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38.46% Primordial God - FairyTail / Chapter 4: Leaving Tenrou Island

Chapter 4: Leaving Tenrou Island

A few minutes later as Precht and Warrod were already sitting and waiting for us on the boat,

Yuri, Zera and me were waiting for Mavis to pack her belongings.

"What exactly are you really after?" asked the treasure hunter to Mavis.

"To get the Tenrou Jade back and i was thinking this would be a great opportunity to visit the outside world with Ken and Zera." answered the little blond haired girl.

"Zera?" said Yuri dubious.

Looking at the entrance of her room Mavis spoke aloud.

"Why don't you come out and try saying hello, Zera."

As Zera moved shyly next to the future first master of the guild Fairy Tail.

Mavis spoke again with a cute smile.

"This girl is super shy."

Yuri looked uncomfortable and tried to tell her something but the little girl completely ignored him because she was too excited for their upcoming trip.

Turning his head to look at me, he whispered to me.

"Hey, who is Zera why can't i see her? Is she her imaginary friend?"

After hesitating a few moments, i told him in low voice.

"Zera was a friend of Mavis but she died few years ago. The Zera of now is just a creation of her subconscious, the day when she'll know that Zera is an illusion. She'll disappear."

"Shouldn't we tell her the truth?" Asked doubtful Yuri.

"We should but now isn't the time, when she'll have more friends that can replace Zera will be when we can tell her. Otherwise, she will lose one of her very few friends." i responded with a bit of hesitation.

From the moment i met Mavis until now, i always thought about telling her about Zera but i when i saw that Zera and me were her only friends, i couldn't bring me to tell her, that's why i decided to tell her the truth when she'll have more friends as she won't be lonely after the disappearance of her childhood friend.

When Mavis finished packing her things, we went to the shore where the boat with Precht and Warrod was waiting for us.

As i was walking along with Mavis, Zera and Yuri, i had a small smile and thought with enthusiasm that the adventure finally began.

Once arrived in front of the boat, Precht and Warrod were waiting sitted on the small ship as the latter said.

"You've finally arrived. We've been waiting for you, we should go now."

After a few minutes, the boat started leaving Tenrou Island in the direction of the port town Hargeon.

Looking at the happy Mavis watching the fish in the sea, i approched her and spoke

"Be careful to not fall, i won't fish you back Mavis."

"Hehe, don't worry. I'm super powerful, i won't fall." she responded as she turned her head in my direction and asked looking at me.

"You went outside Tenrou Island, right? Aren't you happy about going out of the island and seeing the outside world another time."

"You know, Mavis, the outside world is not as peaceful as Tenrou Island. The reason why i came back and stayed on Tenrou Island with you was that, it's a small and quiet island lonely in the middle of sea. But since you want to visit the outside world, i don't mind following you, after all you're young and i want to protect you since you are an important person for me."

Mavis looked at me with small tears in her eyes and hugged me.

"Don't worry we'll stay and visit the world together." She said.



3 hours later, the ship arrived in Hargeon Town.

Hargeon is one of the Fiore's ports and also one of its most beautiful old towns.

The town is very prosperous and renowned in fishing.

As they got off the boat, Mavis and Zera were looking around with stars in their eyes.

Seeing the two little girls like this, the three treasure hunters were a bit embarrassed while Ken was feeling sad for them.

They stayed from their birth until their 13 years old in a small and lost island without seeing the outside world.

As a traverser, Ken had the chance to travel to different countries and see various cultures.

Althought in this world, he could also travel around the world, but for the common people it's very difficult to take a trip to even a nearby country because there is no plane and public transports are uncommon if you don't live in a big city.

In order to find more informations about the Blue Skull guild, Precht proposed that he could go in a bar while the others getted an inn.

"Wait, Mavis and me will come with you. We could help you if something goes wrong." said Ken, wishing to help him as Mavis gave me a thumb up.

Zera couldn't help but sigh seeing us wanting to go with a stranger.

"Ok, then follow me." responded Precht, without looking back at us.

After walking a few minutes later through the town, we found a bar where we could find valuable intel about Blue Skull.

Pushing the door, we walked toward the counter as a bald man with a thin beard asked us.

"Hey, what do you need?"

"Hello, we're looking for any information about Blue Skull." told him Precht

"Blue Skull? Not a guild you hear tell of around these parts." responded the bartender.

"Don't you have any information about it?"

"No, try somewhere else."

"I thought at least they may have garnered some notoriety but i guess not."

"So many new guilds have beeing popping up as of late. It's hard to keep track of them all." said the bald man and then turned his sight toward Mavis and asked.

"Miss can i interest you in some milk."

But Mavis responded.

"No, we want information."

Turning his head toward my position.

"And you, young man do you drink something?" he requested me.

I shook my head signaling that i don't want anything.

Looking at the trio in front of him with a smile in the corner of his mouth, the barman said jokingly.

"Then get lost. We don't sell dolls here." as he started laughing with the rest of the customers.

Looking at him with a dangerous gaze as i spoke.

"Don't play dumb and tell us where is Blue Skull's base?"

The man, obviously shoked by my reaction spoke with sweat dropping on his face while trying to keep his face indifferent.

"What do you mean, i don't know what you are talking about."

Seeing that words won't work i approched the bartender and lifted him by the collar.

But before i could go further, Precht took my hand and said.

"What are you doing, Ken! Don't attack innocent people."

Looking at the angry Precht, i sighed and responded.

"He is a member of Blue Skull, look at the crest on his chest."

While we were talking, the customers started to walk near us with dangerous items in hand.

I turned my gaze toward Mavis who was shocked looking at the scums who started to surround us and i immediately started to use a small water spell as i thought.

'Water Magic : Hundreds Blades'

Suddenly, water blades started to appear in the room, pointing at everyone in the bar aside from Mavis, Precht and me.

The barman panicked and yelled as he pulled down a rope near him.

"Don't think because you're a small mage, you can do whatever you want"

Immediately after finishing talking, the wooden slabs around us turned toward the bottom as a magic circle appeared locking us in.

Looking at the magic circle i couldn't help but thought with a faint smile in the corner of my mouth.

'This is the simplest magic circle that i saw and they succeeded in making it wrong by changing a glyph with another kind of glyph. Pathetic!'

Walking out of the magic circle.

"This magic circle is wrong, it won't work. Now tell us the location of Blue Skull's headquarter." i said aloud while summoning more blade around the bartender.

The man couldn't stand properly as he said stammering "Ye..s... of, Blue Skull's base is in Magnolia Town."

Looking at Mavis and Precht who were amazed and i spoke.

"Let's go, we have the information needed."

Walking toward the inn where Zera, Yori and Warrod were staying, Mavis moved next to me and said.

"Awesome, you saw their tricks right away!"

"It doesn't matter, you would find it if i didn't." i told her looking at her with a smile.

A few minutes later, we arrived at the inn where we're going to sleep.

We had two big rooms, one where Precht, Yuri and Warrod will sleep and another where me and the two girls will sleep, of course everyone will have his own bed.

As everyone was slowly falling asleep, i couldn't fall asleep because although i lost some fighting power when i split myself in a hundred but the blood flowing in my veins was still the one of a god.

Since i couldn't sleep, i went on the roof to see the shiny stars in the sky.

Lying on the tiles while looking at the stars as the absolute silence reigned around me, i started to think about my new life in this fantasy world.

As i was lost in thought, someone called me.

"Ken, can i talk you a bit?"

"Yes, you can Zera. What is it?" i responded.

It was Zera, she was standing next to me while i wasn't paying attention.

"I wanted to thank you for taking care of us, Mavis and me. You gave us so much that we won't ever be able to pay you back."

"Don't worry, having friends like you two is enough for me, you don't need to pay me back anything." i told her.

"Ken, there is something else i want to tell you. I am in reality a part of Mavis's magic. 7 years ago, i died but Mavis with her powerful magical talent created me out of her subconscious. Normally, only Mavis should be able to see me but i don't know why, you too are able to see me."

As i looked at her eyes, i said.

"Zera, i know, i know everything about you. The reason why i can see you is because my soul is thousands of times more powerful than a normal mage. I can see things that other can't."

"Oh, i see... Then please, i have something to ask you. Sooner or later, Mavis will become aware of my non-existence. When that moment will happen, i will just disappear so i want you to take care Mavis for me."

"Don't worry, i'll take care of her."

"Thank you." answered Zera.


The next morning, as everyone was waking up, i was already waiting them in the small restaurant next to the inn where we stayed.

As everyone, one by one arrived at the table where we decided to eat our breakfast, i told them.

"I enquired about the road, We are going to walk across a forest, in the North-west direction. It'll take us about three days of walk so we should prepare some tools to camp in the forest before leaving."

"Ok, then we'll gather in thirty minutes at the North of the town." said Precht with his always-very serious face.

"Mavis, Zera, follow me, we will go buy our equipment." as soon as i spoke, the three of us started walking toward the shop area, letting the group of treasure hunters doing their own businesses.

A few minutes later, we arrived in front of a small store named "Camping Store".

Walking in, a small old man spoke to us.

"Welcome, what can i do for you?"

"Hello, we are going to camp in a forest during three days, we are here to buy a full camping kit." i told him.

"Ok here it is, it will cost you 10'000 jewels please" he said, giving us a big backpack filled with various camping equipment.

After giving the old man 10'000 jewels, we left with the backpack.

Looking in the direction of a magic shop, i turned my head looking at Mavis and Zora before asking.

"Hey, do you want to go in this magic shop?"

Nodding their heads to say yes, we started walking toward the shop.

After a few minutes, we went out with a some potions and other magic stuff.

Realizing that the 30 minutes until the appointment were nearly passed, we decided to speed up in order to arrive on time and don't be late.

Once arrived, we started our long walk through the forest to Magnolia Town.


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