If Bleach was a slice of life anime he would've jumped at the chance to join the student council but unfortunately the real power lay elsewhere here. And he had already told Rukia to keep Ichigo off of his back so he was now free to roam.

He wasn't yet sure if he'd join any but he at least wanted to see what was being offered. Unlike Ichigo had nothing to do outside of school besides training so he had nothing but time.

'A sports club? Nah that would be straight bullying. The exercise club? Nah Yoruichi was more than enough. Kendo? Maybe. Soul Reapers aren't really known for having much in place of skill. It was more about power, more about drive. They s-..... imma just stop right there.'

Deciding to take a look at the kendo club, Kagami walked to the extracurricular building housing the clubs. After making his way to the 2nd floor he opened the door not knowing what to expect. To his surprise there was a lone figure doing practice swings with a wooden sword. Upon noticing him she stopped in a hurry and walked to the side to wipe her face with a towel.

"Sorry. I know you said to stay put but- wait you're THAT new kid. I thought you were the seniors who went out just now. So you have an interest in swords?" (???)

"Umm kinda. I'm just interested in learning proper form and all that. But what did you by 'THAT new kid'?" (Kagami)

"It's just some weird rumor going around. Saying you and Ichigo fought after school yesterday and because he beat you, you drove a truck into his house. Name's Tatsuki by the way." (Tatsuki)

"...." (Kagami)

'Me??!!! Lose to him?!!! And who the hell came up that bullshit story. If it were BL rumors I'd just have to get a girlfriend and problem solved but now I'd have to publically kick his ass.'

"I know that look. I don't care either way but I'll say this much. You can't beat Ichigo. He's the toughest guy I know, furthermore he's the only one who's ever beaten me. You look like you work out a bit but he's beaten bigger." (Tatsuki)

"Firstly just because he can beat you, doesn't mean he can beat me. Secondly Karakura Town is only a medium sized town, there's liable to be lots of strong fighters out there. And lastly, I'm just that good."

For some reason hearing his smug attitude reminded her of her first loss against Ichigo. Not giving him any chance Tatsuke walked over and grabbed 2 of the wooden swords and threw one to Kagami.

"Come on then. Let's see if you can back it up or if you're all mouth." (Tatsuki)

"Why should I? I have nothing to prove to you and besides I'd prefer not injuring a girl." (Kagami)

Hearing that upset Tatsumi even more. If it's one thing she hated it was people looking down on her because she was a girl. That's why she went out of her way to do everything that boys would do. She dare say there was no boy who could match her.... except one. Just then she had an idea that brought a smile to her face.

"Alright. Loser does any 1 thing the winner says. You claim to be stronger right? When I win I'll make you bow in front of the class and apologize for losing to a girl." (Tatsuki)

"Damn girl! Are you some kind of devil? That would ruin me.....if I lost of course. Deal. Hope you remember that you made these terms." (Kagami)

A smile could be seen on both of their faces as they stood 2 meters apart. The stances oozing confidence and instantly after the count of 3 a striking noise was heard and the match was decided. With a look of shock on her face Tatsuki looked down as Tatsuki was now holding her sword while his was pressed against her neck.

Normally Kagami would've liked to see how well he could fare normally but for the sake of the bet he may have cheated. It had to be said that Tatsuki was incredibly fast. As soon as the match started a downward slash was fast approaching his head. He simply sidestepped and used his hand to deliver a chop to her hand which shook the stick from her hand. Simultaneously he moved his to her neck in one fluid movement. Overall the match was over in less than 3 seconds.

'Brutal. She went straight for the head. No warning, plot armor bs or anything else. Just straight for the kill. Oh well. She started it, I just finished it.'

Several changes could be seen on Tatsuki's face right now. She understood what just happened but she doesn't understand how. How was he so fast? She couldn't help but release an exasperated sigh. That made 2 of them now.

"Alright out with it. What is it you want me to do? But I swear if it's anything per-" (Tatsuki)

"Woah now hold it right there. Let's not force your delusions on innocent lil me, shall we? Personally I don't even care, I just didn't want to face that if I lost haha. I'd prefer it if we could just spar like that more often. That wasn't a proper reflection of either of our skills." (Kagami)

Hearing his words made her think that maybe she had gone a little too far. He seemed like a pretty good guy. And besides she was excited to have a sparring partner And so they got lost in battle and round after round they went, oblivious to any change in their surroundings.

The seniors who had lond come back were now scared to stop them. At first they were simply excited to have such extraordinary juniors but as they both rapidly got better the seniors were left speechless. Those were brand new swords but they were now nothing but a gathering of splinters. But who would tell the newbies that they'd have to pay for them?


Kagami came home feeling that school now had some worth. After relying on his body only Tatsuki gave quite the chellenge, even beating him several times. But as he improved he started to quickly destry her newly rebuilt confidence. It had to be said the girl was also a fast learner and by the days' end their score was 7 wins for Tatsuki and 13 for Kagami. He was excited to have double her wins but their swords broke and all of the spares miraculously disappeared. How bizarre that none of the members knew where they were, even insisting that no reinbursement was needed for the broken ones.

Arriving back at home Yoruichi was seen in human form on the couch eating a pack of chips. She was watching a game show but she seemed to be bored. Seeing him, she wordlessly tackled him before he could even take off his shoes.

"Finally you're back! Get changed and let's go on walk. It was so bor- *sniff You smell sweaty. Take a ba- Wait a minute. This is a girl's smell!" (Yoruichi)

He listened on as Yoruichi went though several facial changes and wryly smiled. Despite the intense of sweat she somehow managed to pick up on the faint scent of Tatsuki on his body. She was now silent and her grip around his waist loosened. He was excited to see what conclusion she came to. She then looked at him with a serious expression, not exactly anger but one that said 'We need to talk'.

"Have a seat. We need to talk." (Yoruichi)

Following her to the living room he took the seat opposite hers and waited amusedly to hear what she say next.

"Look. Kisuke had to leave for a few days and he left me to look after you. I know I have no right to tell you what to do with your life especially after I rejected you but that doesn't mean you should go around doing just anything with just anyone. You may be a little good looking but remember you're still young and it's easy to make mistakes." (Yoruichi)

The room was silent as Yoruichi watched her words sink in. She may have rejected him but she felt somewhat attached to him and she'd feel somewhat responsible if he went astray. Seeing his serious expression she began thinking that maybe she had gotten through to him then she heard it. It began as chuckle, then a moderate laughter until his was seen laughing hysterically.

'W-what? How dare he?!!! Does he think what he's done is funny?' (Yoruichi)

Seeing the change in Yoruichi's aura he struggled to force down his laughter until he was able to answer her.

"First off I'm fully aware and capable of taking responsibility for my actions....not that there any with having a spar at the Kendo Club." (Kagami)

"....oh...." (Yoruichi)

"Yeah.... Well well Yoruichi it's quite interesting knowing your opinion of me." (Kagami)

Yoruichi could do nothing but shamefully hang her head knowing she had been wrong this time.

"*Sigh Look here. Don't mistake me for some kid who goes around crushing on anyone with a pretty face and a nice body. I took my time observing you and decided I liked what I saw and that included more than just your body.... But make no mistake as I said I simply 'like' you whereas there's still a ways to go even if you reciprocated. Anyways I'll go have that bath now as I'm still quite sweaty. As for you I'd advise you stop looking at me as if I was some kind of child."

As an added effect Kagami took the chance to flaunt his Reiatsu for the first time. Shock could be seen on Yoruichi's face. 'It's only been half a year. How could he already be strong enough to match a lieutenant?!!'

Without another word Kagami walked to his room and slammed the door. His words and the actions took when delivering them worked as intended but if Yoruichi could read his thoughts it would all fall apart.

'God that was frigging AWESOME!! Heck yeah! Is this how those young masters feel? Now THIS is what an isekai life should be like.'

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