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Chapter 1

Note: This chapter is going to be mostly narrative and some of Donald's thoughts. lmk if you think I should change the POV.


In a empty alley in Seoul, you could see an extremely handsome teenage boy with grey hair and red eyes. This boy, is obviously the main character. Donald Na.

Looking around curiously at his surroundinigs, Donald started thinking about what he should do first.

'Hm.. Well, now that I'm here I should first check if the things the voice said I would have are here.'

Checking his pockets, he pulled out a key, the latest phone, a wallet containing nothing but a ID and a credit card, and finally, a note with some printed words on it.

The note read;

"Your home is a small house. It has been paid for to last 10 years. After 10 years your water, internet, and electricity will run out unless you start paying for it or move houses. Your home has only basic furniture and appliances, there are no clothes but your school uniform. Your address is XXXX XXX Drive, Seoul.

The credit card in the wallet has 300 million South Korean Won. The pin for the credit card is XXXX.

Your phone is the latest version, its passcode is XXXX. Your phone number is XXXXXXXXXX. The phone has the best data plan paid for 10 years in advance. It has also been made untracable as a bonus.

The date is the day that Daniel Park had arrived in Seoul. There are 3 days until your first day of school.

Good luck."

After reading the note, Donald started walking out of the alley and started thinking about where to go now.

'Let's see.. the note said that inside my home I only have the needed things and a school uniform.. So I should firstly go to the shopping center and buy some clothes. I will also get something to eat on the way, after all I was American in my last life and have always wanted to try south korean food..'

Heading toward the shopping center, Donald made a quick stop at a tteokbokki stand and bought some. As he was snacking on the tteokbokki, he noticed his reflection in a glass window nearby.

'Damn.. Donald Na truly was handsome. He also has a lot of tattos.. Guess I'll hurry and buy some clothes that can mostly cover them.. I don't want people staring at me often for them..'

Finally reaching the shopping center, Donald started looking at a map posted in the front of the center and looked for a store selling clothes. Soon, he found a store that sold a lot of brand clothes.

Heading inside the store, Donald picked a lot of clothes that resembled the ones that Donald had used in weak hero. He also bought some sleeves to cover his tattos if he needs to. He used about 450000 won on all of that.

Exitting the store, Donald saw a chrome hearts ring store nearby. Remembering that Donald in weak hero used rings he decided to buy 8 of them. 1 for each finger except the thumb. He used 8000000 won to buy the rings.

Finished with shopping, Donald headed to the address listed on the note so he can relax a little and start planning for the future.

Reaching his new home, Donald noticed that the surrounding looked a little like the hill that Daniel Park's home was. The only difference was that his home wasn't as shabby as Daniels and looked nice enough to be used by a family.

Entering his new home, Donald slipped off his shoes and put his bags on a table in the living room. Afterward, he brought out a notebook he bought and a pencil and started to think about what he should do from now on.

'Hmm.. if I want to succeed in this world then I'm going to need to take advantage of my knowledge. Afterall, even though my body right now is pretty fit, its far from the likes of Daniel Park and Vasco. Not to mention Gun. So my first priority should be training my body. As for techniques, from Donald's memory I can see that he knows a lot of techniques and since I have his muscle memory its not a problem to recreate it so I just need a better body. Other than that I also need to make a lot of money.. And as much as I don't want to get myself involved with the four big crews im going to have to if I want to make a lot of money. Afterall wasn't it stated that together they make more than 1 billion won every year? So, my second priority is to take control of the crews. Finally, I need to solve the mysteries in the story. Things like Daniel Parks second body and who the ten genius' are.. I mean, imagine being able to have a second body, you could theoretically become immortal if you figure out how to keep switching bodies. Yes, that's going to be my third priority. Solving the mysteries so there's no unknowns!'

Done with setting his priorites, Donald then turned the page on the notebook so it was a blank page and started writing down a plan to train his body.

'For my body, I shouldn't think about my old world's logic. If I remember correctly, Vasco got a lot of muscle over a period of 1 year from doinig the Saitama training.. I'll try to do the same. And if that doesn't work then I'll try to hire a trainer.'

Finished with that, he turned the page yet again and started writing down his main plan. The plan to take control of the big four crews.

'Hm.. to take over the crews I need to get in touch with the leader or someone close to the leader. The first time they showed in the webnovel is when Crystal bought a date with Daniel at that one event thing and Gun showed up.. I should try to confront him there and get him to let me talk to Charles Choi..'

Closing the notebook, Donald looked outside and noticed it was getting dark. He went to his new room, laid down in his bed and fell asleep.


Note: Next chapter will be when he starts at J High. I will also add some fighting in either next chapter or the chapter afterwards.

Word Count: 1080

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