The twelve Corvus Operatives ran down the kilometer-long passageway at breakneck speed. They were hardly fatigued by their efforts, thanks to the top-of-the-line mechanisms of their power armor and Azrael’s next-generation combat stimulant.
Freya and Kali led their teams with unrelenting drive and resolve. And besides the operatives themselves, they were accompanied by a couple of Raijin’s cottonball bird drones. They sped right alongside the furious dozen, and shared their determination.
“Not seeing anyone out here,” Freya said over comms. “Not sure if that’s a good or bad thing.”
“According to Gerveaux Intelligence,” Lucifer quickly answered her, “only a couple hundred or so actually took over the main station. They didn’t even bother to take over the surrounding facilities - just this central one. Which makes some sense, I suppose. They can control the entire array’s defenses from here.”
“Well, that’s just great,” Kali groaned. “Any idea where to find ‘em?”
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