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89.28% Naruto : The System Files / Chapter 75: Chapter no.75 NPCs: Good and Bad

Chapter 75: Chapter no.75 NPCs: Good and Bad

Author Note:

Okay, so the votes are in

Website | Big Chap | Small Chap


Webnovel | 7 | 0

Scribblehub | 14 | 5

Royal Road | 4 | 2


So, since the majority of you all want big chapters, here is going to be the new schedule.



Some of you might ask, why only twice?

The reason — dude, it takes time to write a 5k word count.

About the big chapters.

They will be 5k to 10k words every time, with entire plotlines playing out.

And exclusively on Webnovel and Wattpad, I'll share images and gifs of attacks, monsters, and more because I don't know how to upload on other websites.

Anyways, enjoy!


Read advance chapters of all my works or want to support me .


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[ Dungeon Fortress - Front Building ]

Naruto Clone no.1 strolled nonchalantly through the front of the fort, immediately sensing an invisible force that began sapping his strength and clouding his mind.

[ Magic Trap Activated ]

[ Status: Deterioration of Mind and Body has been afflicted on clone body ]

I wonder what this status means if my memories go back to the original.

The interior of the fort was grim and unwelcoming. It was clear from the dirt-streaked walls and the stench of decay that many battles had been fought here. The air was thick with the smell of death, and the floor was stained with patches of dried blood. Scars from combat marred the stone surfaces.

As the clone moved cautiously deeper into the fort, he paused at the sight of a broken-down statue of what appeared to be some kind of king.

Just then, the sound of very loud footsteps echoed through the hall.

Thinking quickly, he scooped the statue into his inventory and used a transformation jutsu to take on its appearance.

Moments later, the source of the noise appeared.

The clone, now disguised as the statue, watched from the corner of his eye without moving.

A large, muscular creature lumbered into view, its dark grey skin stretched over a hulking physique. Prominent, sharp tusks jutted out from its lower jaw, and its piercing blue eyes scanned the surroundings with a menacing expression.

An ogre?

The clone thought, a flicker of excitement mixed with caution running through his mind. It was one of his favorite monsters from the RPG games.

Never expected to see one here.

Naruto immediately closed his eyes, extending his senses to check the surroundings. His mental map updated: "Two more of these in the next room," he noted. He weighed his options, realizing that any aggressive move on his part might draw them out.

If I try to kill it, they'll come rushing in for help.

[ Name: Guard Golem ]

[ Status: Undead ]

[ Title: Dungeon Monster ]

[ Level: 9 ]

[ Class: None ]

[ Race: Flesh Golem ]

[ HP: 6350 / 6350 ]

[ AC: 2 ]

[ CP: 1k / 1k ]

[ Lineage Traits:

  - Regeneration ]

[ Class Features: --- ]

[ Feats: --- ]

[ Stats: ]

  - [ STR: 30 ]

  - [ DEX: 5 ]

  - [ CON: 35 ]

  - [ INT: 1 ]

  - [ WIS: 1 ]

  - [ CHA: 5 ]

  - [ VIT: 36 ]

  - [ LUK: 1 ]

[ Allies: The Cult ]

[ Equipment: Rope of Skulls ]

[ Description: A golem constructed by the cult from the prisoners and guards of the fort. It is one of many created to participate in the planned destruction of Rondon. ]

As the golem trudged through the fort, a sudden pain stabbed its foot.

The skulls glowed ominously as it turned to face the source of the disturbance.

"Hey, you big ass teme, fight—" Naruto's taunt was abruptly cut off as the monster, in a swift, crushing blow, smashed the boy into nothingness.

Unperturbed, another Naruto appeared, theatrically producing a bowl of ramen.

"I have the power of God on my side!" he screamed comically, slurping down the noodles as his form grew in muscle and height, seemingly ready to confront the golem head-on.

However, the spectacle was nothing more than a diversion; outside the monster's limited perception, it was merely pummeling the air.

The clone had ensnared it in a sophisticated genjutsu.

The clone observed the golem's reaction to visual stimuli.

"How?" he pondered, noting the intermittent glow of the skulls. Initially, he considered that these glowing skulls might be controlling the creature, yet the timing of the glows did not sync with the monster's movements. This subtle misalignment suggested another influence at play.

His true aim was efficiency: to incapacitate the golem with minimal effort, knowing well that a direct confrontation could end him in one hit.

As he analyzed the situation, Naruto's gaze drifted to the monster's attire—the bands and loincloth.

Why was it wearing those things?

I doubt murderers care enough for decency?

Wait! Does it have a dick?!

Scratching his head, the clone pulled out a set of shurikens and kunai.

Let's find out!

He focused on the precision art of Bukijutsu, the skilled use of thrown weapons.

With calculated movements, he flicked his wrists, sending the sharp tools spinning through the air towards the golem.

His targets were the bands and the loincloth.

The shurikens whistled through the air, their blades catching the light as they spun.

One by one, they sliced through the straps and fabric, executing Naruto's intent with precision.

As the cut clothing fell away, it revealed a magic circle inscribed on the fabric—a hidden talisman of sorts.

The golem staggered, its form faltering as it dropped to the ground.

[ You have defeated a Dungeon Monster ]

[ 1500 Exp allocated to Player Naruto ]

The clone deftly navigated the upper floor, quickly ensnaring and dispatching the flesh golems that guarded the area.

This part of the dungeon was markedly different; it held a number of unconscious and starving prisoners, their conditions dire and faces gaunt.

Without lingering, the clone pressed on, driven by a sense of urgency.

As he approached a doorway, he paused. The sight outside the window caught his attention—a golem was dragging a few prisoners out of the building into what once was a small garden area, now scorched and barren.

That must be the building that Hinata couldn't see through.

The building ahead was shrouded in mystery, covered with magic circles reminiscent of those he had encountered in Arachne's prison. The similarity of these symbols to Fuinjutsu, yet with distinct differences, deeply troubled the clone. They represented a form of sealing art he was not familiar with, sparking both curiosity and caution.

Pushing aside his concerns for the moment, the clone executed his next move with precision. He assassinated another dungeon golem using a combination of shadow clone and flash step techniques. In a swift motion, he slashed through the golem's loincloth and bands, then quickly employed the Transformation Jutsu to assume the monster's form.

As he waited for the magic barrier to weaken, the clone remained alert, his senses tuned to any shift in the dungeon's chakra flow. Soon, he felt the barrier's energy diminish, and the door creaked open, revealing an unexpected figure.

[ Name: The Cultist ]

[ Level: 12 ]

[ Role: Dungeon monster ]

The Cultist who stood before him was draped in black robes that fluttered ominously, like the shadows of death. The mask he wore concealed his face, but there was a palpable sense of a sinister grin lurking beneath. His appearance was ghastly; gaunt, pale, with bone spike neck rings and tattered rags that spoke of long decay. In one hand, he held a staff carved from a gnarled tree, topped with a grim, crow-shaped amulet. Adorning his attire were paper talismans inscribed with cryptic runes, and a large talisman with an eye symbol dangled ominously from his head.

The clone hesitated briefly, waiting for any sign from the Cultist. When none came, he cautiously moved inside.

The Cultist allowed him to enter, but suddenly the clone's instincts screamed a warning.

There was danger everywhere.

A sharp, explosive sound, like air bursting, rang in his ears. His eyes darted down just in time to see a ring of chakra slicing through him so swiftly he barely registered its presence.

"Shit!" was the clone's last thought before he vanished in a puff, leaving behind the sight of the Cultist staring at a pile of prisoner corpses.

At that moment, a loud explosion thundered, and the ground trembled.

The top of the front building burst open, debris flying everywhere.

Something fast and orange streaked toward the sky, vanishing into the stratosphere.

The Cultist, unfazed by the chaos, began moving toward the front building.


[ A Few Minutes Earlier ]

[ Dungeon Basement ]

[ Spirit Possession has been activated ]

[ Name: Oscar Frederick ]

[ Level: ? ]

[ Description: Oscar Frederick, once the captain of the White Hawk Knights, maintained neutrality during the Kingdom of Rondon's war of succession. However, his fate took a tragic turn when he fell in love with a princess who lost the war and was sentenced to the fort for execution. In a daring but doomed attempt to save her, Oscar abandoned his post, only to be branded a traitor. His punishment was severe: his leg was cut off, and he was sent to the same fort to die beside the woman he loved. ]

"Quite dishonorable of a knight to harm a child," Naruto remarked, his tone sharp and unlike anything Tenten or Hinata had witnessed before.

Naruto observed Oscar closely, noting the tightness in his jaw and the wary flicker in his eyes—a knight seasoned by battles but burdened by suspicion and a deep-seated caution. His posture was rigid, the stance of a man accustomed to command and control, yet his voice carried a hint of desperation.

"Identify yourselves!" Oscar demanded.

Naruto's smile widened as he pieced together the knight's personality—proud yet pragmatic, authoritative yet open to unconventional means if they served his ends. This was a man driven by duty, but worn by his burdens. With this understanding, Naruto knew exactly how to steer the conversation to gain Oscar's trust and cooperation.

"Are our identities really important when it's better to know that we can help you with your princess problem?" Naruto replied softly, his tone soothing yet confident, as Oscar's eyes narrowed in scrutiny.

"How can I trust you?"

"Actions speak louder than words," Naruto responded, pointing to an iron statue of Shakespeare standing stoically in the hall.

"Hmm, kill it, and I'll entrust you with a job," Oscar proposed, motioning for Naruto to proceed.

With a knowing glance, Naruto raised his arms slightly, signaling his compliance without a word.

He then turned and walked towards Hinata and Tenten, who looked on, confused but trusting in Naruto's judgment.

[ System Chat ]

- [ Tenten: What the hell was that? ]

- [ Naruto: The guy is a friendly NPC, just get him to trust us and we will get a sub quest. ]

- [ Hinata: Naruto-kun, we have an hour left before we have to go back and sleep. ]

- [ Naruto: Sleep is for the weak, do the sub quest. ]

- [ Tenten: I call dibs on the claymore. ]

Hinata opened her mouth as if to speak but then shook her head, deciding against it. They all moved together, stopping at the doorway.

[ System Chat ]

- [ Tenten: Plans? ]

- [ Naruto: Ninjutsu is off the table because of that armor. ]

- [ Hinata: Genjutsu? ]

- [ Naruto: Tried it, it doesn't have a nervous system for me to trick. ]

- [ Tenten: So, Taijutsu. ]

"Formation reverse triangle," Naruto commanded, taking the metal knuckle guards—tekko—from Tenten.

They quickly huddled, forming a strategy.

"I think I've found its weakness," Hinata said, her Byakugan activated, revealing a skull-like structure protected by the thickest part of the armor.

A minute later, the trio emerged from the room, facing the Iron Shakespeare, which, although alert, waited for them to approach.

Naruto channeled earth chakra, his skin hardening into a diamond-like toughness, making the tekko on his hands gleam. He created four clones, each mirroring his stance. With a burst of speed from his Flash Step technique, Naruto launched into the air, delivering a flying kick aimed directly at the monster's face. His foot struck with immense force, sending shockwaves of chakra through the helmet, though the creature barely moved.

As it countered with a heavy swing, the real Naruto disappeared in a puff of smoke, leaving a clone to face the blow.

The clone, also covered in diamond skin, managed a barely successful block against the monster's gauntlet, which swung with crushing force.

Another clone faced a sweeping 360-degree attack, vanishing under the monster's relentless power.

Now understanding the creature's capabilities, the original Naruto moved closer, his form fluid and ready.

The monster lunged, aiming to crush him with its gauntlets.

Suddenly, a shadowy figure moved with blinding speed.

"Kaiten!" Hinata's voice echoed as she spun, her chakra manifesting as a protective dome around her, deflecting the monster's attack. As the dome faded, Naruto seized the moment. He threw a right hook with all his might, his body pivoting on his left foot, transferring power through his torso into his fist, which connected with the monster's stomach.

The impact echoed through the hall.

Naruto didn't pause.

He dropped low, tackling towards the monster's legs, his arms wrapping around one massive limb in an attempt to bring it down.

But the creature's size and strength overwhelmed him.

In a split-second decision, Naruto used the Substitution Jutsu, dodging an impending crush.

"Fuin!" Naruto shouted, triggering the seal he had swiftly placed during his tackle. A pillar of flames erupted, engulfing the monster's leg.

As the monster's gauntlets began to glow, absorbing the chakra from Naruto's attack, Tenten reacted swiftly by throwing a smoke bomb into the center of the fray.

Naruto and Hinata used the cover to retreat momentarily into the smoke.

From within the concealing cloud, figures darted out towards the monster.

As it unleashed a shockwave intended to repel them, the attacks passed harmlessly through the three approaching figures—mere academy-grade clones, distractions that bought the real trio crucial seconds.

While the monster struggled, its gauntlet stuck momentarily in the ground, the real Naruto and several more clones descended from a Sensory Mirror Wall Seal on the ceiling. They launched a barrage of attacks: spinning kicks that used the momentum of their turns, elbow strikes driving forward with the full weight of their bodies, and precise palm strikes targeting weak joints—all designed to keep the monster off balance and unable to react.

"Don't let him have any time to react!" Naruto shouted, coordinating their attacks. Using a combined technique, they leveraged the shear force technique to hurl the massive creature into a nearby pillar. Tenten, seizing the opportunity, launched arrows tied with storage seals at the monster's gauntlets. The seals burst upon impact, releasing tar that quickly hardened, immobilizing the gauntlets.

"Now!" Naruto called out, vanishing in a puff of smoke to reposition. At the same time, Hinata focused her chakra into her palms, manifesting it into the shape of a tiger's head— Twin Tiger Fist.

Her first strike hit with the ferocity of a wild beast, her body aligned perfectly to drive the force deep, making the monster's armor buckle inward at the stomach area. The second strike, delivered with even more precision and power, ripped through the weakened armor, revealing the metallic slime beneath.

Despite the tar, a glow began to emerge from the monster's armor, a sign it was absorbing Hinata's chakra. Realizing the risk, Hinata and Tenten quickly retreated, setting the stage for Naruto's final move.


[ Naruto's POV ]

The weight of the moment pressed on me; I had just one chance.

As the sharp wind chakra condensed into the form of an arrow, a chill raced down my spine—not from fear, but from the exhilarating rush of power.

The sensation was like holding a whisper of a storm, poised and ready.

Spirit Possession was at work, helping me meld two distinct jutsus into one formidable attack: Wind Style: Zephyr's Arrow and Earth Style: Rune of Telekinesis.

My form was steady, every muscle tensed in precise control, my arm extended like a true archer, though my weapon was forged from chakra rather than wood and string.

Immediately, my other hand moved forward, the Fuinjutsu seal on the back glowing ominously.

Outstretching my hand, I focused intently as a glow of orange enveloped the arrow. I channeled my chakra, feeling the familiar burn of concentration as I added mass to one side of the arrow, a mental command sharpened my focus: Addition!

The manipulation wasn't just power—it was art.

As I added mass, the arrow began to spin. I could feel the physical principles at play, the increase in angular momentum transforming the arrow into something more, something fierce.

Addition!, I urged silently, focusing my chakra. The arrow's rotation accelerated, blurring into a spiral. The rapid spinning, combined with the heat generated by the friction of the air, ignited the arrow.

It transformed before my eyes into a flaming orange drill.

"Uzumaki Naruto Combo: Revolver!" I shouted, releasing the drill-arrow. It flew with a fierce purpose, spinning violently. The drill bit into the hole that Hinata had created in the monster's armor, tearing through the metallic slime and the skull inside that was once, a human soul.

It tore through the ceiling of the basement in an explosive burst, debris scattering in all directions as it continued its relentless ascent into the sky above.

As the remnants of the monster crumbled, the glowing armor clattered to the ground, each piece echoing a hollow sound as it fell.

[ Congratulations! You have defeated a dungeon monster ]

[ Exp Earned ]

- [ Hinata Hyuga — 2500 EXP ]

- [ Tenten Higurashi — 2530 EXP ]

- [ Naruto Uzumaki — 5700 EXP ]

[ Dungeon Monster has dropped items ]

- [ A Poet's Page ]

- [ Cold Iron Armour ]

- [ Soul Shard ]

- [ +100 Reputation with NPC — Knight Oscar Fredrick ]

As Naruto staggered from the sheer exhaustion of the attack, Hinata and Tenten quickly caught him, steadying him before he could hit the ground.

"That was awesome," Tenten exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with admiration.

Hinata nodded vigorously in agreement. Naruto managed a weak smile, feeling the strain of his chakra reserves dipping to unprecedented lows for the first time.

"Impressive indeed," Oscar's voice came from the doorway, his tone carrying a hint of surprise as he hobbled into the room, leaning heavily on his cane.

"So, what's the quest?" Naruto asked, straightening up slightly, though still supported by his friends.

"Somewhere in this fortress, my lover is in danger. Bring her to me, and I'll give you a handsome reward," Oscar explained, his voice tinged with urgency.

[ System Quest Alert ]

[ Quest Title: Find Knight Oscar's Lover ]

[ Description: Knight Oscar's lover is believed to be somewhere inside the dungeon. ]

[ Objectives: ]

  - Save NPC

  - Or Give Oscar Closure.

[ Rewards: Based on Performance. ]

[ Failure: Dungeon Monster — Knight Oscar transforms into a hostile entity. ]

[ Action Required: Confirm acceptance or declination of quest. ]

"50% upfront," Naruto stated, eyeing the system window.

"Pardon?" Oscar blinked in confusion.

"We want 50% of the reward upfront, and 50% when the quest is done," Tenten clarified, her tone firm.

"It's hard to trust the words of someone I don't know," Oscar countered.

"Trust our actions then. We defeated that monster and we will save your lover," Hinata interjected confidently.

Oscar paused, his gaze dropping to his missing leg. The resolve in the trio's eyes made it clear—they were his best chance. "You drive a hard bargain," he conceded with a resigned sigh.

Stepping forward, Oscar placed a hand on Naruto's chest.

"You have a lot of mana, young man," he remarked absentmindedly. As he spoke, his hand glowed with a surge of chakra, and Naruto felt an overwhelming rush as his chakra reserves began to replenish astonishingly fast.

"Thanks," Naruto managed to say, taken aback by the sudden influx. He sensed a new, intriguing way of chakra manipulation stirring within him, something he had never considered before.

[ Alert: New type of Chakra manipulation has been detected. ]

[ Skill has been recognised by system. ]


[ Skill: Hex Blade - Level: 10 ]

[ Class: Magic Swordsman ]

[ Chakra Points (CP) Required: 500 ]

[ Description: Utilizes the user's blood as a medium to imbue weapons with powerful elemental Hexes. ]

[ Elemental Hexes: ]

- [ Wind Hex: Increases attack speed by 30%. Adds a 40% chance of inflicting severe cutting damage. Strikes may cause Bleed status. ]


- [ Fire Hex: Adds 50% fire damage to each strike with a 25% chance to ignite targets. Strikes may cause Burn status. ]


- [ Earth Hex: Increases weapon durability and impact force by 50%. Strikes may cause Stun status. ]


- [ Yin Hex: Creates illusionary duplicates, increasing dodge chance by 50%. Strikes may cause Confusion status. ]


- [ Yang Hex: Removes +100 HP from the enemy and heals the user. Strikes may cause Leech Life status. ]

[ Locked Hexes ]

- [ Lightning Hex ]

- [ Water Hex ]

- [ Yin-Yang Hex ]

- [ Senjutsu Hex ]


As they read the glowing text on the screen, Hinata, Tenten, and Naruto's jaws dropped in astonishment.

"Does it work for other weapons?" Tenten asked, curiosity piqued as she unfurled a scroll laden with her weapon arsenal. The implications were clear—if it worked, Naruto might find himself putting hexes on a hundred weapons.

"Wind should be the best, right?" Hinata chimed in, eyeing her Neko Te's with newfound interest.

"I'll await the good news," Oscar said as he started moving back into the shadowed confines of the room.

Just then, Naruto's head snapped back slightly, a familiar jolt signaling the return of his clone's memories. The memories were fragmented, scattered like pieces of a puzzle, but Naruto quickly sifted through them, piecing together enough to grasp the situation.

He exhaled deeply, the weight of the information settling on him.

"We need to prepare before we go up," he declared firmly. Tenten nodded, gripping her weapon scroll more tightly.

Hinata's Byakugan flared to life, the veins around her eyes bulging as she scrutinized their surroundings.

Her gaze intensively swept over the room, focusing particularly on the crates scattered about.

A few minutes after their thorough search, Naruto and Tenten found themselves pinching their noses as Hinata had demolished all the crates, uncovering a hoard of miscellaneous items—silver coins, herbs, spices, and an unfortunate amount of rotten food. This led Hinata to a surprising experiment at the crafting table, managing to extract usable materials even from the spoiled contents, much to her embarrassment.

[ Item: Rotten Scrambled Eggs ]

[ Effects ]

- [ Health Increase: +100 HP ]

- [ Chakra Points Increase: +100 CP ]

- [ Status: Food Poisoning - Causes nausea, vomiting, and weakness for 5 minutes. ]


[ Item: Expired Miso Soup ]

[ Effects ]

- [ Chakra Points Restoration: Restores 100 CP ]

- [ Wisdom Boost: +5 WIS for 30 minutes ]

- [ Negative Status: Stomach Upset - Causes discomfort and reduces focus, decreasing DEX by 3 for 30 minutes. ]


"Hey, if it comes down to it, we can projectile vomit a monster to death," Naruto joked, trying to lighten the mood as Tenten grimaced and Hinata's face turned a deep shade of red as the trio exited the room and walked out to the courtyard of the fortress, they paused, their attention captured by a figure they had not seen before. The man before them was draped in an eclectic mix of garments, his wide-brimmed, pointed hat adorned with what looked like luminous eyes. His robe shimmered with rich blues and golds, and his back was laden with an assortment of items—scrolls, bottles, and what seemed to be ritualistic tools. The mysterious aura was enhanced by his face, which remained hidden in the shadows beneath his hat.

[ Name: ? ]

[ Level: ? ]

[ Title: ? ]

"Oh, hello there, kids. I am your local magic man merchant," the figure announced in a cheerful and whimsical tone that seemed at odds with the setting.

"Show us some magic then," Tenten demanded, her hand subtly edging toward her kunai, ready for any unexpected moves.

"Pick a card," the magic man said, extending a hand filled with a jumble of items that were clearly not traditional playing cards—random business cards and some coupons.

Naruto, Tenten, and Hinata exchanged deadpan looks.

[ System Chat ]

- [ Tenten: Naruto, is he an NPC like the knight? ]

- [ Naruto: Idk ]

- [ Hinata: Well, he isn't attacking us, so... ]

"Awe, that usually works on children. Well, then, do you want to buy something from me?" the magic man changed tactics, pulling out a few mysterious bottles.

Curious, Naruto activated his observer feat to scrutinize the items.

[ Item: Health Potion ]

[ Description: ----- ]


Naruto's eyes widened in surprise as the magic man wiggled his finger.

"No peeking."

Naruto was taken aback.

Did he just nullify my feat?

Naruto thought, both alarmed and intrigued. This magic man was no ordinary NPC—if that's even what he was.

"How much are you selling these for?" Tenten asked.

"Five silver coins," the Magic Man replied smoothly. The trio exchanged quick glances. They had amassed fifteen silver coins from the crates—just enough to make a calculated decision.

"Do you have a chakra recovery potion?" Naruto inquired, his needs more practical than curious.

"Oh, you mean mana," the Magic Man corrected as he rummaged through his eclectic collection, finally pulling out another bottle. Naruto quickly purchased two HP recovery potions and one mana recovery potion from him.

"Thank you for buying, and remember, I don't have a return policy," the Magic Man chuckled as he waved them off. Naruto, Hinata, and Tenten proceeded back towards the fortress, unease settling in their stomachs.

As the fortress gates clanged shut behind them, the Magic Man's demeanor shifted. His voice dropped to a murmur, eerie and foreboding. "You know, for an ambush beast, you haven't done anything yet," he said, his words directed at the lifeless corpse of a horse nearby.

The horse stirred, its movements jerky and unnatural as it rose from the dead, its eyes hollow and glowing with a sinister light. The undead horse lunged at the Magic Man with a horrifying whinny, its hooves clattering against the stone in a deathly cadence.

With a swift motion, the Magic Man raised his hand, and a magic circle sprang to life in the air before him.

Flesh Magic?!

A reddish glow enveloped the horse.

The monstrous creature was twisted and contorted by the magic, its body shrinking and reshaping until it was no more than a grotesque parody of an instrument—a ukulele.

"Ladada - ladade - ladado," the Magic Man sang in a chilling tone, his voice echoing strangely in the cold air as he pranced away from the scene, his figure gradually swallowed by the thickening fog.

"I hope you like my items, kids," his voice floated back, a haunting laugh trailing behind him as he disappeared into the mist.


As we moved through the front building, Naruto was focused on getting to the top floor to rescue Oscar's lover and claim their reward.

It seemed straightforward enough until a sudden danger surfaced.

Hinata, always alert, used her Kaiten technique, forming a dome of chakra that enveloped us, shielding us from a menacing ring of chakra that encircled us.

The clash of her defense against the attack sent sparks flying, and Naruto could see Hinata gritting her teeth under the strain.


The ring blasted back, and in that moment of relief, Hinata's cry of pain cut through the silence. Naruto turned to see her palms, sliced open from the attack, blood dripping to the ground.

Seeing Hinata hurt, Naruto's vision tinged red with anger.

[ Name: The Cultist ]

[ Status: REDACTED ]

[ Title: Dungeon Monster ]

[ Level: 12 ]

[ Class: Warlock ]

[ Race: Humunculus ]

[ HP: 3350 / 3350 ]

[ AC: 45 ]

[ CP: 5k / 5k ]

[ Lineage Traits: ]

- [ Mana Manipulation ]

[ Class Features: ]

- [ Chaos Magic ]

[ Feats: None ]

[ Stats: ]

- [ STR: 27 ]

- [ DEX: 25 ]

- [ CON: 25 ]

- [ INT: 37 ]

- [ WIS: 36 ]

- [ CHA: 5 ]

- [ VIT: 16 ]

- [ LUK: 10 ]

[ Allies: The Cult ]

[ Equipment: Corpse Totem ]

[ Description: A follower of Sergal, upgraded to the level of a student after surviving the ritual of flesh and beast. His name and identity were stripped away, leaving him to serve only Sergal's will — the destruction of Rondon. ]

"You bastard!" Naruto screamed, his voice raw as he flash stepped towards the cultist responsible. He threw a straight punch, his arm extending with all the force he could muster, chakra surging through his fist.

But it was blocked by a barrier that shimmered like a delicate, mocking mirror.

As the cultist began to dance, a taunting, fluid movement that only fueled Naruto's rage, Naruto invoked Spirit Possession. Genjutsu Ensnarement!

Naruto tried to trap the monster in an illusion, but the cultist broke it in a split second, continuing his infuriating dance.

Sensing him gathering chakra for another big attack, Naruto didn't hesitate. He enhanced his fist with the rune of telekinesis, increasing its mass dramatically.

He swung again, and this time, the force shattered his barrier like a mirror breaking into a thousand pieces. The cultist was thrown back against the wall.

Not giving him a moment to recover, Naruto followed up with a jumping knee strike, driving him further into the damaged wall, and then slamming him down to the ground.

Naruto grabbed his shoulders, pinning him, and unleashed his Fire Style; Fire Ball Jutsu directly at his body, the flames engulfing him and turning the monster into a burnt corpse.

Before Naruto could feel any satisfaction, Hinata's urgent scream pierced the air. "That's not his real body!"

In that instant, Tenten acted, launching an arrow from her war bow with deadly precision.

Naruto turned just in time to see the crow's corpse on the cultist's staff react, sending that same ring attack to intercept the arrow. But it was all a ruse.

The cultist, thinking himself safe, didn't realize the danger until too late.

Through the genjutsu Naruto had cast, he made him believe he had destroyed the arrow, but in reality, Tenten's shot found its mark, piercing the crow's head.

The cultist's eyes widened in shock as he met Naruto's gaze, his life ebbing away.

As the realization of defeat sank into his eyes, Naruto felt a cold satisfaction.

[ Congratulations! You have defeated a dungeon monster ]

[ Exp Earned ]

- [ Hinata Hyuga — 200 EXP ]

- [ Tenten Higurashi — 530 EXP ]

- [ Naruto Uzumaki — 1700 EXP ]

[ Dungeon Monster has dropped items ]

- [ Cultist's Robes ]

- [ Yellow Talisman ]

Naruto's hands trembled slightly as he took out the healing potion they had just purchased, rushing to aid Hinata who was nursing a bleeding wound.

Upon smelling the contents of the bottle, a foul, pungent stench hit him.

"What's wrong?" Tenten asked, sensing the shift in his demeanor.

In a swift motion, Naruto creates a shadow clone and doused it with the potion. The clone sizzled and popped into nothingness as the liquid ate away at it.

"This healing potion is acid!"

Fueled by fury, Naruto made a quick Flash Step towards the direction the Magic Man had taken, but the deceptive merchant was nowhere to be found.

In his frustration, Naruto struck the fortress wall with such force that it sent a network of cracks sprawling across the entire structure, the stone crumbling under the impact of his rage.

"Naruto! Now's not the time to let anger overwhelm you," Tenten cautioned, trying to reel him back from his fury.

"Sorry... what do I need to do?" Naruto asked, his tone subdued, realizing the urgency of the situation.

"Ash and cloth, can you bring me some? I can administer a simple wound dressing," Tenten said as Hinata was controlling the bleeding via chakra control.

"Cauterize it," Hinata said firmly, catching Tenten and Naruto by surprise.

"But, Hinata—" Naruto began, only to be cut off.

"Look, a first aid would help but it will make me a liability. Just cauterize the wound and I'll be good to go."

"Okay," Naruto said, his expression hardening as he accepted the grim reality. Tenten tried to protest, "Naruto, you can't be serious. Let's—"

"Let's honor Hinata's wishes," he interjected, making it clear they would proceed as Hinata wanted.

"Fine," Tenten replied reluctantly, her face etched with concern.

Naruto then took out a kunai and sprinkled some of his own blood onto the blade. Using the blood as a medium, he invoked the fire nature chakra. The blood acted as a catalyst, its iron content reacting to his chakra and igniting into flames along the blade—a primitive yet effective method for creating a sterilizing heat.

Hinata, looking at the flaming kunai, tried to lighten the mood, "This will look cool, right?"

"I want to hit you right now," Tenten half-joked, half-scolded, handing Hinata the hilt of her katana to bite on for the pain.

"Naruto, Hinata, let's get stronger. So strong that we never have to deal with this pain ever again," Naruto declared.

Both nodded in agreement, bracing themselves.

As he lowered the flaming kunai to the wound, Hinata's muffled scream filled the air.



[Author Note]

Wow, this chapter was action-packed with fights left and right, along with a lot of other excitement. Let's dive into it:

1- The Iron Shakespeare fight. Not the most technical fight I've done, but it was fantastic to give each member a moment to shine.

Tenten: Immobilized the gauntlets.

Hinata: Put a hole in it.

Naruto: Used the final move that destroyed the monster.


2- Uzumaki Naruto Style: Revolver — This is going to be Naruto's ultimate technique. One of these attacks drained Naruto so he won't be spamming it; don't worry. Where did I get the idea from? There is this manhwa I was reading—The Last Adventurer—where the character turns his fire arrow into a revolving drill. I thought it looked cool and added it to Naruto's arsenal.


3- NPCs: The chapter was heavily focused on NPCs.

Oscar: a helpful NPC that gave Naruto a new skill.

Magic Man: an evil NPC that scammed Naruto and co.

Why am I focusing on the NPCs, you ask, why not just have Naruto and co defeat the dungeon boss and leave? Well, find out because this dungeon is going to be very different from the last one.


4- If you have been reading the dungeon monster descriptions, there is actually a story being played out in the dungeon. After this dungeon is over, I'll add it in the author's note for those who didn't pay attention.


5- The last part of the story was a character moment for Hinata. I know a similar moment happened with Neji when she fought, but that moment was emotional. This moment is physical. Hinata has quite the character arc from the first time she was introduced, and this moment was to cement Hinata's development into who she wanted to be. Someone who is willing to stand up, someone who, despite the pain the world gives them, doesn't give up like Naruto. This moment is going to be the start of how the world, the Hyuga, and Neji are now going to deal with this new Hinata. Give me your thoughts on Hinata's development. Was it good or bad?


6- How long is the dungeon going to last? Two more chapters. After that, we go back to the Naruto world.


7- There were a lot of item rewards that I didn't go into detail about, like:

A poet's page from Iron Shakespeare.

Yellow talisman from the Cultist.

These items are hidden for now until I reveal their function, and when I do, I'll remind you all where they came from, so don't worry about trying to remember every single item.


Thank you for enjoying my work and for your ongoing support. Have a blessed rest of the day, and please share your thoughts in the comments!

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