Colviss blinked at Miko after her ludicrous statement, and laughed. She found the idea of any child, human or Drogar, having any lethal capacity as pure fantasy. On top of that, Miko’s short, skinny frame didn’t help dispel any ideas regarding human frailty.
“You? Annihilate me?” Colviss said. “I figured humans could do better than send their fledgelings to fight. Seems I was wrong.”
“And you believe your size makes you powerful?” retorted Miko. “Or perhaps that your age does?”
“Of course not. Ra’ventrii is clearly ‘smaller’ than me, but I know what she’s capable of…”
“I see. So it appears that you need a demonstration first. I can appreciate requiring scientific proof.”
Miko took a few steps towards Colviss, who was immediately alarmed by the little girl’s actions. At first she was simply bothered by the girl, but now there was a feeling that she couldn’t shake.
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