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Chapter 3: Chapter 2: Keep Quiet, Run, Hide, Don’t Kill

If someone told me seven years ago that they found a ruin in the middle of the city I would just laugh it all off. But, I guess an imaginative ruin would be far better than reality.

"What's this? Do we have fewer males now? Oh my Gods and Goddesses, look at you kids, I see some people in here who have a potential of going into the entertainment industry"

A woman in her mid-30's greeted us the moment we set foot at our "ARENA". Potential? Potential of being what? Clowns?

"And be clowns like you?"

We looked back at the person who made that comment. Lo and behold it is your ever so handsome Mr. Damian. I know I just made the same comment in my head but to actually blurt it out. Man, that's guts he has there.

"I am hurt, did you just call me a clown? A beautiful woman like me?"

Beautiful? I wanna snort at that description. The people back in the Capital have a strange fashion sense. Some have gothic styles, unicorn princesses and some are just ogre-ish styles. It's like every day is a Halloween party.

"Well it seems that you kids lack in fashion sense also, putting those matters aside. This right here will be your arena".

I scanned the entire area and it seems oddly familiar. Everywhere around us were ruins of houses and buildings, with a few trees and plants on the side. A few meters away on what seems like a town plaza are scattered resources, bags, swords, spears, arrows, axes, knives but no guns to be found.

"This is one of the abandoned cities here in your country. Don't worry the government drove away all the people that had lived here"

Drove Away? Or killed? Probably the latter. But I can't shake the feeling that I've seen this place back then.

"This… this is my hometown"

I turned around and saw Miisa with her pale face. She was about to rush up front when I caught her arm and placed my palm on her mouth.

"Don't you even dare go upfront Miisa you hear me? I know what's rushing through that pretty head of yours, but I can't have you beheaded under my watch you hear me? Calm down and we'll think this thoroughly okay?"

She nodded at me at the same time that her tears started falling. Her legs gave away midway and she slumped silently by my side. I looked for Iavan and she was already eyeing us. I gave her instructions through hand signals.

Keep Quiet...



Don't Kill…

She nodded affirmatively. I scanned the whole area and saw that a few meters away is a forest. I'm a hundred percent sure that all of my classmates will run inside the city. I pointed in the direction of the forest and I received a squinted-eyed Iavan like she's saying "Are you crazy?" directly at my face.

I signaled her to just trust me.

Killing is something beyond our abilities, but that doesn't mean we can't fight back. But for now, our safety upon this bloodbath is our top priority. I do have a plan and it would only be complete If Iavan and Miisa would be out and safe after this.

"Well I will leave you to your killing"

After saying that the Middle-aged woman disappeared, should've guessed that she was only a hologram.

"Dear participants, The Herculean Tournament will begin in 10..9..8"

I scanned my classmates' faces, like me, they were all doing the same.


I looked at the town plaza again to memorize the places of the resources in there.


There are two bags that are just near the forest entrance. I looked at Iavan and pointed the bags before pointing to myself.






I gave Miisa a slight push signaling her to run through the forests' way while I make a run for the plaza. It's just a good thing that I actually jog with my dad and brother on weekends. I saw Iavan and Miisa entering the forest but it was not just them, a small guy from my class came running after them.

I grabbed an arrow and bow as soon as I stepped foot at the plaza and shot one arrow at that small guy. I hit him in his right leg and he landed face-first on the ground. I saw the other kids entering the plaza, some little girls are being smashed through the walls by the bigger kids. I got to my feet and quickly grabbed the two bags and made a run towards the forest.

"Hey, bitch!"

I don't know what got into me but I turned around and saw one of my classmates about to throw a knife at me. I placed one of the bags in front of me and continued running.

"Stop running bitch!"

"You really hate me that much tin?"

"First things first don't call me Tin, only my friends do that. Second yes I hate you to death, you stole something that is mine"

"Correction someone, he's basically not a thing"

Christine... The only girl in my class to ever hold a grudge over me. Why? Because her boyfriend dumped her for me, well not that I ever liked or entertained the guy.

"I'm gonna kill you"

I was running through the depths of the forest, my breath running rigid due to the structure of the forest which makes it hard to run straight, If I run any further my chances of being separated with Iavan and Miisa will only get bigger.

"Christine I don't want to kill you"

"Too bad because I do"

In just a split second, she threw her second knife and I've barely dodged it yes barely because it apparently caught my right arm which made a light cut in my skin.

"Hey, bitch you're bleeding!!"

I bit the inside of my lower lip, I saw Miisa and Iavan going my way. If I shout at them, Christine will know their current location. If I run further away from her, she may redirect her frustration to near victims and my friends would be the perfect victims for that.

"Damn it"

I set my bow and arrow towards Christine's direction but before I can even pull the quiver, someone behind Christine threw a spear that launched inside her body.

I stopped in my tracks as I face Christine with blood flowing from her mouth and the injury she has in her body.

"What a joke"

As she says her last words, which I think is she fell on her knees and closed her eyes. As Christine's body flopped out of the picture, behind stood that charming handsome guy with a deep set of hazel eyes. I breathed heavily when I realized what just happen.

"Damian… you…

Killed Christine"

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