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Hands behind the stage

Alexander after testing how strong Imhotep was, quickly left the place, because staying there nothing else bothered him, he already had a plan, and goals set, staying here would not help him at all.

And as he finished leaving the tomb in question, the rest of his group was also leaving, "Look what you brought to life after reading in Evelyn, I guess now you're going to have the great adventure you've always wanted. I hope it's not for the afterlife because then it's an adventure of no return.

Evelyn, shocked by what Alexander said, replied, "But you're the one who encouraged me to open and read the book, and it seems that you're not even worried, it's like you were expecting such a thing to happen" She looked at him suspiciously, but soon that was the least of the problems they had to worry about, because coming from the entrance of the city was the Medjai, with their leader with an angry face.

"What have you done! You have brought calamity to our people, and to the world, this that is happening, and all the deaths that have followed, are on your coasts, because from now on many will die, and so this is the fault of all of you.

O'Connell replied trying to defend himself from the accusation, "There's no way, I killed it, I shot it with my gun, so it can't survive, whatever it is.

Shaking his head Ardeth says, "No deadly weapon can hurt him, at most that will slow him down. Now go away, you greedy bastards have done enough shit already! Men, come on, we have to seal that monster somehow if only with our lives.

And so that mini army, which was full of weapons and mages as well, entered the tomb. Looking at it Alexander feels that many events have unfolded unexpectedly, and it will derail into an uncontrollable global event.

Thus the group with more guests began to appear and formed a large group to return to Cairo, hoping that it was all over.


Amon talking to someone through a two-way mirror says, "Lord, it is done, the calamity is loose, and soon the plagues will begin so that the Lord can reign supreme overall. Amon finished, in a very humble way.

"Good Job Amon, and most important of all, where is the Book of Amon-Ra?, for this is undoubtedly more important than that monster, it has all the knowledge I need to achieve the power necessary for domination."

A little embarrassed, he replied, "Sir, unfortunately, we were stopped by the other part of the Medjai, they were in larger numbers, and did not want to hear the voice of reason, that to stay for over 3 thousand years, protecting a place has no reason, because the world is changing, and we need to change our principles.

The figure in question, who was just appearing to have his eyes, which glowed with power, remained silent, as he became enraged at his subordinate's inefficiency,' I guess that saying goes, where you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. Sighing, and reaching for his anger he says, 'Got it, I want the book as soon as possible, and before the situation gets out of hand, understood Amon!

Amon who was listening at that moment shuddered, for it seemed that even from afar his lord had methods of making him tremble with fear, "Yes sir, it will be done as quickly as possible, and I will go personally this time, so there is no way anything can go wrong.

And without an answer, the mirror turned black indicating that there was no one on the other side, letting out a sigh of fear, Amon begins to plan, lest he receives the wrath of his lord who seems even more frightening than that being who has been sleeping for over 3 thousand years.


In an unknown part of the world, there was a man who had just finished a conversation with his pathetic subordinate in Egypt, "The more I want to achieve things, the harder it gets, and even more so with so many incompetent subordinates, it seems that fate wants me to fail on my way. But that won't happen, for I am destined for greatness, and no one will stop me. Walking up to a thickly tinted window, and looking out over the horizon, where everything is cloudy and dark, it seems that where he lives is a rope to the abyss, for below only darkness is to be found. Perhaps it is because it is night or just a magical phenomenon.

Taking his wand, which is so to say very special, and possessed a size of 38.1 centimeters, has an ancient appearance, no one knows the core and which wood it is, only its bearer, and only who has dominion with death has great potential for it.

If I had the book of Amon Ra, along with my Ancient wand, to become a legend, at Merlin's level, it would be very simple, but only incompetents are around me, and for now, I can't be everywhere in the world. And this way his eyes shone with power, showing how frustrated he could be, with a wand movement, where without any chanting or any special movement, he aims to the sky, and when this happens, a beam of power rises, that if any magician would look, they would be paralyzed with fear, this beam rises so high that reaches the clouds, and continues, and begins to take the form of a bluish demon, that flies up to the atmosphere of the planet, that instead of just leaving the planet it tries to corrode everything in its path, that if a situation of this type happens, in which breaks this protective layer, calamities that can generate up to the human extinction are foreseen.

But as if he still didn't have enough power, he stops and awakens, leaving a hole with a starry sky insight, which shines upon the person revealing that the most wanted wizard of the Witch World, worldwide, was still active, making many stand up for his ideals. With his Platinum White hair back, and with eyes of different colors, that radiated power showing how magically powerful he is, and everything that was shown before, was just a show, to attract followers. Gellert Grindelwald, a well-known name, and also feared, because his power is unmatched in this generation, and even more with the help of a wand, created by death itself.

"I'm more relaxed after that. Now it's time to get back to messing with that no-magic, to go ahead with that War that will be so well known, what's its name again, Hill... It's not that, well whatever. And heading off to meet a lackey, who thinks he's an idealist for his nation, who will eventually start one of the worst wars the world has ever seen.

KingDovahkiin KingDovahkiin

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