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37.5% The Devouring Serpent / Chapter 6: Poison

Chapter 6: Poison

POV: Asmodeus

"hmgh, argh" I slowly start to wake up as the sun starts to warm the area up. After spending a couple minutes waking up, I check my growth from the last massacre. 'Hmm, it looks like I've grown 5 meters, although my girth has only increased by 50 centimeters. So now I should be at 25 meters in length and 3.5 meters in girth.'

The growth from just this one time is more growth than I would get in a couple months, amazing! Even my strength has increased a considerable amount. Now I know what do to from now on. I should start to eat groups of humans everyday from now on. Even missiles can't hurt me, even if they could use missiles they would just end up killing their citizens. I then proceed to laugh at the thought of the government using missiles on me and sacrificing thousands of people just to end up knowing they don't even work on me.

Once I finished laughing I started to slither back over to the city to get some breakfast. However, that's when I see a peculiar tall woman with long purple hair. I say she's peculiar because she I walking with confidence even though this forest is known to be off limits since I started to eat them. However, when I flicked my tongue into the air I knew something was wrong. She, for some reason, smelled like poison.

Even if she has poison on her, it should not work on me because I am so big. she would have to have a super potent poison to be able to poison me. So, with that in mind I decided to knock her out and interrogate her to see what she is doing here.

As the woman continues to walk, I quickly lunge towards her and whack her with my tail hard enough for her to fly a couple meters and fall unconscious. If someone saw what just happened right then, all they would see was a black and red blur, and the woman being sent flying a couple meters away. Anyways, after knocking her out I picker her up and slither over to my home among the dense brush. I then search her for the poison she had on her, and sure enough she had a tiny bottle on her that had some type of poison I had no idea of.

Since she had this on her it should be useful, so I stored it away in a tiny hole. After taking away the poison I wrapped my tail around her so she couldn't move when she woke up. Around 2 hours later at 10:00 AM she woke.

POV: Number 6

"Huh? Where am I?" She muttered groggily. All she remembered was walking through the forest to try to find the damn snake that made the boss mad. She was looking forward to the reward she would ask for when she caught the snake, just imagining it, mmhh~. However, she soon woke up from her delusions when she realized where she was.

"Fuck, why does this snake have me wrapped up." I said. She then went on, "Don't tell me he's going to... With his tail... Mmmhh~. No, I can't be getting sidetracked it's not even intelligent. Now, I have to get out of here before it does something to me."

Suddenly, she heard a deep, rumbling voice, "Well, if you want to get out of here, you could start by telling me why you came here."

She snapped her head towards the dinner plate sized eyes that were staring down at her. She was shocked to say the least, weren't beasts like this unintelligent? So then why is this snake able to speak to her? She stuttered, "I-I-I w-will not t-t-tell you!"

The snake spoke again, "You won't tell me? Woman, do you not see your situation? All I have do it tighten up my tail and you would die. Now, I'm going to ask one last time, why are you here?"

It made a good point. If I was ever going to escape I will have to answer it... Is what most bitches would say, but I still want to get the nice reward from the boss~. So, before answering it I started to produce some sleeping gas, so that by the time I finish speaking to it he will already be asleep. Even if I do tell it what I'm doing here, it won't be able to kill me because it would be asleep by then. Hahahaha! I might even get something extra~ from the boss when I tell him I captured a live speaking serpent.

I finally spoke, "Fine, I was actually here to capture you and bring you back to my boss."

POV: Asmodeus

So she was here to capture me for her boss? What made her think I was easy to kill, Haha! However, I started to taste some type of gas in the air. This shouldn't be possible because I'm in the middle of a forest and the only person here is this woman. I even searched and took off everything she had on her. So, I asked the system, 'System, what is this gas and where is it coming from?'

[Replying to host, the gas is some sort of sleeping gas. To answer Host's second question, it is being produced by the woman that the host has wrapped up.]

Interesting, so people have abilities here like me. Well, this won't affect me anyways. All I have to do is devour the gas before it starts affecting me, and that's exactly what I did. She probably thinks that I would fall asleep so it wouldn't matter if she speaks the truth. Before I eat her I should probably get as much information out of her as possible.

I asked, "Do people like me have abilities like me too? Is that why you had the confidence to capture me?" I could see her face go a little pale when I asked that.

She said, "Well yes, like your ability to speak I also have an ability. It allows me to track down beasts with abilities."

So other people do have abilities. Interesting, and it looks like she lied about her ability. It looks like her ability is to produce poison? Anyways, it doesn't really matter since I can just devour her ability.

So, I start to act sleepy, "Huh, why am I feeling so tired." I let my eyes droop as I watch her face visibly brighten before I instantly tightened my tail making her head pop from the pressure. I slowly slithered over to her body and swallowed her whole. In the evening when the woman digested in my stomach, I got a system notification.

[Ding! New skill gained, Poison Secretion]

[Poison Secretion allows host to secrete various poisons out of the host's body or fangs. Only mortal poisons can be produced for now]

This is certainly a good skill. I could use this skill to quietly kill someone instead of smacking them into meat paste. As I look into the sky I see that it is already evening, since it's too late to go out and eat I will have to settle for just one human. With that, I coil up and fall asleep.


Wow, this is the most words in one chapter I've made yet! I got really excited to write this chapter and ended up making it longer than usual, so I hope you guys like it. Anyways, I just wanted to inform you guys that next week there won't be chapters everyday because I will be extremely busy. There will probably be a couple chapters, but just not one everyday. The following week I will start posting chapters everyday again.

One last thing, if you see I missed something in my chapters or messed up the personality of my characters. Then go ahead and comment it if it bothers you. I don't check over the chapters so I may miss a thing or two.

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