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86.93% World Ixion/SAGA / Chapter 177: Save 93 ─ Aster's Will

Chapter 177: Save 93 ─ Aster's Will

There was once a boy who shouted in front of a television set.

"I will become an ally of justice!"

"I'll protect everyone since that's what good guys do!"

He watched his favorite show on TV as usual.

As time passed, the boy grew into a young man and entered high school.

He made many friends, studied hard to be a firefighter.

One day at the end of class he was picking up some balls from the basketball team as it was his turn to clean up.

He complained, and when he was putting away the sports equipment, he found some boys bullying another.

The difference in size and number was clear.

But the boy didn't care.

He rushed at them and fought bravely.

After taking a beating, the boy he helped left.

For that young man, helping others who were in trouble was a stepping stone to his wish.

On a normal morning, he went to buy a game, it was the weekend so there were no classes.

The game he bought was one on the recommendation of a blog.

But he never opened it as some time later that young man died tragically while trying to save a girl from a fire.


In a spacious room aboard a space airship, a young man opened his eyes.

They were a beautiful dark red, similar to clotted blood.

He was tall, with good muscles and healthy pale skin.

He was in his underwear, he brought his thin but toned hand up to his head where his fingers ran through his dark blue-white hair.

Then he inserted his finger into his ears, he did it delicately so as not to move his piercings while the front part that covered his eye combed it to the side.

He walked over to a nearby mirror and looked at his appearance.

"It doesn't matter how many times I see it. I still find this look weird."

He was a reincarnated, Zack Noctis Wayne, the latest capture target.

Weeks ago, Zack was involved in a fight against some strange armor attacking Rudel.

He helped him, but from his point of view, Zack was betrayed by him.

After waking up, Zack remembered his previous life.

For that reason, what Rudel did to him was unforgivable.

He wanted to help him, only to be trampled on and betrayed like that.

Why did he do it? That was Zack's thought.

The answer was simple for him.

Rudel wanted Zero.

Having an artificial intelligence as a servant was something anyone would want, so Rudel wanted one too.

Since he had one, he wanted more.

Zero is a warship, an object designed to bring chaos and suffering.

Zack thought Rudel wanted Zero for its power.

For that reason, he went into training all this time.

He wished to know his true intentions.

If Rudel was really that dangerous, he should stop him without a doubt.

That was what Zack thought all this time.

As he wiped his face with a towel, Zero entered.

"Good morning, Zack-sama."

"Good morning, Zero, any news from outside?"

"There's not particularly anything important to report."

"I see."

Zack walked over to the refrigerator and took out a sports drink.

Then he took out some pills and a green liquid, according to Zack to Zero, these medicines were special drugs designed for adventurers.

To increase their stamina and physical strength.

The difference between the Kingdom adventurers and Aster was as big as the sun.

Kingdom adventurers trained day and night while Aster's adventurers relied on medicines to excel.

Zack started taking these medicines after his accident.

Zero supplied all of them so he wouldn't have to go out.

He went to a machine to exercise his shoulders.

Zero told him more as his muscles contracted.

"There is one detail I must inform you of. It's about the Acting Chairman."

"The Acting Chairman?"

"I don't particularly care what my father or the other great nobles do, but..."

Zack remembered a minor, yet extremely important detail.

Acting Chairman─ Randolf was Rudel's ally.

After the incident with Derrick and Jude, he supported him in everything.

Even to the point in wanting to get him engaged to his daughter, although that went badly, the relationship between him and Rudel has not changed.

For Zack, Rudel and Randolf were plotting.

He said.

"After what happened that day, and how calmly they took the event of the attack on the sacred tree. I sense that something very weird is going on."

"Weird? Why do you say that?"

"Like I told you. The unconditional support for him is very strange. If he were his son or the next head of the house, I'd understand."

"But from our point of view, Rudel is just a foreigner who keeps insulting our nation. Isn't it horrible that after several offenses he keeps supporting him?"

Any patriot in Zack's position would say the same thing, but the real cause of all that happened to Rudel was the sons of the great nobles.

Rudel was just a victim they got involved.

Zero commented as a hologram appeared in the air.

"Oddly enough I've been thinking the same thing, that's why I recorded this on the sly."

In the video, only two blurry silhouettes were visible, but the audio was the only thing that played in good quality.

"As I was saying Rudel, thanks for all your help so far."

"You're welcome, Acting Chairman."

Rudel and Randolf's voice could be heard on the audio.

"After what happened with the attack weeks ago, I managed to take more power away from Herring Household, currently only the head of Wayne Household and Lunor Household are the only ones who still have influence."

"It's quite the opposite of Banfield and Exner who have lost their word in meetings, isn't it?"

"... What is this conversation?"

Zack couldn't believe his ears.

Randolf's words, which he said in a calm tone mortified him.

"I was thinking that I could hire pirates to attack us, the New Year's parties are coming up. It would be a perfect opportunity to get the two remaining houses involved and thus reduce their power, just like I managed to do with the Herring thanks to your help hahaha."

"That happened by causality though. I'm thankful that when the other great nobles are defeated, you will give the Kingdom a part of Aster."

"Sure. With this finally the Rosenberg Household will achieve their goal of being the king of this country, for that reason I got rid of the Vermillion Household."

"Well, we should plan what to do─"

"Turn it off already!"

Zack shouted and clutched his head with both hands.

Tears were streaming down to the floor.

"I see. So... I wasn't wrong."

"Rudel and now the Acting Chairman are evildoers who wants to ruin our country."

Zack immediately stood up.

He showed an expression of strength with determination on his face.

"In that case, only I─ we will be able to stop him."

"Zero, please lend me your power."

Zero removed the hologram.

"I am your servant, so you must not doubt it."

Zack reached for his shirt.

"Going somewhere?"

Zero asked. His master answered him.

"I'm going to go see a person I would never wish to see in my entire life."

"Let's go Zero."

As Zack walked out of the room, Zero behind him muttered.

"Everything is going so well, it's so fanciful to me."


Meeting place of the great nobles.

It was located under a huge tree, bigger than the highest mountain in the world.

That was the sacred tree.

Beneath the roots of the sacred tree were different buildings, as the territory of the Vermillion Household lay there.

Many of them were dwellings of the six great nobles that they used to avoid traveling to their territories.

In one of those buildings was a temple which not only served as a place to pray but also as a meeting place for the most important people of this country.

A well-dressed man, good muscles, middle-aged, short blond hair, neatly trimmed beard and sharp green eyes, spoke what was written on a document.

"It may be October, but we must think about the events we will do for the new year. I would like to celebrate something different, I need your opinions."

It was the Acting Chairman and also the villain, Randolf Ciel Rosenberg.

Randolf asked a strange question.

Normally the New Year's celebration was the same, the great nobles would go to give their thanks to the sacred tree by kissing one of its roots, enter a cave and come out picking some flowers and then place their personal belongings by burying them.

That was the way it was in the game, so this was not uncommon.

A man next to him replied.

"Is it necessary to do something new? The way we were doing it before seems better to me."

He was a slender young man who was almost in his mid-twenties.

His radiant corn silk blond hair matched his handsome face and cool blue eyes.

He was Linus Ian Exner, not only was he the youngest of the great nobles, he was also one of the capture targets, the extra target in case the capture of another of them failed.

Months ago, Linus was Randolf's right-hand man, but by being part of a fraud, he not only lost the trust of his benefactor, he also lost some of his political influence.

Randolf looked uninterestedly at Linus, the same way he looked at him he replied.

"We have more new young people coming to an adult stage, we must modify our traditions a bit, young people will not always think the same as we do."

"But Acting Chairman, we have done that tradition for hundreds of years, we can't change it now."

"We're not going to change it Linus, we'll just improve it a little."


"Enough, you're not the only one who has to give your opinion."

Randolf fell to Linus without hesitation, it showed that he had already lost his trust in the young man he almost considered a son.

Linus showed an angry expression as he noticed how now his opinion was not taken as much into account as in the past.

The next to speak was a man the same age as Randolf, his body was so muscular that his pecs could tear his shirt at any moment.

His face was serious, while in a meeting he smoked his usual cigar.

His hair was red with a padlock beard, his eyes were green and he seemed to be in a bad mood.

The gorilla-like man was another great noble, Cliff Gaia Banfield.

Cliff always felt envious of Randolf, for that reason he along with others tried to overthrow him without causing harm. In the end he ended up losing more than he wanted to gain.

Crossing his arms, he said.

"I support the brat, we don't need new traditions. If the young people want something new, let them organize it their way."

"The New Year's celebration is special to us. We're not going to change it just because they get bored."

"Hey, back me up on this."

Cliff turned to the man next to him.

A man in his late forties, thin, short, tousled hair, a split beard, a mustache that met his sideburns, and a loser look in his brown eyes like his hair.

He was the father of another capture target, Wenz Eliol Lunor.

Wenz was a cowardly man who always gave in to pressure from others.

Cliff gave him a menacing look for support.

But this time was different.

"I agree with the Acting Chairman. Young people change as time goes by, one day they would run this country and do things differently, that's why I think we should teach them that changes should not suppress traditions."

"Hah? You are crazy Lunor!"

"Someone who has a lower position than me shouldn't say that."

This time, Wenz looked over Cliff, the influence of both of them was noticeable.

Cliff bit into his cigar and fell silent.

Randolf watched that situation, not caring at all about the bickering between his teammates.

"Well, that leaves a tie, we need one more opinion."

His gaze now shifted to the man at his side who was grinning mischievously.

A thin man, small gray eyes and black hair combed to the side said.

"I support the Acting Chairman."

"It is as he says. We must improve our traditions, as Wenz-dono said, the young will inherit the future."

Lucian Noctis Wayne, Zack's father spoke a great truth. Anyone would think he cared about the young people of the future, but everyone knew that this man always passed by looking into the void while discussions about various social or administrative plans were being talked about.

No one basically believed him, but Randolf didn't care.

As long as they supported him that was enough for him.

"Well, with that said."

"Wait a minute! I'm missing!"

"... Oh, that's right."

He released that comment without looking at the voice that shouted.

Everyone's gaze focused on a single man, by their expressions they implied that they disliked his presence.

A man of medium height like his big belly and age, shorter than Wenz even, almost like a small child was anxiously touching his badly combed mustache.

His hair was green, it was visible to everyone how messy it was because he was balding and trying to cover it up.

His brown eyes looked at everyone present with anguish, he tried to look serious by showing his teeth, some of which were missing and some of which were solid gold.

He was the last of the six great nobles, father of Derrick and Douglas, Randy Zaja Herring.

His sons perished weeks ago, but that didn't matter to him, he could simply sire another and be done with it.

Randy tried to sound smart as he spoke.

"Acting Chairman, you forgot to take my opinion into consideration."

"That's right, sorry. Give us your important opinion, Herring-dono."

Randolf replied without even looking at him.

The others only vaguely focused their gaze on him.

Randy tried to be serious, among all of them he was the one with the worst level of power and influence. That was why he was desperately trying to improve his status with the other great nobles.

"On one hand, I support what Linus-kun says like Cliff-dono. But Acting Chairman, I consider your proposal not bad either."

"So I suggest leaving it to a vote. That way it will be fairer."

Randolf frowned at being treated as a fool by him.

"Herring-dono, that's what we're doing right now. Are you sure you've been paying attention to the conversation?"

"A pig will always be one, no matter how much you bathe it."

Lucian made that comment while covering his mouth.

Everyone heard it, but no one responded.

Cliff wanted to laugh, but bit down on his cigar.

Linus held back his laughter.

Randy showed a vein in his forehead at being ridiculed.

But he didn't think anything of it.

He said.

"O-Of course I did."

"But I reckon it's better to do it on paper so there's no doubt."

"What do you want it on paper for? We can say it verbally."

"Or were you planning to do something with the papers?"

Randolf sent his gaze to Randy, his eyes indicating. "You want to cheat? I won't allow it."

Whereupon Randy fell silent and only replied. "I-I support the Acting Chairman."

Cliff clicked his tongue and Linus grew angrier.

"It was a waste of time in the end."

Randolf was happy and said.

"Very well, with that said, let's move on to other topics."

The situation of the great nobles was in Randolf's favor in any decision, whether his opinion mattered or not.


After the meeting ended, Zack went to his house located in the territory of Vermillion Household.

Upon arriving at the mansion, Lucian was informed by his butler that he had a visit from a certain person.

He entered his office and found Zack sitting haughtily at his desk.

"Get down from there. Well, you're alive, good thing."

Giving a cold welcome to his son, Zack got off the desk as Lucian sat in his favorite armchair.

He spoke to him as he poured himself some whiskey.

"What do you want from me, if you came here to see me it means you have business with me, right?"

Zack looked at his father angrily, he thought as he sat down.

(We haven't seen each other in a long time and the first thing you say to your son is that?)

(This man and I can't get along without a doubt.)

Zack said. "Zero, show yourself."

Zero who was wearing camouflage became visible. Lucian was shocked to see him.

"U-Unbelievable. It looks just like that kingdom count's sphere."

"We may look the same, but believe me we are totally different."

"... Anyway, tell me what do you want from me?"

Zack after grabbing his father's glass of whiskey, before drinking it said.

"I propose you a way to save this country, with it also Wayne Household will prosper."

Lucian was puzzled at his son's response.


The next day another meeting of the great nobles was held.

When the meeting was over all but one left.

Randy waited until everyone left so he could change seats.

Like a child, he had a lunch box.

The seat where he sat down was Randolf's.

Randy sat there to pretend he was the Acting Chairman.

After he finished eating, he wiped himself on Randolf's chair and even exhaled a flatulence.

He left the room with a smile on his face.

"You really have been delayed."

Said the voice behind the door, Lucian was waiting for him folding his arms with a smile on his face.

Randy was startled, he even fell to the floor as he trembled.

"W-Wayne! What are you doing here?"

Lucian held out his hand for Randy to stand up.

The smell of greasy food on his body and his oily hands was evident.

He used his handkerchief for him to take.

"You see, I was thinking about something, for that I need your help."

"My help you say? ... What's in it for me?"

"Consider that the Herring Household will be able to surpass the other noble houses and you can even become my right hand."

"Right hand? What are you talking about?"

"Come on, follow me."

Randy followed Lucian to the outskirts of the building.

There a limousine waited for them.

As they got in, the limo started off straight to somewhere.

Before they left, Linus who was giving orders to some knight escorts saw them.

He thought it was strange to see those two together.



Inside the limo was Zack.

He told Randy that he needed his help.

Randy laughed and then ordered to let him out of the car.

The limo stopped, but before Randy drove off, Zack told him.

"You can get even with Rudel if you help me. After all, this is Aster's will."

Randy got serious and replied to Zack.

"Brat, don't play games with me. I'm a great noble, an important figure in this country. What you're saying is something too serious to take as a joke."

"I know. But I'm not joking, it's the only solution."

Randy stared at him and then smiled at him in the most sinister way possible.

"In that case count me in."

Randy and the Herring Household's support as the Wayne Household was assured.


A few days passed, and all the great nobles were surprised.

The first surprise was that Lucian fell ill.

This was not unusual, sometimes he would make excuses for not coming and sometimes he really was sick.

This time it seemed to be real, they sent a representative to inform him whatever the decision would be.

The second surprise was the one that made them all strange.

Randy was strangely calm.

He was even participating in the discussions.

It seemed strange to everyone, but compared to how he normally is, with his tantrums and complaints, they found this attitude better.

When the meeting was over, Randy went after Wenz.

"Hey Lunor, do you want to go get a drink?"

Wenz got defensive.

"Emm, Randy, what are you doing?"

"Buying you drinks of course."

"That's why, it's weird for you to want to buy someone or want to socialize with someone."

"Hahaha, what a funny guy you are."

After a short while, Wenz accompanied Randy to the bar, the reason for that was because Wenz was easy to convince after applying a little pressure.

There at the bar, Zack was waiting for him with a drink.

"Good evening, head of Lunor Household."


The month was about to end.

This time, Randy spoke to Cliff.

"Get lost."

They were in a separate room in the building used for their meetings.

Randy summoned Cliff to one of those rooms.

Cliff glared at Randy as he lit his cigar.

Randy was scared.

He didn't want to deal with Cliff.

But for the sake of the plan, he needed his help.

Cliff was sending Randy threatening looks to get him to run away.

But he wouldn't run.

Seeing him not run away, he wants to indicate that it was something important.

Normally, Randy would never talk to any of the great nobles. But his obedient behavior seemed strange to him.

Therefore, it was to at least give him a chance, was what Cliff thought.

"Speak at once. You have a minute before I leave."

Randy sat back and flashed his best smile with his yellow teeth.

"Thanks for your time, you see, it's not me who wants to talk to you, it's someone else."


A door connecting to another room opened.

"Good afternoon, Cliff-san from Banfield Household."

"Wayne's brat? Is this a joke?"

"Are you playing a joke on me, Herring, huh!?"

Cliff showed his displeasure with his intimidating stare.

Zack walked over and poured him some rum.

"I'm sorry this looks like it's wasting your time. But believe me when I tell you that I won't waste your time with what I'm about to tell you, since it's a chance to get even with the Acting Chairman and Rudel."

Cliff's cigar was left in the ashtray and his back was placed properly on the couch.

"I hear you."


"What do you think you're doing, Herring-dono?"

Linus cornered Randy as he walked out of the early November meeting.

Linus walked around several times as he felt someone following him.

Entering a room with double doors, he found Randy.

He was questioning him as he glared at him.

Randy was sweating.

"Err, I... I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't try to play dumb."

"I've been secretly watching you."

"I don't know what you're up to, but I know you're doing something behind the Acting Chairman's back."

"If you don't tell me now, your punishment will be worse when the investigation takes place."

Randy was scared.

Linus' reason for being so serious was because of what had happened in the past.

By losing Randolf's trust, Linus lost everything.

Both the respect of others and his influence.

When it was revealed that he conspired against Randolf, Linus was criticized by his vassals, relatives and even his own mother.

For him this was unforgivable.

He tried to be on Randolf's side during the sacrificial event, but was unable to do something.

That's why, in this unexpected situation where Randy is making strange moves.

He will support Randolf in any way he can to gain his trust.

Randy did not answer him, Linus turned around and went straight to the meeting room.

"Since you do not wish to talk. I'll go tell the Acting Chairman to conduct an investigation."

"Hold on a moment, Linus-san."

A voice came from down the hall. It was Zack approaching.

Linus gave him a very cold look.

"May I know what you're doing in this place, Zack-kun?"

"I came to speak to you personally. It seems we don't need to summon you to a private place."

"Summon me? What do you wish to summon me to a specific place for?"

"There's something we need to talk about."

"It has to do with the Acting Chairman and Rudel."

A wrinkle appeared on that handsome face.

"The Acting Chairman's and the Kingdom Count's personal matters are irrelevant to me."

"They will be, please believe me."

Linus was thoughtful for a few moments and then said.

"I'll follow you and if it's something to discredit the Acting Chairman, I'll make sure you two pay for it."

Zack replied in a very confident tone.

"Trust me you won't regret it."


"... No, this can't be true."

Linus just listened to the recording of Zero that Zack showed him.

"It may look fake, but it's real."

"Acting Chairman sold us out, in a very tragic way he betrayed the country for his wicked ambitions."

Linus covered his face as he wept.

Zack felt a twinge of remorse after showing him the audio.

"I showed the same to the other great nobles, some didn't mind the betrayal, but you are the only one who really hurts."


Zack sat close to Linus and placed his hand on his shoulder.

"Please lend me the power of Exner Household."

"All the other great nobles have done so."

"Currently the Rosenberg Household's situation with Romeo is in chaos. We must quickly take advantage of this so that we can take control before it is too late."

"Rudel and the Acting Chairman plan to totally destroy the other houses during the New Year's holidays."

Linus had red eyes from crying so much, he took out his handkerchief and wiped himself with it.

"Zack-kun, what you're telling me is committing treason for the second time against someone I hurt."

"And that 'someone' plans to destroy the other noble houses. Just like he did to the priestess' house. Do you want history to repeat itself?"

Linus looked at the ground for a brief moment.

He remembered his whole life, remembered what he went through with Randolf before he became a great noble.

Linus considered Randolf as his second father, even much more than his real one.

But what he heard... shattered his heart.

He stood up and looked with a strong determination at Zack.

He spoke the words that would seal his fate.

"Zack-kun. Exner Household and myself will give you all the help you need."

"Thank you very much. I promise that the Acting Chairman will receive a fair trial and pay for his crimes..."

"Just like Rudel."

Now it was Zack who looked with a strong flame of determination at Linus.

"When will the revolution happen?"

Linus asked, Zack answered him.

"When 'he' is ready too."

Zack's revolution was marching assured.


Again I leave Lucy fanservice.


I leave you the link to the folder containing the files, enjoy the illustrations that can not be seen here.

Siegburn Siegburn

Let's leave aside the cute moments and concentrate on the danger of Zack.

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