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18.51% Harry Potter And The Order of Merlin / Chapter 5: Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Chapter 5

The missive that Neville received was not a surprise.

Imagine that! Word had gotten back to his grandmother about his 'interest' in a completely unsuitable girl. Not that she didn't mind him talking to a muggleborn. It was good for their social standing to be on speaking terms with at least one.

But she would not countenance him thinking of contracting with her. Not at all!

It was a good thing that she was only his regent and not his guardian. Otherwise she could force him into a different contract. One with a suitable bride.

Maybe someone like Bulstrode?

His attention was on said troll-girl, because she was stalking towards Malfoy's bodyguards.

"I didn't lie to Madam Pomfrey. I told the truth. So when you get expelled for attacking a classmate, don't blame me. I didn't blab out of turn. I was potioned." Millicent stated.

She sat down, and Tracey Davis moved towards the clearly distraught girl.

The curse on her from the war made sure that she looked like a troll. Rumors abounded that there was an actual troll in her heritage, after all. Unlike her brothers who had somehow escaped the curse and looked very handsome. But they were much older than her, and were working out of the country.

Millicent was quite convinced that no one would ever be her friend, and the only way she would ever marry is if her father spent the entire family fortune, which wasn't much, to buy someone with Crabbe's looks and Goyle's brains. There wasn't enough to hire a curse-breaker, they had already tried.

She shuddered, as did Neville, at exactly the same time over very similar feelings.

Millicent's father refused to sell illegal ingredients, and wouldn't sell to Malfoy or Snape directly at all. He collected animal parts, and would have no part of dark potions. St. Mungos was his best customer but as they worked on donations, it wasn't a lucrative career.

But he kept his honor. A value he had taught to his children, his daughter.

Hermione came in just then and sat across Neville. They were away from others, so she could talk to one of her best friends. She desperately needed advice and wished she could put up a privacy bubble. But how would a firstie, especially a muggleborn first year know one?

"Where did you go after class? You just disappeared. I wanted to walk you to lunch." Neville asked.

The girl was tucking an hourglass shaped necklace back into her robes.

"Just helping Harry finish up his mission, I only had to clean up and I know that you had nothing to do with it."

"What's that ring?" Neville spotted a new sparkly on her right hand.

"This? Gringotts delivered some missing things to Harry, the Black family ring for one thing. That story is about to be very public. This? Harry gave it to me as a friendship token. Says that it has some special enchantments on it, but I wasn't to ask too many questions. You know who delivered it, so it's not like it's dangerous."

The plant expert missed the opportunity to make a joke because of the name. He was too jealous and upset.

Neville growled. He was an idiot! He had fallen for Potter's innocent 'I can't do anything until I'm done with being a knight'. Of course Potter would act, when had he ever hesitated in even one of their field exercises?

Potter was dead, dead, dead. Well, not literally, but Harry wasn't the only one who had learned how to use pranks as weapons of war to humiliate and hurt enemies.

Potter was going to be pink, or green or slimy or something.

But right now Neville needed to focus on what Hermione was saying.

"I know that we aren't supposed to tell anyone yet, but I really think I'm going to be signing the contract. What do you think?"


Neville realised that maybe he shouldn't have been so loud. But he was very on edge. He hadn't been included in any of the mission briefings, he just lost a mentor, someone who felt like family to be around.

And now, Potter had taken HIS girl!

"Neville!" Hermione gasped. "People will hear!"

"Is there a problem here?" Penny came over as none of the Gryffindor prefects seemed to be around, and she had talked to Hermione on the train. Thought for sure she'd be in Ravenclaw too!

"Yes, but nothing we can't talk about. In Private!" Hermione emphasized.

Neville realised that several people were staring, but he was not sweeping this under the rug! It was too important to him!

"I don't see how a marriage contract should be kept secret if you are wearing his ring?" Neville asked in a dangerous low hiss. "That's the whole point of them, so that everyone knows that the good ones are taken. And it drives up the prices of available witches, and…"

Harry had particularly poor timing that day as the juice next to Hermione exploded as Harry tried to sit down next to his friends.

"We were having a private conversation, Potter!"

Harry stood, dripping orange liquid. "I can see that. Well, I'm going to go upstairs and change into fresh robes.

"I'll join you, and we can grab something quick to eat on the way to class. Neville, we need to talk soon. You are clearly distraught, and I have no idea why. But before you yell at me, or explode more juice or something, why don't you talk with Dean or Seamus or someone and sort this out. I can't think of anything that I have done wrong. If I have, I hope you can tell me later when you are calm, and we can sort this out."

That was classic Sister Gisele, and it was so weird hearing it in Hermione's voice, and without a strong German accent.


But the damage was done, and by the time that Harry had returned to snag a sandwich or two, and a trio of nice shiny apples. Hermione was grabbing her own lunch when she felt it too. Everyone was staring at him. At her.

At them.

"Hermione, do I have dirt on my nose?"

"No Harry, nor nothing on your face. We aren't dripping juice anymore. I think we should just get to class."

"That sounds like a great idea." Harry replied, and the two left the staring crowd. Harry saw that Neville was fuming still, and had not yet talked to anyone. Good. He was looking at the ring, and clearly jealous. Well, that was part of warfare too. Keeping one's enemies off balance.

Harry rubbed his chest as he walked to class.

There was no reason to be upset over Neville being unhappy. None at all. He deserved it.

Didn't he?


There was nothing faster than gossip in the castle, and Charms class was interrupted by a student sending for Harry yet again.

"First, the Headmaster pulls me from the school I wish to attend. Now, he doesn't allow me to attend the school that he changed laws to force me to go to! No! I will not leave this fine instructor's tutelage now. I will see the administrator after class."

Harry didn't want to miss one word of this clearly experienced warrior's topic. No one said no to Dumbledore, but the seventh year shrugged, and left to relay the message. The group of Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors then focused back on the instructor.

After class, Professor Flitwick took him aside.

"I heard that Dumbledore disarmed you of a family ring, and that it's gone missing." Flitwick said. "Has Gringotts been notified?"

Harry did not want to lie to a goblin, or a part goblin. He hoped that this man could become an ally at some point. Flitwick was more than just a champion dueler. He was a brilliant strategist and Harry really wished he could ask the man for private lessons.

"Can you keep a secret that has nothing to do with school safety?" Harry asked.

"I can and will my boy. Your mother was my apprentice, and I remember her fondly. She used to bring you here with her, you know."

"No, I have never heard that sir. I need to ask people who knew her for pictures. But that's for another time. Sir, the Headmaster did me a favor. I have no interest in politics, and there is almost no money in the Black vaults. Draco, should he obtain the ring before it is found, will be inheriting derelict properties that are in sore need of updating, are in debt for all sorts of issues, and the entire estate is nothing but a huge mess. I am most grateful to him. Truly."

"Oh, my dear boy! I had no idea! But your Potter ring! Where is that?"

Harry looked at his hands. "There was an old baby bottle and blanket and some dirty dishes. But everything else was mostly coins, sir. Well, except for the muggle money. There were gold, silver and copper wizarding coins in the trust vault, sir. "

"Bronze, actually, but I can see why you would think copper. Knuts are made of bronze."

"Most of the other household items were in another. No jewelry or valuables. I would have thought that the Potters would have had something. My mother's wedding ring? But no, I have never seen a Potter House ring."

Harry sighed sadly. "I would love to ask you questions another time sir. For now, I should get to the Headmaster's office. I wish you were my Head of House sir. Professor McGonagall has a class right now, and I doubt she'd stop teaching just to go with me.

"I have nothing going on right now, and would be proud to be your champion!" Professor Flitwick declared.

"Thank you sir. I'm sure he means nothing evil, but I would feel better with an ally with me. Thank you."

And off to see the Great Wizard they went.


Sir Jerome Kerviel flashed his patented smile at the magical real estate expert. He may only be half-Veela blood wise, but his charisma was such that he was one of the chief recruiters for the Order of Merlin.

And his missions were varied using both his birth and acquired political connections, along with his ability to charm people. In this case, using a clearing house to channel funds to the Order without anyone the wiser.

Harry Potter had signed over all of his non-entailed properties to Sister Gisele two days before the start of school. As a future knight, Harry had no need of them, and after retirement, the Order would grant him a suitable home. Few knights came to the order with as much worldly wealth, and Harry had inherited quite a bit.

There was no opportunity to evaluate those properties before now. So, here Sir Jerome was, on a day when he would prefer to be guarding the woman who was like a beloved tante to him and to the younger children. Looking at muggle homes, worn down buildings, and safe houses. And deciding which ones to keep or sell for the Order.

The grandson of the Veela reigning royals brought a magical camera with him. So far, he had not had much to photograph. Honestly, what was Dumbledore thinking? Didn't he know that homes needed to be maintained? The great man was clearly too busy with all of his work, and should have set up a Regent for Harry Potter.

"The next one on the list is Number Four, Privet Drive. Surrey." The witch simpered. "Muggle, you know."

"That house is in good shape, and rented out. No need to visit that one. It was hoped that there would be something of the manor house left in Wales."

They had just visited that. The large home had been destroyed to the foundation, the stones a blackened message that the Dark Lord considered the Potter family an enemy to be destroyed - root and branch.

"Beautiful land, lovely view of the sea, and it is being used by muggle farmers on lease until Mr. Potter gains his majority. The Gringotts' manager for the Potter account could do so little, but did manage to get that arranged." The woman informed him.

"Allowing cattle to graze won't hurt the land at all." The knight agreed. That land was entailed to the title, and couldn't be gifted or sold. At least it wasn't behind on taxes, as it had none.

"No. The standing ritual stones were warded against them and the muggles, but other than that, there really wasn't much there. A few outbuildings. I'm very sorry Sir Knight."

"Not your fault!" Sir Jerome reassured her. They took the portkey back to Gringotts, and Sir Jerome bowed to Sister Gisele just as she was exiting the bank as they entered. He wanted to ask the sister secretary to tarry just a moment so that he could escort her back to their rented rooms in Hogsmeade. The woman was too fast though, and scurried away as though trying to get away from him.

"You are so noble! So kind! Now, was there anything? Anything at all that I could do for you?" The woman gushed.

The man shook his head and winked at her. "No, that was everything. Please keep this day in confidence."

She sighed like a schoolgirl. "Of course! All transactions are kept confidential. Here's my card should you need anything. I really should offer to buy you lunch."

"Thank you, but I am on duty. Thank you for your help." Sir Jerome flashed his smile again, and twirled. His blonde locks and half-cloak flared magnificently, and grabbed the attention of everyone there.

Trying to hurry, his senses telling him that something was wrong, the knight hurried to catch up with the busy school assistant.

He couldn't find her anywhere in the shopping district at all.


Harry Potter was most impressed by the Headmaster's phoenix. Clearly, such a being proved that Albus Dumbledore was worthy of the title Leader of the Light, for there was no lighter creature in all of the Wizarding World.

Okay, the fact that the bird seemed to like Harry might have had something to do with his feeling so happy about it all. The bird's trills soothed his troubled heart.

As Harry sat, the bird swooped over and perched on the armchair. Harry fished through his pockets, grabbing a very muggle Swiss army knife and the last apple he had from lunch.

He proceeded to cut and feed chunks of fruit to the bird, chatting with him the whole time with whistles and notes.

The headmaster watched the scene with a quiet chuckle, then saw the Charms professor.

"You may go Filius."

"I am here in Minerva's place. The boy is new to school, and new to this culture. I'm happy to be here for him."

Dumbledore nodded, then proceeded to ignore the little man.

"Harry, my boy, I am so sorry to interfere in your life again so soon. Even if I am not your guardian, I would like to offer myself as a mentor to you. Not just for the current situation regarding the rumors coming from the Great Hall. But just to be a help to you. "

Wow. The Great Leader of the Light, soooo many awards, they didn't fit on his plaque back at school. This man was studied at College Merlin. Oh sure, there were some who didn't like his style of combat engagement, and all. But dark lords feared this man for a reason.

This was an unexpected and very high honor. But Harry had no intention of staying here at Hogwarts long. Their views on enemy engagement, fighting and guerilla tactics were just too different.

"Sir, I am very, very honored. I would be a fool to throw such an offer away. Wait. What rumors?"

"The rumors that have been going around since lunch. Yes, this has me very concerned. You are far too young to enter into a marriage contract."

"Oh, I agree sir! My parents may have married young, but I don't intend to do so before I am twenty five at least."

"That's all well and good, but you must understand that marriage contracts are very serious and binding in the wizarding world. And except for very specific circumstances, the marriage cannot be dissolved like in the muggle world."

Harry yawned hugely. He was so tired, and hungry. Just then, his stomach rumbled quite loudly.

"I'm so sorry sir! I beg your pardon!" Harry turned bright red, and looked down in embarrassment.

"No, my boy, I'm the one who is sorry, after all your lunch was cut short. Please, let me call for tea. Soda!"

Harry wondered what kind of flavored sparkling water the professor preferred, but a house-elf popped into the room.

"Why, hello!" Harry declared, seeing his family's heraldry on the little being's t-towel."

"Master Harry! Master Harry is here! Oh, happy, happy day!"

The being ran to Harry, and hugged him for all she was worth.

"Well, that is the kindest greeting. Headmaster, you surround yourself with good. Hello, little one, you know my name, obviously, but what is yours, please?"

"Such a kind and good master! Oh yes, your grandmother Dorea would be so pleased. I is Soda, Headmaster named me when you were a baby, and I was born here to House Potter elveses."

"Just one of the things that I need to teach you about Harry."

"I've read about them, sir. But I didn't know I owned any. Wow! Slavery was outlawed in England a long time ago, Soda. So, you don't have to be a slave to me. But we can be friends if you like. I can use more friends!"

The being burst into tears, and popped away before returning to bring a very nice tea.

"Soda be thinking about it, but Soda wants working!"

"Of course! You can stay here, at school, or work for someone else. But I am happy to pay you. I get ten galleons a month allowance, and you can have half. If you want."

"Master Harry! That's too much!"

"Well, think about it, and let me know. I hear the word slave and see people being unhappy and separated from their families. The only thing that really matters is family, so I will do anything to protect that."

"Even a lowly house-elf?"

"Even a house-elf, but I don't think of someone with your impressive skills as lowly. I need to talk to the headmaster now. Can we get together Saturday to talk? Maybe after lunch?"

Soda nodded, and popped away.

"Very good, Mr. Potter. You are like your mother. Goblins don't keep slaves either. The house-elves at Gringotts are hired help, sometimes taken from great houses in repayment of debt, but they are then freed into what you would call indentured service. But they are well paid, and most stay after earning their freedom." Flitwick stated.

"That was nicely done, young Harry. So many people raised in the muggle world can see that the bondage of house-elves is wrong, but allowing something evil to exist without complaint in society gives it the appearance of goodness even when it has none."

Harry pondered that statement, took out parchment, and made a note of it with a pencil.

"Having trouble with quills?" The headmaster's eyes were twinkling.

"I'll need a lot of practice to get to legible, sir. But I suspect I'll get a lot of practice."

"I expected you to be quite angry with me, personally, Harry. How is it that you can sit here, accosted by me for the second time, and still treat me with such respect? I expected you to be shouting, truly."

"I have done a lot of reading about you, and about what happened to me as a baby. Then I met Neville.

"Sir, did you know he was born just a day before me? And his family was attacked just a few days after mine? It can't be a coincidence! I think that Dark Lord Voldie-whats-it was after Neville and I, and our families got in the way. But there is evidence that I have not shared here yet. I trust you. You need you to know."

Harry swallowed, this was going to be the hard part.

"When I was younger, I used to get odd thoughts, violent. And then there's the ranting from my scar. Well, the headaches and all were getting horrible, and I felt like I was talking to myself. I was taken to a doctor. Long story short, the scar is now gone, headaches gone. Violent thoughts are just my own, no longer homicidal maniac style. And now that I have had access to magical books for a while, I don't think that that had been an ordinary scar. So glad that the doctors removed whatever was in there."


Dumbledore came around his desk very quickly, and nearly attacked Harry, pushing back his hair.

Filius wasn't there to be another ornament in the office. He jumped up, and got between them, quickly, but it didn't stop the headmaster casting at Harry's head, and Filius tried but couldn't disarm the man.

Poor Fawkes, discommoded by the physical confrontation, chided his bonded with loud squawks.

"Nothing is there! Nothing is there anymore!" The Chief Mugwump shouted.

"I know, muggle surgery, I can't tell you how many people expected me to have a lightning shaped scar but that's been gone for years. Wait, you knew I had something evil in my scar? Why didn't you just kill me? That's what others would have done!"

Harry almost admitted that's what a couple of healer's at St. Michael's wanted to do. They combined techniques, but what Harry understood at the time was that it was mostly muggle style, so he wasn't lying.

"Laser surgery?"

"You are more up on muggle techniques than most sir. As for what was used, I couldn't say. I was asleep for all of it. Odd dreams though. I saw a repeating dream of a diary, a ring, and a small crown.

No need to mention items that had already been found and destroyed after all. Monseigneur had been very clear about that.

"You wouldn't know what that meant, would you?" Harry asked softly.

Mission number three was off and running weeks early, but why waste an opening? Harry was no fool.

Dumbledore went silent and stalked around him.

"I might indeed, my boy, but would have to do some research. Thank you for telling me. I have to ask. After being told that I have stolen both books and money from you, well, borrowed without permission, and have not yet returned said property, and then forced you here, you continue to treat me as an ally."

"You are sir, you are. I suspect you borrowed my parents books to do research. What would I do with them as a baby? Drool on them? Chew on the corners like a puppy? Use crayons on them when no one suspected? The same with the invisibility cloak and other things. I do want to ask after today, softly sir, no shouting, if you might have my father's family ring. Nothing was in my school vault but money and dirty dishes. I really would like something of my father's."

Dumbledore started pacing back and forth again.

"The cottage that your parents lived in was packed and most everything was put in Gringotts. I had borrowed some books and things from your parents. These items will be in storage or maybe some will be stored in my rooms somewhere.

"You must wonder why I wanted you here at Hogwarts. You see, young Harry, you are a true Grffyindor, descended from Godric himself. You do not own the castle, alas, but it would be a crime if one of the few living descendents of a Light family didn't come to learn from these Hallowed Halls."

Harry nodded, and pulled out a muggle notebook. He flipped to the beginning of the book, found the spot, and twirled it around to face Dumbledore.

In very neat print, was a list of Potter invented potions. The foundation of the family fortune, and the reason that Charlus Potter could sit on the Wizengamot, where Septimus Weasley, equally pureblooded could not.

Then a list of the schools with the best potions programs.

Hogwarts was a disappointing last on the list of schools. The Ecole Merlin in Rome was first. Their graduates went to the best healing hospitals in the world.

"Headmaster. I can understand you wanting British citizens to support your school. I can always study my dream field later. I will ask one favor sir, other than the return of my family ring."


"Please don't let the Death Eaters here kill me. Please. I don't know how to defend myself, and with the current DADA professor stuttering, well, I look forward to learning Charms and Transfiguration spells well."

"My boy! We have no Death Eaters here!" Dumbledore claimed.

Filius choked, but Harry's friendly visage was gone. He stood suddenly, again disturbing the eternal bird.

"May I please be excused, Headmaster?" Harry asked as the medallion on his chest warmed, a warning it was in use.

"But we haven't even talked about the marriage contract!"

"Why would I stay and talk to someone who lies to my face? Now I can understand why you expected me to be angry. I have given you every chance to prove yourself to have good intentions, sir. And then you spit on me."

"What I should have said, Harry, was that there are no active Death Eaters here."

"What about Quirrell?" Harry demanded.

"What?! You call him inept, and now you think him a Death Eater?"

Harry's eyes narrowed and flashed the color of the killing curse. The boy was clearly very angry. Harry said nothing more though. He really didn't want to reveal any more cards than he already had. The magical medallion he wore as insurance to his occlumency skills had activated yet again.

"I ask for protection from Quirrell and Snape. It's a yes or no question." The boy's magic was flaring. Fawkes chirruped and tried to calm the lad. Harry stood there, breathing hard, arms crossed. Defiant.

"Of course! You are perfectly safe here." Dumbledore exclaimed. He waved his arms expansively. "I'm sure we'll find your family property soon. I'll get the elves on it right away."

"I'm not angry about my things. I'm angry because you don't seem to understand that there are deathly dangerous people running about a school! A school I don't want to be in! A school where despite your reassurance, I do not feel safe! Here! Look at this!" Harry rummaged around in his bag, and pulled out one of the recruiting brochures for Ecole Merlin. And he flipped to another page in his notebook. No one, not even Sir Charles or Sir Jerome could say that Harry wasn't prepared for this mission!

"This is the vow that teachers at the school in Rome have to take, sir. Here is their pass rate of OWLs and NEWTs in all classes, not just potions. And here is how much it would cost for me to attend there. You made the law I have to attend a less than stellar school, and make me pay ten times as much. And yet I have still offered you the branch of friendship, of being an ally. Get these two teachers at least to take some kind of magical vow. You know, to not try and kill me or spell someone else to do so? Do that, and I will be a lot happier here.

"As for a marriage contract with Hermione, if she was willing to sign one tomorrow with the approval of her parents I would be thrilled. Even stipulating that we both had to be over twenty four years of age to do so. But my guardian would not allow it, and I imagine that her MUGGLE parents would think the whole thing barbaric, rather like slavery. I want to work with you sir. I admire you, I truly do.

"But I tell you now that I am very unhappy to be in a place that has Lucius Malfoy as head of the Board of Governors of the school. I went back to Diagon Alley and got more research materials after he threatened to kill my auntie. And before you deny it, you weren't there but there were lots of witnesses. Including the barkeep at the Leaky Cauldron.

"So I ask again, may I be dismissed? The tea was lovely, but I would like to use the loo, get some real dinner, and get to bed early. I did not sleep well last night at all."

The Headmaster went to a nearby bookshelf and pulled down several well-used potions reference guides.

"These are yours, Mr. Potter. I will see that you get the rest of your things soon that I have borrowed. Let me think about the family ring. Yes, you have the right to have it, but to wear it at school? Some would think you were bragging."

Flitwick scoffed at that. "As the last Potter, the lad has the right to choose when to wear his family ring. Headmaster, if you have it, you must return it to him!"

Dumbledore looked at the charms master as though seeing him there for the first time. "I think I might know where it is. I do not have it here with me. And it will be very well protected.

"As for the vows, they can be tricky things." Dumbledore declared solemnly.

"Wanted or not, I have a title 'Boy-Who-Lived'. There are several people who would like to reverse that title, and have me join my parents. Can you blame me for wanting to stay on Earth long enough at least to have children of my own?" Not to mention put Voldemort down, well, the rest of him. But Harry didn't state that thought aloud.

"Not an unreasonable request. I'm glad that you didn't sign a contract. I warn you against doing so in future without my aid. I will send the books to you with your elf." Dumbledore stated.

"How does one free a house-elf? Give them some sort of papers?"

"Give them a sock, well, any article of clothing." Dumbledore advised.

"Very well. Farewell, Headmaster."

"Good evening, Harry." Dumbledore said in dismissal, and Harry went down the stairs. The charms professor stayed to say something to the Headmaster, and left the door to the office open as he went to join Harry.

Professor Flitwick shook his head. "I didn't like most of that. Hearing what a bad school we've become. I would like to see your research on that, Mr Potter. And ten points to Gryffindor for not popping off and planting the man as he deserved."

Grumpling about meddling wizards, the half-goblin took his leave. But Harry stayed there.

Harry waited at the base of the stairs, and saw a wizard come out from behind the tapestry. Good, he thought he had smelled the man's scent when he came in. His wolf pup senses came in handy sometimes.

The headmaster had limited himself to 'peaking' in Harry's brain to only once, but someone else, likely Snape, had tried thrice, and given them both a headache. Well, Snape's would be worse.

Time to eat, and a chance to make nice with Neville.

Stifling a yawn, Harry made his way to dinner, patting the medallion that helped protect his secrets as he went.


Harry was tired, grumpy, hungry, and just wanted something simple to eat and then go to bed. He wanted to make up with Neville who was busy yelling at Hermione. Again.

"Look, Mr. Longbottom. I don't know you, you don't know me. Leave me alone, and let me sit with people who are nice to me!"

"Longbottom, it's bad enough being a squib, but you are one of the Sacred Twenty-eight! You don't want to show interest in the wrong kind."

Neville sat down as he knew in his anger he would reveal too much. Hermione too sat, but closer to the other girls of the house.

Harry walked over and offered Neville his hand. "Mate, part of this is my fault. After dinner, can we go somewhere to talk? Alone?"

Neville shook on it and nodded. Harry tried to eat some of the beef stew that was nearby. He had barely gotten three bites in when Malfoy just had to show off his new trinket.

Harry quickly cast the rare spell, but in the hubble-bubble of the hall, no one noticed. But the hall quickly quieted to hear the blonde ponce.

"See here Potter? Lose something, did you?" The Black family ring was clearly on display, the snake hissing something.

Harry had a vague recollection that he used to understand snakes. Maybe if he turned into one? But no one here was to know about his forms.

"Is that the ring making that noise? Or, like your father, you are full of hot air. And being who you are, you um, leak?"

"You're just jealous, Potter, because I have the ring! I have the power! And you'll never get it back!"

"Ouch, cousin. You take my ring, and my family honor, and now you wound me with your rapier wit, too."

"I didn't steal it! Magic gave it to me!" Draco claimed.

"How? Wait, you caught the niffler! He must have thought your hair was shiny and went after you. How cool is that to have a niffler! What other treasures did you 'find'?"

'Take the bait, take the bait." Harry chanted to himself.

"What?! The niffler stole a bunch of gold watches, and some coins and some earrings and such. Those weren't mine to keep!"

"And who was named Heir to the House in the Wizengamot at the death of his godfather? A man who was never tried by the way! Just tossed into Azkaban. Who was his legally named heir?!" Harry demanded.

"Now, Mr. Potter, this can all be put right. Mr. Malfoy knows it was you, but his parents have led him to believe that he would be Lord Black." The headmaster intoned, trying to soothe the waters.

"And now I am!" Draco said, again, showing off the ring to the rest of the hall.

"Did you receive the ring from Gringotts, or go through the Heritage ritual?"

"What? Of course not!"

"Then I claim, in front of witnesses, that you have claimed the right to be Head of House without basis. You can make this right by giving me back the ring, and I will reclaim my words."

Draco Malfoy looked at the ring, and knew it represented real power.

"Mr. Malfoy! Recall what I said about the vaults!" Professor Snape tried to warn him.

"Right. Well, I claim those as well. You're a worthless mudblood Potter." Malfoy decided, in front of the Headmaster and everyone.

"Mr. Malfoy, that will be fifty points from Slytherin for that racial slur, and a week's detention with Mr. Filch. I beg you to reconsider. I was partially at fault here. I interrupted the ritual that would have seen Harry inherit those vaults and that ring." Dumbledore suggested.

"Well, he can't because it's mine, magic says so. What was that? Oh, okay. The family magics recognized me as Head of House."

"You can speak to snakes? Is that a real spell?" Hermione asked on cue.

"What? Um."

Now three quarters of the room were either glaring at Draco or looking at him in fear. Or a combination.

"He's a parselmouth." "Is the Dark Lord his real sire?" "Did the Dark Lord and Lucius Malfoy have an affair?"

Everyone was talking about him. In a way, Harry felt horrible for what was happening, but if it pulled the fangs out of Death Eaters, then so much the better.

Millicent Bulstrode, walked over to the ring, and then put the icing on the cake.

"What a twit! He must have charmed it to hiss, for now it's just speaking English. Faker! And you stole Harry Potter's ring! I saw you, and I tried to stop you!"

Harry stood. "Miss Bulstrode, I don't know what custom dictates I do in a situation like this. Thank you for stating what you saw. I want to offer a gift, but don't want anyone to think that I had bribed your testimony just now. I was given several items as samples of the Black wealth. One is a lovely brooch with gems, certified to be free of any bad enchantments. As a sign of friendship, may I give it to you?"

"Potter, if that came from a Black vault, then it's mine!"

"Then why did a Gringotts employee bring it to me? The previous Lord Black died a few days ago. Were you notified? Are you grieving him? I was given a few treasures, some I am sure were originally from other homes with a Slytherin tradition like Miss Bulstrode's. If I choose to share some of my possessions, then who are you, who have one of my possessions, are you to deny my gift?"

He held up the large brooch and showed it to the room. Goblin work of gold, emeralds and diamonds, clearly a large snake glittered in the torch light.

Millicent gasped at its beauty.

Draco tried to grab it out of Harry's hand but Percy Weasley stepped in between them, and sent the firstie back to his table with a glare.

The prefect then escorted Harry over to the large girl, and Harry pinned the brooch on her robes.

"If you play chess at all, we will be meeting around three in the afternoon on Saturday. You are invited, please feel free to invite some of your housemates as well." Harry said, bowing and smiling at the rest of Slytherin, though avoiding looking at Draco.

Percy then escorted Harry back to his seat at the Gryffindor table.

The Headmaster stood there, dumbfounded at the boy's generosity to the Slytherin girl. But he was even more dumbfounded by how young Malfoy was acting. Did he not realize that no one would trust him ever again?

Dumbledore walked over to the Head of House of Slytherin and used Severus' own charm for privacy.

"Professor Snape, I think that you and I need to have a conversation with the Malfoy paterfamilias as soon as possible. I doubt young Draco understands how everyone will view him now."

"Lucius will be livid. He kills in that mood."

"What would you suggest then?"

Severus thought about it. "Let Draco send a letter home. Our governor will attend us soon, I'd wager."

"Very well, Severus. But this is a most unpleasant situation."

"Poor Potter doesn't understand what he has lost. He thinks it's just an ugly ring. He doesn't understand. Look at him!"

Ron Weasley was using a celery stalk as a broom with an olive for rider, and showing Potter and the other muggle-raised different quidditch fouls.

Apparently Mr. Weasley didn't care for black olives the way he was treating them.

"He's been raised by his aunt, and has had no tuition in this. Augusta Longbottom has been most upset with me for not allowing her access to Harry Potter to teach him dance, manners, etiquette, ad nauseum." Albus confided.

"Ad nauseum is right. I have grading to do after dinner, and first year homesick children to attend to, Headmaster. Please allow me to finish eating."

The Headmaster watched as Harry snuck peaks at the Malfoy heir who while being treated well by some, mostly children of known Death Eaters. He was clearly being scorned by others.

What a terrible mistake to make at such a tender age. Perhaps if he tried to reason with the boy? Offer to mentor the lad as he had done with the dark haired boy currently laughing with his friends?

After all, look at the respect that Harry Potter had given him, and he was somewhat at odds with the child.

Yes, The Leader of the Light would talk with the Malfoy boy during class tomorrow, and see if he couldn't reason with the boy and get him to turn the ring over.

That was the ticket!


In the wilds of a small, South African magical community, there was a large problem brewing, one that the Knights of the Order were trying to help with.

The incipient Dark Lady was looking for just the right man, going through pictures.

"Him! He's perfect! Get him here!" The powerful witch took the picture with her to her throne. Well, it was a converted comfy chair that LOOKED like a throne, but was very nice to sit in.

"By your leave, Madam?" The witch minion begged, bowing.

She was waved away, the dark one too entranced by the handsome blonde knight in the picture.

'He was perfect! Every queen needs such a prince consort.' The Dark Lady thought to herself. 'And he is of royal blood. Too bad about being illegitimate. Well, no one will say anything against him around me!'

The spy was able to get to a safe place to make a quick call. "Get Sir Jerome to me as soon as possible! The plan worked, and he'll be able to dismantle the operation before it gets anywhere. Rebecca Flores out."


Harry Potter was very, very upset. Even though his missions had gone off so far with only minor glitches, nothing else was right.

And then Hermione smiled at him.

"I can't tell you all of the odd rumors I heard today, Harry. How we must be betrothed because you gave me this Black heirloom ring. In friendship, I might add." She scowled at some of the more gossipy fourth years, but it was Pavarti who blushed red.

"You mean that you aren't? But you said you were going to sign the contract? Or you were thinking of it?" Neville asked plaintively.

Hermione rolled her eyes.

"It's getting late, and I don't want to miss chapel three days in a row. If you'll excuse me." Hermione stated pointedly.

Neville and Harry saw others of their faith getting up, and joined in. They followed the older students up a flight and to a beautiful tower room, full of stained glass.

There, at the door, was the ghost of Hufflepuff greeting one and all cheerily.

"Newcomers, Gryffindors, Ravenclaw, welcome, welcome! Ohh Miss Bulstrode I'm Friar Benedict. Welcome."

"You know who I am?"

"I knew your father, Graham, too. Unfair to be called a Death Eater. Such a pious boy."

"He never served You-Know-Who. I won't either!" The girl declared.

"Of course not! Please take a seat now. Welcome one and all!" The friendly ghost said, waving them in.

"Mr. Potter, Miss Granger, Mr. Longbottom." Millicent greeted them in a friendly way.

"It's Harry to my friends. You are welcome to sit with me, with us, if you like."

Harry looked around the chapel. Lovely stained glass, places for candles of remembrance. It was a very nice place. While people were gathering, he went and lit a candle for Brother Paddy and Lord Black.

"So, Hermione." Neville whispered.

"The contract of chastity and charity, Mr. Longbottom." She hissed, upset that she was in the middle of an argument in this place of peace. "You know, my research grant." 'My commitment to become a knight, not just a squire' was transmitted with her eyes.

"Oh. OH! So you and Harry?"

"Are friends. No need to explode pumpkin juice at me again tomorrow, all right?" Harry said.

Neville looked chagrined. "Sorry."

The chapel filled quickly, and the short service began.

Twenty minutes passed all too quickly for Harry, but he got up to leave with the others.

"I do a Tridene mass at 6:30 am every day of the school week for those interested. Go in Peace." The Friar intoned.

Millicent was just going to walk away, but Harry grabbed her hand.

"My mentor recently passed away, and he was like family. I apologize for not being good company tonight. Will you come on Saturday? To play or at least watch chess?"

"Of course. Oh, Lord Black! I did not know you knew him."

"No, what? That's just a horrid coincidence. No, I didn't grow up in a magical castle, nor did I tame rampaging hippogriffs when I was five."

"No, you waited until you were seven to ride your first hippogriff." Hermione stated primly, as though she was teasing, but she really wasn't.

All the young people around them took it as a jest though. The group that had sat on the train together walked together and chatted bringing along new friends. As she was the only Slytherin, they walked Millicent to the dungeon corridor.

"Have a nice evening." Harry bowed, and Millicent curtseyed quite gracefully for someone her size.

"She's a really sweet girl." Harry said. "I wonder how she feels about flying? With all her strength, she'd make a magnificent knight."


Algae Longbottom regretted the loss of the gold, but it was an extremely necessary expense.

He was waiting in the solicitor's office, when the door chimed. The muggles were right on time, not that they had much choice in the manner.

"What's going on here?" Dan Granger demanded.

Emma was still in her work clothes, but thankfully Captain Granger was in civvies. The unexpected owl was presumed to be from Hermione, not someone else.

"You are the parents of a magical daughter named Hermione Granger?" The solicitor asked, not bothering to give his name.

One didn't introduce themselves to a family pet after all, and these people were lower than a crup or kneazle in his opinion.

"I have a very profitable idea for you. As you are aware, there are not a lot of opportunities for muggleborns except when they catch the eye of a young heir. That is basically their only hope of progression. Well, my nephew is quite captivated by Miss Granger, and would like to be in a contract with her.

Emma scoffed, and Dan blew out his breath. "Yes, we were warned that such things were still used in the Wizarding World. Is this for Harry or Neville?"

"Harry? Harry Potter? Oh no, I'm no relative of THAT boy. I am Neville's uncle. Let me tell you. My sister is making a horrible mistake. She wants to ban the boy from talking to the girl. But I know that fine witches like her are hard to come by. So, I plan to use my position to give Neville what he wants, give the girl what she wants, and everyone is happy."

"We need to talk to Hermione about this first." Dan said, "Before I could even think of signing something like this."

The solicitor shoved papers in front of them, and cast a spell. "Just sign the papers!"

Dan tried to resist, he did. But neither he nor Emma were strong enough to break the imperius curse.

Algae Longbottom cast at them again, and sent them home.

"They didn't seem to read the contract, did they?" The solicitor smirked.

"No, but Augusta will. Now, I just have one more stop to make before visiting my sister. Oh, and obliviate. You witnessed a legal signing of documents."

Anyone with decent occlumency could break that spell if they wanted to, but no one would.

Then the lawyer called for an elf to disinfect the room that muggles had contaminated as Algie Longbottom chuckled his way to the floo.

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