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75% The next gen spider-man / Chapter 6: We Are Venom

Chapter 6: We Are Venom

After the school is shut down from the attack as I'm currently waiting for the gun deal to go down between kingpin and some Russian mobs and I'm with Spider-woman, Black Cat, and most recently Gwen as she got her powers.

I'm currently reading the article of how black cat turns hero and how Spider-man saved students from school as I see from the comics on Twitter that the people are saying that there is finally a black super-hero and he looks young and some people suspect he goes to the same school that was attacked.

(A/N: During the miles, morals run he had a little bit of his face revealed.)

Black Cat: You know instead of brooding we can do something more interesting while we wait.~~

Spider-Woman: And you can stop trying to get kiss him every five minutes.

"And can you guys stop arguing say Gwen how do you like the new suit?"

Ghost-Spider: Well it's pretty comfortable but I'm still getting used to all of this.

"Well after tonight we're going to train but you're going to be experienced now besides there should be here in about five minutes."

Five minutes later.

As we all waited patiently for them to come finally three armor vans and three armor vehicles as I think that from kingpins men they have the weapons and the Russians with the money.

Ghost-Spiders: Are those machine guns, and rocket launchers.

"Alright, team we need to go in now."

As we all jump down onto the cars as Gwen web up the money to the wall.

Spider-Woman: Hey guys I don't believe you're registered to use those.

Russian Mob1: Kill them.

As we dodge the bullets and one of them decides to pull out the rocket launcher and fires it, Gwen webs it and tosses the missile and webs it again to contain the explosion as I web the thug who was about to use it as Felicia attacked one of them and so did Spider-woman. It took us a few minutes to get it done but afterward, we were able to and left a note for the police.

In another dark corner, we see Franklin A.K.A venom stalking one of his many bullies who just got done from walking out.

Bully1: Hey wimp what are you doing here this is for men's only.

He still is silent.

Bully1: Hey wimp leave before I have to retake my shower.

And he smirks.

A/N: Just imagine he eat only the top of his head.

As the next day, I and my friends were in the hallway walking down to classes until we see a group of students in one area near the gym room and we get curious.

Felicia: Your thinking about going over there.

"Yeah sure, why not."

As then we start to hear screams and that means we need to get over and move past the students to see a student's head bitten off.

George: Ah what the hell man I think that's Ryan.

Time skip.

The school is now shut down because of the indirect and with the technology of replaying the events, it looks like from the police it Ryan being a bully again until he turns into this black like a monster and eats his head.

Miles: Woah I didn't see that coming.

"Seems like Franklin getting his revenge and Ryan is the first target."

As we look to see the police discussing with the school principal as he witnesses the events that transpired he agrees to the witness protection.

George: ooh ooh is Spider-man going to be there is he.

As he replied asks the question as the police put him in the car and fly away.

In the school.

Principal Jenkins: The school will be shut down until this matter is resolved on another note the school will be relocated and begin a rebuild.

Students cheer at the sound of not having to go to school for an entire year...but

Principal Jenkins: But don't think you have a free year you still have to turn in your assignments and projects etc.

Students groan at the sound of still having to do homework.

Principal Jenkins: You are now free to go.

After school.

As we wait for the car to pull and when it does it's a surprise for all of us that my mom is there.

Miles: How are we going to deal with venom.

"You guys figure this out I will talk with my mom."

As I get in the limo it was silent and my mother started speaking.

Tatsu: How are you feeling?

"I'm feeling fine how are you?

Tatsu: I'm doing fine I'm glad to see you alive after the two attacks in the school.

"Well, at least I know you're checking up on me what do you need mom?"

Tatsu: I need your help.

"With what."

Tatsu: The police asked me to contain this venom creature and I thought that this might be some mother and son bonding experiment.

I am surprised right now after everything I tried now she wants me to help her what and what do I say.

"Yes. Do you have a sample of it?"

Tatsu: The police decided it wasn't safe so I and Norman agreed to have half of the sample to figure out how to put this creature away.

"And what about Franklin."

Tatsu: We will figure out a way to remove him from the thing.

Another Timeskip.

As we arrive at the location and in the parking garage towards the elevator through the work office to her lab.

"I'm guessing that contains the symbiote."

Tatsu: Yes and I think that will be the official name for it.

Start to play some music.

miki matsubara stay with me

"Ahh yeah, I love this song."

Tatsu: I introduced this song to your father it took him two years to learn it.

"Okay, mom let's get started."

I decided from the glass that contains the symbiote by using one finger and in the glass, it started rising and decided to move it to the left and right and it started to follow me and when I tried to get close to me it tried to attach to me and I quickly moved my hand.

"Well for note one of the symbiotic it tried to attach and followed my movements. Now for element testing."

Tatsu: To see what type of reaction it makes and for weakness.

"That's exactly right mom where is the flame thrower."

As she gives me the flame thrower and I made it into a sword-like and started test one and let me tell you it did not like fire at all it started screeching like it was in pain as I continued this for two minutes until I finally stopped.

"Note number two it does not like the element fire."

Now then let's test electricity. (A/N: I'm doing the more elements that are dangerous.)

Now then for the next test with a taser gun and stunted it no pain tolerance like we do let's turn it up a little bit more until it finally stopped making noises and that's when my mom and I look at each other.

"Did I kill it?"

A/N: It looks like a small piece of slime.

Tatsu: It could've been possibly since it was only a small piece.

"Okay just to be sure I'm going to run one more test in thirty minutes."

Mini Timeskip

"Note number three does not like element electricity. The final test is to take a part of it and use a high-frequency sound."

As I do that and release it into the glass container it tried to get freed as me and my mom both have noise-canceling headphones and started the process until it finally disappeared.

"So on a side note, we know it's a weakness but do we know that can it feel pain and track the piece of it because if it could that will be really bad."

And if as a string of bad luck would happen my spider-sense went off and I look towards the window and something seems to be coming and I grabbed my mom as we duck and cover as the window broke and so said the thing was able to find us as we duck behind for cover.

Venom: ~We know you here.

Maybe not.

As he then breaks through the thing we were hiding with the tentacle that smacks both my mom away but pulled me towards it.

Venom:~ You tortured us, hurt us now we hurt you.

"Ah, crap."

As he is about to stab me my mom comes out with a sword and cuts the thing just as Petra and Gwen come in also known as Spider-woman and ghost-spider showed up and pulled me to safety while Petra web up the wall.

"That thing won't hold up for long."

Ghost- Spider: Then go we can handle this.

Knowing that I can't go into my Spider-Man suit as four to five guards come in and get in a protective circle and activate the teleportation watch and took me and my mom away.

(A/N: It's like I said this earth is very advanced with technology but also has backup plans.And so here's a chapter of where the mom and son gets along, plus venom is now confirmed to be part of this universe.)

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