Yo been a while,
So after reading fanfiction for over a year and a half, I just give up.
I suggest you do as well or if you really want to read fic, read every top fic every month or just read novels.
I saw this review of somebody saying if you don't want a harem then ur either gay or a girl
And I was just like WTF!
This guy just insulted every married man on the face of the plant!
So yeah most fics are just wish-fulfilling no real plot more of Pokemon it fine if you like that do your thing
What I hate is the following:
Forcing an author telling him you have to make a harem or you will drop not every fix has to be a harem.
Saying that anybody that doesn't want to make a harem is bad or gay or whatever Bec they are the normal ones you aren't you are what I would like to call a horny dog so don't go around shaming people that aren't horny dogs
Conclusion stop reading fics and go watch a movie or read a book do something else
Btw I actually think that making a harem makes anime girls cheaper than they already are bec that means that they are just cheap whores who will just go to anybody with power and absolutely no personality
Get a new hobby or read on another website like fanfiction.net that has a less harem and more actual plot
Anyway cya I am done with this site of horny dogs
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