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53.92% Altering Skyrim / Chapter 55: The Dragonborn

Chapter 55: The Dragonborn

"The Dragonborn is here looking for you."

Rictus raised an eyebrow after hearing the declaration.

"Well. This is a bit of a surprise. I did not really expect her to come looking for me already. I wonder what she has on her mind. When will she arrive and are her companions with her?"

"They are not actually here just yet but will be soon. She currently has two people with her, the Altmer man and the Imperial woman. I can only imagine they are here looking for you or wanting an audience with you, so I wanted to warn you as soon as possible."

"No worries. If they are coming here for me, please bring them to the overlook. That way we will not destroy the base if there are any altercations. I don't think that will happen but best to be prepared. I will be quite interested in what they will have to say."

As Ken left the room, Rictus stroked his manly beard in thought about the upcoming meeting. 'Hmm…I wonder how much support I will show them and what exactly I could get out of all this.'


(Dragonborn – Mirajane POV)

She boldly strode through the tunnels of the mountain base with her followers at her heel. Admittedly, it was more of a small fortress city than a normal base. Houses, farms, and shops were all located right near the entrance to the base just like a normal city would have. A small wall was raised around the homes and shops which were located the closest to the main entry into the mountain. A much larger stone wall restricted entry into the base and was patrolled by heavily armored warriors accompanied by the occasional mage. The base was completely carved into the mountain with an unnatural looking smoothness which had to of taken huge amounts of manpower and time to complete. There were additional checkpoints and gates inside the base which added an additional level of security. The place was decorated lightly with carvings and tapestries which provided a little bit of life and color to the grey stone walls everywhere. The fortress was unusually bright on the inside with mage lights that gave off a comforting glow without any of the flickering smokiness of a torch. Despite being in the mountain, it did not feel cold or harsh like one would expect.

The attitude of the people and the general atmosphere was significantly lighter than she had expected. People moved with a purpose but could still be seen stopping and chatting with a friend about something they had heard recently. Mirajane noticed how everyone of the people inside the base were openly armed and most had at least some kind of armor on. Despite the overall friendliness, these people were ready for a fight at any moment it seems. This was definitely a mercenary group at its core despite everything else they may do. It was very different than the Companions she had interacted with so far. The Companions were a group of great warriors who lived life to the fullest and just so happened to fight together. The Restored she had encountered were much more professional in their attitudes. They may not be as good of individual fighters overall, but they seemed like a more cohesive group which has its own benefits.

Her companions were looking around and taking note of everything they saw or observed. She knew they would want to talk with her about everything they had seen and wouldn't shy away from telling their opinions. 'I am very grateful for them both, but they sure do like to talk a lot. We don't have to overanalyze everything we encounter or ask about the past of everyone we meet. I am just glad they agreed to let me do the talking this time so we can get to the point without wasting much time.'

After traveling through the base for a bit, and climbing a significant number of steps, they stepped outside to a beautiful view of the plains of Whiterun. They were on an overlook which had a commanding view of the city and surrounding countryside. Near the edge of the cliff and beside a pool that flowed over the side, there was a large table with 6 stone chairs around it. All the chairs were unoccupied except the middle chair on the side opposing them.

It was the same man she had seen leaving Riverwood when she had first entered the town. He was younger up close than she had expected. Most people leading larger organizations were much older. He was dressed casually with a well-made green shirt and dark black pants. A strange pendant which resembled a rose could be seen resting on his chest. A metallic looking hand was poking out from his left sleeve as a show of previous battle wounds. His outfit did not match the image of a powerful spellcaster and warrior the tales spoke of.

While his clothes may not have been what she expected, his presence did not disappoint. As he stood from the chair, he moved with an almost animalistic grace and each movement was deliberate and precise, like an expert swordsman. He was taller than bother her and Solomon, which was quite a rare thing. His large stature and musculature spoke of physical might, showing he would not be helpless even without magic. Had she not heard the stories of him, she would have guessed he was a warrior instead of a mage. When he stared at her, she could even feel his barely contained magical power giving off a slight pressure. It was no wonder he could gather such a large group of followers. A lesser person may have felt intimidated, but she had faced and killed dragons. No man could compare to the timeless beasts.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of your company? I don't know why the dragonborn would come seeking me out."

His deep soothing voice and slight smile gave off the feeling he knew something they didn't, like he already knew what she would ask before she said anything. Getting straight to business was a good sign of not having to worry about being fawned over though. 'Being the Dragonborn hero of legend and prophecy makes personal interactions a little stiff. At least he is treating me like a normal person. Now I just need the others to behave.' She spoke respectfully as she answered the question.

"We were passing by near here on our way north, and I wanted to stop by. There is quite a lot of talk about the Restored recently, and I wanted to see you all for myself. I admit to being curious about you as well since there are many rumors about you floating about."

The man nodded in understanding. She would not be surprised if a lot of people did the same thing as she did. While tales of her killing dragons were a favorite of any traveler or tavern goer, the tale of Rictus was more relatable than a hero of legend arriving out of nowhere to save the world. After sitting down, Rictus was the one who started back up the conversation.

"I will actually start with some introductions then. You can call me Rictus, and I am the leader of the Restored. The man behind you all is Ken, my second in command and the one who keeps everything running."

Mirajane blushed slightly at his words. She had completely forgotten about introducing herself. No one really asked about her name and just called her dragonborn. By this point in time, most people had heard of her and knew roughly what she looked like, especially the more influential people she had interacted with.

"Of course. My name is Mirajane. My companions are Solomon and Falla."

Solomon nodded stoically while Falla waved energetically before speaking out.

"Is it true you led an assault on a pirate base where you killed all the undead by throwing goats at them? Is that why they call you the Shepard? Or do you prefer the Goat Herder? I personally think Shepard is better, but the story of how you started as a simple goat herder and are now the leader of a large group of people sounds more dramatic."

Mirajane face palmed at the questions. Leave it to Falla to just say what was on her mind without hardly stopping for a breath. Thankfully, Rictus did not seem to mind her questions, although Ken seemed a little upset at her description of the fight.

"We did attack a pirate base, but it was a joint effort between the Restored, the East Empire Company, and the Jarl of Winterhold. I did not kill the undead by throwing goats at them either. I did use my familiar as a distraction during the final confrontation with an undead goliath, but that was about it. For some reason, that is everyone's favorite part of the entire story. I also do not really care much what people call me, as long as it's not late for dinner."

He finished with a wink while looking around at his audience. The lack of reaction made him deflate a bit. 'Was that supposed to be a joke?' Before she could speak up, Solomon started talking.

"I have heard some rumors you can summon daedric goats. I admit I have not heard of such a creature before despite my knowledge of the Conjuring arts. It seems a bit strange."

Mirajane let out a sigh as she realized her companions were not going to be silent and let her handle this like they claimed.

"I do not summon daedric goats. My familiar is a goat though so maybe that is where the rumors started."

Solomon snorted after hearing about the familiar being a goat. He had felt wary the whole meeting, but knowing Rictus summoned a goat put him more at ease. A goat familiar did not really inspire fear or represent power after all.

"Ah. I am sorry for that being the case. You should look into getting a spell to summon something more useful."

A brief look of irritation crossed Rictus's face at the insult to his familiar. Solomon was not always the most diplomatic of people, especially when it came to conjuration magics.

The dragonborn and her companions instantly tensed as a creature was summoned right in front of them. The beast which stepped out was as large as a horse with flames flickering around its body. Its head was topped with 2 deadly looking horns. Dark flaming eyes stared back at them.


The Shout tore through the air as it was directed at the beast. The unrelenting force knocked the beast into the air and out over the cliff. At this point, her group was on their feet with a weapon or spell prepared.

Conversely, Rictus was sitting down in his chair intensely looking at the party. He was paying special attention to Falla who was taking deep breaths in case she had to use another Shout. Mirajane turned an accusing gaze down at Rictus as her blood started pulsing faster in anticipation of a fight.

"You dare attack us?"

Despite the slight venom in her words, a bow aimed at his heart, spells ready to cast, and Shouts on the edge of their lips, the man did not react worried in the slightest.

"I believe I should be the insulted party. I simply summoned my familiar and was promptly assaulted by a Shout which could have easily thrown me to my death. What is the meaning of coming into my home, insulting my familiar, and then attacking me?!"

His apathetic demeanor started slipping as anger seeped into his words. He had stood up as well and was eyeing them all challengingly. Mirajane had to fight down her instincts. She wanted to do battle with a worthy foe and show her dominance. It was something she struggled with more and more as the number of dragon souls she absorbed increased. The greybeards claimed it was her dragon soul which influenced this draconic desire for these feelings. Taking a deep breath, she slowly lowered her bow.

"My apologies for jumping to conclusions. This was not at all how I had wanted this meeting to go."

He turned his fierce glare upon her, searching for the truth of her words as he skeptically glanced at her companions. Mirajane nodded at the two of them which caused them to finally let down their guard a bit. After seeing this, Rictus nodded at someone behind them. She was surprised to find that Ken had snuck up with blades drawn behind Falla. Seems the older looking man had more fight in him than she had initially expected. The leader of the Restored then took a breath and relaxed back down in his chair.

"I did not plan for that kind of reaction when I summoned my familiar. I had thought to simply show him off and dispel some of your notions about him. I may not be as Skilled in Conjuration as you Solomon, but I do know a thing or two about magic. I was also caught a little off guard by how quickly Falla was able to Shout."

Mirajane was a bit curious why he seemed to put so much emphasis on the word 'Skilled', especially when her companions both stiffened. What was she missing?

"She is a very talented follower of the Voice. She has been travelling with me instead of staying with the greybeards. She works as a sort of teacher of such things despite me learning them instinctually. Solomon has also been a great help in expanding my horizons in conjuration magic. It has really paid off during some of our dungeon dives. That was part of the reason I wanted to meet with you."

A raised eyebrow was enough indication for her to continue.

"Both of them mentioned how there could be something you would be able to teach me which could help me on my quest to defeat Alduin. After hearing about your battle, I also wanted to see if there was any truth to it. If there was, I was thinking of asking for your assistance in my journey."

Unwavering eyes stared back at her. He seemed to gather his thoughts for a moment before speaking again.

"Despite this little…unpleasantness, I would be willing to work with you on some things. I sadly cannot travel with you just yet. I used to be an adventurer like you all, but then I took an arrow to the knee. Not to mention I only have the one arm."

She wasn't too upset at this since it made sense he would not travel with them after his injuries. It was a little weird how Falla started laughing after hearing about his disabilities. Rictus continued though before she could chastise Falla about her lack of decorum.

"I am quite Skilled in Alteration magics which has some useful armor spells which are easy to learn. There are also a few other spells which I find extremely useful. I would gladly teach you, but I would require something in return. I support your quest, but that does not mean I don't want to be compensated for my time."

She looked over him a little warily.

"It would depend on what it is you require or want from me for the lessons. I don't have a lot of money."

Rictus waved away her concern about that.

"I have no need for more money. I am more interested in some materials you regularly encounter. Dragon corpses to be more specific."

It was not a difficult decision for her. It wasn't like they could carry all those materials themselves. If she got support from such a far-reaching organization for giving them something she couldn't use, then it was a good trade for her. The spells were just a bonus really.

"I believe something could be arranged. The corpses are worth a lot more than some spells, so I do expect to be paid for them. Here is a sample of the things I can supply. I look forward to learning from you."

With that she tossed a bit of the dragon bone and scales she kept in one of her many pouches. The gleam of curiosity was easily apparent in Rictus eyes at this point as he picked up the materials. He soon stood up and reached out his hand.

"You have got yourself a deal."


(Solomon POV)

That man was dangerous.

The others are not as perceptive in the workings of magic as I am. They only saw a relaxed man sitting despite our threatening movements. I could feel his magic though. He was not simply waiting there. I do not know the spell, but I could feel his magic permeating the ground at our feet. The whole area felt saturated with his mana in fact. I have no doubt we would have prevailed, but it would not have been a simple fight.

The ease at which we got his aid is also suspicious. I think getting dragon corpses from us was his goal all along. Getting the corpses from us ensures the dragon is truly dead, and Alduin won't be able to raise them up again. I sometimes forget about Mira's ignorance to the world. Dragon corpses are not some ordinary objects to just give away. There is so much which could be learned from studying their corpses or using them for materials.

A sigh escaped my lips at the whole situation. I knew it was a bad idea to come here after all. Some simple armor spells or gold are not worth the materials she gave him, much less a full corpse. I will have to talk with her more about being careful when dealing with unknown people.

I will keep an eye on these Restored, especially Rictus. I don't trust him. They could prove…troublesome in the future.


(Falla POV)

I can't believe I did that. He was just showing off his summon, which was not very goat like, and I yeeted it off the side of the mountain. So much for being in control of myself. If I reacted that way to a person, I would have killed them.

Still, he was an intriguing individual. I can't believe he even dropped the old arrow in the knee excuse for not going with us. His smirk at his own words definitely means he is one of us. The fact Solomon didn't even react is a little suspicious though. He was already a little sus, but this is just the icing on the cake. He may not be the first Skilled of Conjuration after all.

It's too bad Rictus was not the first one to join up with Mira. He would probably be a lot more interesting than pretty boy who is always trying to flirt with Mira or persuade her about something.

The big buff manliness is so much more my type too. I wonder if he is seeing anyone? I wonder how that metal arm is attached to his body anyways? Maybe I should Persuade him to take off that shirt for me?


[AN]: And there we have it. The first real interaction between Rictus and the dragonborn. I will admit, this was definitely not my favorite chapter, and I struggled writing it. It may have been all the dialogue, not wanting to mess up the characters too badly, or just the lack of sleep I've been getting recently.

I also tried writing the other two perspectives in first person as a bit of a change to see how I liked doing it. I won't change the main way I narrate but thought it would work for some inner thoughts of other people.

Pepey_LePew Pepey_LePew

Thanks so much for taking the time to read my story. If you have any thoughts about it, please let me know. I love comments and use them as motivation for more content.

To those desperate for a little bit of knowledge, I will supply it for you. Pigs do not sweat. They are born without sweat glands. So next time someone calls you out for 'sweating like a pig', you can call them out on their ignorance.

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