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91.66% Naruto : The System Files / Chapter 77: Chapter no.77 What is means to be a Team?

Chapter 77: Chapter no.77 What is means to be a Team?

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Tenten yelled out at the system window, "Naruto?!" but received no response. Next to her, Hinata struggled to move, her body aching from the residual effects of being electrocuted. The discomfort was due to the disruption of her nervous system's normal electrical activity, causing her muscles to contract involuntarily.

"Hinata, break this barrier. We need to personally go and beat some sense into Naruto," Tenten huffed out in anger.

"You're angry?" Hinata questioned, her voice tinged with confusion as she attempted to stand.

"Of course, I am angry. Aren't you?"

"I am trying to theorize why Naruto-kun did this," Hinata replied, her voice weak but thoughtful.

"So you aren't mad?"

"No, I am mad but more so disappointed that maybe I did something that..." Hinata's voice trailed off, her lips quivering.

"No." Tenten cut her off firmly. "You didn't do anything, Hinata."

"Then why would Naruto-kun, who previously trusted us so much, suddenly do all of this?" Hinata's voice broke slightly.

"Thanatophobia," Tenten said abruptly.


"It's the irrational fear of people close to you dying," Tenten explained, her voice softening. "I've been thinking about this, but Naruto doesn't have many people close to him in his life, especially on the same level as a family, and we are the closest things he has to a family."

Hinata and Tenten both lightly blushed at that revelation. Tenten continued, "Seeing Florence dead and the distress that Oscar went through, I guess, awoke this fear inside of Naruto that something might happen to us."

"Hmm, you've thought about this."

"No, I experienced something similar when my mom died, and I feared something might happen to my dad. I threw myself even harder into learning how to use weapons because not all of us have a magic bullshit system," Tenten said sarcastically, her frustration evident.

"Now what?"

"I don't know. Naruto's fears might push him to kick us out, and considering how strong this Uzumaki clan Kekkei Genkai is, I don't doubt that our memories of these experiences could be sealed away," Tenten kicked the air, her frustration palpable.

"Maybe we can show Naruto that his fears are irrational," Hinata suggested optimistically.

Tenten gave her a look that screamed 'how?'

Before Hinata could formulate a response, the system notification pinged, pulling both their attentions sharply. The message, stark against the screen, made their hearts sink deeper.

[ Party System Notification ]

[ Leader Naruto Uzumaki is currently being attacked by Dungeon Monsters: Magic Man, Oscar Frederick, and Florence Nightingale. ]

Tenten's ears caught the sharp sound of slicing. She turned to see Hinata expertly breaking the barrier's chakra grain.

Tenten understood why Naruto had incapacitated Hinata before leaving—her skills were a threat even to his preparations.

"Let's go!" Hinata shouted.

Nodding firmly, Tenten followed as they sprinted towards the battlefield.


[ A Few Minutes Ago ]

Naruto quickly reopened his notifications tab, scanning for any clue as to why the dungeon hadn't closed yet.

[ Welcome to The Masked Cult's Lair ]

[ Objective: Eliminate the cause of the Cult ]

Was the cult leader somehow causing this chaos?

His thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the whistling sound of something fast approaching. Drained of chakra, he could barely react in time.

An arrow snagged his sleeve, pinning him to the ground. Another arrow soon followed, hitting his other sleeve. Naruto's eyes widened in surprise as he noted the arrows were metallic and shaped oddly like corn.

Nearby, Magic Man strummed his ukulele, singing as he strolled into the open battlefield.

"You know, if Archer Dan had impaled the boy, it might've been a tad bit sweeter," he sang.

Oscar trudged alongside him, a look of despair on his face, followed by Florence and a bizarre figure—a humanoid archer with a corn head. Upon closer inspection, it became clear the corn was merely taped onto a headless archer's body, a macabre joke by Magic Man.

"Oscar, why are you with this bastard?"

"Yes, yes, yes, you are very right. I am a bastard," Magic Man chimed in, strumming his ukulele more vigorously.

Oscar just stared at the ground, shame etched on his features. Magic Man continued, "Don't worry, he's just doing this so I can revive his dead lover. Funny, isn't it? Hahaha."

Before Naruto could respond, he felt Magic Man stuff a sock into his mouth. He spat it out angrily.

"What's wrong with you?"

"A lot, actually," Magic Man replied, his ukulele morphing into an axe which he swung down hard, stopping just beside Naruto's ear.

Naruto's body tensed, his instincts screaming for him to either fight or flee—his heart pounding, muscles tightening, ready to spring into action despite his exhaustion. The close call with the axe had his adrenaline surging.

"Now, answer me a simple question: Why do you have such a beautiful mana of death on you?" Magic Man asked, his tone oddly cheerful.

Naruto was taken aback. "What?" he managed to stutter out.

In response, Magic Man slapped Naruto, the impact feeling more like being hit with sticks wrapped in a glove than a hand. "Come on, I am your friend. You can tell me that. Ha-Ha-Ha."

"I don't know what you're talking about!"

Naruto's fury boiled over.

With a sharp movement, he tore his sleeves and lunged at Magic Man with a kunai. The confrontation escalated instantly as Magic Man, with a nonchalant gesture, stretched out his axe.

"Flesh Magic! Transmutation!"

The axe morphed into hundreds of spikes that shot forward, embedding themselves into Naruto. He targeted meticulously, avoiding vital areas yet ensuring each strike was excruciatingly painful. Naruto felt a pervasive numbness spread across his body, rendering him immobile.

"Tower master?" Oscar's voice cut through the tense air.

Magic Man sighed as the only condition Oscar made was that Naruto, Hinata, and Tenten be spared from any harm.

His smirk fading into a more contemplative frown. "If that condition wasn't there..."

"I'll tell you," Naruto gasped out, desperation seeping through his voice.

"Good," Magic Man said, retracting his weapon. Naruto collapsed to the ground, his blood seeping into the dirt beneath him. Naruto's body was riddled with wounds, his strength ebbing away as he struggled for every breath. His attempts to speak resulted only in weak, whistling sounds.

"Hey, is this a sing-off?" Magic Man asked, his tone mockingly cheerful.

Naruto tried to speak again, frustration and pain evident in his faltering attempts.

"Oi, I can't hear you," Magic Man taunted, leaning in closer.

In a desperate bid, Naruto summoned the last of his strength to launch a Wind Style: Wind Bullet directly at Magic Man's head.

The impact sounded like glass cracking. Magic Man's hat tumbled off, revealing a dome of cracked glass beneath which water swirled around a floating skull.

"Awe, don't you like my beautiful face?" the skull spoke, its voice emanating from a magical collar. Despite his severe injuries and the weakening of his stats, Naruto managed a weak utterance.

"What are you?"

"Your neighborhood friendly Magic Man," the skull smirked as it scooped up the barely alive Naruto.

"Tell me what I need to know, and I'll heal you," Magic Man proposed, his voice dripping with faux concern.

"Why would I trust the words of a scammer?" Naruto managed to croak out, his distrust evident even in his weakened state.

"Awe, that hurts my feelings," Magic Man retorted with a smirk, though his amusement was tinged with malice. The air around his hand, clutching Naruto, crackled with building energy, a threat veiled thinly under his banter.

"This isn't what we agreed on," Oscar interjected, his voice strained with anger as he moved to attack Magic Man. His advance was halted by a sudden flash of blue—Tenten had swiftly intervened, severing Magic Man's hand with a precise downward slash.

Simultaneously, Hinata lunged towards Magic Man, her movement a blur of determination.

Chaos Magic! Queen's Shield.

A swirling silver barrier of mana formed between them.

But Hinata shattered the defensive shield effortlessly. One hand countered the chakra grain while her other hand, primed with a Twin Tiger Fist, blasted through Magic Man's protective dome. His skull was sent flying, a comical sight if not for the gravity of their fight.

"Awe, man, I just got that thing," Magic Man complained, his voice emanating from his collar as his skull clattered to the ground. Hinata landed gracefully, retreating into a defensive stance.


Tenten knelt beside Naruto, her hands moving quickly as she tried to stem the bleeding from his wounds. She pressed down on the most severe cuts with pieces of torn cloth, trying to slow the blood loss. Naruto was bleeding heavily, and Tenten realized with frustration that she couldn't tend to all his injuries fast enough. She wished she had learned some medical Ninjutsu—anything that could have better prepared her for this moment.

Naruto smiled weakly at her. "Hey."

"Stop talking, you'll be okay just shut up," Tenten said, her voice cracking as she spoke, her hands trembling slightly from the stress and urgency of the situation.

"I am sorry," Naruto whispered, his voice barely audible.

"Naruto, don't try to do that stupid dead bed cliché with me," Tenten snapped. Despite her harsh words, her actions were gentle as she adjusted the makeshift bandages.

Naruto chuckled weakly. "I—" he began, but Tenten cut him off.

"Naruto, your sorry won't do anything. Prove to us that this team means something, that we have your trust, that you are our leader."

At her words, Naruto's expression shifted; he knew she was right. Feeling the mind-numbing pain rack his body, he activated Spirit Possession.

"Tenten, I want you to run away from this place as fast as you can."

Tenten met his gaze, recognizing the seriousness in his eyes. This wasn't some emotional plea—it was a strategic decision. She nodded, her body coiled like a spring, and then she disappeared using Flash Fist.

Magic Man laughed, watching the scene unfold with amusement as Naruto, now alone, opened up his profile on the system, his fingers moving quickly.

[ Lineage Trait: Healer's Body ]

[ Description: A legendary ability of the Uzumaki Clan, where pure Yang chakra can be used by the user for healing. ]

[ Status: Locked ]

[ Unlock Requirements: ]

- [ VIT (Vitality): 15 ]

- [ CON (Constitution): 27 ]

- [ Yang Affinity ]

- [ CP (Chakra Points): 12K ]


[ Base Stats: ]

[ VIT: 11 → 15 ]

[ CON: 20 → 27 ]


[ Due to base stat CON exceeding 25 points, status - Regeneration has been unlocked. ]


[ Special Status: Regeneration — Passive ]

[ Description: Regeneration grants a 30% increase in natural health recovery rate. Stamina and overall endurance are significantly improved, allowing for rapid recuperation from physical exertion and injuries. ]


[ Player Naruto has used item - Skill Stone on Uzumaki clan skill tab - Yang. ]


[ Yang Release: Healing Whispers - Level: 1 (Active) ]

[ Chakra Points (CP) Required: Variable ]

[ Description: A Ninjutsu technique channeling Yang energy to mend wounds and rejuvenate the body. Each point of chakra expended translates directly into health restoration. ]

[ Passive Enhancements: ]

- [ Recovery Amplification: Boosts the efficacy of healing techniques by 15%. ]

[ Active Boost: ]

- [ Healing Conversion: For every 1 CP spent, the user recovers +1 HP. ]


[ Player Naruto has eaten food items: Rotten Scrambled Eggs and Expired Miso Soup ]

[ Effects Applied: ]

- [ Food Poisoning ]

- [ -100 HP ]

- [ +200 CP ]

- [ +5 WIS for 30 minutes ]

- [ -3 DEX for 30 minutes ]

Naruto grimaced, pressing his hand against his abdomen as he fought back the urge to vomit. He quickly pulled at the Yang chakra, initiating the jutsu — Yang Style: Healing Whisper.

As he chanted, Fuinjutsu symbols began to form around him, glowing faintly. The Yang chakra coursed through his body, targeting the wounds. This chakra, inherently connected to vitality and healing, worked by accelerating cell regeneration and knitting tissues back together. The process was almost visible as the symbols flickered brighter with each pulse of healing energy.


"Oscar," Magic Man called out, his tone commanding. The knight, looking reluctant yet resolved, moved forward.

"You don't have to do this, Mr. Oscar," Hinata pleaded.

Oscar didn't respond immediately; instead, he took out a twig and, with a flick of his wrist, transformed it into a claymore made of pure chakra/mana. He gave a melancholic smile and said, "I am sorry, but I have to do this." With that, he swung his sword, releasing an arc of pure chakra towards them.

Hinata tensed, preparing to use her defensive Kaiten technique, but she felt Naruto's hand on her shoulder.

[ System Notification ]

[ Party Leader Naruto has activated the Portal Feature. ]

[ Connecting to teammate Tenten Higurashi. ]

[ Target located. ]

[ Do you want to teleport to Tenten Higurashi? ]

[ Acceptance or Declination required. ]

The next moment, the duo's bodies began to break down into blocks, disappearing from the battlefield as if they were being deconstructed and teleported away. Oscar's attack swished through the air, striking nothing but the ground where they had stood moments before.

"Space-time magic," Magic Man noted, his tone serious for the first time.

"Catch them," he murmured.

"Understood," Oscar replied simply, motioning for Florence to follow him. As they moved, Oscar's mind was a whirl of confusion, haunted by Naruto's earlier words: Why I would ever trust the words of a scammer?

Meanwhile, Magic Man picked up his skull from the ground, his interest piqued.

"Hmm, I was going to have my fun with you, Sergal, but it looks like these kids are going to be better," he mused aloud.


Naruto and Hinata teleported to the basement of the dungeon, appearing with a soft whoosh.

Tenten immediately wrapped them in a tight hug.

Both Naruto and Hinata returned the embrace with warm smiles, before they all separated.

Tenten blinked in surprise, noticing something different about Naruto.

"You're healed?"

"I got lucky and unlocked a medical Ninjutsu," Naruto explained, though his tone betrayed his fatigue. Both Tenten and Hinata could tell he was suffering from chakra exhaustion, his shoulders slumped slightly and his usual vibrant energy dimmed.

"What's the plan?" Tenten asked.

"Hinata is going to make a lot of expired meals and I am going to be making them."

"So, the average divorcing couple experience," Tenten joked, causing Hinata to pause, unsure whether to blush or hit Tenten. Naruto just shrugged off the comment, clearly too weary to join in the banter.

"I want your help to fix my equipment, and then we go to battle."

"As a team," Hinata said softly.

Naruto's smile widened, his eyes meeting Hinata and Tenten's with a spark of reassurance.

"As a team."


In the dimly lit basement, Oscar and Florence entered to find Hinata perched atop some rubble, her posture relaxed despite the tension in the air.

"Guess that scammer didn't come," she remarked casually, her voice echoing slightly off the cold stone walls.

Oscar's eyes narrowed at her words.

"Where are the other two?"

"They are waiting for you where we cemented our deal, Mr. Honourable Knight," Hinata replied, her words deliberate, cutting deep. Oscar flinched as if physically struck, his face contorting with pain as he closed his eyes for a moment.

"You handle her, I'll take care of the other two," he said tersely, then quickly turned and ran, his heavy boots thudding against the stone floor. Hinata watched him go, making no move to stop him.

An honor is everything to a knight, yet I lost it when I chose this path, when I chose my love, and I'll lose what remains of the honor for myself as I do this. Dear Goddess, forgive me for this sin.

His heart was heavy with guilt, but he pressed on, driven by a desperate resolve.

It's never easy when you have to choose between what's right and what you love.

As Oscar entered the basement hall, his inner turmoil might have clouded his judgment, leading him straight into the trap the trio had set up.

A prison of barriers sealed him inside the hall almost immediately.

Maybe it was his guilt or a latent desire not to go against those kids, but Oscar walked right into the trap laid out in the basement hall. He was sealed away inside the hall via a prison of barriers. Then, suddenly, a Naruto clone emerged from a nearby room.

Oscar, ensnared in a genjutsu, saw an image of Florence's corpse. His heart sank, the illusion shaking him to his core.

"She wouldn't..."

Before the clone could finish, Oscar slashed its head off with his mana blade.

His expression was grim, his eyes hardened with resolve.

"You have 5 minutes to run as far as you can, children," Oscar declared, his voice echoing menacingly through the hall.


[ Player Naruto has unequipped items: ]

- [ Weapons: Black Fingerless Gloves with Metal Back Plate ]

- [ Armor: Bright Orange Sleeveless Jacket, Dark Blue Gambeson ]

- [ Gear: Bright Orange Light Armored Pants ]

- [ Magic Item: Sen no Tenrui (A Thousand Heavenly Tears) ]


[ Removing stat boosts. ]

[ HP: 1117 / 2447 ]→ [ HP: 1117 / 2352 ]

[ AC: 47 ] → [ AC: 22  ]

[ Stats: ]

  - [ STR: 27 ] → [ STR: 12 ]

  - [ DEX: 33 ] → [ DEX: 14 ]

  - [ CON: 29 ]→ [ CON: 27 ]

  - [ VIT: 23 ] → [ VIT: 15 ]


[ Player Naruto has equipped Magic Item — Yellow Talisman × 4 onto each equipment slot. ]

[ Stat Boosts: ]

- [ Wisdom (WIS): 15 ] → [ Wisdom 35 ] (+20)

- [ Intelligence (INT): 15 ] → [ Intelligence 35 ] (+20)

- [ Chakra Points (CP) Recovery Boost: +60% every minute. ]


"Guess plan A didn't work," Naruto muttered, stepping out from behind the Fuinjutsu—Sensory Mirror Wall. As he appeared, Florence growled, her eyes fixed on the trio now surrounding her. Noticing Naruto's weariness, she launched a direct attack with a flesh spear.

Despite the handicaps imposed on him, from being unable to use Ninjutsu to weakened stats, Naruto's skills still far surpassed those of Florence. He quickly wrapped the chains of a Kusari-fundo around his hands, interlocking them in preparation. As Florence's spear neared, Naruto expertly twisted his body, using the momentum to wrap the chains around the spear, effectively capturing it in a lock. With a sharp jerk of his arms, he pulled, and Florence, still attached to her weapon, flew towards him.

Naruto then twisted again, channeling his remaining strength to slam Florence onto the floor. As he tried to secure her in an arm bar, locking her arm tightly between his legs and wrenching back on her wrist to immobilize her, Florence's superior strength kicked in. She threw Naruto into the air, disrupting his hold.

At that moment, Hinata closed the distance, positioning herself within what seemed like the center of an Eight Trigrams symbol, her movements precise and focused. She began a rapid sequence of strikes aimed at Florence's tenketsu points, disrupting her chakra flow.

"Two palms... four palms... eight palms..." Hinata counted, doubling the strikes each time, her hands moving in a blur.

"Sixteen palms... thirty-two palms... sixty-four palms!" With each set of strikes, Hinata's precision and speed increased, each palm hit resonating more than the last.

Finally, Florence was slammed back onto the floor, her body now marked by sixty-four distinct holes, each oozing blood. The effect of Hinata's Neko Te, enhanced by the Wind Hex, was brutally efficient, leaving Florence's body not just incapacitated but visibly scarred, the wounds standing out even when Florence's body was covered in fur.

Tenten, Naruto, and Hinata exchanged a glance, steeling themselves to face Oscar. But before they could advance, a monstrous aura erupted from Florence.

"I'll... save... you," a distorted voice croaked from her, chilling them to the core.

Before their eyes, Florence's body grotesquely transformed. Her human form burst apart, giving way to a terrifying creature. She morphed into a massive, fleshly mass adorned with large, feathered wings reminiscent of a bird's. However, instead of a bird's head, a long, serpentine neck emerged, topped with a dragon-like head full of sharp fangs. A long, scaly, serpentine tail whipped behind her, adding to the monstrosity of her new form.

As the tail lunged at Hinata, the air thickened with tension. Hinata stood her ground, unflinching, her eyes locked on the incoming threat. At the last moment, Tenten, with swift grace, threw a kunai that impaled the tail, giving Hinata the chance to leap back just in time.

"Fuin!" Tenten shouted, activating the seal. The kunai exploded in a burst of light and force, momentarily halting the tail's advance. But their relief was short-lived. Within seconds, the tail regenerated, renewing its assault with undiminished vigor.

[ Name: Florence Nightingale? (2nd Phase Flesh Golem) ]

[ Status: Unstable ]

[ Title: Dungeon Monster ]

[ Level: 8 ]

[ Class: ----- ]

[ Race: Unstable Chimera ]

[ HP: 1000 / 2000 ]

[ AC: 5 ]

[ CP: 2k / 2k ]

[ Lineage Traits: ]

  - [ Continuous Regeneration ]

[ Class Features: --- ]

[ Feats: NONE ]

[ Stats: ]

  - [ STR: 27 ]

  - [ DEX: 0 ]

  - [ CON: 5 ]

  - [ INT: 1 ]

  - [ WIS: 1 ]

  - [ CHA: 0 ]

  - [ VIT: 36 ]

  - [ LUK: 0 ]

[ Allies: None ]

[ Equipment: None ]

[ Description: The soul of Florence's dog, driven to protect its owner, has been overwhelmed by its fears, compelling it to utilize the power of the Humunculus core within its body. Currently in an unstable state, it is poised to rampage, indiscriminately attacking anything in its path. ]


[ System Chat ]

- [ Tenten: That thing is disgusting. ]

- [ Naruto: Agreed, but we have to do something. ]

- [ Tenten: Kill it. ]

- [ Naruto: We still have to convince Oscar to help us against Magic Man. ]

- [ Hinata: I have a plan. ]

Naruto sprinted towards the towering monstrosity, its tail shooting out like a lethal weapon. With a swift leap, he landed on the tail, using it as a ramp as he ran upwards. The tail undulated like a wave beneath him, but Naruto kept his balance, his body twisting acrobatically in mid-air. He aimed his umbrella and fired senbons, the sharp needles sinking deep into the creature's flesh.

Just as the beast's head turned to strike, Tenten made her move. She twisted her body gracefully, throwing a fundo—a heavy weighted ball—imbued with earth chakra. The ball glowed as it flew through the air and struck the monster solidly. The impact of the earth hex caused the status Stun to appear on the monstrosity, freezing it momentarily in place.

Seizing the opportunity, Naruto transformed his umbrella into an axe and brought it down hard, slicing through the creature's body. He landed nimbly to the side as Hinata charged forward. Her movements were swift and precise as she rammed her Twin Tiger Fist into the slice Naruto had made, her hands slicing through the monster's insides.

Inside the beast, Hinata discovered a small, oddly adorable puppy, slowly breathing and attached to a glowing red orb by strands of muscle. The puppy's eyes fluttered open as Hinata looked down at it, her face softening with compassion.

"It's okay, you were an amazing girl. Florence would be proud," Hinata whispered gently to the puppy. A single tear escaped from the puppy's eye as Hinata, with a heavy heart, broke the red orb.

[ Congratulations! You have defeated a dungeon monster ]

[ Exp Earned ]

- [ Tenten Higurashi - 700 Exp ]

- [ Naruto Uzumaki — 1000 EXP ]

- [ Hinata Hyuga - 2000 Exp ]

[ Dungeon Monster has dropped items ]

- [ Companion - Monster Dog (Florence Nightingale) ]

- [ Item: Monster Core ]

Hinata cradled the small puppy gently in her hands, her eyes softening as she smiled down at it. The puppy's slow breathing was a calming presence.

"So cute," Tenten cooed, leaning closer. The sound of her voice startled the puppy, causing it to stir.

Florence woke up with a start.

"Naruto, do you want to hold her?" Hinata asked, offering the puppy to him.

"Not a pet guy," Naruto replied flatly, shaking his head.

"Huh, why? I thought you of all people would try to get a pet," Tenten said, her eyebrows raised in surprise.

Naruto shrugged, his face scrunching up.

"I once tried to catch a cat to become my pet, but that asshole caused me to knock myself out on a garbage can. The next day I was avoided like the plague by everyone and was called garbage boy for a month. That's when I decided I won't ever get a stupid pet," he grumbled.

Hinata's eyes widened, and Tenten frowned, her curiosity piqued.

"Naruto, describe the cat."

"It was a brown cat with a line running down her forehead with three lines and a stupid red bow," Naruto replied, his voice tinged with annoyance.

Tenten turned white, her expression turning grave.

"Madam Shijimi's Tora."

Naruto and Hinata exchanged confused glances, not understanding Tenten's reaction. Their moment of levity was abruptly shattered by the sound of the barrier being slashed open.

Naruto quickly glanced at his chakra points

[ CP: 5k/14k ]

"Good enough, let's go."


[ Player Naruto has equipped items: ]

- [ Weapon: Oscar's Claymore ]

- [ Armor: Bright Orange Sleeveless Jacket, Dark Blue Gambeson ]

- [ Gear: Bright Orange Light Armored Pants ]

- [ Magic Item: Sen no Tenrui (A Thousand Heavenly Tears) ]


[ Stat boosts. ]

[ HP: 2352 ] → [ HP: 2372 ]

[ AC: 22 ]→ [ AC: 47 ]

[ Stats: ]

  - [ STR: 12 ]→ [ STR: 41 ]

  - [ DEX: 14 ]→ [ DEX: 30 ]

  - [ CON: 27 ]→ [ CON: 29 ]

  - [ VIT: 15 ]→ [ VIT: 20 ]


Oscar stood firmly, his gaze piercing as he faced the trio.

"Just surrender, and I'll promise that the tower master won't hurt you."

The trio exchanged quick, meaningful looks, silently weighing their options. After a brief moment of consideration, they turned back.

"No," they said in unison, their voices firm and unwavering.

Oscar's face hardened at their response, a shadow of disappointment flickering across his features. "So be it," he muttered, his stance shifting as he prepared for what would come next.

Naruto wielded Oscar's claymore ironically as he lunged forward, taking full advantage of the weapon's long reach. He delivered a powerful overhead strike aimed directly at Oscar.

Oscar skillfully parried the blow with the flat of his blade, effectively redirecting the force away from himself. He immediately countered with a half-swording technique, gripping his claymore partway along the blade to enhance control. This allowed him to aim precise thrusts toward Naruto's midsection, attempting to penetrate his defenses.

Nimbly stepping aside, Naruto dodged the thrust. He then swung horizontally in a wide arc, aiming to push Oscar back and create some space between them. Oscar, however, stepped into the swing, using his blade to catch and control Naruto's, guiding it downward in a locking motion designed to immobilize the opponent's weapon.

Feeling the pressure on his blade, Naruto quickly twisted his grip and disengaged, spinning away to regain momentum. He approached from a different angle this time, aiming a diagonal cut from shoulder to prosthetic leg.

Oscar retreated slightly and executed a counter-strike, swinging his claymore in a rising cut aimed at intercepting Naruto's blade. The two swords clashed with a loud clang, sparks flying as metal struck mana.

In a swift motion, Hinata appeared behind Oscar, aiming a precise strike at the knight's spinal cord. In response, Oscar's reflexes snapped into action. He threw Naruto back with a powerful spin of his hand, simultaneously catching Tenten's incoming arrow and hurling it back towards Hinata. With fluid grace, Hinata deflected the returning projectile, her movements sharp and focused.

Naruto, regaining his footing, slashed at Oscar, who parried with equal speed, their weapons clashing with a metallic ring. Oscar retaliated with a broad arc of pure energy, forcing the trio to duck as the energy sliced through the pillars across the basement, debris flying.

"Give up!" Oscar yelled, his voice echoing through the shattered space.

Despite his superior strength, it was clear he was restraining himself, his attacks calculated to incapacitate, not harm.

"Ask yourself that, you coward!" Naruto retorted, flinging the canopy of his umbrella like a fuma shuriken, which he then transformed into dozens of clones using his shadow weapon jutsu. Oscar was pushed onto the defensive, parrying and dodging the barrage.

"Call me whatever you want, I don't care. I'll capture you three and..." Oscar's declaration was cut off by Tenten, her face set in a scowl. "You won't get her back, magic man is just lying to you," she said, her tone biting.

Unconvinced, Oscar vanished from sight, reappearing with a downward slash aimed at Hinata.

"Kaiten!" Hinata exclaimed, enveloping herself in a dome of chakra that clashed with the mana blade. Simultaneously, Tenten augmented the defense with bluish flames, thrusting Oscar backward.

A wind bullet, conjured by Naruto, narrowly missed Oscar's head, instead slicing a cut under his eye, from which blood began to trickle.

"Genjutsu Ensnarement."

Naruto reveales to Oscar how they were scammed by Magic man.

Oscar paused. "Why should I believe you?"

Naruto snorted dismissively. "Who would you rather believe? Us, who brought Florence back to you, or that scammer who couldn't even uphold the condition that he doesn't hurt us?"

Naruto placed the fake potion onto the ground as proof of Magic man's schemes.

"Life is full of regrets. Being unable to save Florence will never leave you, but do you want to dishonor her name by stooping so low as to be tricked by that man? You saw that he couldn't even fulfill a simple condition. Don't you think it would be easier for him to just get rid of you rather than raise the dead? Oscar, you know this deep down. Let's not pursue more regrets than what we have now."

The weight of truth seemed to crush Oscar as he dropped to his knees, clutching at his heart while letting out a pained scream that resonated through the air like a sorrowful confession to the world. In that moment, Oscar finally accepted the heartbreaking reality that his love was gone forever.

Despite his despair, a gentle nudge from the hilt of his claymore brought him back to the present. At the end of the sword was Naruto, offering him a reassuring smile. "Let's kick this merchant's butt and give Florence a place where she can rest."

"Don't let me regret this decision," Oscar muttered, his voice laden with emotion.

Naruto snapped his fingers, and instantly, a clone appeared, gently holding Florence in his arms. Oscar's face softened as he reached out to rub the puppy's head, finding some comfort in the simple act.

Meanwhile, Naruto felt a light tap on his shoulder and turned to see Hinata. Her expression was serious, her body tense as she leaned in close.

"Magic man is standing outside on the courtyard, and I have detected a strange chakra in the sewers."

[ Congratulations! You have defeated a dungeon monster ]

[ Exp Earned ]

- [ Tenten Higurashi - 70 Exp ]

- [ Naruto Uzumaki — 100 EXP ]

- [ Hinata Hyuga - 50 Exp ]

[ Ally - Oscar Fredrick (lvl - 20) has been recruited ]


The tension was palpable as the 'Magic Man' strummed his ukulele, seemingly oblivious to the danger looming.

"Awe, it looks like I was betrayed. I am so sad, I am sad" he sang.

Naruto frowned, frustrated by his inability to access the man's information via his observer feat.

Without hesitation, he initiated an attack. "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!"

A massive, roaring fireball erupted from his mouth, hurtling towards the jolly Magic Man.

"Oh, no!" Magic Man exclaimed theatrically, his ukulele transforming into a staff in a swift, fluid motion.


With a flick of his wrist, he manipulated the chakra within Naruto's fireball, twisting it into a wheel of flames that spun dramatically above his staff.

"My turn!" Magic Man declared, appearing in front of the trio in a blink. He lashed out with his fiery wheel. Hinata, quick on her feet, immediately used her Kaiten.

"Hmm, spinning of mana in the form of a dome. Wow, such a basic technique," Magic Man giggled, reversing the spin of his firewheel effortlessly, shattering Hinata's heavenly rotation.

Tenten, seeing an opening, lashed out with a powerful high kick.

Magic Man moved to meet it with his firewheel, but Naruto intervened, using Rune of Telekinesis to halt the weapon in its tracks. Tenten's kick landed solidly, sending the enemy flying backward into the wall.

Naruto vanished in a burst of speed.

"A technique that allows you to gather mana and expell into our as a propulsion. Too much speed and you get tunnel vision, too little too late."

Magic man's eyes gleamed with joy as he brought down the firewheel, only to have it intercepted by Tenten's cannonball.

Naruto, having used Earth Style Diamond Skin Jutsu to protect himself, remained unscathed despite the explosion.

Magic Man laughed heartily, the chaotic battle unveiling his true grotesque form. As his left side disintegrated further, it exposed an undead bony skeleton, grotesquely adorned with organs harvested from various monsters. Naruto, seizing the opportunity, delivered a powerful punch using his Sheer Force Technique. His fist connected with the horrific assembly of organs, punching a hole through them and turning them into a mushy mess.

As Naruto withdrew his hand, a sudden explosion seal formed on Magic Man's body, its intricate lines glowing ominously. "Wow, a magic circle being used as a pure weapon. That's a first," Magic Man remarked, sounding genuinely impressed despite the dire situation.

Without missing a beat, he flicked his wrist with a flourish, effortlessly dispelling the sealing jutsu.

Blood Magic! Heaven's Anchor!

The blood transformed into hundreds of spikes of iron, impaling Naruto.

To the magic man's surprise, the figure of Naruto that the spikes struck turned into a puff of smoke—a mere clone. As the clone dispersed, its chakra exploded outward with force, shattering the iron spikes into harmless fragments that clattered to the ground.

As a smoke formed between magic man and the others.

Hinata, seizing the moment, used Wind Style: Gale Palm to launch Naruto into the sky.

Wind Style: Zephyr's Arrow!

"Sneak attack?!" Naruto yelled, revealing his position.

"You aren't supposed to scream when doing a sneak attack?!" Magic Man laughed, preparing to retaliate with chaos magic.

Just then, he paused, noticing the giant build-up of mana on Oscar's sword.

That was the sneak attack?! The boy's shout was just a distraction?

Magic Man realized.

Magic Swordsman Skill: Elegy Of The Knight!

In an instant, a massive wave of mana sliced through everything in its path. From his elevated position, Naruto watched in horror as the fortress's walls, no, the entire fortress itself, was cleaved in two.

His heart thudded loudly in his chest.

How much was this old man holding back against us?he wondered, sweat beading on his forehead.

The bisected magician below cackled wildly, his laughter echoing across the shattered remains of the fortress.

Enraged, Naruto's wind arrow morphed into a flaming drill.

"Laugh at this, you little shit?!" he yelled, hurling the drill with all his might.

The magic man, previously enjoying the chaos, suddenly faltered, his whimsical demeanor turning to distress as he witnessed Naruto's attack. The Naruto Uzumaki Combo: Revolver passed through him as though he were a mere illusion.

It took a mere second for the magician to break the genjutsu, realizing too late what Naruto was truly aiming for. The flaming drill continued its path unabated towards the sewers, right where the necromancer's Phylactery was hidden.

"No!" the necromancer screamed, desperation in his voice. He flung out his hand, commanding, "Arise!"

Above Naruto, a portal snapped open and an undead dragon swooped down, its jaws wide to devour him. There was a loud boom as the dragon's skull exploded outward—the Naruto it had swallowed was just a shadow clone.

"No!" the magician shouted again, his plans unraveling. He dashed toward the sewers, only to find his path blocked by Oscar, Hinata, and Tenten.

"Let me show you weaklings what true power is," he snarled, his voice cold and menacing. In an instant, hundreds of portals blanketed the sky, turning day into night. Tenten and Hinata instinctively took a step back, their faces etched with fear as an army of undead began pouring out of the portals.

Naruto's flaming drill spiraled downwards with intense velocity. It crashed through the floor with a thunderous roar, the impact sending shockwaves through the structure. Chunks of debris flew in all directions as the drill bored a tunnel straight toward the sewers below.

As it descended, a giant undead golem lumbered into its path, its massive, lumbering form an attempt to shield the deeper sanctums below. However, the flaming drill was unstoppable. The golem raised its arms in a futile attempt to block the attack, but the intense heat and force of the drill vaporized it instantly.

Unabated, the flaming drill continued its descent, now encountering the layered barriers surrounding magic man's Phylactery. Each barrier flickered and strained under the assault, glowing bright as they absorbed the energy of the drill. Yet, one by one, they shattered like glass under the relentless force. Hundreds of protective spells, each designed to be impervious, were annihilated in mere moments.

[ Name: Nameless - The Magic Man ]

[ Status: Knowledge of Ancients ]

[ Title: Hidden Boss Monster, Tower Master of Rondon, The Arch Bishop, The Head of the Magic Academy ]

[ Level: 20 ]

[ Class: Necromancer ]

[ Second Class: Alchemist ]

[ Race: Human ]

[ HP: 5k / 5k ]

[ AC: 50 ]

[ CP: 15k / 15k ]

[ Racial Traits: ]

  - [ Jack of All Trades ]

  - [ Undead Body ]

[ Class Features: ]

  - [ Master of Potions ]

  - [ Phylactery ]

[ Feats: Magic Maestro ]

[ Stats: ]

  - [ STR: 20 ]

  - [ DEX: 23 ]

  - [ CON: 12 ]

  - [ INT: 55 ]

  - [ WIS: 55 ]

  - [ CHA: 39 ]

  - [ VIT: 39 ]

  - [ LUK: 30 ]

[ Allies: None ]

[ Equipment: REDACTED ]

[ Description: Once a sickly boy confined to his room, Nameless was transformed into a necromancer by his desperate noble parents, breaking the taboo of immortality to save their son. However, their actions led to their execution as heretics. Emerging from the shadows decades later, the now powerful necromancer wreaked vengeance upon ancient kingdoms. Using the decapitated head of a pope as his Phylactery in a dark joke, he roamed the world, mastering every form of art and experiencing all that humanity could offer. Known as the Magic Man, he has now turned his attention to the gods, instigating wars and manipulating the victims to create puppets like Sergal - The Unchained, for his own mysterious ends as he experimented with the magic of Demons and Gods. ]

Naruto stood poised before the magic man's phylactery—a bizarre and grim object that was the head of the pope. The Phylactery's features were eerily prominent: an elongated face with a defined jawline, high cheekbones, and a full beard and mustache, which added to its imposing and ancient visage. Naruto's eyes narrowed slightly as he prepared for what was to come.

"Any last words?"

Magic man looked back at Naruto with a cold and calculating gaze.

"Let me see if death will bring excitement to an immortal."

"Sergal was stronger," Naruto mocked back.

With a swift movement, Naruto channeled his chakra, his hands glowing with immense power. He struck the Phylactery with a devastating punch, employing a sheer force technique that crushed the artifact into a paste.

[ Congratulations! You have defeated a hidden boss monster ]

[ Exp Earned ]

- [ Tenten Higurashi - 5000 Exp ]

- [ Naruto Uzumaki — 6000 EXP ]

- [ Hinata Hyuga - 15,000 Exp ]


[ Dungeon Monster has dropped an item ]

- [ Legendary Item - The Necronomicon ]


Author's Note:

Finally, the dungeon is complete and we can head back. I'd like to share some thoughts with all of you.

1- Originally Planned Fights:

Naruto vs. Magic Man

Hinata vs. Florence

Tenten vs. Oscar

However, I scrapped these fights because Naruto, Tenten, and Hinata still need to grow stronger. Frankly, Magic Man and Oscar are too strong for the current Naruto and co. to handle. For instance, Oscar was able to split apart an entire fortress, and Magic Man was able to cover the sky with portals. I am curious, how strong do you think Magic Man and Oscar are in terms of Naruto scaling? If thrown into Naruto's world, where do you think they would rank?


And I hope you all liked how the fight went. Oscar was defeated because he owed a lot to Naruto and co. and was holding back significantly. Magic Man was beaten due to his hubris. Had Oscar or Magic Man taken the fight even slightly more seriously, unless Kurama showed up, Naruto and co. would have been easily defeated.

Also, who would you vote for if they fought?

Sergal vs. Magic Man


2- Character Development:

Naruto finally understands that he can't do everything alone and learns what it means to be a leader.

Hinata has become more headstrong and confident. Do you think the shy Hinata from the first arc would have cauterized her wounds just so she wouldn't be a burden?

Naruto and co. also gained a lot of power-ups via items, skills, feats, stat boosts, and fighting experience.


3- Legendary Items Gained:

Mark of Evil: (I am not going to reveal what it does, but this item is going to significantly affect Naruto in the coming story. Remember this, or don't—I'll probably remind you about it when it's brought up, but I want some guesses as to what this thing does.)

Necronomicon: Yes, this item is the book of the undead. What does it do? It grants one the necromancer class.


Quick Question: Naruto now has many options for his second class:

Mana Swordsman (He can ask Oscar about it)

Necromancer (Obviously, he has the Necronomicon)

Warlock (He can have Tenten create a flesh hydra and sacrifice Sakura to get the warlock class. This is a joke, but Naruto could do it)


Sorcerer (Naruto was checking out the magic seals across the dungeon. Seeing Magic Man being able to destroy his Fuinjutsu might enable Naruto to try combining Fuinjutsu and magic from the dungeon world into his own.)

What should Naruto's second class be? Let me know your guesses.


Dungeon Story:

Magic Man's backstory happens and then he becomes insane due to immortality, wages wars, and uses victims for his experiments.

He takes control over Rondon, causing it to militarily expand, which leads to the destruction of Sergal's village and Sergal being thrown into slavery.

Magic Man gives Sergal a path to power. He doesn't care about the war of succession in Rondon because ultimately, he controls Rondon, not the royal family.

Princess Florence loses the succession war and is thrown into the dungeon to be devoured by the Arachne, along with other prisoners.

Sergal takes control over the fortress, turns the majority of the cult into sacrifices for the flesh hydra, and raises his army for Rondon.

Oscar tries to save Florence, is captured, and then has his leg chopped off before being sent to the fortress to be executed.

Oscar is taken to the underground portion on orders from Sergal because Sergal knew that Oscar was very strong.

Magic Man and Naruto's party arrive at the dungeon around the same time. Magic Man wanted to kill Sergal and learn about Laab - The god of human sacrifices, but Naruto's death reaper mask aura intrigued Magic Man more, hence why he waited.

The plan unfolds as Magic Man recruits Oscar just for the fun of it. He could have gone out and killed the trio, but Magic Man is frankly insane and wants to have fun.

Unfortunately for him, Hinata's Byakugan reveals Magic Man's weakness, and then Naruto's elaborate plan makes Magic Man let his guard down as they strike. Magic Man dies due to his hubris, and Naruto and co. get lucky.

I hope you all enjoyed the backstory for the dungeon as much as I enjoyed writing it. Although I didn't delve into details about the Iron Shakespeare, Arachne, or the Flesh Golem army, etc., I believe you all get the gist of it, and I hope this backstory made the dungeon feel more alive.


I also want to ask, how strong do you think Naruto is at this point in the story?

High Chunin? Low Jonin? Low Kage (lol)?


Also, I wanted to ask you all if this new format for the system is better.

[ Old stats ] → [ New Stats ]

Because I was thinking of changing the format of chapter 71 ( where many readers found I hard to read the chapter due to the amount of system notifications, so I was thinking of changing it to this so that it's easier. Thoughts?


Thank you for your continued support and engagement with my work. Have a blessed rest of the day, and I look forward to reading your thoughts in the comments!

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