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80.72% I'm ruby rose


"yo wake up we're here" I said as her eyes shot open as she pinched herself

"no this is not a dream idiot get moving, I don't have all day" I said as she got up and went out as I looked around

"we where prepared for the attack, but we still suffered some losses, Vale was upgraded" Ruby explained as I looked at the city

"I see" I said as she went to the comic store first

"my weapon designs, why are they" she asked as she looked at a weapon magazine

"huh these don't seem that special" I said since they weren't really much,

"there not, but they are still dangerous, while I was left alone, I draw and made weapons, dangerous weapons that I never plan on give to the world"

"huh they don't seem that dangerous to what you have in this pretty little head of your" I said giving her a pat

"of course, I'm not an idiot that draws everything that comes to mind, but these are my designs" she said before putting the magazine back and walked out of the shop as she turned into her rose form and reformed at the bullhead station

"first flight to beacon" she said to the attendant


"Ruby rose" she said plain without emotion as the woman just looked at her before she smiled

"o-okay I'll be with you in a minute" she said as she went to the back and made a call, we where able to pick up on the conversation

"seems well have issues when we get to Beacon"

"I don't care, I will kill them all if i-" she stopped as I will my energy to slap her

"think, it's useless to have strength but leak the brains to use it, do not get overconfident, that how you end up dying" I said to her as she nodded

'huh the problems I face is that ruby, is still a teenager, while I've given her a new perpose, she can easily fall into insanity'

"sorry to keep you waiting, I was dealing with a few issues but you can go through" she said as we went boarded the ship and flew to the school as we landed I felt a few aura signatures

"it seems that you have a welcoming party" I said with a smile as the doors opened as we went down to see the teachers, ozpin, team RWBY, JNPR and Onyx they looked older different

As we jumped down, Ruby landed before we walked forward

"ahhh miss rose its so-" Ozpin stopped as ruby appeared in front of Onyx

"give me my cloak" ruby said in a simple tone

"ahhh not even a hell-" he was cut off as Ruby punched him so hard that he flew threw seven pillar

"worm" ruby said with a black cloak in hand

"he dare to dye mothers gift" I said a little pissed

'it seem that I need to separate Ruby from myself' I said since I was being caught by her inner emotions

"disgusting" she said as she began to vibrate her hands as the cloak began to turn back to its original form

"it smells bad" she said ignore the girls that ran to Onyx as she was to busy trying to figure out how to get the smell off

"push some of your aura, into it" I said as she did so as the coat turned into roses before it reformed on us

"miss rose, are you-"

"haaa" we heard a war cry as we turned to see Yang, hair burning, eyes red charging

"ohhh seems she's angry"

"like I care" ruby said as she side stepped before kicking yang in the face sending her straight into the sky, before Weiss charged in as Ruby moved her head to the side as she grabbed Weiss arm and dislocated it before she grabbed her and pushed her face into the ground

"odd, did they use to be stronger" Ruby said as I nodded

"well that was event full, miss rose would you kindly escort me to my office" Ozpin asked as Ruby nodded as I followed him leaving everyone behind since they where still processing what just happened

(clock tower)

"so that's what happen" Ozpin said with a saddened look as he stood up and walked in front of us got on his hands and knees and placed his head on the ground

"there is nothing I could ever say or do to rewrite this wrong Ruby, I... I'm sorry, I'm so so so sorry Ruby for what you've been through what you lost, if I could ever"

"it's not your fault old man, shit happens in missions... I just got unlucky so there's no reason to apologize, but since you won't let it go, I forgive you" ruby said blank as she crossed her arms under her cloak

"I see, but before we continue, I would like to ask you miss rose, why do you wish to become a huntress"

"my answer is still the same, I wish to protect this world from all form of evil, be it Grim, human or faunus" she said

"huh it good that you understand that this world, is not one for the kind hearted, but do you still wish to attend"


"then I would like to rewelcome to my school"

"thank you, but sir do you have my uncles weapon and cap" Ruby asked as Oz walked to the a book case before her it opened up as Qrow weapon and cap were there as Ruby wasted no time as she took them and held them

"I'll be going now" Ruby said as she turned into a sworm of roses as she left the school as we appeared in the middle of the ocean

"don't hold back" I said as I flew high up

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH" Ruby screamed as her aura and silver energy exploded out of her body as it covered a large distance killing all the grimm, no matter the size or type, the disappeared once they touched the silver

"it's quite sad, to lose your family, it's worse when you discover that they died looking for you" I said as I felt all Ruby's emotions before she stopped and fall into the ocean and just floated

"you done"

"yes" she said before she took off break the sound barrier as she turned into her rose form and appeared in front of the clock tower, as she went in, ignoring everyone as she went up to his office

"she is a danger to the students of the school"

"miss Goodwitch while I do understand that you may have some mixed feelings, since Ruby took down most of team OBWY with zero effort, you are forgetting that this is a combat school and as long as they are still alive, I don't care, and you may enter miss Rose"

"excuse me?" Ruby said shocked

"don't worry about it he also does that in my world don't know how" I said since this was my second unanswered question, the first is what our cloaks are made of

"miss Rose are you okay"

"yes I only came to ask whan I can go back to class"

"well since you did miss a whole year of school you'll have to start at first-" Goodwitch said as ruby cut her off

"that would take to long, I wish to complete my education before I can move on, I don't have three years to play with"

"well that to bad" she said as she turned to Oz

"huh I see, than I guess you could write and complete every test to get you to the third year" Oz said with a smile before he took a sip of his never ending coffee


"huh I'll do that"

"excellent, now when do you wish to start"


"very well then"


"yes miss Goodwitch"

"this is blatant favoritezm" she said like she doesn't do the same

"yes it is, now Ruby are you sure you wish to start tomorrow, there's no rush" Oz said as he ignored Goodwitch

'huh his odd'

"no he just acts like that because we are his favorite student, and now there's that guilt hanging over his head" I said to Ruby as she nodded

"it won't be an issue" she said as I looked to see Goodwitch ready to explode

"alright, you can go to the front, I've prepared a room for you" he said as she nodded and left as the office, before going to get her keys and room number

"are you going to wear that blind the whole time"


"fine just get ready" I said as she went to bed

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