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Chapter 15: Ch. 14

1925 A.D. Venezuela

When Mikael began actively hunting for me, he found it slighty easier to track me down than it had been to find his other children over the last several centuries. At the same time, I almost immediately found out about his movements after he murdered one of my disciples in Mexico. Deciding to meet with him in Venezuela, I brought Katerina along, prepared for his arrival, and spread word of where I could be found.

We came face to face on the lawn outside a large compound I'd had built nearly a century ago to house the disciple I had running this part of my territory. Katerina stood at my side as Mikael approached at human speed and came to a stop a few dozen feet away.

I smiled good-naturedly and spread my arms wide in a welcoming gesture despite having a good idea of why Mikael was here, "Father. I'm rather cross with you. You killed one of my children. If you wanted to speak with me, you could have simply asked for an audience."

He sneered at that and pointedly withdrew the white oak stake from his jacket. Part of me was surprised and part of me wasn't. Either he didn't know it could only be used once, or he was actively making the choice to kill me instead of Niklaus, "I have no desire to speak with you boy. I am here to end you and this farce of an empire you've built."

I raise an eyebrow at that, "Really now? I suppose Klaus must have told you. I'll admit Father, I'm a bit surprised. Even knowing the truth, I'd expect you to want to kill Klaus over me, given what he did to our mother. Your wife."

His eyes narrow at my blatant attempt at manipulation and he shakes his head, "Niklaus will get what he deserves. He has fled from me for nine centuries, but he will not always be able to escape my grasp. You on the other hand have been brazen in your use of me as a weapon. Do not deny that you sent me after your own siblings so long ago, told me that I must kill your brother before you would rejoin your family. You played me quite well boy, but now I know the truth, and I will destroy everything you have made for the way you manipulated me."

I chuckle and sigh, "As you wish Father." A twitch of my finger and my children are on either side of him, tossing enchanted chains like lassos around his arms and neck, pulling sharply and immobilizing him in an instant. He snarls in anger but manages to keep ahold of the white oak stake even as he struggles against the strength of the twenty vampires, each of which had eight centuries of age. It's a testament to his strength that he doesn't drop his only weapon against me.

I smiled as I slowly stepped forward, Katerina staying behind, "These are my children Father. The comrades of the one you murdered in Mexico."

From behind Mikael come three young women, their arms up and pointing at Mikael's head as they chanted. He screamed in pain and finally dropped the stake in his grasp, allowing me to easily catch it and press the tip firmly against his chest.

"And these are the witches allied with me. I wish that I could have shown you my werewolves, shown you just how many of the race that spawned Niklaus and I still live, but it's better that there be as few witnesses as possible to this." I smile as I slowly push the stake into Mikael's chest, causing him to roar in pain. I stop just shy of impaling his heart and lean in to speak so quietly that only he, Katerina, and my disciples will hear it.

"I want you to know, that I would have been content to spend the rest of my life calling you Father. You were there for me when my blood father cowered behind his indiscretion with my mother. You raised me as your own, and you taught me the most important lesson of all. Strength and power are all that matter in the end. You taught me how to be strong. So for that Mikael, I will always be grateful."

He stared at me with nothing but hate and I plunged the stake into his heart without another word, releasing him as he burnt to ash, the chains holding him going lax as his body fell apart within them. The white oak stake burnt as well and I just smiled as Katerina approached cautiously. She stayed silent but I knew her too well by this point and eventually I sighed, "You may ask Katerina."

With a slow gulp, she spoke what was on her mind, "That was what Klaus ran from for nine hundred years? The one thing he feared?"

I continue to look at the burning body of my father for a long moment before nodding, "Indeed, Mikael, our over-bearing father and his weapon, the last piece of a tree that could have killed us."

Eventually she spoke again and I smiled at the reverent tone in her voice, "Master, you are much more terrifying than your brother."

I laughed at that even as the three witches who'd come to help finish this approached. Their leader stepped forward with her head held high and I smiled at the show of pride and strength they were trying to present, "The Destroyer is dead and his weapon is gone with him. We are owed."

I grin and nod, "Of course my dears. If you provide my disciples with a list of the subjects you wish to research, they will have the appropriate grimoires copied from my collection and brought to you to study."

The jaw of the lead witch clenches at that, "We will not see the library itself?"

I smile and shake my head, "Not unless you plan to leave your people behind forever. The archivists in my library choose that path for life in pursuit of knowledge knowing that they will never leave the temple where it's located. The spells that my allied witches have added to the location over the centuries make sure of that."

The lead witch nods and seems to accept that, but one of the other two steps forward. She's a bit younger, but she has this determined look in her eyes that I can appreciate, "I have no family left to leave behind. I am willing to become one of these archivists you speak of."

I raise an eyebrow and nod, "I do not want you to go into this under false pretenses. You will be required to open your mind to several of my Disciples so that they can make sure your intentions are honest. Are you prepared to do this, to reveal any secrets you may have for the chance at knowledge?"

When she nodded again, I smiled, "Wonderful! Once again, I thank the three of you for your assistance. You and your descendants have me forever in your debt."

Looking to the two who would be returning to the witches, I spoke a bit more gravely, "That said, nobody can know what has happened here today. If you speak of this and word of Mikael's demise spreads, I will know because my children and Katerina here literally cannot betray me. I hope you understand that my displeasure at such a thing happening would be legendary."

I look them each in the eye as I finish with this, "I am the greatest ally you have in the pursuit of magic and knowledge. Please do not make me your enemy."

I receive a nod from both in response and I smile, considering the matter closed. I turn back to the compound and leave the witches to my disciples, as well as the ashes left over from Mikael's death. Katerina follows closely behind me, her mood quite clear when we finally find privacy and she immediately strips her clothing off before attempting to jump me.

I laugh as she pins me to the bed, before I flip us both over so that she's under me, one hand moving between her thighs to feel how wet her slit is, while the other holds her in place by her throat. She moans at my touch, panting and mewling at me like a kitten in heat, her desire obvious. I pull my hand away after a moment and she whines in displeasure, only to be silenced when I place the fingers now wet with her juices to her lips, causing her to eagerly suckle them clean.

I press her back against the bed and lock eyes with her, initiating compulsion, "Katerina, you will forget that I can compel you to tell the truth, and you will forget that I am compelling you right now." I waited for the compulsion to take hold and her eyes to clear before smiling and tracing a finger around one of her nipples, "Katerina, you have been with me now for a little over sixty years. I control every aspect of your existence, so tell me what you think of me. Be honest now."

She looks at me with as seductive a face she can manage while being pleasured by my very touch, "Mm, M-master you are my reason for existing. I love you and everything you are. You are strong and powerful and I cannot imagine a world where I do not remain by your side for all time. I am yours to do with as you please. I cannot even reach climax without your touch any longer. You've taken me over completely."

I chuckle softly at her honeyed words before once more compelling her, "Now then darling, Tell me the truth of what you think of me."

Her eyes cloud over in horror as she's forced to tell me the truth, "I both hate you and love you. I do not want you dead but I don't know if that's because you've compelled me or because of my feelings for you. If I had the chance, I would escape you, but I would miss your touch dearly. I truly cannot reach climax without you anymore, and this scares me more than anything. You are breaking me and rebuilding me as you said you would, and every year that passes more and more of me accepts it. I fear for my sanity, that my very identity will be overwritten by what you want me to become."

I smile and nod, prompting her to ask the question on her mind even as she shuddered in pleasure under my continued caresses, "W-why do you do that to me? Allow me to believe that I can lie to you and then drag the truth out of me right after?"

I grin at that even as I slide a finger up and down her exposed center, running it over her wet slit in a way that just made her grow more and more aroused, "You can learn a lot about someone from their lying Katerina. What they are willing to lie about, how they lie… all of these are facets of a person's being. You willingly sacrifice your body to me in an effort to keep your soul intact. Unfortunately it is not working very well for you, as your mind is slowly eroding before me as well.

I grin as I look as she arches her back at my touch and closes her eyes, "For example, you want me to fuck you right now don't you?"

She let out a combination of a growl and a hiss as she answered with a heated, "Yes!" without an ounce of compulsion from me. I just chuckled and flipped her over onto her front. She buried her face in the pillows and lifted her ass into the air like a bitch in heat, her desire incredibly clear. I obliged her a moment later, sliding my hard cock into her tight inviting passage after freeing it from the confines of my pants.

Growling as I began to fuck her, I leaned over her and nibbled at her ear while whispering in her ear, "Did you get off on me killing my father? I had no idea you were such a slut darling."

All I got in response were moans of pleasure as my length slid along her insides and caused her to orgasm violently underneath me. But it didn't end there as I truly began to piston in and out of her inviting cunt, turning her moans into pleasured screams, as I fucked climax after climax from her, each one tearing a bit more of her resistance away like I'd been doing for every day of the last sixty years.

Truthfully, as I reached under her to knead and maul her delicious tits, I had to admit that I was proud of Katerina. She truly did have a fire to her that still wasn't extinguished after sixty years of pure pleasure. Even after all this time she was still waiting for a way out.

Eventually she was unconscious by sheer virtue of the pleasure overload I forced on her system and I was lying next to her smiling, ghosting my fingers over her beautiful dark curls. Perhaps I'd play a bit of a game eventually and release her for a time. It would make it all the more entertaining when she fell back into my grasp. I wondered if I let her escape me, would I be the thing she most feared? Would it be me she ran from, instead of Klaus?

After all this time, she knew that all she had to fear of Klaus was physical torment. But as she'd told me under compulsion, I threatened her very sanity. Chuckling, I lay back and pulled my pet closer, letting her nuzzle into my neck as I wrapped an arm around her and fell asleep.


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