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A vision was a magical visual impression that could be experienced by a Seer, an Animagus or a Legilimens. Seers sometimes received visions of the future. A seer's vision could be made visible to non-seers, including Muggles, through the use of magical objects such as a magical hookah or a crystal ball. (Source: Harry Potter Wiki)


Ed was in a dream again; this time, he was inside some sort of castle. He saw an older Ed sitting on a bench, along with an old man that he briefly saw in a previous vision; he saw that the old man had ashen hair and… cat eyes? Besides him were two swords; on his neck was a necklace with the shape of a wolf, and he was wearing a simple white shirt.

"How's Ciri doing?" The older Ed asked the man, "After… you know…"

"Not good." The old man said, his voice rough. "But she'll manage. I played snowball with her, always calms her down."

"That's good then…" The older Ed said, "How about you though? He was your mentor… Don't get me started on 'Witchers don't have emotions' bullshit, I know you have it."

The old man chuckled, "We are Witchers Ed, death is part of the job. he's had a good honor anyway; it's rare for an old Witcher to actually die in Kaer Morhen."

The older Ed hummed as he drank from the mug in front of him. "Ugh, I don't like this world's alcohol, no taste."

The old man shook his head as he also drank from his mug. "I agree, the alcohol you gave us is quite something."

The older Ed and the old man just sat in silence for a few moments, before Ed restarted the conversation.

"You realize that Avallac'h guy has some hidden agenda, right?" The older Ed said to the old man, "There's no way a guy like him doesn't want a piece of Ciri's power as well Geralt."

'So his name is Geralt…' the younger Ed thought.

"I don't like it either." Geralt answered, "But he's the only guy that knows the Wild Hunt through and through right now."

The older Ed sighed, "I can mind-rape him if you want."

"Ciri would probably be upset if you did that."

"I don't get it." The older Ed said, "Why does Ciri trust him so much? I've seen what he did to Ciri in the Aen Elle world…"

"You have?" Geralt raised his eyebrow. "Tell me."

The older Ed then proceeded to tell the story, but the younger Ed didn't hear it; instead he hears a muffled sound, and not one second later, the world turned black, but this time, he didn't wake up; instead the scenery changed.

Ed was now in the Blacks home living room on the first floor; there he saw his grandmother, along with a younger version of his mother talking to each other.

"This Aldrich boy… tell me about him." Said Druella.

"Mother… I honestly don't know much about him…" Bella said, "He's… mysterious… every time I wanted to duel with someone, he's always there in the dueling room, practicing magic that I've never even seen before… and his eyes… there's something about his eyes that made my soul vibrates…"

Druella raised her eyebrow. "Legilimency?"

Bella shook her head. "No, it's not that, it's just… I don't know…"

"And he's pureblood as well?"

"He is…" Bella answered. "Although a relatively unknown one… but he's a blood traitor though… he often talks with the mudbloods in his house."

Druella hummed and stood up. "Your friends hate him for that?"

Bella scoffed at this. "I don't really have many friends mother, you know that."

"Then perhaps you should make one, that Aldrich boy maybe?"

"But he's a blood traitor!" Bella hissed.

"We both know you don't really care about that, Bella…" Druella said softly. "Perhaps if you had befriended him, it could have turned into something more… oh how I would love to see your babies…"

"I don't want a child mother…" Bella said coldly. "I don't want to be like you…"

Druella hummed, "Then perhaps find a husband that won't treat you like your father treats me."

Bella just went silent after that, she then had a sad face. "I lied." She said, making Druella confused.

"Pardon me dear?"

"I lied about not having a friend… I lied about not knowing Darius…" she said. "Darius has been my friend since the first year…"

"Well that's good." Druella nodded. "But I sensed a 'but' here."

"But…" Bella continued weakly, "I fell in love with him… I don't know what I should do… father would have deemed me a traitor to the family if I—"

"I'm sure that can be avoided…" Druella said with a smile. "He's still pure blood after all, right?"

"But he's a blood-traitor!"

"Does he interact with other people a lot?"

Bella then quieted down. "No, not really, he's hardly seen anywhere, either he's with me or feeding Thestrals in the forbidden forest…"

"Anyone in Slytherin have seen him talking to muggleborns?"

"Only me, I think… now that I think about it, he's really careful when it comes to socializing… and his family… is mysterious as well, never really seen on both sides, neutral, I guess…"

"And there you have it." Druella smiled, "I will make Cygnus contact his family; maybe we can set up a marriage…"

"Will he agree though?"

"It will take a lot of convincing…" Druella said. "Let's just hope for the best, shall we? Let's get you out of this hell hole."

The scene then turned black again. Ed was confused. 'Why haven't I woken up?' he thought. But then the scenery changed again. This time, he was on an iceberg; he saw a crashed ship in the middle of it and saw a bunch of monsters that he saw in the forest, as well as men that wore black armor.

Then his attention turned to the middle of the battlefield, where he saw an older version of himself and an older version of Hermione using…. Swords?

'Hermione using a sword? That it definitely a weird twist…' the younger Ed thought.

The two were in front of the black-armored army while they were facing a group of ice hounds, with some 'men' beside them; then the younger Ed heard Hermione speak.

"You do realize that these Nilfgaardians are only using iron swords, while our enemies have ice as its skins; it's completely unfair in my opinion."

The older Ed chuckled at the comment. "This world is many things darling, but fair is not one of them."

The older Ed then stretched his hand, and dark blue particles instantly surrounded all of the enemies. Ed then made a crushing gesture, while the hounds and men did the same, crushed by the spatial pressure that Ed generated.

"I'm fucking cool when I'm older." The younger Ed said to himself.

The men behind him then cheered, but soon the cheer was stopped as a portal appeared in front of them, revealing a 'man' with a staff.

"You, silver-eyes, have been a thorn in our side since the Zireael escaped, it's time to end this!" The man shouted as he summoned more hounds.

"Well… Caranthir is it? Sorry mate, I haven't got time to deal with you lot." The older Ed said. Then he and Hermione charged at him with the sword. "It's time for some practice, Hermione!"

Caranthir casted ice spikes on them, which Ed easily vanished it with his ice magic, then as they got closer, Caranthir pulled out a sword, which he blocked Ed's and Hermione's sword using it. Then Ed used his spatial pressure to stop his movement, but it was quickly neutralized as Caranthir pushed Ed using magic, breaking his concentration, Hermione then attacked again, but this time it was different, she had somehow crushed the foot of Caranthir, his metal boots looked like it was stomped by a giant rock.

"Ahh!" Caranthir shrieked in pain, then Ed followed up; he made Caranthir unable to move again, and this time, Caranthir can't let it off, because Ed is far enough so Caranthir can't use his magic push at him.

"Kill him Hermione, you know what his kind did." the older Ed said coldly as he walked up to them, but still minding the distance.

Hermione just nodded weakly. She then stretched her arm in front of Caranthir, and, like Ed, made a crushing gesture.

Instantly, Caranthir's armor was crushed, making his body collapsed. Hermione looked pale, she seemed really tired.

"Good work darling…" the old Ed said as he kissed her forehead. "Your element control is getting good."

Hermione smiled weakly at this, "Thanks."

"That's sweet and cringy at the same time…" The younger Ed said to himself. Then the world turned black once again.

"Again!? Seriously!?" Ed complained.

The scene then changed again into of what looks like a meeting between men and women.

"We do not torture Darius! Your actions on the Averys are beyond necessity; you murdered innocents!" A man shouted at Darius.

"So does my sister Fabian!" Darius shouted back. "What would you do if Molly was raped, tortured, and killed?! Innocents or not, the Avery's are a menace to the wizarding world! If I spare only one, then maybe one of them will be the next dark lord!"

"But you became the thing we're fighting against!" Another man shouted at Darius.

Darius turned silent and stared at the man who shouted at him. "Me? A dark lord?"

"He doesn't mean that Darius, calm down." Ed saw his mother try to calm his father down.

But Darius didn't listen; instead he rushed towards the man and choked it by the neck. "Are you saying that I will rape innocents 'just because' Gideon?! Do you want me to kill Molly right now?!" he said as he pointed out his wand at Molly, who was serving some food for the order members, which made everyone frightened as the tip of his wand glowed blue.

"Darius!" Bella shouted, "Calm down!" she said as she lowered Darius's wand and calming him down.

Darius realized what his doing and released the out of breath Gideon, Molly instantly walked towards the man and took care of him, while Darius sat on the chair, calming himself down.

The room was tense, and it was worsened by the silence caused by it.

But then Darius said, "I'm done."

Everyone was surprised at the statement, he then stood up again, he picked up a parchment, he then pricked his finger in front of everyone, and spraying the blood onto the parchment.

"I, Darius Aldrich, swear upon my blood that I will kill every single death eater that existed in this world, and if anyone, including the order members, will try to stop me, I will not hesitate to bring the full might of my family to them." he said while looking coldly at each of every member. He then burned the letter, sealing the oath completely.

"I'm doing this alone from now on. I don't want to work with a bunch of self-righteous pricks that believe that their viewpoint is the only one that is right. If any of you tried to stop me, I would not hesitate to do the things I did to the Averys to you." He said, making all of them shocked. "My family is crumbling because of your mistake; my sister is raped and killed, and my father died of sadness… and you dare to tell me that I'm like him? Like that maniac?" He specifically said it to Gideon, who was still lying on the floor. He then stared at Dumbledore, who was still sitting quietly at the edge of the table, "Leash your dogs tighter Oath-breaker."

Darius then grabbed Bella's hand and apparated away from the place, leaving the order members in shock.

"That was… enlightening…" Ed said to himself, "I never thought that my father was like that…"

Then Ed was suddenly jolted off by someone, he was wide awake now, and saw a giant owl and a crying girl beside him; it was Hermione.

"Y-You're awake…" she sobbed.

"W-What happened?" Ed asked, as he found that nothing's wrong with his body.

"Y-Your heart stopped… at first you were shaking as always, and I-I tried to wake you up, but then y-you suddenly calmed down…" she then cried harder. "T-Too calm, then I checked your pulse and I-I didn't feel any…"

Ed was shocked at this, 'I'm almost dead?' he thought as he hugged the crying girl; but then he noticed that he was in the living room in the suitcase. "I'm in the suitcase? You brought me here?"

"N-No. I found you here… s-sleeping on the couch…"

"What?" Ed said, "But- I thought I was sleeping in the dorm…"

"You did." Gilligan said, "But you entered the suitcase when it was midnight and slept on the couch."

"I didn't remember that…" Ed said as he caressed Hermione's hair. "How did you end up here, Hermione?"

"I-I went to search for you… it's noon now."


And the girl just nodded weakly.

"This is so bizarre…"

Ed then told Hermione to sit properly, and she snuggled beside him, still sobbing lightly.

"Last night… I dreamt multiple visions…." Ed told Gilligan, "It was back and forth, at first it's from the future; then the past, then the future again, then the past again…"

"Interesting…" Gilligan whispered. "Visions took a toll on your mind and body, you know, that's why Trelawney looked like that, messy, and her head is a bit crazy… and now you told me you dreamt multiple visions in one night… I'm surprised you didn't just drop dead right there…"

Hermione then sobbed more loudly as she heard that, in which Ed just hugged her closer and caressed her head. "That still didn't explain the sleep-walking." Ed commented.

"Maybe my father knew that this would happen…" Gilligan continued. "That's why he made you sleep-walk down here, so no one would've asked questions upstairs, and I could save you quickly."

"But he's the reason I'm almost dead… why didn't he give it to me gradually anyway? Instead of stacking it on one night…"

"My father works in mysterious ways, Ed…" Gilligan said. "Perhaps you could ask him one day… but for now, I have no answer for you."

Ed sighed tiredly at this, "Let's just hope it didn't happen again…" he then said as he stood up.

"What are you doing?" Hermione questioned, she then pulled Ed to sit again, "Just rest now, I'll cover for you in class."

"I'm fine Hermione, seriously."

"No." she said as she wiped her tears. "You stay here and rest. I'll bring you some food later. You almost died Ed, so don't move too much for now."

Ed then looked at Gilligan for help, but he didn't say anything. Ed sighed at this. "Fine…"

Hermione nodded, "Then I'll go now." She said as she kissed Ed's cheek. "Remember, don't come out of the suitcase, just rest." She then climbed the ladder, exiting the suitcase.

"Always over-worrying…" Ed mumbled in dissatisfaction.

"She had some truth…" Gilligan said.

"You're on her side now?" Ed grumbled.

"She reminds me of Bella; she always kept Darius's emotions in check…"

"So I've seen…" Ed said. "I saw my father almost kill Gideon and Molly out of rage, but mother calmed him down easily."

"You must've seen the blood oath then." Gilligan said, to which Ed nodded.

"He seemed really unstable after aunt died, but I guess that's kind of justified, grandfather and aunt died… must've been the curse as well… surprised he's not dead too, at this point."

"He has a strong will…" Gilligan said as he looked at the portrait of them on the wall.

The room then went silent again; only the sounds of the crackling fire could be heard. Ed then soon started to talk again.

"Can I somehow disconnect with your father? Being controlled while sleeping is not really a good thing, you know…" Ed said.

"I'm afraid you can't… like I said, he does anything he wants, but believe me, he means no harm."

"So he's basically a god…"

"He is a god." Gilligan said, "One of the stronger entities in the multiverse… he is the embodiment of knowledge itself; any knowledge from the past, the present, and the future are in his grasp."

"Then why wouldn't he just help me directly and kill my enemies?"

"That would be boring, would it?" Gilligan said, "Gods need entertainment, and you're his go-to right now."

"That's fucked up…"

"True… all gods are like that… but at least he actually helped you, not making it harder."

Ed hummed at this, "Right, I'm going to take a shower…" Ed then stood up and walked to the bathroom.

In the evening, Ed was reading a book while Hermione climbed down the stairs, bringing some food for Ed. She walked up to him and put the food on the coffee table; it looked like it had two portions, which meant she hadn't eaten as well.

"How's the class?" Ed asked.

"It's fine, I guess…" Hermione said as she sat down besides him. "I told them that you're quite sick and just need some rest in the dorm room. Are you okay now?"

"I've been fine since I woke up, Hermione, you're just over-worrying."

"You almost died; it's not over-worrying in my opinion."

Ed just shook his head in amusement, while Hermione leaned on Ed, resting her head on his shoulder. "What are you reading?"

"I'm trying to find a spell that can rid me of nightmares. I tried potions, but didn't work last time…"

"A spell…" Hermione whispered. "I don't remember anything that deals with nightmares except Occlumency, which obviously also didn't work."

Ed sighed, "You're right." Ed then closed the book. "Let's just see how this goes until the end of the year."

"Maybe you're looking at it the wrong way." Hermione commented, "Maybe you just need to accept it as one of your fears."

"Well, I already accepted it, what more does it want?"

"No, I mean accept it, just like you accept my bossiness; you hated it but still don't mind it. What you're doing right now is fearing it constantly, which makes it even worse…"

"I don't know if I can do that, to be honest… I mean, I still constantly hate your bossiness, I don't know if I can take it anymore at this point, Hermione." Ed joked, which made Hermione hit him on the stomach lightly.

"Prat, I'm serious." Hermione said in a playful tone.

Ed sighed. "I'll try doing that… but it won't be easy."

Hermione nodded weakly, "At least you're trying." Then Hermione straightened her sitting, and suddenly straddled Ed on the couch. "Now, can I get a kiss?" She smirked in anticipation.

Ed chuckled at Hermione's behaviour, he then look at the food on the coffee table. "What about the food?"

"Kiss first, food later."

"Fine." Ed then leaned in on Hermione, their lips met, and they kissed tenderly for a few minutes, Hermione was running her hands to Ed's hair, while Ed was grabbing her waist. Then, out of nowhere, Ed separated again, making Hermione look at him strangely.

"What now?" She grumbled in annoyance.

"I don't know if I'm comfortable kissing you when Gilligan can possibly see us, he's omnipresence in this place after all..." Ed said, which made Hermione realize it also.

"Y-You're right." She said weakly as she moved to sit beside Ed, "Um… let's make sure he didn't see it first next time…"

"Let's ask him now."

"Don't!" Hermione said quickly. "We just kissed and possibly have been seen by the owl. I don't want to face him now…." Hermione's face was a bit red.

Ed chuckled lightly, "All right, let's just eat the food."

"Y-Yeah, let's do that."

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