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Chapter 92: Spy Games Ch. 13

After Thor: Dark World

(London, England)

Arriving back on Earth, I immediately made my way back to the hotel Jane and Darcy had been staying at. I figured they should still be around given that the Convergence had only just ended. I was right on that front, they were even at the hotel. What I wasn't expecting was the situation I found them in. Jane was tied down to the bed naked, with Darcy leaning over her, also as bare naked as the day she was born.

They were kissing rather passionately, and though Jane was restrained I could tell she was enjoying the intimacy just as much as Darcy was, as the latter's fingers plunged in and out of the former's wet sex over and over again. I'd like to say I considered leaving, the two seemed so engrossed in one another that interrupting would be rather rude.

Who am I kidding? I'm incredibly rude. Clearing my throat caught their attention immediately, Darcy whirling around and Jane's eyes opening wide from where she'd had them closed in ecstasy, both girls staring at me for several long moments. In an instant Darcy had practically teleported over to me and started dragging me over to the bed, "Vali! You're finally back!"

She kept talking even as she started undressing me, "We've been waiting for you for days, didn't realize the trip to Asgard would be overnight. Jane here had fun studying the Convergence, but I was bored out of my mind!"

I just watched amused as she worked, her hands working my pants down and one closing around my cock, giving me an excellent handjob as she continued to speak, "I got a little pent up, and then the Convergence was over, and it was pretty obvious to me that Jane was a little pent up as well… so I pinned her down and had my way with her naughty body. Oh, she protested at first, but she's admitted how much she wants it by now."

I look over Darcy's head at the bound astrophysicist and raise both eyebrows. She catches the look and scowls without heat, answering my unspoken question, "I just stopped complaining after the first dozen orgasms. Our stamina has to be incredible now, considering we've been going at it since the Convergence ended with almost no brea-"

Darcy's use of hybrid speed has her suddenly sitting on Jane's face, cutting the astrophysicist off abruptly as her hands grip her hair, "Jane~ We talked about this, you aren't allowed to get all researchy on me while we're naked like this!"

There's an exasperated sound from the bound doctor, but considering the way Darcy is moaning, I can see that Jane is getting into it easily enough. Seeing that neither of my newest hybrids have expressed displeasure with my presence, I assume there's an open offer to join in. Sliding onto the bed I bring my mouth to Jane's already drenched lower lips and begin to explore them with my tongue, causing her body to jump in surprise before bucking up into my face.

Darcy watches, one hand planted on the bed behind her and the other kneading a breast as she rides Jane's face, only the doctor's chin visible beneath her. It doesn't take long for Jane to cum again, she's already riled up and I have more than a bit of experience with this sort of thing. Moving up, I bring my very hard cock to her cunt and press it into her needy body, even as I stretch over her to take Darcy's free nipple into my mouth.

From then on things are a blur for the next several hours, the only sounds being the smacking of flesh and the pleasured moans and groans escaping our mouths. Positions were changed up, Darcy and even I ended up tied up as Jane was, as we all explored the absolute limits of what hybrids were capable of. In the end, the two women were exhausted despite their new constitutions.

I lay with my wrists tied to bedposts, an eyebrow raised as two spent female bodies curled into me, Darcy even snoring softly. I could have broken the restraints but I felt strangely comfortable like this for the moment and didn't feel like bothering with even that small amount of exertion. My head felt clearer as well, clearer than I had since melding with the Aether.

I wasn't sure where this moment of clarity was coming from, but perhaps it had to do with even the Aether feeling spent within me after the last several hours of debauchery. That brought up the uncomfortable idea that it'd been pushing more of itself into the two women currently pressed against my sides. I'd have to check later.

For now though, I was reviewing my actions over the last several days. My actions regarding Malekith still felt right, if maybe a bit more personal than they really should have been. Yes, I'd wanted to make a spectacle of things for the trapped human audience, but now that I was viewing things through a different lens I wondered if there was something more to it.

Since arriving on Earth I'd put a lot of effort into playing things close to my chest. I'd tried to do things a bit more subtly than usual. Frankly, I'd not even considered going after the Infinity Stones when I first arrived here. Along the way, that had changed. When had the idea that I could easily acquire the Aether first entered my mind?

If I had to guess, it was probably around the formation of the Avengers. Was it my contact with the Mind Stone? Or was it the Omnipotent version of me that had sent me here playing around with things to push me towards something he considered more interesting?

More importantly though, while I was in an introspective mood, what the hell was up with my attitude while I was on Asgard? What the fuck had I been thinking when I spoke like that to Odin? When I'd revealed so much of myself to Thor? When I'd demanded to meet with Loki just to rant through him at Thanos? I'm pretty sure Thanos couldn't even see through Loki's eyes. Hadn't I made up the mind control thing on Loki's behalf?

The moment I finally broke effortlessly through the bindings on my arms was when I brought my hands to my head and cradled it for a long moment, even as I did my best not to jostle the two bodies sleeping against me. Alright, new plan. However long it took, I had already planned to master the Aether. But now, now I added an amendment to that goal. I needed to make sure I was still master of myself at the same time.

With that thought I leaned back, rested my hands on the bodies of the newborn hybrids burrowing into my sides, and closed my own eyes. Sleep wasn't my aim though, as I delved into the depths of my mind and my very soul to have another 'conversation' with the fragment of infinity that had melded with me.


Captain America: Winter Soldier

(Location Unimportant)

I was flying through the air and wasn't that just an amazing experience all around? The Aether practically sang in my blood as I used my growing control over it to levitate my body at increasing speeds around the large field I was currently zooming over. I was nowhere near done yet in learning everything the Aether could teach me, but with a year having passed since the Convergence, I had learned quite a bit.

With a large grin on my face I came to land beside a trailer home, a sharp disparity between it and the pile of shiny equipment set up beside it. Darcy had a pouty look on her face and her arms were crossed over her chest, "Was that as amazing as it looked? It's so unfair that we can't do it."

Still smiling at the by now common complaint I look to the other member of our little threesome, "Doctor? I hope you got the data you were looking for."

Jane was leaned over her equipment, engrossed in whatever the sensors had managed to pick up regarding my latest stunt. As I called to her, all I got in response was her waving a hand dismissively in my direction. But then, the science was the main reason she was even still here. Darcy I'd lured in with talk of training her in just how to make the best use of her new 'super powers' but Jane didn't want to put on a costume and save the world.

She just wanted to understand how the universe worked, so I'd confessed to her that the Aether was also known as the Reality Stone and she'd been doing research into it ever since. I won't lie, she'd been an absolute boon so far in my own training. I wouldn't be as far along as I was if not for her perspective and her research.

As I was about to voice that thought and then start trying to steer things towards a night out on the town for the three of us that could possibly end in some carnal fun, my phone buzzed. Frowning, I pulled it out and answered the unknown call, "Yes?"

"Hotel Echo India Lima Hotel Yankee Delta Romeo Alpha."

I blink at that and raise an eyebrow before turning to my two female friends, "Apologies girls, but I need to take this in private."

With that said, I zip away across the field and into the forest. Waiting a beat to make sure neither followed me, Darcy especially, I finally answer the call, "Activation code received. What is it?"

"Do you know who this is?"

I smile, "Of course Mr. Secretary. What can I do for the World Security Council? Last I checked you lot were slightly peeved with me."

Alexander Pierce chuckles lightly at that, "That's an understatement. Still, we consider you a close ally and things are coming to a head in Washington. I believe we might need you here for damage control. How quickly can you arrive?"

That gets another raised eyebrow from me, "Are you telling me you don't already know where I am?"

There's a significant pause before he answers, "We have a general idea, but you've certainly done a good job of staying off the radar since Greenwich. You haven't exactly been dining in five star restraunts and visiting tourist attractions like you were before."

Grinning at the admission I roll my shoulders, "I'll be there as soon as possible. I assume you'd like me to come directly to you, or are there any stops I need to make on the way?"

"… When you arrive we should have a better idea of what we need from you. Come directly to me."

"Very well, until then Mr. Secretary," With that I hang up on the man, a smile etched onto my face as I head back to the trailer home. Project INSIGHT was finally coming to a head and Alexander Pierce, member of the World Security Council and secret head of Hydra was calling me in to make sure everything went well.

I could only assume this was the events of Winter Soldier finally coming into play, though I had to wonder just how much I'd changed. I also had to make a decision now, about how much I would change going forward. Hydra or SHIELD? Who did I wish to back at the end of the day? The fact that it all came down to me pleased me beyond measure.

Some of that pleasure bled away when I arrived back to where Darcy and Jane were waiting to find them pinning down a struggling… hybrid? Blinking slowly, I came to a stop where the two women were working together to hold down the young man. As soon as he looked at me he froze up, eyes going wide.

With a flick of my fingers, Darcy's Aether empowerment activates, increasing her power and letting Jane move off the no longer struggling male, given that Darcy was more than a match for restraining him now. Plastering a smile back on my face I stepped forward and placed a hand on Darcy's shoulder, "Well now, what do we have here?"

My words finally break the captive hybrid from his stupor, his eyes immediately darting away from my own, submissively lowering his gaze as he responds, "I've been looking for you for the past several days. I'm still not sure how I found you so easily, but it was like I could feel your presence in the back of my mind."

I nod slowly, "Yes, you are of my blood. There is a connection between us. The question though, is where you've come from. Who gave you my blood and turned you?"

The Hybrid's eyes flicker between my two companions before he answers honestly, "Hydra. I was part of a program, we were all… disabled in some way. For me, I had lost my legs. Given a chance to regain them, I leapt for it. We were told that we'd become something more. And we did, but afterwards it was like a switch was thrown."

I furrow my brow at that, "Explain."

He swallows thickly, "W-we asked after you of course, why wouldn't we? They weren't happy about that, but they told us that once the tests were over we'd all be assigned under your command. Only, that never happened. Instead, they split us all up. My memory started getting spotty, which was weird because at first it was nearly perfect after the change. I was waking up really cold. All I knew is that I had to find you. S-so I got out and started searching."

Still smiling, I nod and gesture for Darcy to release him. At this point, I could easily kill him in an instant if necessary, "And here I am. Can you tell me anything more? Your name to start with. And how many of you were involved in this… program?"

The Hybrid stands up slowly, eyes still tracking to Darcy and Jane every once in a while before he focused his gaze on my chest and responded, "My name is Mark. As far as I know, there were fifty of us going into the program originally. Don't know if there were more groups though."

Stepping forward, I sigh and rest my hand on the back of Mark's neck. He tenses but then relaxes into my grasp, entirely too trusting. I would probably kill him right now if not for the two ladies standing by watching. It's unfortunate, but I've made allies that I don't consider expendable enough for me to kill them out of hand.

In that instant, I know that the choice I was so excited about, has already been made for me. Alexander Pierce didn't call because he wanted me in Washington to make sure Project INSIGHT went off without a hitch. He called because of this hybrid currently in my grasp. Hydra's little experiment with my blood had escaped their control and sought me out, and now they expected me to seek revenge and attack them.

If I'd gone to Washington before this one had found me, I would have walked right into a trap. With another sigh I looked down at my child to find him looking up at me, "It would seem Mark, that Hydra has forced my hand. I can't very well leave the rest of your comrades in their hands if they're being mistreated, now can I?"

He looks hopeful at that, and Darcy perks up seeming to enjoy the idea of a rescue operation very much. Jane has already gone back to her data, showing just how little she cared. Shaking my head, I squash that hope, "Unfortunately, I've just been called into Washington by the World Security Council, and I have reason to suspect things are coming to a head there as well, with Hydra working behind the scenes. My children will have to wait until I've made sure that their captors haven't taken over the world while my attention is focused elsewhere."

My audience takes this in and it's clear to me that neither Darcy or Jane know anything about Hydra as Mark nods slowly, "As you say sir. What would you have me do?"

I smile, "You? I want you to stay here with Darcy and Jane. Tell them everything we'll need to know about the place you escaped from. I'll go to Washington and deal with things there. It won't take me more than a week."

It's a testament to the sire bond that nobody even suggests it might take longer. Darcy though, is still quite disappointed, "What? Why can't I come with you? I want to help save the world!"

Chuckling, I shake my head, "This isn't about saving the world Darcy. They've made this personal. There won't be time for any heroics. Besides, you'll be the one planning the rescue of the others with Mark here. When I return, it'll be your job to lead the mission, alright?"

That gets her interest and after a moment she nods slowly, clearly deciding that the bone I've thrown her is good enough, "Fine. Then, why don't I lead the operation while you're busy in Washington? We can handle the rescue while you deal with the bad guys! Why wait until you come back?"

I sigh and shake my head, "Darling, these people are holding onto up to forty nine Hybrids right now. They'll be more than prepared for a couple hybrids who might try to stage a rescue. They will not be prepared for what I can bring to the table though. I won't have you getting yourself caught or killed Darcy. Wait for me to return, alright?"

She pouts but nods again, "Alright."

I wink in response and a moment later I'm lifting into the air using my control of the Aether much to Mark's amazement. It's time to see how fast I can push this. With that thought, I burst into motion and begin the flight to Washington D.C., and the trap waiting for me there.


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