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5.88% Altering Skyrim / Chapter 6: Not the Start We Wanted

Chapter 6: Not the Start We Wanted

[A/N]: Sorry for the delay. I was on vacation last week, so I didn't have a chance to write anything. I haven't ever written dialog before so it is not really all that good. If you have pointers and want to share, I appreciate it. Here is the chapter finally.


"Wake up! That's right, it's time to wake up, you drunken blasphemer!"

Slowly, Rictus began waking up to the piercing voice. Along with the voice there was a terrible smell. After fully opening his eyes, Rictus notices he had apparently been using a giant's toe as a pillow. Holding in the throw up, he quickly stands up and away from the nasty looking toe. The voice calls back out to him.

"Well? Do you have anything to say for yourself you dirty heretic?"

Looking around, Rictus realizes that he is once again in a strange place. Thankfully he has some experience in this regard and quickly manages to examine the temple like room and the angry looking woman in robes standing before what he assumes is the exit.

"What makes you think I am a heretic? Also, there is no need to get the flamer nor the heavy flamer."

"So you are telling me you don't remember fondling the statuary while trying to bite its ear? Also, what is this flamer you speak of? Is it for heretics?"

"Umm no. I can honestly say that I do not remember any of that. I remember when I started to drink with Sam, but everything after that is a little fuzzy. I don't remember even getting here."

Blushing furiously, Rictus could barely make eye contact with the priestess. She stared at him for a minute before a small sigh escaped her and a smile started to grow on her face.

"Well, you were pretty deep in your cups by the time you got here, so I guess that is not too much of a surprise. You were ranting about someone named Sam and a Glenda, but it was slurred and hard to understand. You also mentioned Rorikstead."

"Thanks. I am really sorry about me acting that way. I usually don't drink that much or often so I don't know what came over me. I guess I will get out of your hair. Thanks once again."

Rictus began making his way to the door as he finished talking to the woman. He still did not know her name, but he was not going to stay around and make more of a fool out of himself. As he was about to reach the door handle, he felt a tap on his shoulder. Turning around, he saw the priestess giving him puppy dog eyes.

"Are you really going to make me clean up all of this mess you made? Don't you think a big strong man like yourself should at least help me clean up?"

Apparently, Rictus was not going to get out of cleaning up the mess. He was really not looking forward to cleaning up, but his mama taught him better and that it is best to just get it over with.


After an hour of cleaning up, Rictus was finally able to get away from the priestess, who went by Senna. Senna had decided that supervising was a better job for her than actually helping which made the entire process take much longer than necessary. She also did not stop talking about the greatness of Dibella, but that they were not taking any more helpers so I couldn't actually join them. At least most other religions badger you about how great their god is and then let you join them.

Rictus did discover a pleasant surprise while cleaning. He had apparently gotten a little carried away with the Alter Body spell while he had been drunk. Now he was built somewhere between the Rock and Captain America. If Senna's drifting eyes were anything to go off, the new muscles suited him. Also, there was no hangover to speak of which is always a major bonus.

Rictus also found a note from Sam detailing materials to repair the staff he had apparently won from the drinking contest.

'Hmm thinking about it, I actually remember this quest. Sam is actually the Daedric prince Sanguine, who has something to do with drunkenness and debauchery. I wonder if his presence had something to do with me drinking that much. I wouldn't normally drink with some stranger, much less from their secret stash of alcohol. That is just plain stupid and unsanitary. Yep. Definitely his fault and not mine. Fuck doing that quest too. It was basically just running around all of Skyrim. I'd rather just go home.'

Making his way out of the temple, Rictus got his first real view of Markarth. Where Whiterun was similar to any town or city Rictus had been to, Markarth was a much more unique place. Built into the mountain, Markarth gave off a more oppressive and sturdy feeling than anywhere else Rictus had seen. Steep steps meandered up along the various mountain paths leading to the many houses and businesses built into the mountain. There were channels cut into the rock to direct water runoff and even a couple waterfalls and dwemer pipes.

While it was a very impressive city, Rictus felt that it was not the place for him. Remembering all the craziness with the forsworn happening with the city, Rictus decided it was probably best to get out of the city before anything else crazy happened. It was also a good thing he did not forget to buff his legs with his spell because walking all those stairs to get out of the city was a pain. Rictus thought it sucked in the game, much less when it is the actual size of a town. No wonder there were benches spaced throughout it.

Rictus finally made it down to the main entry way for the city glad to be done with the stairs, and past that one door which gave off creepy vibes. In front of the main gate was a moderate sized open market with a tavern called the Silver-blood Inn off to one side and some other stores to the other. Rictus decided he should grab a quick bite to eat from the tavern before trying to find a caravan back to Whiterun.

Upon entering the dimly lit tavern, Rictus notices all the patrons turn to star at him. The looks upon their faces are quite varied. There is an older man who's faces seems to go bright red in anger. An attractive looking older lady who's face also turns red in a blush. A mercenary who is covered in bandages pales and seems petrified. Another older man in well-worn armor just gives a friendly smile and wave.

"…Umm Hello? I would like a meal please."

The angry old man appears to get even redder in the face before shouting at Rictus.

"A meal!! A Milk-drinker like you has no place coming back in here after last night! How can you have the nerve to come back to my tavern after kissing my wife, flinging a table at Vorstag after he complained about the song you sang, and let's not even mention poor Cosnach who is still being tended to after you knocked him out screaming 'RKO outta nowhere.' I will only say this one last time before getting the guards and throwing you in prison. GET OUT OF MY TAVERN!!"

Quickly realizing this was a battle not worth fighting, Rictus ran out of the tavern cursing his bad luck at ever meeting Sam and hoping he hadn't done anything else while wasted. Taking one last look inside, Rictus couldn't help but wink at the blushing lady and blow a kiss before slamming the door closed to the cursing of the old man.

While back in the market, Rictus stopped at a food vendor for some snacks before trying to make his way towards the caravans. As he was about to exit the market and make for the door, he heard a sudden scream.

"The Reach Belongs to the Forsworn!"

Rictus notices a man pulling his dagger out of the back of a woman as the guards shoot the man down with their bows. The suddenness of the attack briefly freezes Rictus as he watched the event unfold. The people in the crowd seem to go about their day to day business as if two people were not just killed a few feet away from them. As the guards begin to gather up the bodies and take them away, a man approaches Rictus.

"Gods. A woman killed right here on the streets. Did you see what happened?"

A glint of recognition crosses Rictus's eye as he looks over the man.

"Nope. I had my back turn to the whole thing."

"Ah that probably is for the best. I hope the Eight bring us more peace in the future. Oh, I think you dropped this. Some kind of note. Looks important."

The man gave Rictus a wink as he handed out a note which was obviously not his. This proved what Rictus was initially thinking about recognizing the whole situation.

"Thanks for that. I appreciate your help retrieving MY note. I will have to repay you sometime."

"No thanks needed. Just being helpful."

The man smiles as he walks away thinking he may have finally found an ally in this crazy messed up city. Rictus just stares as the man as he walks away. After the man leaves his sight, Rictus gives the note a quick glance. After looking at it for a moment, he rips it up and drops it too the ground as he makes his way out of the city to find a caravan.

'No way am I getting mixed up in all that. Best to just find me a way back home and forget all this ever happened. No forsworn conspiracies, and no quests to find a daedric prince for me. Glad that those things won't really influence anything in the future.'


*Whichmist Grove

A woman cloaked in the shadows stares lovingly at a ring on her finger. She gently caresses the ring her lover had given her. Simply thinking of the man who so changed her fills her with happiness, a feeling she has not felt for some time.

'Darling, when you will return to me? I cannot wait to consummate out love for one another. Even that hussy Esmerelda can not compare to me after the changes you gave me. I shall give you some more time, but I will not sit idly by forever. We shall be together again my love.'


*South of Rorikstead

A giant lets out a content sigh as he finally reaches his home camp. He takes a seat after making sure to give his trusty mammoth a good scratch behind her ears. As he is seated, a female giant comes walking over with a large bundle in her arms. Setting the bundle down, a small giant (oxymoron I know) pulls itself out from the bundle to approach the sitting giant. With a smile on his face, the small giant stands expectantly before what can assumed to be his father. Letting out a chuckle which shakes the ground, Grok takes the bundled-up goat off his back and gives to his son. Grok watches his son run off with the goat as they play upon the fields by their fire. Smiling to himself, the giant fondly remembers the strange man who gave him such a fine goat for his son. Maybe not all the small folk are so bad.


[A/N]: Will these two creatures have an impact later on in the story? There is a chance at least.

Will there be other things our MC did while wasted not covered in the quest? Only time will tell.

Pepey_LePew Pepey_LePew

Well I finally had some time this week to write so there's the chapter. It is actually the longest chapter so far. Hopefully you liked it. If you didn't like it, then I am surprised you are bothering to read this far. Good for you for being dedicated to reading I suppose. You deserve a cookie.

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