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Chapter 94: Spy Games Ch. 15

Captain America: Winter Soldier

(Triskelion, Washington D.C.)

The next day at SHIELD was business as usual for Alexander Pierce. Except that now I had Bucky Barnes dressed as a Level 7 Agent following me around. There'd been a moment where I'd thought to have him wear a suit, but it quickly became apparent that he had no such attire already fitted to him, and even the best wouldn't be able to get something made in less than a day.

So I'd gotten him the agent's uniform instead along with a pair of gloves, which covered up his lack of metal arm beautifully. I introduced him to everyone as James after I used Alexander's home computer to put him into SHIELD's database. Bucky managed to stay quiet the entire time until we arrive in Pierce's office and I hand him a SHIELD laptop.

He looks at it and then at me with a confused frown, "What?"

I smile with Alexander Pierce's face as I settle myself behind his desk, "You've missed out on quite a lot James. I'm sure you've been kept up on technology, so you should know how to use that… but have you ever had time to just google things you're curious about?"

His brow furrows even further, "Google?"

I grin, "Just use it James. Have fun and explore. You've got high enough clearance for most of the good stuff now."

He nods and opens up the laptop even as I turn to my own. Going through Pierce's normal routine is rather easy given the amount of information I tore out of his mind. There's a few appointments to deal with here and there, all of which Bucky sits in on with his laptop open on his lap. The real important things I take care of in between the meetings.

Of course, the first thing I did before even coming to the Triskelion was to dismiss the Winter Soldier team that came with him, claiming I would be handling him personally from now on, and any maintenance on both his mind and arm would have to take place once the current crisis was over. There were complaints and concerns of course, but I had all the right codes and there was no one who could honestly say no to me.

With Bucky secured, I turned my attention to my frozen hybrids. Luckily, it turned out that the facility they were being kept at was nearby, right outside Washington D.C. With that in mind I gave the orders to thaw out all of the Hybrids and to make sure they were all fed enough blood to be combat ready. The scientists were quick to remind my disguise that the brainwashing had not taken, and all of the hybrids were still loyal to Vali first, Hydra second.

To that, I told them I had Vali on board and he would be arriving at their facility in the evening to take command of the Hybrids in Hydra's name. There was some disbelief, but most of the scientists seemed to be geeking out over the idea that 'Valiant' himself was loyal to Hydra. That made me grit my teeth, but I just moved onto my next little self-imposed assignment. Recommending the next SHIELD Director.

Pierce had had some people loyal to Hydra in mind for the position, but hadn't bothered informing the World Security Council, as after Project INSIGHT launched the WSC would be obsolete. I on the other hand, had every intention of keeping the Council in the loop unless they proved too stubborn to listen. So, on that note I sent them my recommendation for the new Director, a list of one name. I wasn't exactly expecting them to agree with my suggestion, but that's alright, I would convince them.

With that set up, I began checking on the status of both Project INSIGHT and the STRIKE Team currently attempting to hunt down Captain America and the Black Widow. They weren't having much luck finding the pair, so I decided that giving new orders not to harm their quarry in any way would be counter-productive at this point and left them to their current assignment.

Instead, I went ahead and scheduled a meeting with every HYDRA sleeper agent currently on the STRIKE team in a mission room in two hours' time. Smiling at my plans all coming together, my thoughts were interrupted by Bucky speaking up, "Sir."

I blink and look at him with a raised eyebrow, "Yes James?"

He's looking laser-focused again, serious and driven. He wants something. Setting his laptop down, he comes to stand before Pierce's desk and the way his eyes track across the room expresses his desire for privacy. With a smile and a nod I enter a code and the room enters blackout mode, the windows being covered up, cameras turned off, and a quick scan to make sure there are no extra recording devices active.

Once I've made sure we have privacy I look at Bucky pointedly and he clears his throat, "Sir, I was wondering at the full extent of your… capabilities…"

Frowning slightly, I wave a hand, "James, just tell me what you want and I'll tell you if I'm capable of it."

Instead of doing so he sets his laptop on the desk and spins it to face me. On the screen staring back at me is a picture of a smiling young Peggy Carter. I can certainly appreciate her beauty but I'm not exactly sure what he wants from me. Looking back up at him I shrug helplessly, "I can't bring back the dead if I'm not there beforehand James."

He shakes his head at me, "She's not dead sir. Not yet. And her and Steve never had their chance… I was wondering if you could give them that."

I open my mouth to tell him no with my best sad face possible, when I freeze in place and actually consider it. I haven't turned many elderly even in my incredibly long lifetime, but I know that hybridization by itself can't do what Bucky wants. However, I'm no longer just the Original Hybrid. I've got a new tool that so far, I haven't found any sort of boundaries on.

With a slow nod I look Bucky in the eye, "I can't promise anything James… but I might have a way. We'll stop by her care home when we leave for the day alright?"

He nods in agreement, his excitement apparent and he's clearly even more grateful now as I gesture for him to go back to his seat and deactivate the blackout mode. We still have over an hour until the next step so I start up my next plan. Making sure all of the most valuable SHIELD and Hydra data is accessible to me and only me. I can't help the grin that forms on my face as I begin using Pierce's codes for that task.


Captain America: The Winter Soldier

(Black Out Room, Triskelion)

Bucky is with me when I meet with the STRIKE team, a group of fifteen in total. Only the team leader recognized Bucky as the Asset from the reactions I observed. The rest merely gave him an assessing look before dismissing him to focus on me. Once everyone was seated I once more entered a code that sent the room into lock down and smiled at those assembled.

"With Project INSIGHT so close to completion, I've decided that there are to be no chances taken. You are all cleared for knowledge about the Serum, by simple virtue of the fact that you all have been injected with it."

That gets a few nods, but some of the STRIKE team actually look agitated at mention of it. The Serum is what Hydra took to calling my blood when they gave it to their more valuable combat troops before they even launched their Hybrid program. One of the STRIKE team leans forward with a severe frown, "The Serum didn't help us against Captain America. He still kicked our asses one and all."

That gets more than one nod from the other members of the team, and I smile as I nod along with them, before addressing the one who spoke up directly, "That's true Mr. Rollins. Which is why you all are now being cleared to know one simple thing. The Serum you all took was Stage 1."

Snapping my fingers before anyone can speak up to that, Bucky steps up with an important looking briefcase and I pop it open to reveal fifteen vials full of red fluid, "This… is Stage 2."

Now they just look hungry, more than one of them staring at the vials as if they want to leap out of their seats to get at it. Hydra might preach about order and control, but they attracted the power hungry more often than not, that was obvious. With a smile on my face I gesture again and Bucky begins going around the table so each member of STRIKE can take a dose from him.

Once everyone has a vial I smile and unlock the magnetically sealed tops before gesturing with both hands, "Drink up."

There's a touch of compulsion behind my words to make sure no one hesitates and a moment later all fifteen members of STRIKE have drained it down. As he sets the empty container down, Team Leader Brock Rumlow looks at me somewhat curiously, "Tasted a lot like the Stage 1 version. What's different about Stage 2?"

I grin, I couldn't have set myself up better for that, so I answer him honestly, "Nothing whatsoever. James, you take the left."

Before STRIKE has a chance to react, James and I are moving forward, breaking necks and leaving corpses slumped in their seats. The whole process takes a few seconds, the farthest from us managing to get out of their seats before we push them back down and kill them as well. I look around the silent room with a large smile even as I let Alexander Pierce's features flow off of my body.

Turning to Bucky, I comment idly, "Well now, that worked nicely. Now get the other case open, they'll need to drink again when they wake."

Bucky moves to do what I say even as he voices a question, "We just got done killing all of them. How are you so sure they're going to be cool with that when they wake up? And frankly, why are you even giving them immortality?"

I grin, "Both good questions James. Suffice to say, I have everything under… control. You'll see. And if not, well immortality does not mean invincibility. We can dispose of them all if need be."

He falls quiet at that, setting a small paper cup of blood in front of each of the dead STRIKE team as I asked before falling back into step behind me. We wait patiently and soon enough our new friends are awakening. I can feel the connection to the Aether within all of them, and for the first time I fully let it subvert their personalities.

"Drink up friends. Welcome to your new existence."

Without fail, my newest acolytes drink down the blood before them and complete the transition. I grin as I feel the Aether's hold over them solidify and immediately begin speaking, "Now, you all know who I am. At this moment, you can consider yourself my soldiers, not Hydra's, not SHIELD's. You will only accept orders from Alexander Pierce or me."

Brock speaks for the team as he replies, "Yes sir. As you say sir."

I smile happily, "Good. For now, you're all dismissed. I'm sure the next mission will come before we know it. Things are speeding up, with Project INSIGHT just around the corner."

The STRIKE team files out of the room after I morph back into Alexander Pierce and deactivate the lockdown, Bucky stays silent but I can feel his eyes boring into the back of my neck as I make my way back to Pierce's office with him in tow. Once there, I immediately start lockdown again so he can speak his mind. He doesn't wait at all, "Back there… what was that?"

I look at him with a raised eyebrow, "I thought that was rather obvious James. That was mind control."

He tenses up at my blunt admission confirming his suspicions. Of course he doesn't appreciate the idea given his past even if it's being used on enemies. I let out a sigh, "James, I consider you an ally. Perhaps even a friend. I want you to understand something."

I stare him right in the eye, "I have always had this ability. I can use it to control anyone I want at any time. And since coming to your world, I haven't. Only now, when it's needed am I resorting to these measures. The STRIKE team will be useful to stopping Hydra, and once we're done I will release their minds and let the proper authorities imprison them."

He clenches his jaw, "And what about me? I've followed your lead since you rescued me and stripped Hydra's control. Immediately accepted you as my superior officer…"

I role my eyes in false exasperation as I continue to spin my web of lies, "I've explained this to so many people now… James, what you feel towards me is gratitude. My kind always feel emotions more powerfully, so your gratitude is magnified. We also share a common goal, I'm offering you revenge, one of the things you want most in this world. You're following my lead because I'm the one with the plan."

Spreading my arms wide I finish with, "If I was controlling you, you wouldn't be capable of questioning me like you are right now, would you?"

He blinks at that before frowning and shaking his head, "I suppose not, no. I still don't like it. How are we any better than Hydra?"

Here, I switch to brutal honesty, "I'm not. I'm not better than them. I'm willing to do whatever I need to do. I'm going to do whatever I need to do. I'm a selfish creature by nature, and the people who I care about on this planet are currently Hydra's biggest targets. You're on that list of people I give a damn about James, but don't for a second consider me a hero."

That just makes him confused, "But… I looked you up. You're Valiant. The world says you ARE a hero."

I chuckle darkly at that, "Of course they do. I kill for them. I kill in defense of them and this world because it's my home, and so they laden me with accolades and titles."

Stepping towards Bucky, I continue on with my monologue, "I'm telling you this when I've never voiced these thoughts to anyone, because I think you can best understand me. They called you the Asset to dehumanize you, but you were Hydra's hero for decades, even though they might try to deny it. Heroes… villains… the world is growing out of such fairytales James. Soon enough, there will only be monsters, their victims, and the ones holding the leashes. I gave my leash over to the general public and my victims will always be those who would do harm to Earth. But I'm no less of a monster."

He stares at me in silence as I finish my little rant, seeming to need a bit of time to digest what I had to say. After a long moment he nods and I smile, slapping him on the shoulder, "Good, let's get this done then. Once Hydra is defeated, you won't have to follow my lead anymore. I'm not wearing this bastard's skin for any longer than necessary that's for sure."

Dramatic timing dictates that it's at that exact moment that Pierce's computer begins to beep incessantly. Flashing over, I look to see what's wrong and frown, "Ah, Steve and Natasha have found Arnim Zola."

That gets Bucky's attention, "Hang on, he's not dead yet either? Where is he? I want to tear him limb from limb."

I chuckle at the fervor as Bucky moves to look over my shoulder, "He doesn't have limbs anymore James. He's uploaded himself into a computer and Steve and Natasha just found his mainframe, so he sent an alert. The automatic response is a missile strike on his location."

Bucky's eyes go wide, "What?! But that'll hit Steve. You can't!"

I shake my head, "Of course not, look I already cancelled it. There's a much easier way of dealing with Zola without hurting either of our friends. Would you like to press the button?"

It's probably a mark of the sire bond that he immediately hits the button I gesture at. On the screen we watch as Zola is shut down mid speech by the EMP device situated above his underground complex. Of course there was more than one way to kill off the AI, not that he ever knew it. Unfortunately, the EMP also meant we lost visual on Steve and Natasha.

Moving away from the computer I call up the STRIKE team and send them to the bunker to make sure the two leave, under strict orders to force a retreat, not capture or harm either of them. Bucky frowns and once more speaks his mind, "Why send anyone after them? They're trying to stop Hydra, same as us right?"

"They are, but if I don't keep up appearances people will get suspicious. Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff are currently wanted by SHIELD and I can't exactly revert that when half of SHIELD are Hydra agents who could report to other Hydra heads elsewhere in the world that Alexander Pierce has done a one eighty. We need to keep things as normal as possible, which means continuing the hunt for our two fugitives."

He seems to accept this with another nod so I smile and log off my computer, "Now, evening has fallen and I think it's time we move onto our first task of the night. I assume you have Peggy Carter's current residence?"

He blinks and actually smiles at that, nodding again, "Yes I do."

Grinning back at him I gesture towards the door, "Well then what are we waiting for?"


Captain America: The Winter Soldier

(Peggy Carter's Care Home, Washington D.C.)

I change back into my real form along the way, content in the knowledge that no one important is currently watching Ms. Carter. Pierce had been watching her on the off chance Steve was dumb enough to visit, but he was no longer a factor, and I'd ended the surveillance while moving the rest of my plans forward during the day.

We arrived by the elderly woman's bedside easily enough. She was asleep, which rather ruined my plans for a moment of asking her if she wanted to be healed. Ah well, such is life, you win some, you lose some. And I had no idea if I was even going to succeed here. Drawing on the Aether, I began to imagine exactly what I wanted to do in my mind.

Setting my hands on her body, I watched as it shivered and began to change. The age seemed to literally melt away before our eyes as I brought her down to her late twenties. I could feel the drain on myself as I did it though, and I could feel that it would be a constant one if I wanted to keep her looking like this. I couldn't just stand beside her and continue to hold her at this age forever, which meant it was time to see if this next step would work.

"Ugh, I should have started with feeding her my blood. James, go ahead and cut me and give her some please. Quickly now, this isn't exactly easy," I say with a grimace as he hastens to fulfill my orders. Soon enough he's massaging her throat to make sure she's swallowed some down. I'm surprised that she's managed to stay asleep through this to be honest. Still holding the changes I've made to her steady in my mind, I grunt another order at Bucky.

"Good, now break her neck."

He pales at that but grasps her head anyways and gives it a sharp twist. The crack seems louder than it should be as Peggy Carter dies in her bed at the ripe old age of ninety two, not looking a day over the age of twenty nine. With a quiet gasp of relief I begin to withdraw the Aether's influence from her, watching her closely as I do so.

The corpse on the bed stays the age she died as, not her true age. As moments turn into minutes, it seems that my exhausting shot in the dark has worked. Once again the Aether has pulled through, though as an annoyingly high price. As I grimace and move to Bucky's side, I clap a hand on his shoulder, "I won't be doing that again anytime soon James. But everything seems to have gone okay. I'm leaving this in your hands now. Make sure she drinks blood to complete the process when she wakes, and then take her to Pierce's home. I'll meet you there."

He blinks at that, "Where are you going?"

"I have one more thing I need to take care of tonight. I think Mrs. Carter will enjoy seeing your face more than mine anyways. Besides, you're the one who wanted this. You get to explain to her why she's now immortal. And maybe don't lead with the fact that you did it for Steve. Women don't appreciate it when you blatantly admit to using them for something."

With a parting grin, I leave the rapidly paling hybrid behind. I'm tired and a bit hungry, but there's something else I need to do tonight regardless of how I feel.


Captain America: The Winter Soldier

(Secret Hydra Lab, Washington D.C.)

When I arrived at the base to pick up the Hydra hybrids, the phrase a bit peckish was an understatement when describing my growing hunger. Still, I figured there'd be enough blood bags in the base for me all things considered. So as I entered through the door and was greeted by a lab tech, I reined in my hunger for the time being.

My hold begins to slip when I'm brought to my hybrids and find that my orders have not been followed to the letter. They had been thawed out, but each was rather grey in appearance, as well as strapped down to gurneys. Each one had a moderate case of dessication that left them unable to escape their bindings. The scientist escorting me seems to read my mood as he immediately begins to explain.

"We were worried that they would grow violent with us before you arrived, if we'd fed them. We figured with you here you'd be able to control the situation better and make sure they listen to reason."

I smile a not so nice smile at that as I turn to look the scientist in the eye, "Reason you say? Well, you're certainly right. I am perfectly capable of controlling the situation from here. Call everyone in the base here please, its best that I debrief you all before we revive them."

Having used compulsion to make sure my order is followed, I watch as the entirety of the small base is called in. Ten scientists and seven security guards soon stand before me and I look to the one I sent to collect them and ask, "Is this everyone in the base, truthfully?"

Once more compulsion gives me confirmation that his affirmation is the truth. So with my smile growing into a wicked grin, I snap my fingers to get the attention of everyone in the room, making sure they're all looking at me before I issue my next commands, "You lot will expose your arms and offer them to the hybrids on the gurneys. Some of you will offer both arms. Make sure every single one of my children is fed."

They move to follow my order but I grab one of the prettier ones, a security guard with a nice face and pull her back against my chest. She struggles, still trying to follow my order but then I'm pulling her head back and exposing her neck for my fangs. Her struggles weaken and disappear entirely as I drink her dry, feasting as my children do the same.

I finish first of course, and watch with a bloodstained grin as bodies drop to the floor and twenty four pairs of feet settle next to them, my hybrids getting off their gurneys and moving past their meals to stand before me. I smile at the blank almost innocent looks on their faces. One steps forward in front of the others and snaps off a quick salute, "Sir! What… what happened?"

I raise an eyebrow at that and answer with a question of my own, "What do you remember last, all of you?"

I watch carefully as they seem to contemplate that for a long moment, before the lead one answers again, his voice sounding a strange combination of confident, confused, and worried, "You?"

There are nods all around and I just continue to smile. So this is what Hydra's mind wiping does to Hybrids. They've been stripped of their identities, but that doesn't seem to have stopped the sire bonds. If anything, it's merely solidified their bonds with me, leaving me the central focus in their lives. With a nod of acknowledgement I speak and they listen.

"Very well. More may come back eventually but what matters now is that you're free. Across the hall is a supply room, everyone get a uniform and change. After that, gather at the front door. I'm going to make sure there's no traces of this base left behind once we go."

My orders are followed without a single complaint and after I break into the armory and use the explosives there to destroy the vital parts of the base, I meet them at the door and we head out. Hydra's facility is destroyed an hour after we leave. I send my newly freed hybrids to Darcy and Mark along with instructions on the part I want them to play in the next two days. Things are quickly coming to an end for Project INSIGHT.


Captain America: The Winter Soldier

(Pierce's Home, Washingtong D.C.)

When I arrived at Pierce's home it was to find Bucky seated with Peggy pacing. As I close the door behind me and locked it, I shed my disguise and walked into the room they were in as Vali. Peggy turned to me immediately, staring me up and down for a long moment before finally speaking, "I want to know why."

I raise an eyebrow at that, glancing to Bucky before responding, "How much has James told you so far?"

She purses her lips together at that and crosses her arms over her chest, "He's told me enough. I want to hear it from you. Why am I here and not rotting away in that bed?"

Stepping forward, I take a moment to appreciate that hot posh voice as well as gather my thoughts, "Well Mrs. Carter, I'm sure that James had his own reasons when he brought the idea to my attention, but the reason I personally decided to expend my energy is because SHIELD needs you now more than ever before. Hydra has infected it to its roots and once I'm done excising that corruption, SHIELD will need people it can count on moving forward."

She sets her jaw and looks me square in the eye at that, "And I suppose that moving forward you'll be in charge?"

It's clear that she's not exactly a fan of the idea, and I wonder exactly what Bucky has told her to make her innately suspicious of my plans. I don't let that show on my face, shaking my head and smiling instead, "No Mrs. Carter, I have no desire to lead SHIELD. There's another man I believe is best suited to become Director of SHIELD. If you'd like, I can show you his file and you can decide whether you want to be involved in my plans for eradicating Hydra afterwards. And perhaps if you don't find him appealing as an option, you could become Director yourself?"

After a moment she gives a curt nod and I smile, moving to Pierce's home computer so I can bring up my candidate's file. I have little doubt that I can get Peggy Carter on board. Whether Bucky's plan of getting her and Steve back together will work or not is out of my hands. I have other uses for her right now.


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