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81.92% I'm ruby rose

Chapter 68: 13

(the next day)

"that was easier than I thought" ruby said as she just completed her tests

"yes most of it is basic knowledge.... No were just smart, anyways it time for the final test" I said as I floated next to her

"she finished all the test 98% average and in the 5th of the time" one of the instructors said as we went to the next task which was in a training room and there where other students there

"huh seem you off to a good start miss Rose, now it time for the final, which is to have you fight in a mark battle with seven students till you get to the strongest.. but we don't have the time, Mr Vlad if you would come down" Oz called out as a kid I've never seen before walked down

"who this" ruby asked as I looked at him closer

'his the spawn of that creature no this one's different'

"he is last years winner-"

"okay" she said cutting Goodwitch off before the kid stood in front of her with a smile as Ruby sighed

"so your the weakling I've heard so much about huh, you don't seem like much no your way weaker, a disgrace to those that have these eyes" he said as ruby looked at Oz as he looked away and sipped on his coffee

"annoying, can we begin, I'd like to end this as quick as possible" I said as I watched as the kid got pissed off

"begin!" Goodwitch said as Ruby just cracked her neck before jumping a few times

"there's no way she will beat Shock, his as strong as me" Onyx said from the stands as ruby took out her headset placed the on before she ran forward and disappeared

"what the-shit" he said as he blocked a kick from the side

"interesting your semblance allows you to concentrate your shield on the point of impact but" she said as she disappeared again and reappeared in front of him as she threw a punch which was block but he ended up flying into a wall


"didn't he block that" one said as the kid stood back up as his nose started bleeding

"odd isn't it, you semblance can only block attack that you can see, or better yet sense" Ruby said before the kid wiped his nose took out his sword and changed at us as he began to attack as Ruby just dodged every attack

"this is getting boring" she said as she placed her hand on his stomach

"forceful aura explasion" she said as the as a second of silence before 99% of the kids aura was forced out of his body

"aura manipulation, idiot, you lost" she said before she took of her headset

"Ruby wins" Goodwitch said as Ruby nodded

"it's not over yet" Shock said as his aura began to fill up

"interest" ruby said as she turned her side with an evil smile

"shock the match is-"

"just starting, so if you could get out of the stage miss Goodwitch" Ozpin said as she did as he asked and immediately as she left the kid appeared in front of us as he threw a punch as Ruby just stood there

"he got faster" she said as the fist continued with her face as she turned her head and the ground beneath her cracked as she quickly spun around and punched him with enough force to send him flying as ruby took qrow scythe as she ran at the flying meat bag

"you should have stayed down" she said as she kicked him higher before she jumped up and began to move at high speed slashing

'reminds of rock Lee vs Garaa... I miss anime' I thought as I watched the slaughter, she was moving so fast and striking with enough power to keep him mid air, before she appeared on the roof as she kicked off aiming at Shock as she grabbed his head and threw him into the ground before she used rose burst to slam into him, as the impact caused an explosion of dust as the dust cleared ruby began to reform

"rose boom at close range, monster" I said

"have I won" she said as Ozpin smiled

"welcome to you final year miss rose" he said as Ruby nodded

As the days went things seemed to be going well... Other then the few Bullies here and there but they all end up with broken bones, since for some reason they believe that they could push us away and survive


"MISS ROSE GET OFF HER THIS INSTANT" Goodwitch shouted as Ruby was sitting on top of one of her old bullies and pounding her without an mercy, the other students were to scared to do shit

"the next time you breath in my general location I will rip your lungs out" Ruby said said as she got off the girl

"huh" I sighed

"what's wrong" she asked as I placed my hand on my chin

"for the pass few days we've gotten into more than a few fights and we've seriously injured quite a number of people" I said as she got a large tray of cookies from the kind lunch lady


"and the only time time we got into trouble was when you crushed that kids throat, usually that would equal expulsion"

"I did not kill him but okay" she said as I rolled my eyes

"nevermide you should get to class"

"fine, oh have you found Penny yet" she asked as I sighed

"borrow me the body for a second" I said as I took over

'I created a very powerful virus a few days ago to find Penny or her father, but it seems that the father was killed, but this time he died with his research, Penny was scattered, I've only found about 10% of her' I said before I gave her body back

"thank you"

"no problem, I mean she is your only friend.. " I said as we headed to Goodwitch class and immediately once we got in we saw some unpleasant faces, Cinder and her two idiots sitting with the two idiot teams

"miss Rose if you could take your seat" Goodwitch said as ruby went to the back and took her seat

'I could kill them'

"yes you could instantly to, but I wish to watch the what happens, you can beat the shit out of them later" I said

'but it would be better if you slowly gain there trust and "open up to them" becoming one happy family and then crush them leaving them to die like they did you.... Should I be doing this ruby's still a kid broke but'

"miss rose, if you would" Goodwitch said as we appeared on the stage

"now since we have time who would you like to fight" Goodwitch said as Ruby didn't even look at them as she pointed


"well then miss fall if you-"

"not just her, her whole team as well, hell you can include the other team I don't care" Ruby cut her off

"miss Rose I don't think-"

"it's okay ma'am"

"it should be fun"

"we'll try not to hurt your sister much Yang" the said before they all got to the stage

"the match will end once your aura is depleted, begin" Goodwitch said

"my friend do you know her name" Rudy said while looking down

"what are you talking about" Mercury asked as Cinder spoke

"oh are you talking about the doll-" she could finish as Ruby exploded with aura as the ground cracked and pieces broke off before it disappeared

"don't worry" Ruby said as she unfolding Qrows scythe it had his cap tied on it as it blowed with the wind and her hood covered her eyes

"I will carve it into your bones" she said as Mercury ran forward as he went for a high kick

"huh at least make it a challenge" Ruby said as she side stepped grabbed Mercury leg as she pulled him in only to immediately punch him sending out as she took the scythe hooked it around her neck

'it would be so easy' she thought as she spun around the she threw him up then shifted her weapon into it gun form as she aimed to the side as Mercury fall she shot him point blank as she grabbed his head and slammed him in the ground then stepped on his back

"your mistake was thinking that I'm still the same kind hearted little girl" she said as loaded her weapon before she shot mercury break his aura taking him out

"your going to block that" I asked her

'no I want to see how powerful a maiden is' she said as a massive fire ball slammed into her as she went flying she immediately rightend herself mid air she threw her scythe into the air, she touch the ground she shattered into rose and immediately reformed as she ran forward as she took out two short swords before she disappeared

"where did-"

"above you!" one idiot shouted as Cinder launched dazens of of glass swords as those sword turned into a hundred sword as Ruby ran her aura into her blades as they burned red

"fucking asshole" I said as Ruby blocked every sword

"how did she block Cinders blades"

"Cinders sword can shatter and reform while still keeping their speed but" Pyrrha said

"they still use aura, Ruby injected her own aura into the blades" Rén said as I clapped that he noticed

"seem Rén aura control has gotten better" I said as ruby threw her sword at the two, who immediately dodged as the blades stabbed into the ground, ruby appeared in a flash of red

"did she teleport"

"does ruby have two semblance" Yang asked as Ruby grabbed them and went for Emerald who took out her guns and began to fire as Ruby seemed to make one movement up as the bullet disappeared

"what" Emerald said as Ruby did a back flip over a glass saw as she revealed her blade with the bullet lined up neatly as she launched them at Cinder before taking out some ice dust crushing it and punch Mercury who was going for a kick as his body froze, but that was the end as Cinder ran to us getting closer

"it's sad how little people know about dust" ruby said as she slammed her hand on the ground overloading a dust crystal and instantly the whole room froze as she raised her hand as her scythe fall, the minute it touched her hand she disapoeared before reappearing again as slashes appeared everywhere before the ice shattered before she walked away

'huh it interesting how much power she has just from a teste of the rose force, even so shes barely even using it, no barely is not the right word'

"I think my job here is done" I said as the world stopped

"what do you mean" she asked as I looked at her

"my job was to save you and give you power I did that, it's time for me to go" I said she just looked at me before I rolled my eyes

"fuck I cant leave you alone, you'll go crazy, give me a second" I said as a tear in reality opened up as I two gun flew out

"these are my creations Ruthless and Mercy, they'll be with you and be your teammates" I said as I looked at the two of them as they reformed into they humanoid bodies

"I've already explained to them whats going on so they should follow your orders and help you out" I said as I disappeared

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Sorry I couldn't finish this properly but anyone can take over this line since the possible of me finishing it is low

But who knows maybe I'll continue and even finish DXD....

But yeah the next few chapters are going to be wild

Except an OP Ruby

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