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8.27% The Crimson Gardevoir / BoonTown Karaoke by Drago421

BoonTown Karaoke by Drago421

{…Are you sure about this, Master?} Dusk asked, surprised by what Max told them.

"Why not? I think it's about time I let you girls pick the activities," Max answered reassuringly.

It was relatively early in the evening as the gang were still in BoonTown for their final day before heading back on the road. Everyone minus Luna have had their dinner and were currently in a 3-star hotel room that Max rented out for the remainder of their stay; one king-sized bed, a countertop in front of it with a thirty-inch TV, a bathroom adjacent to the counter, along with a sofa & coffee table in the far corner. So far, they spent most of the day going on a sight-seeing trip through BoonTown, getting to know the city environment and doing a bit of window shopping. Max offered to buy the girls souvenirs in between stores, to which they all politely declined as their time spent with them was satisfying enough. Even though everybody had enjoyed their time at the spa the other day, Max wanted his team to relax and take their minds off training for one more day. Besides, this was an opportunity for them to go about and do their own thing without Max suggesting them, for he decided to let them have a choice in the matter. Naturally, this caught them by surprise, some of them more suspicious of his offer than others.

{Not that I'm complaining about this Max, but why let us choose the activities this time?} Aurora asked, raising her paw. {I mean, apart from the spa, we don't know what this city has to offer.}

May walked up to Max while raising her hand as well. {She's right. You're usually the one who tells us where to go, so what gives?}

{Did we do something wrong?} Sally asked nervously. {I mean, I don't think we did, not counting my… *sigh* Disappointing gym battle.}

{Sally, we talked about this…} Bonny stated in a supportive tone.

{I know, but-}

"Rest assured, you didn't do anything wrong. It's nothing personal towards any of you, but our little trip to the Cheeky Barn got me thinking," Max said while waving his hands in a "settle down" manner. "I've been wanting to give you guys more freedom, especially when it comes to choosing what to do in a place like this. I know you guys like going along with what I say most of the time, but when was the last time you all have done something you wanted that didn't relate to sex?"

{I can understand why you're doing this, but why now of all times?} Scarlet asked interrogatively.

"Because I've noticed that there's quite a bit to do in BoonTown," Max answered casually as he took out the tablet, scrolling through the list of activities the city had to offer. {So what do you say? Wanna take the lead for once, girls?}

The gang looked at each other for a moment, thinking about this whole ordeal. While it is true that they've been following Max's word ever since they joined him, they couldn't help but agree with him to some extent. Just because they didn't mind following his lead doesn't mean that they should, at least for trivial matters such as city activities. Besides, this could allow for some additional bonding between them, so it wouldn't be all bad. With everyone nodding their heads and turning to Scarlet for the final verdict, she walked towards Max and placed her hands on the tablet.

{Okay Master, we'll take up on your offer.} she began as she took the tablet out of his hands before walking back to the group. {We'll think of something, then you can take us there.}

"Sounds good. Don't tell me what it is yet, though," he stated with a smile, stopping the gardevoir and making her look back at him. "Surprise me."

Scarlet gave a smile of her own before walking the group to the coffee table, leaving Max on the bed browsing through his pokėdex. A few moments later, the girls had decided on an activity that caught their interest, some more so than others. They then packed all of their belongings so they would check out of the hotel the next morning before heading further into the west side of the city, but not before contacting Luna to let her know what they'd be doing, as well as changing Scarlet to a green color to not attract any unwanted attention. Even though Max would be left in the dark, Luna did seem rather interested in what the girls had planned, leaving their trainer even more puzzled. If it caught Luna's interest, then it must be good or entertaining. After a good thirty or so minutes of walking through the now-lit-up BoonTown, the gang arrived at a 3-story building with a neon sign of a microphone hanging above the entrance, with Max immediately catching on. There was also a "We are open" sign hanging off the window on the inside, indicating that they were able to spend a good amount of time here.

"Karaoke?" Max pondered out loud as he inspected the building. "What made you girls decide on that?"

Scarlet was about to answer before Sally jumped in front of her. {Because singing is fun!} she exclaimed excitedly.

{*ahem* Yes, well, most of the other activities were pretty boring, and this place just so happened to be within walking distance, so…} Scarlet answered as she moved the eager cinderace to the side.

{She's saying she's too lazy to teleport us all here.} Bonny blurted out amusingly.

{Lopunny, I can and will teleport you to the most random location I can think of.} Scarlet retorted, looking at Bonny in annoyance.

Max was about to step in and prevent a possible conflict, when Aurora did so before he could. {Alright, alright… We're here to have fun, remember?} the lucario reminded them, Scarlet and Bonny briefly stopping their little squabble before it could escalate.

Max let out a sigh of relief as he and the girls entered the building, the interior looking pretty nice and classy. The main lobby was a simple room with a desk at the front with a middle-aged woman working on the computer, along with two vending machines adjacent to it; one for snacks and the other for drinks. Behind the desk to Max's right was a door labeled "Karaoke Rooms Ahead", which they could assume is where they'll be singing in. After having looked around enough, Max approached the desk with his team in tow.

"Good evening, welcome to the BoonTown Karaoke Center," the woman greeted, Max waving back. "Are you looking to reserve a room tonight?"

"Hey there. Uh, yes I am, though it's mostly for my pokėmon," he stated in a friendly manner. "Will they be able to sing as well, or how does this work? It's kind of our first time here."

"That's fine. So the way it works is that we charge you by how much time you want to spend, as the chart explains," she explained as she reached for a chart and handed it to Max for him to. "Say for example, you reserve a room for thirty minutes, which will start once you've entered, and from there you'll have access to our multi-million song library." She then reached underneath her desk and pulled out a gray, high-tech collar. "As for your pokėmon, if they wish to sing as well, that's what these are for. They're equipped with a software chip that can sync with the room's microphone, allowing them to 'speak' in fluent English."

"Woah… That's pretty cool," he replied in awe, admiring how such a technology existed. "So they wear that, speak pokėspeech into the microphone, and real words will come out?"

"Absolutely, and these collars are easily detachable too, and since you seem to have quite the party, they can all share one or two amongst each other," she stated while demonstrating just that.

Max turned to his team to see if any of them minded having a collar on them, to which he saw mixed reactions across the board. Some didn't seem to mind, some were a bit uncomfortable at the mention of the collar, and a certain gardevoir seemed heavily against the idea, but calmed down once she heard that it can come off easily. Max then turned back to the receptionist to reserve the room.

"Alright, I think we'll be reserving a room for… Forty minutes, ma'am," he told her, putting the chart down in front of her while taking out his wallet.

"Wonderful, give me one moment," she responded before typing away at her computer. "May I see your I.D and method of payment, please?"

Max did so as the lady went ahead and reserved a room on the second floor. Upon completion, she handed back his I.D and debit card, as well as giving him a keycard containing the room number and two pokėspeech-to-English translator sync collars. Max then said goodbye to the receptionist and went through the door and up the stairs to their room. The hallways had a black and red color scheme with doors leading to different rooms every few feet and lights just above the door frames. After a few moments of walking, they made it to their designated room and used the keycard to open the door, to which they were greeted with a large TV about fifty-five inches in length. In front of it lay a small glass table with a large tablet and a microphone, with couches bordering the sides of the room adjacent to the door.

Max whistled impressively at the room's design with the girls entering behind him. "Not too shabby."

{Pretty…} May muttered to herself.

{This room seems to speak to me in some way, can't quite figure out why.} Luna stated, feigning innocence with Max playfully rolling his eyes, knowing she was being sarcastic.

{So who's going first?} Scarlet asked, already browsing through the song list. {That human wasn't kidding, there are like a million songs on here. }

Aurora stepped up and grabbed the microphone. {I'll go first. I already got a song in mind, Scarlet. I'll tell you via telepathy.}

Scarlet nodded and almost immediately received Aurora's request, the gardevoir searching it up on the tablet and pressing play. Right as she did, the dirty-yellow lights in the room dimmed down as the lyrics appeared on the TV screen. Little do they know, from Aurora's perspective as she was now facing the group, there was a smaller TV that also displayed lyrics for the singer to follow along, mounting within the wall above the door.

Aurora's Song - Starring/Shining Star (English Cover by Kyle Brook)

[Opening Instrumental]

*The song starts playing with Aurora getting ready, slowly putting the translate collar on and picking up the microphone, getting ready to sing

I look back to when I was young

Reminisce in all that I've done

In my hands I held The dreams of my childhood

That now've come to pass.

I look on to the times ahead

Wondering why all the really small things pass me by!

Although I'm struggling, I know I'll do fine.

So let's ride upon the wind and journey to

A world we've never known

(It's a brand new story)

Now a new chapter starts.

Shining star in the night be my compass and guide

Take me to where I belong!

The warmth we once shared will always be there

Its magic lives on in our hearts.

Shining star give me strength from your light up above

Show me the way to be brave!

My hands still hold onto hope that together we'll manifest

All that we've dreamed of!

As the light cascades around me

Everything I gaze upon is brighter than before!

So I'll move on now, no lies hold me down.

So let's drive along the hills and journey to

A world we've never known

(Resonant memory)

We've only a few miles left to go!

[Instrumental Bridge]

Shining star in the night be my compass and guide

Take me to where I belong

The warmth we once shared will always be there

Its magic lives on in our hearts.

Shining star give me strength from your light up above

Show me the way to be brave

My hands still hold onto hope that together we'll make it through.

Shining star in the night be my compass and guide

Take me to where I belong

The warmth we once shared

And our love will never fade.

Shining star!

I look up to who I've become and think I'll start again

(And everything)

Will be alright as long as I'm with you.


[Ending Instrumental]

[Song end]

Max's Song - Tragedy + Time by Rise Against

[Opening Instrumental]

*Max grabs the microphone as the song plays, him looking a little nervous until he takes a deep breath and steels himself.

On the edges of the sharpest knives

In the middle of the darkest nights

Always knew that I would find you here

In a puddle of the bravest tears

I've seen enough to know it's lonely where you are!

Above the crowd, feet dangling from a rooftop

She waits from ledges for a voice to talk her down!

And nothing matters but the pain when you're alone

The never-ending nights when you're awake

When you're praying that tomorrow it's ok

There will be a time to crack another smile

Maybe not today or for awhile

But we're holding on to laugh again someday

To laugh again someday!

All that matters is the time we had

Doesn't matter how it all went bad

Never wonder what it might be like

Shut the door, say goodbye

When faced with tragedy

We come alive or come undone!

So don't look back, let it shape you like an ocean

Even the deepest scars in time will fade!

And nothing matters but the pain when you're alone

The never-ending nights when you're awake

When you're praying that tomorrow it's ok

There will be a time to crack another smile

Maybe not today or for awhile

But we're holding on to laugh again someday

Now we're holding on to laugh again someday!

[Instrumental Bridge]

And sometimes you have to go back

To know just where you have been

But we're old enough to know that

What has been will be again and again

And the bravest of faces

Are the ones where we fake it

In the roles that we play

Nothing matters when the pain is all but gone

When you are finally awake

Despite the overwhelming odds tomorrow came *

And when they see you crack a smile

And you decide to stay awhile

You'll be ready then to laugh again

And nothing matters but the pain! (We are tragedy, yeah, we are sympathy)

And nothing matters but the pain, you see what you want to see!

And nothing matters but the pain! (We are misery and distant memories)

And nothing matters but the pain, but we all learn to laugh again!

Yeah, we all learn to laugh again!

Oh, we all learn to laugh again~!

[Song end]

Scarlet's Song - Now by Paramore

*Scarlet eyes everyone in the room with a somewhat dominant expression, looking to prove to everyone that she can sing, better than everyone else if possible. The drumsticks clicked against each other and Scarlet began to sing.

Don't try to take this from me

Don't try to take this from me


Don't try to take this from me

Don't try to take this from me


Feels like I'm waking from the dead

And everyone's been waiting on me

'Least now I'll never have to wonder

What it's like to sleep a year away

But were we indestructible

I thought that we could brave it all

I never thought that what would take me out

Was hiding down below

Lost the battle, win the war

Bringing my sinking ship back to the shore

We're starting over, or head back in

There's a time and a place to die but this ain't it

If there's a future, we want it


If there's a future, we want it


If there's a future, we want it


If there's a future, we want it


Don't try to take this from me

Don't try to take this from me


Don't try to take this from me

Don't try to take this from me


Wish I could find a crystal ball

For the days I feel completely worthless

You know I'd use it all for good

I would not take it for granted

Instead, I'd have some memories

For the days I don't feel anything

At the least, they will remind me

Not to make the same mistakes again

Lost the battle, win the war

Bringing my sinking ship back to the shore

We're starting over, or head back in

There's a time and a place to die, but this ain't it

If there's a future, we want it


If there's a future, we want it


If there's a future, we want it


If there's a future, we want it


There's a time and a place to die

There's a time and a place to die

And this ain't it

There's a time and a place to die

And this ain't it, this ain't it~!

This ain't it~!

There's a time and a place to die

There's a time and a place to die

But this ain't it~! No~!

If there's a future, we want it


If there's a future, we want it


If there's a future, we want it

Now! (Now-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow!)

If there's a future, we want it




[Song end]

May's Song - Together Forever by Rick Astley

[Opening Instrumental]

*May walks up to the mic with a skip in her step, grabbing it and taking her spot in front of her audience. She continues to dance in place as she begins to sing.

If there's anything you need

All you have to do is say

You know you satisfy everything in me

We shouldn't waste a single day

So don't stop me falling, it's destiny calling

A power I just can't deny

It's never changing! Can't you hear me, I'm saying

I want you for the rest of my life!

Together forever and never to part

Together forever we two

And don't you know I would move heaven and earth

To be together forever with you!

If they ever get you down

There's always something I can do

Because I wouldn't ever wanna see you frown

I'll always do what's best for you

There ain't no mistaking It's true love we're making

Something to last for all time

It's never changing! Can't you hear me, I'm saying

I want you for the rest of my life!

Together forever and never to part

Together forever we two

And don't you know I would move heaven and earth

To be together forever with you!

[Instrumental Bridge]

So don't stop me falling, it's destiny calling

A power I just can't deny

It's never changing Can't you hear me, I'm saying

I want you for the rest of my life!

Together forever and never to part

Together forever we two

And don't you know I would move heaven and earth

To be together forever with you!

Together forever and never to part

Together forever we two

And don't you know I would move heaven and earth

To be together forever with you!

Together forever and never to part

Together forever we two

And don't you know I would move heaven and earth

To be together forever with you~!

Bonny & Dusk's Duet Song - Give It Up by Victorious

[Opening Instrumental]

*Bonny and Dusk each grab their respective mics with a spring in their steps, Bonny moving with more sass while Dusk moves with more grace. The beat to the song starts to drop and the two begin their performance, being sure to look at Max every so often.


Someday I'll let you in

Treat you right, Drive you outta your mind, ooh~!


You never met a chick like me

Burn so bright, I'm gonna make you blind!

[Bonny & Dusk]

Always want what you can't have

Is it so bad if you don't get what you wanted?

Make you feel good, as I whip you into shape

Yeah, boy, let's get it started!

[Bonny & Dusk]

Give it up, you can't win

'Cause I know where you've been

Such a shame you don't put up a fight.

That's a game that we play at the end of the night

It's the same old story, but you never get it right

Give it up~!

[Bonny & Dusk]

Come a little closer, baby, baby

Come a little closer

Come a little closer, baby, baby


So stop trying to walk away

No you won't ever leave me behind!


No, you better believe that I'm here to stay (that's right)

'Cause you're the shade, and I'm the sunshine, ooh~!

[Bonny & Dusk]

Look at me boy

'Cause I got you where I want you

Isn't it so exciting?

Wanna shake you, wanna break you

Take the back seat, boy, 'cause now I'm driving!

[Bonny & Dusk]

Give it up, you can't win

'Cause I know where you've been

Such a shame you don't put up a fight.

That's a game that we play at the end of the night

It's the same old story, but you never get it right

Give it up~!

[Instrumental & Vocal Bridge]

*Bonny delivers some back-up vocals while Dusk delivers the main vocals.

[Bonny & Dusk]

Come a little closer

Come a little closer, baby, baby

Come a little closer

Come a little closer, baby, baby

Come a little closer

Come a little closer, baby

Yeah, you are my baby, and I'll make you crazy tonight~!

[Bonny & Dusk]

Look at me boy

'Cause I got you where I want you

Isn't it so exciting?

Wanna shake you, wanna break you

Take the back seat, boy, 'cause now I'm driving!

[Bonny & Dusk]

Give it up, you can't win

'Cause I know where you've been

Such a shame you don't put up a fight.

That's a game that we play at the end of the night

It's the same old story, but you never get it right

Give it up~!

Wow hoo wooooow~


Sally's Song - FPX Anthem, Phoenix by Chrissy Constanza

[Opening Instrumental]

*Sally nervously takes her place in front of her audience, trying to find it within herself to perform a song for her friends and master. Upon hearing the phoenix cry, she takes a deep breath and tries to think of herself as one, before beginning to sing.

Bloodied and scorned, tattered and torn

Hanging on by a thread

With death at our door, the cannons still roar

We shall not bend If the flag doesn't wave

At the end of the day

What is there left to say?

Tell me what is there left to save

And if there's nothing left to save

It's clear there's nothing left to lose

I'll strike the match and light the fuse~!

Set me on fire, so I can rise

From the demons I'm keeping inside my mind!

Into the flames, all that remains

Is what I needed to keep on believing!

Won't turn back I'm a phoenix, phoenix! (Won't turn back)

Phoenix, phoenix! (Won't turn back)

City is asleep under my feet

Sea of a billion lights

I'm taking the leap out of this dream

Into the purple heights.

It's clear there's not a better view

I'll strike the match and light the fuse~!

Set me on fire, so I can rise

From the demons I'm keeping inside my mind!

Into the flames, all that remains

Is what I needed to keep on believing!

Won't turn back I'm a phoenix, phoenix (Won't turn back)

Phoenix, phoenix (Won't turn back)

Sticks and stones, oughta know

That I won't be broken

Highs and lows, come and go

But I live in the moment

Sticks and stones, oughta know

That I won't be broken

No, I won't be broken~!

Set me on fire, so I can rise

From the demons I'm keeping inside my mind (Inside my mind!)

Into the flames, all that remains (All that remains!)

Is what I needed to keep on believing (Yeah!)

Won't turn back I'm a phoenix, phoenix! (Won't turn back)

Phoenix, phoenix! (Won't turn back)

Phoenix (Don't turn back!), phoenix! (Won't turn back)

Phoenix, phoenix! (Won't turn back)

[Ending Instrumental]

*Sally looked on at everyone looking a bit more confident than she was prior to their trip to BoonTown, everyone giving the cinderace a supportive look as she was somewhat revitalized by the phoenix cry in the background.

Luna's Song - Sound of Silence (Cover by The Dooo)

[Opening Instrumental]

*Luna closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, not because she was lacking confidence, but to prevent herself from becoming too emotional, as this was a very powerful song that carried a strong message that reminded her of her daily life, both past and present.

Hello darkness, my old friend

I've come to talk with you again.

Because a vision softly creeping

Left its seeds while I was sleeping

And the vision that was planted in my brain

Still remains

Within the sound of silence~.

In restless dreams, I walked alone

Narrow streets of cobblestone.

'Neath the halo of a street lamp

I turned my collar to the cold and damp

When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light

That split the night

And touched the sound of silence~.

And in the naked light, I saw

Ten thousand people, maybe more.

People talking without speaking

People hearing without listening

People writing songs that voices never shared

And no one dared

Disturb the sound of silence~!

"Fools" said I, "You do not know

Silence like a cancer grows

Hear my words that I might teach you

Take my arms that I might reach you."

But my words, like silent raindrops fell

And echoed in the wells of silence~!

And the people bowed and prayed

To the neon god they made

And the sign flashed out its warning

In the words that it was forming

Then the sign said, "The words on the prophets are written on the subway walls

In tenement halls."

And whispered in the sound!

Of silence~…

[Ending Instrumental]

*Luna kept her eyes closed as the song finished, the zoroark not daring to shed a tear or show any emotion to anyone present, regardless of whether or not they'd think less of her for it.

Group's Song - Just Fine by Backhouse Mike


I'm never that far, no matter where you are

Believe it! We can make it come true.


We'll do it our way, no matter what they say

'Cause no one's gonna do it for you

Ooh, ooh, yeah!


But I-I-I-I, I'll never say never

As long as we keep it together


[Bonny, Dusk & May]

If you're living a dream and you know what it means

Then you can't let 'em change your mind

It's the life that we choose and we still break the rules

But it's all gonna be just fine!


And while all we need is just to make believe

Yeah everything begins when you do


Just gotta let go, 'cause your original

And no one else can do it like you

Ooh, ooh, yeah!


But I, I, I, I, I'll never say never

As long as we keep it together


[Aurora, Luna & Sally]

If you're living a dream

And you know what it means

Then you can't let 'em change your mind

It's the life that we choose and we still break the rules

But it's all gonna be just fine!

[Bonny, Dusk & May]

Yeah we're all gonna be just fine!

Just fine!


And if you are misunderstood, just think of your life

Don't feel bad it's the times we've had were free


If you're living a dream and you know what it means

Then you can't let 'em change your mind

[Max & Scarlet]

It's the life that we choose and we still break the rules

But it's all gonna be just fine

Just fine~.

[Bonny, Dusk & May]

If you're living a dream

And you know what it means

Then you can't 'et 'em change your mind

[Aurora, Luna & Sally]

It's the life that we choose and we still break the rules

But it's all gonna be just fine

[Max & Scarlet]

Yeah we're all gonna be just fine

You and me, we're going to be just fine!



*Everyone gets together to close out the song, holding each other in their arms as they were having the time of their lives.


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