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The Devouring Serpent The Devouring Serpent original

The Devouring Serpent

Author: OP_NovelAddict

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Where am I?

As I see the truck about to hit me, my life starts to flash before my eyes. My name is Asmodeus Nagini, and I was born on March 28 2001 into a military family. All my life my family and I have been travelling. We have never stayed in a single place for more than 5 years. It was tough having to leave my friends every time we moved, so in the end I stopped having the motivation to make friends.

So, I started to stay in the house more. When my brother introduced me to anime, it was like a whole new world was introduced to me. I started out watching the more mainstream anime, however, after watching them I still wasn't satisfied. After watching anime for a couple years I ran out of things to watch. So, I moved on to webnovels and fan fictions to fuel my fantasies.

However, this life of being a shut-in ended when I went outside to go to my local Starbucks. As usual I walked alongside a sidewalk out of my neighborhood until I got to the light where I cross to get tot he Starbucks. As soon as I got the signal to cross the street, a truck sped past the red light and now we are at my present situation.


Pain. All I felt was pain, then black. After an indefinite amount of time I started to wake up. Everything around me was dark, but I could feel some sort of liquid surrounding me with some type of wall holding it in with me inside. While I was thinking about where I was, I subconsciously started to hit the wall around me. After getting out of my thoughts I realized that light was seeping through the cracks I had made.

So, I started to hit the walls harder until finally I had made it outside of the cage. Is what I thought until I turned around and saw that the thing that I was in was actually an egg. As soon as I saw the egg I started to get extremely hungry. I had no idea how I got in there, or what I am now, but all I know is that if I don't start eating the egg now then I may starve to death. After my sudden epiphany, I ended up gobbling up all of the egg before falling asleep.


The next morning.

Slowly, I groggily opened my eyes to see a bright blue sky. When I saw the sky I immediately knew something was wrong because I was not in my bed but outside. I slowly began to remember the previous events that happened the day before, and I finally realized that I had been reincarnated. I was not one to dilly dally when I had a problem to deal with, so I scanned my surroundings, and took a look at my body since I came out of an egg.

The first thing I noticed were humongous, towering oak trees all around me. There was a bunch of giant bushes and tall grass covering the forest floor. The next thing I noticed was no signs of my parents anywhere near me, so I assumed that they were either eaten or they had left. The last thing I checked was my body. When I looked down I saw that I had no legs, and I had black scales with a reddish hue on them. I guess that I have reincarnated into a snake. I was also about a meter in length and 10 centimeters in girth, which is really big for a new born snake

Once I finished observing my surroundings, I went around to find some food. After searching around for a while I found a family of mice hiding underneath a tree. I slowly crept down the hole and constricted one of the adult mice until I heard its neck crack. I then swallowed it whole. When I finished that mouse I turned towards the other mouse, which just woke up, and quickly wrapped around it until I heard another crack. I quickly swallowed it too and went towards the baby mice which I also killed and ate.

I knew that it was morally wrong to kill something let alone eat its babies, but that was when I was a human. Now I am a snake in the wilderness, it is survival of the fittest, and if I need to kill babies to survive then I will kill the babies. After eating my meal I slithered my way out of the hole and went back towards my home which was like the mice family, a hole under a tree. Once I got back I heard something that I was hoping I would be getting.

[Ding! Host killed its first prey!]

[Activating System...]

[The Devouring System has now been activated]

OP_NovelAddict OP_NovelAddict

This is the first chapter of my first fanfiction, so don't be too hard on me. If you find any mistakes go ahead and feel free to make a paragraph comment and I will try my best to fix them. You can also comment some suggestions which I may or may not add to the story.

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