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30.76% Primordial God - FairyTail / Chapter 3: Teaching Magic

Chapter 3: Teaching Magic

The next morning, as i was practicing in my room, i felt Mavis and Zera approaching my house.

They should be coming here for their magic training as is it monday.

As i walked in the direction of the main door, someone knocked on it.

Hurrying my steps, i unlocked the door and opened it.

"Did you come here to learn magic?" i asked them.

"Yes, we did" answered Mavis.

"Ok, then follow me. We are going to the rocky mountain nearby" i said as i started walking toward the mountain while they were following me.

A few minutes later, when we arrived at the top of the mountain, i created 3 wooden chairs and asked them to sit on it.

"Before starting can you show me what you can do with magic?" i questioned them.

"I'll start first." said Mavis as she started to use her magic making her surroundings shine.

After a few instants, little animals started to appear around us.

I was amazed at her mastery over magic as i knew that she learned this all alone by reading books in the library.

After waiting a few seconds as she stopped her magic, the animals disappeared.

"Awesome! You're very good at Illusion Magic. You are very talented. Now it's your turn Zera, show me your magic." i said as i turned my sight on Zera.

Zera then closed her eyes to concentrate herself ,after a moment, small flames started to appear on her hands.

"Very good, although your mastery over magic isn't as good as Mavis. it's ok."

"Then i'll begin to teach you some weak but useful magic spell and then i'm going to teach you more powerful magic. We'll also do some training to better control magic and to strengthen your body." i told them.

Although i decided to not teach them too many powerful magics as it would surely change the canon but at least i won't let Mavis die as she is the first person to whom i talked as a friend without her revering me as a god.

I then stood up and walked a few meters away from the girls as i spoke aloud looking at them.

"Well, the first magic i'll teach you is Telepathy, this is a type of Magic that allows the user to be able to talk with other people through their thoughts and converse over long distances. Watch me, i'll show you how to do it."

Using telepathy magic i started to talk inside their heads.

"The amount of people you can connect with at one time depends on your own magical ability. And even if the person connected with you can't use it, as long as you are connected to him he'll be able to talk with you. Ok it's your turn now!"


2 hours later, i decided to stop the teaching for the day as i saw that they were starting to get tired and i wanted to retreat to create a new magic spell in order to progress faster.

"Ok this is all for today, i'll be teaching you every monday so come every morning at the same hour and at the same location. During your free time, don't forget to train and continue to read and learn from the books at the library, knowledge is always useful whatever the situation is."

As i said goodbye to the two girls who seemed grateful for my teachings, i walked away before making a door using my magic to go into my palace built in the God Realm by my clone.

Entering the door, my surroundings abruptly changed, i appeared in front of a huge white palace surrounded by beautiful gardens filled with many kind of flowers and plants.

This is my alchemy garden, my created it here as my palace is placed in the center of the God Realm, the energy in the air is richer than anywhere in the God Realm which let my future ingredients grow in a good environment.

I walked into my bedroom and sat crossed legged with my eyes closed as i started to think about the new i wanted to create magic spell.

After a few minutes i opened my eyes, stood up and went to the salon.

Arrived in a huge room with very few furnitures, i started to exercise my new spell during a few minutes of trial until confirming that my spell was functional and correct.

The purpose of my spell was to separate myself into a hundred of me, dividing myself will allow me to learn different things at the same time and faster until the day when all my clones will merge back together.

The only drawback of this spell will be that my strenght too will be split in a hundred too but it won't be too troublesome because i'll just let all my clones less the one who will teach Mavis and Zera stay in the God Realm as my first clone (the one created by the Clone Creation Card) will protect them.

'System what will be the strenght of my clones?' I asked the system before launching the spell.

[After using the spell your strenght will be around Practicer Peak because your divine energy will be sealed and you'll have no other energy but don't worry you should progress really fast and even more if you focus on a low number of magics.]

'Ok it won't be a problem for me to survive as long i don't fight with powerful mages.' I thought as i launched the spell.

Suddenly, a powerful and shiny magic power started to spread from my body, filling the whole room.

A few seconds minutes later, the light of the spell went out until we could see 100 people with the exact same appearance.

One of them started to spoke aloud, he was the clone with my main consciousness.

"Everyone knows what to do, you'll stay in the God Realm to train while i continue to teach Mavis and Zera, if you want to leave and go to the real world(the main world of fairytail) you need to have the strenght of a Saint rank."

As soon i finished talking, i left the god realm walking through the same door that the one i made to come here.

Appearing on Tenrou Island, i started to think about which magics will i use in the future.

After some thoughts, i finally decided to use space and time magic, that i'll be able to combine to create a stronger time-space magic.

I chose these two main magics because they can be used in various ways.

I can cut through space or accelerate the time to attack, i can stop time in front of me or make a shield of space in order to defend myself and i am able to move everywhere very quickly by accelerating my own time or going through space.

I can even stop time or block space around someone to seal him.

As decided, i sat on the ground near my house and started practicing with my new magic.


X686, Tenrou Island.

It has been 6 years since i have came back on Tenrou Island from my journey around the world and started teaching magic to Zera and Mavis.

During this time, i teached them a large number of magics and magical spells, among them Sleep Magic, Bullet Magic and some fire, water, lightning and other elemental spells.

I even taught them advanced and more dangerous magic like Law, which is a magic that inflicts heavy damage on the user's targets in a certain radius and this magic is so dangerous that it requires 10 years of training to use it completely without suffering from varied damages.

Over these years while i was teaching these two girls, our relationship grew closer and closer, we're almost like siblings (it may or not may go further, well at least for Mavis since Zera is dead).

Spending a large part of my free time, i also recovered my strenght to Master High with my new space-time magic.

'System show me my profile and Mavis & Zera's profiles.' I asked my system.


[Name : Ken]

[Title : First Intelligent Being, Primordial God]

[Age : 17 (Physically)]

[Bloodline : Primordial God]

[Strenght : Master-High]

[Magic : Space-Time, Fire, Ice, Law, Stone, ...]

[Skills : Photographic Memory, Faith Manipulation, Observation Haki, Alchemy Mastery, Medicine Mastery, ...]

[Body Exercice : Primordial God Body Exercice]


[Name : Mavis]

[Age : 13]

[Bloodline : Human]

[Strenght : Master-Low]

[Magic : Illusion, Fire, Water, Law, Bullet, Telepathy, ...]


[Name : Zera]

[Age : 13]

[Bloodline : Human]

[Strenght : Master-Low]

[Magic : Fire, Wood, Stone, Bullet, Telepathy, ...]


As i was sitting in my room, i felt a group of 3 human approching Tenrou Island on a boat.

Watching them from afar with my eye magic, a magic that i created during my free time, this magic enables me to see from a long distance, see through illusions and solid objects.

It also let me see everything slower and more precisely as much as i want.

If my memory is correct, these three men are : Yuri Dreyar, Warrod Sequen and Precht Gaebold.

At this time, they are a group of treasure hunter, that came to Tenrou Island in order to find the legendary S-Class treasure "Tenrou Jade".

Tenrou Jade was a holy relic of Tenrou Island but having absorbed too much evil magic power it was sealed away until 7 years ago when the Blue Skull Guild took it away after killing the members of the Red Lizard guild and the inhabitants of the island.

Thirty minutes later, the three treasure hunters accosted the island and stepped in.

Looking at them with a smirk as they started walking toward the library where Mavis and Zera currently are, i used a spell of invisibility and followed them quietly.

As they split, i followed Yuri Dreyar, the one going into the room in which Mavis and Zera were cleaning.

Looking through the wall, i saw Mavis in front of the door waiting for someone to open it and walk in as Zera was hidden behind a wall.

Walking through the door, Yuri was surprised at the little Mavis staring at him and asking him why did he come for.

The man was shocked and screamed.


Mavis looked at him with a deadpan expression until he responded

"I've come to study this island's ecosystem, and ..." until he was interrupted as she said.

"You are lying, aren't you?"

The man tried to argue in his defense but was tricked by Mavis into admitting that he was a treasure hunter coming here in search of a jewel called the Tenrou Jade.

Before they could continue to discuss, i removed my spell and made me visible as i tapped the shoulder of Yuri.

Shocked at the fact that someone appeared behind him, he jumped away and fell on the ground as me, Mavis and Zera were laughing at him.

Yuri turned his head and looked at me, pointing his finger in my direction and said.

"Who are you? Are you also an inhabitant of the island?"

"Exactly, i am Ken, a mage living on this island." i replied before adding "If you're really here for the Tenrou Jade, you can leave. It has been stolen a few years ago."

As soon as i finished my sentence, two men walking into the room.

The first man was wearing a dark shirt paired with armored shoulder pads and a light gray trousers as he spoke right after i finished talking.

"He is right, we found the emplacement of the jade but it was stolen. There's no use staying on this island. We're leaving."

After pondering for a few seconds, Mavis said.

"I think i know who stole the jade, seven years ago, this island was attacked by the magic guild Blue Skull. It was probably stolen at that time."

The three treasure hunter started to consider before saying that they must get it and they've got no other choice, the jade is too valuable to just give up on.

As they were talking, Mavis approached me and asked me with a firm gaze.

"Can we follow them? This jade is a symbol of this island and it has been passed down and protected during generation, i want get it back with my owns hands!"

"Ok then, we'll go with them if they accept. what do you think Zera?" i spoke to Zera who had moved next to me.

"If you say so, i'll follow your choice Ken." She said

Mavis then turned back and asked aloud to the three men.

"Hey, misters! let us join you. We are mages, we could help you!"

After hesitating a few seconds, they agreed.


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