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96.09% Reborn with a Primordial Galactic (?¿?) System / Chapter 197: Forefathers of Mother Russia

Chapter 197: Forefathers of Mother Russia



"S-Sir… W-We can't…"



"Y-Yes of course, President…

B-But…" before the aide could stutter any longer, a warm hand lifted the weight off his shoulders, releasing him from the explicit abuse of the President.

"Go on son, I'll take care of this." Said the man in a dark suit with a small red pin around his collar that contained a Knights Sword down the middle with a Heater Shield as an emblem in the background.

"Sit down Putin… its time we talked about the tough situation you've put the motherland in."

Putin saw the mysterious man with his dark hair and sharp eyes, only to be infuriated by the person for treating him as nothing more than a child.

Just as Vladimir was about to curse the man for entering his private office, the mysterious man sent chills down the Russian Presidents back when their eyes met.

"I won't repeat myself… Sit Down, Putin."

The aggressive nature of the mysterious man caused Putin to be wary as he sat across from the man, wondering why he was here.


Now we can begin talking about your antics."

"My antics…?"

"Indeed, Vlad.

You see, We, the Forefathers of Russia, aren't pleased with the way you've been operating to make yourself the undisputed leader of Mother Russia.

That's why I've come to stop you from filling your own pockets or be prepared to suffer a fate worse than death."

Vlad burned bright red after hearing the mysterious man offer him an ultimatum, yet before he could reply to the man, a couple photos were thrown across the table.

"If you think by threatening me or our organisation will save you from a dark fate, then you're dead wrong.

We've already got a tight grasp on your loved ones… if you don't won't to see them killed and thrown at your feet, then I suggest you listen to what I have to say.

Otherwise, I'll leave now, and you can forget about your loved ones." Said the mysterious man as he watched Putin go pale blue after seeing the various photographs of his wife and children, including the various mistresses he kept.

After spending hundreds of millions of dollars to safeguard them from the public, Vlad couldn't believe someone was able to catch all sorts of intimate moments he had with his loved ones.

Deciding it wasn't the time to argue with the mysterious man, Vlad accepted what he had to say for now, while he started thinking of a plan to find the so called 'Forefathers of Mother Russia'.



"Forefathers of Mother Russia! Hahaha!

Who would have thought that it would work!"

Carter couldn't stop laughing after witnessing the strength afforded to the Forefathers of Mother Russia, a hidden organisation that suddenly appeared.

Esmond set up the Hidden Government Division to have a history record that led back all the way to the 11th century when it was a simple Knights Order.

As the years passed, their main mission never changed and that was the wellbeing of Russia, especially from those who wished to exploit it for their own means.

They were 'helpful' in extracting the Romanov Family during 1917 for Atlaesus, while also playing a part in making Stalin join World War 2 with the Allies.

Even the dissolution of the USSR was in part, organised by the Forefathers, but they'd come to regret the selection of Putin as the President.

They had the strength and power within the hidden constitution to remove government officials from office if they were found to be corrupt or going against the wellbeing of Russia and her citizens.

In the case of Putin, they came to find his current activities would lead Russia on a dangerous path, which needed to be stopped immediately.


"I doubt it worked out in the manner we believe.

Putin is now aware of a hidden power within his own government and will try everything to either remove it or infiltrate it with his own people.

Unfortunately, it for him, it won't work.

The Forefathers are selected and trained for a young age, which takes in families and legacies.

*Sigh* Putin must be furious right now." Esmond wanted to laugh as well, but he understood they caused the Russian President to be worried about his own actions and that of his family.

The Shadow Intelligence Agency even found reports made to the FSB and other Agencies to begin the search for the Forefathers but the enquires were quickly ended.

Because of the detailed history Esmond created for the Hidden Government Division, various people spawned across Russia and the planet with ties to the Forefathers, with complete histories and backgrounds to fit into the streamline of Earth's fate and destiny.

This included people within the United States of America, who were supporting agents of Russia overseas.

Some of them were even in government and controlled various positions of power but it wasn't absolute and similarly, America had power within the Russian government, albeit their influence was much less.


"Even if Putin is furious, he can't do anything but complain.

In the meantime, we have the ability to start moving into Iraq and Afghanistan as the governments are stabilising without the United States of America being involved.

We're the ones ensuring the stability in the shadows with the help of the Hassassins.

Honestly, I'm just waiting for them to escape further into the mountains near Pakistan, which will give the Americans the green light to expand their search and stumble upon Osama."

Carter wanted to push on the discovery of Osama Bin Laden, even though Esmond wanted the date to remain the save as to not effect the timeline of events too much.

Carter knew Bin Laden wouldn't be discovered easily, even if they started tracking down the Taliban, who would go into hiding and bide their time.

Esmond knew they would be all caught eventually, however he needed them around for now, as it pushed along the political train of American government.

As the perfect cover for his actions, Esmond needed America to focus on the slow removal of American troops while he brought in the Phantom Security Services through the middle eastern governments.

They were already getting calls from the new Afghanistan government to remove themselves from the nation, but George Bush wasn't able to convince his cabinet who still wished to continue their wars in the middle east.

They were gaining fuel at next to nothing while helping American fuel companies to profit from the war ridden land, but as the Hassassin brought stability, the Americans found themselves up against vocal opposition for their removal.

The news came back to the American government, but they weren't concerned with the matter as they tried to showcase to the media that they needed to remain in the middle east.

Some people used the Phantom Security Services as evidence for their need to stay within the middle east to stop the influence of corporate businesses taking over the nation, but Senator was quickly hushed in the media by Americas own corporate powerhouses.

All of this provided Esmond with the perfect cover and allowed his forces to sneak into Iraq and Afghanistan.


"Well, for now we can start our focus on Syria, Turkey, Iran, Armenia, and Georgia.

What did Rashid tell you about the Hassassin operating in those nations?"

Esmond asked Carter, who appeared to be smiling with good news.

"They've either taken back the cells that rebelled or crushed them and decided to rebuild the influence of the Hassassins.

Turkey wasn't too difficult to control as the leaders always believed in the Grandmaster Rashid.

The only one they've had issues with is the Israeli and Palestine Cells, who've gone native and joined various groups as leaders."

"They'll be dealt with in due time.

We just need to wait for September to roll around." Esmond smirked as he looked out through the seat window of the plane.

They were nearing London and about to land in the Imperial Airplane that was an advance aircraft with technological system way ahead of modern times.

But to not freak out keen observers, Esmond decided to have the plane land normally on the runway, with its external appearance matching a jumbo jet.

There were three jumbo jets of the Atlaesus Empire, with one devoted to the family, another to guest and the last containing the military security services.

The Queen had agreed with the British government to allow for the foreign military to act as a Security Service to protect the foreign royalty.

Because of the hidden nature that bound House Windsor and House Atlaesus, the British government worked hard to hide any presence of the Empire on their soil.

The Queen decided it to spread the responsibility of the Atlaesus Empire to the British Army as well, who accepted giving some authority to the Atlaesus Army.

A ship had already gone ahead to dock in England with some of the army personnel and equipment sent along.

Only the Imperial Guard was travelling beside the Emperor and his family.

The guests were protected in large by the Atlaesus Military Security Services.

Surprisingly though, when the planes landed at a military base outside of London, the ones who arrived to collect House Atlaesus happened to be Prince Charles and his two sons, Harry and William.

They couldn't help but feel a little wary of the strength held by their cousins, after witnessing the passengers of the first two planes.

The decision was made to land the plane with the guests and Imperial Guard first, so by the time the third plane landed, everyone was present before the Emperor and House Atlaesus.

Prince Charles couldn't help but discuss the arrival of the family he'd heard about from a young age.

His mighty family that was known to be the first monarchy of the world.

Prince Charles didn't know how his interaction would go with the Emperor and his Regent Crown Prince, but he cared for the interaction of his sons with the eventual heir.

They would be the individuals leading the future of the world, and it was imperative the families were closer than ever before in modern times.


Today will be a test of our family.

The greatest test we have ever taken as a family, and we must walk away from it victorious, unless we wish for our House to be forgotten in the annals of history.

Make sure you step forward with a strong stance and hold yourself strong in front of your cousins, especially the heir."

'"Yes, Father."' Harry and William replied as the third plane landed and readied itself to allow for the dismemberment of its passengers.

The three members of House Windsor watched closely as the gate of the plane opened and an elder gentleman and woman exited first, dressed in extravagance that caught the attention of all present.

"Presenting the Emperor of the first Imperial House of Earth, the Ruler of the Land of Gods and Myth, Praise the Emperor of the Imperium, Maximilianto Empytran Atlaesustreous!!"

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