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83.33% A Lustful Gamer In The Multiverse / Chapter 10: Chapter 1 (Revamp)

Chapter 10: Chapter 1 (Revamp)

You know, when I told myself that all of that reincarnating stuff that I read in all of those fanfictions and watched in anime can't be true, I didn't expect it to happen to me. Wanna know why I thought that? Because I'm American and normally, if not almost all the time it doesn't happen to Americans. Also I died in my sleep so I didn't die to [Insert vehicle here]-kun. I didn't even get to meet some bomb-shell goddess or a wise old man of a god. When I could see though, I was in a white room with a note in the center that I picked up to read. It stated as follows:

"Dear Jake, sorry I can't be there at this time, I kinda forgot about you for a few thousand years while your soul was in hibernation. So while it may seem that you just woke up, you were actually asleep for a long time. As compensation I will provide you with three wishes, a base gamer system, and the ability to choose any world to start in. Yes I said start in, because whenever you complete certain objectives of the main story, then you can visit other worlds of the vast multiverse! Keep in mind that whenever you visit another world you can either start over with a new game+ or continue as you are. That's not all, since I kinda read your thoughts and figured out what one of your wishes would be, I gave you a hub which can act as your base to be accessed at any time, anywhere, even if you are under attack (this does not count as a wish). That about sums it up for me.

With lots of love,

Eltia, Goddess of lust and compassion.

P.S. The Collective did punish me a bit for forgetting about you if that makes you feel a bit better. I really am sorry about this, I gave ya a hidden gift specifically based on one of my divinities, I wish you the best of luck."

Of course I get forgotten by this type of goddess. Although I did feel a bit better that they were already dealt out a bit of punishment. I had an idea of what my wishes would be, so I thought of them. I wanted the ability to create any material I can think of as long as I have the mana, except for food. But I want to be able to make food ingredients instead. The ability to summon creatures, monsters or otherwise, that are 100% loyal to me, can grow in strength, and gain skills. Lastly, the ability to forge anything given time. I will decide what world I want to go to after I explore my hub world for a bit. After all the wishes were accepted, I appeared in front of a small house that was just one story but then a notification popped up in front of me. 

[Welcome to the Hub World!]

[In this place you can customize the looks to be any way you like. Due to the ability 'Base Creation' you don't have to pay in order to modify this place to your liking. You can also section off different places of the Hub to be separate from each other.]

After reading that I decided to check my status as a gamer before moving on. 

Name: Jake

Level: 1

Race: Human

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral 

Titles: Budding Forge Master, Gamer


STR: 10


INT: 12

WIS: 14

DEX: 10

LUK: 1

Other than the fact that my luck is absolute dog crap, my stats seem pretty good. I'll have to raise that luck though, I know from reading a lot of fanfictions that not raising it will only cause more problems in the future. Alright, hit me up with dem SKILLS!


Gamers Body: The User's body is that of a video game character, therefore resting can fully heal them and their health just decreases instead of them dying to things like dismemberment.

Gamers Mind: The User immune to any interference to the mind, they process information faster, and the user can turn emotions on and off at any time along with choosing said emotion. 

Observe: Can see the Name and level of the chosen target.

ID Create: Instant dungeons that can contain anything from the basic slimes, to deadly dragons. All of which are instanced and repeatable except for special cases.

ID Escape: Leaving the said, instant dungeons.

Material Creation: Can create any type of material or food ingredient as long as sufficient mana is used. 

The Ultimate Summoner: Allows the user to reasonably summon any creature in existence as long as sufficient mana is used. Sometimes a sacrifice is necessary in order to summon certain beings. User is able to gain experience from anything the summons defeat or kill. Summons can learn anything through skills if given time. Summons can be resummoned after 24 hours if deceased. Anything summoned will be 100% loyal to the summoner and cannot ever betray them, intentionally, unintentionally, or otherwise, including any forms of mind manipulation. 

The Soul Of The Forge: Allows the user to forge anything given time, materials, and mana. Grants the instinctive skill level that would be required to create the item desired. Allows the user to disassemble any form of technology, magical or not, then recreate it if chosen to, or make it better. 

Base Creation: Allows the user to create, modify, or destroy a base of any kind, whether it be a mansion with the outside appearance of a shack, or vice versa, it can be done. 


Endless Stamina: The user no longer needs sleep in any which way and due to this skill, the gamer's body can passively recover the body to full condition without needing to sleep. The user can keep going for as long as they want as well, *wink*.

Other than that not so subtle reference at the end there, (which is probably that hidden gift) I'm pretty satisfied with what I've got here. After looking that over I checked my inventory and saw that it was empty, but didn't have a limit and there was a shop but I couldn't unlock it until I was at least level 50 but that was fine. I went ahead and remodeled my house in the hub to a giant, four-story mansion. 

When I went inside, I decided to check my appearance in the mirror. I was around six foot and two inches tall, had pitch black hair, purple eyes, and let me tell you, my equipment was packing! I wanted to test out my summoning ability first and foremost. I moved to an open space in the living room and summoned one of the first things that came to my mind. A tiefling. 

My mana started to drain from me and flew to the open space in front of me, taking on a red color. It swirled until it started to spiral at a rapid pace, before long, the tiefling started to form. They had red skin, were short, at around five feet exactly, had ample breasts, with pink nipples that were most likely in the triple d range, and had a rear that could shake the very ground she stepped on. It didn't stop there though, she had a round face, curved, blood red lips, shaped similar to a cats funny enough, and golden eyes. 

As I looked lower again, her slit was clean shaven and clear to see. She was naked with zero clothes, and my mind was struggling to hold back my body. I decided to just observe her instead.

Name: N/A

Level: 1

Race: Tiefling

Alignment: Same as Summoner

Skills (Focus on a skill to see current level): [Sewing] [Cooking] [Ice Magic] [Boxing] [Housekeeping Magic]

The first thought I had outside of what I wanted to summon, was that I wanted to summon a battlemaid. The reason why I summoned a tiefling was probably attributed to the last game I played before coming here was Baldur's Gate. Although her proportions don't really match the norm, I couldn't care less about the semantics.

"Greetings Master, thank you for summoning me to your humble abode. I look forward to serving you in any way you desire me to~" She bowed, and winked at me, still completely naked.

"As much as I want to take you up on that very tantalizing offer, I do need to get some things in motion before we do anything. Business before pleasure as they say." She pouted at me, but I just shrugged and tried to ignore my growing erection. Which got bigger than it was in my previous life.

"Yes, yes I know it is disappointing. We shall deal with it in due time. For now I need you to sew together some clothing, I created a room for it not far from here. Just tell me all that you would need to make some maid clothing since I plan on summoning a few more to assist you. Also since I didn't see a name, do you not have one?" She tilted her head at that.

"Unfortunately Master, I discarded my last name since I couldn't care less for it before you summoned me. Although just for your information, I am still a virgin! In all three of my holes." She stuck out her tongue at me this time.

"While I am glad you decided to share that tidbit of information. It is unfortunately not the main point. Since you have discarded your last name, I will name you Elly. I will supply you with any materials you need, and I also need you to cook a meal for me after you make clothes for you and three others. You will be the head maid and the only one of the maids with a name for now if others have discarded their name like you. Any questions?" She had an actual serious expression for once instead of the sultry smirk she adopted the entire time she spoke to me so far.

"None Master. I will get right to it, if you have paper I can write on, I can give you a list of things necessary." I smiled and materialized a pen and paper. Apparently a pen was a material, I wasn't going to question it, and just let her write out the list. She quickly wrote what she needed, and I materialized everything she needed in the room nearby that had a sewing machine that she would need. 

"Alright, I will leave you to it, I'll go ahead and summon the others that will assist you." She nodded, then headed off to work on the outfits, but not before shaking her rear towards me. I could swear it looked like there were literal waves causing that ass to move. I summoned four more tieflings instead of the original three I was gonna go with. Each of them had a variety of different heights, but tended to range from five feet and two inches, to four feet and nine inches in height. Their proportions though were more in line with what you would normally expect from a tiefling though.

Not that they didn't have something defining about them when it came to their proportions, two of them had breasts almost as big as Elly's and the other two were more modest. Their asses were all in the line to almost cause earthquakes though. All of which, including Elly, weren't necessarily skinny in the waist, but weren't thick either. It was more of the healthy skinny, not that mewtwo type build, but more of a disney mom type of situation for the most part, except shorter. 

None of them really spoke to me though, although I could feel some of their emotions through a bond I formed with them when summoning them. Most of what I got from Elly was Lust, not surprising there, but for these four, it was almost entirely devotion, and loyalty. There was a hint of longing, but it was barely there. Also, all of them only had the [Sewing]. And [Cooking] skill. That will have to be rectified at some point so they aren't just maids. After a bit, I sent off their naked forms to meet up with Elly and assist her. 

I hated to see them go, but man did I love watching them leave. I'll have plenty of fun later, but I need to prepare. I didn't have to go to my chosen world anytime soon. I will most likely connect my hub to one once I reach at least level 50 since I already had a world in mind. However, since I'm not the type to charge head first into my enemies with my fist, nor do I like broadcasting myself to the world, I will let my summons handle that, and reap in the benefits. I'm not a good person, and I will openly admit to that. 

I believe that I could probably only summon another five beings or one that is more powerful, although I plan on making them combat oriented this time. I chose to just do one more for now because I wanted to forge something and sacrifice it. I headed to the forge that I made to be a part of this mansion in the basement. I created some iron, steel, and some leather in various quantities. 


Master was an interesting one to say the least. I could feel his own lust through our connection. However he was doing his best to hold back the third leg that was growing in his pants from breaching the dam. I commended him for holding back, although I was somewhat fearful and aroused at the same time at the prospect of taking that beast. I had already finished our outfits with my fellow maids that I was leading. They did not have the capability to vocalize their thoughts due to not being strong enough.

I'm certain that that will change soon enough though once Master has us enter the dungeons that they have access to. For dinner, or lunch I wasn't sure since time wasn't really a thing here, I cooked burgers and fries for Master due to this being one of their favorite meals. By the time the five of us finished cooking the meals for Master and the rest of us, I made sure there was enough servings for several more, and headed downstairs to the forge.

By the time I entered, I could feel the heat from the room, it was comfortable though, so it didn't bother me. What I found interesting was that Master Jake had two weapons that I believe were called handguns. Soon enough he placed the two weapons on the floor in an open area of the forge, and began summoning another to join us. 


I had no idea if I would be able to summon something even close to the being I wanted to summon with this, but even if they have a fragment of the potential that the inspiration came from, I would be immensely pleased. I started the summon, then the guns turned into particles, joining the ongoing mana tornado in the middle of the forge. When the mana dissipated, what was left was a woman with long black hair, red eyes, pale skin, giant breasts that were currently defying gravity with how large they are. Heastia's tits weren't even as big as the mounds that were on that chest. Her ass was the only thing that was somewhat 'modest' in comparison to the rest of her body.

Although modest in comparison to the thick hips that she was sporting, it was telling. Her rear was just as good as the rest of the maids outside of Elly. She was also taller than them, at around five feet and four inches tall. She was also the first one to appear with clothes. She was sporting a black v-neck, with tight black silk pants, and a bright red jacket. The guns I forged were holstered on her side. Once I finished taking in her appearance, she decided to introduce herself.

"Sup Master. The name's Lucard, the fuck mothering vampire in training. I look forward to massacring your enemies, and draining them of their blood. Also, I can suck more than just blood if you're curious." She smiled and I could see the fangs within her mischievous smile at what she just implied.

"After we eat dinner, I'm sure we can fit in some time after we eat, before I have you all head into the dungeon." Her smile turned feral, and Elly standing on the side sported a similar expression. I swear I can only hold myself back so much, these summons were tempting me to throw caution to the wind, but I had to reach my summon limit for what my mana could handle first. So as we headed upstairs, I used Observe on Lucard.

Name: Lucard

Level: 1

Race: Vampire Lord

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Skills (Focus on a skill to see current level): [Gun Mastery] [Stealth] [Blood Manipulation] [Demonic Manipulation] [Vampire Creation]

I had my own female Alucard. Although I am sure that her abilities are severely limited right now, it is plenty overkill for what would be the beginner instant dungeons. We all gathered at a table to eat in the living room. Although the four unnamed maids sat at a different table nearby, Lucard and Elly sat at the same table as mine to join me as we ate. I shrugged my shoulders at their antics. 

By the time we finished eating, I brought both Elly and Lucard to the master bedroom. I would say I dragged them there, but they were a bit too eager for that to be the case.

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