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10% The Devil's Unrequited Love / Chapter 3: Selena

Chapter 3: Selena

For almost a year Selena has dreamt of a pair of enchanting silver eyes and in her dreams, although she could never see the rest of his face she knew that he was telling her how much he yearns for her and she could tell that he was using his eyes to send that message to her wordlessly. And because she could never see his mouth nor hear his voice, she could only decipher that his eyes were burning as if he was staring straight into her soul, seeking her out.

His eyes called out to her and dragged her into the depths of his soul and now as she walked the streets towards her new life, she searched for those eyes everywhere she went. She couldn't help but look for the mesmerizing silver eyes that were so unique to him. She had this desire all of the time but if she did see him in a crowd, would she really approach him she thought.

She really yearned for him too in the same way he seemed to want her. In her dreams, he moved his hand up to her face finding his thumb along her bottom lip he then traced her soft lips. Then he would vanish. In her dreams, she didn't feel alone.

Selena had just turned twenty one, all her life she felt alone and unwanted but recently in her dreams she could escape and find solace. Though recently sleep eluded her, no matter how hard she tried.

But today she had a spring in her step as she finally felt free. Today was the first day of the rest of her life, she no longer hid under a dark cloud or tiptoed around other people's moods. She was shedding her old self and started on a path of self care and self discovery. For once she was excited about the future.

This morning she woke up different, she was done trying to figure out who was with her, who was against her, or walking down the middle because they didn't have the guts to pick a side. She was done with anything that did not bring her peace.

She realised that opinions were a dime a dozen, validation was for parking and loyalty wasn't a word but a lifestyle.

It was on this day that she would change her life and not because of a man or a job but because she realised that life is way too short to leave the key to your happiness in someone else's pocket.

She had no blood family and as she had grown up inside of an orphanage, those children became her family. She had lived in that run down small orphanage for over fourteen years. Children arrived and left but she and another were the only two that were never adopted, it made them close and become like brother and sister.

She had never met her parents and so when she left the orphanage at eighteen and she was shown her folder, she wasn't surprised at what she had found. Inside the folder, it only said that she had been abandoned outside of the orphanage gates late one Autumn evening.

She never searched for her parents, they left her and she had no desire to find them. At eighteen she left the orphanage and she worked three jobs and found a decent but tiny apartment. That was when her life took a turn.

That unfortunate turn lead her to meet a man who she fell for, she thought it was love, she was sure of it. But it wasn't.

Last night was the end for her, for them. She wouldn't, couldn't take it anymore and after he left her apartment for work at six AM she bounced out of bed and started packing. She hastily threw her life into two bags and left the apartment. She posted the keys through the letter box of the apartment manager and didn't look back.

Right now she was walking the streets looking for a place to stay, she had no plan except to start a new life for herself. She had viewed one apartment already but it was a shared apartment with two men already living there so she had turned it down.

Her bags had started to feel heavy so when she saw a small café she stopped and took a seat. She breathed in the fresh air and felt the sun on her pale skin, she closed her eyes and smiled.

"Young Miss, can I get you anything?" A friendly voice announced.

Selena opened her eyes and sat up, "Sorry, yes please can I have a caramel latte with oat milk please."

The lady who took her order then wrote it down and mumbled as she walked away.

Selena smiled, she had a few unusual traits and one of them was her hearing, she of course ignored the disgruntled words of the lady. She shook her head and took her phone out of her bag and as usual, there were many missed calls and texts. She unlocked the screen and opened her messaging app and blocked the number before opening up a web browser and searching for apartment listings.

The lady returned and set down a large hot drink in front of her.

"Thank you." Selena smiled at the lady and thanked her, and the lady then walked away.

Selena took a sip of the warm yet sweet latte and that's when she noticed an older lady sitting across from her with a book in her hand. Selena loved to read and so she tilted her head to read the book cover. Selena smiled when she recognised the book, it was an excellent romance novel.

The older had lady noticed Selena since she had sat down, how could she not. The young girl was stunning, her smile was bright, she had pale skin, piercing emerald eyes and long wavy jet black hair. As Selena smiled at her book she had the urge to approach her, so she did, she picked up her handbag, book and coffee and approached her.

Selena thought the older lady was finished but as she picked up her coffee cup and approached her table she smiled up at her.

"May I join you?" The older lady asked.

Selena nodded and returned her smile, "Yes of course." Selena then pulled out a chair for her and the lady sat down.

The lady in front of her settled down and then set down her book, thinking it was a talking point she said, "Do you read?"

Selena took a sip of her warm latte and answered, "Yes. I have actually read the book in your hands at least once a year since it came out. It is my favourite, but I haven't read it this year yet."

"You are a book lover?" The lady beamed and then held her hand out to Selena. "My name is Oriana, I am glad I have met a fellow book lover."

Selena reached out and shook her hand, "Nice to meet you, Oriana. Oriana is a beautiful name. I'm Selena."

xAlexiax xAlexiax

Our female lead arrives. What are your first impressions?

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