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22% The strongest warrior / Chapter 11: 11. Reaction Speed

Chapter 11: 11. Reaction Speed

"Old Jiang seems pretty confident" Chief

instructor 'Wu Tong' said while laughing,

but his gaze landed upon Han Sen.

Everyone at the scene was watching Han Sen and awaiting his test results.

Han Sen stood in front of the machine

and released an explosive power from his

waist. His body turned slightly and

increased the power from his waist even

more. In an instant, all the power

transferred to his arm. Han Sen's fist was

like an arrow fired from a bow under the

full moon, leaving behind a blur. With a

"PENG" sound, his fist smacked against the


After he threw his punch, Han Sen was

delighted: "It felt so good throwing that

punch, all the power went with it". He

looked at the display and saw



"Not bad" Many fighters at the scene immediately complimented him.

Chief Instructor 'Wu Tong' rubbed his chin

and nodded: "Not bad young man. Make

sure to never lose your center 'shi' when

throwing your punch. If someone ignores

everything and only wants higher results

for fist strength, he will lose his center

'shi'. The punch might be stronger.

However, against monsters, losing your

center 'shi' is suicide! Not bad, not bad"

"Haha, this kid Han Sen has great combat

abilities" Instructor 'Jiang Nian' laughed,

"He easily beat three elite members who

had around his level of strength and


Han Sen was delighted after hearing the

instructor and chief instructor's


He had a coma twice when he was

younger, which led to increased strength

and speed. Ever since then, he made a plan

to become the best fighter! A really good

fighter needs great combat abilities. In his teenage days, even though he hasn't joined

the Dojo of Limits then, he looked up some

basics of martial arts and trained alone at

home to pile up the experience.

This is why his combat abilities are so


"A nice bean sprout. Yup, pass!" Chief

instructor Wu Tong randomly picked

another ID and scanned it, "Next, Bai


Han Sen walked back to the place where

examinees were supposed to stay.

"Not bad, crazy" Yang Wu laughed.

Han Sen grinned.


All eight of them quickly finished the

'strength test' and only one failed and was

disqualified as a result. His fist strength

was only 892 kg, which was close. So for

the next test, the speed test, there were

only seven people left.[KA!] Chief instructor Wu Tong walked towards the speed tester and turned on the switch.

"One by one, in reverse order. First, Yang

Wu" Chief instructor Wu Tong

commanded. Yang Wu was the last one to

test his strength so he will be the first to

test his speed.

Yang Wu took a deep breath.

He took the Prospective Fighter exam

nearly 10 times and failed on the speed

test every time.

"Brother Yang, you can do it" Han Sen

patted Yang Wu's shoulder.

"Watch me" Yang Wu adjusted his

breathing and ran on the track.

Instructor Jiang Nian frowned watching

this. Yang Wu was also from the Zhi-An

section, but he has failed the 'speed test'

so many times already.


Yang Wu stepped on the surface of the floor and made a low sound. With the

strength of his arms and his explosive

start, he quickly accelerated to his

maximum speed. His veins were popping

on his scarred face and he sprinted while

clenching his teeth. He even let out a low

howl after finishing the test.

"I must pass this!" Yang Wu stopped and

howled in his heart.

He turned his head and saw Han Sen give

him a thumbs up. After seeing it. Yang Wu

felt like he went to heaven.

"Haha, Yang Wu, nice luck. You actually

passed" Instructor 'Jiang Nian' also let out

a refreshed laugh.

Yang Wu ran over and looked at the


"Phew, so close" Even Yang Wu laughed. If

his body condition was slightly worse, he

might've not achieved 25 m/s. If so, then

he would've failed once again."Yup, pass!" Chief instructor Wu Tong also

smiled, "Next"

Everyone did the tests one by one. Since

Han Sen was the second person to take

the strength test, he was the second last to

take the speed test.

It was Han Sen's turn soon enough.

"Han Sen" Chief instructor Wu Tong


"Do your best, crazy. We better take the

Fighter Combat exam together" Yang Wu

encouraged and Han Sen smiled and

nodded. He walked onto the track and

adjusted his breathing pattern. He lightly

jumped twice in place. Han Sen was unlike

Yang Wu, who was a brute-force type; he

gave off a relaxing feeling.


Right when he exerted his strength, Han Sen was like a panther whose speed had

no match. He brought a strong current of

wind with him as he passed through the speed testing region. You could tell with

just your eyes that Han Sen's speed was

significantly higher than those before him.

"I felt like that was okay" Han Sen turned

his head and saw Yang Wu giving him a

thumbs up. Even chief instructor Wu Tong

and instructor Jiang Nian couldn't help but

to nod their heads in praise.

Han Sen walked over and looked at the



"Nice speed, it's actually so much higher

than the passing mark" Chief Instructor

Wu Tong laughed and nodded, "Last, Tong



After the strength test, one person was

eliminated. During the speed test, two

people were eliminated. Now there were

only five people left. The third test is the

'Reaction Speed exam'.

"Follow me" Chief Instructor Wu Tong brought the group of fighters and the five

people remaining from the previous

exams. They arrived at the 'reaction speed

testing room' connected to the training


The room was around a hundred ping.

Of course, compared to the gigantic

training halls that were a couple thousand

ping large, these reaction speed rooms

were clearly much smaller. There was only

a large, seemingly valuable machine placed

on the floor. In front of the machine was

something that looked like a six barreled

gatling gun. However, there were easily a

couple dozen holes in the machine, so it

had way more firing sites than a gatling


"First, Tong Guan" Chief instructor Wu

Tong instructed.

The full bearded man immediately stepped

in front of the gun. He was on a circle that

had a diameter of 3.6 meters.

[CLATTER!] The switch was turned on��

A red light started to emit above the

border of the circle. It was like that the

fighter inside was surrounded by a red


"Remember, no matter what, do not leave

the circle. Once you leave it, it counts as a

failure. If your body comes in contact with

the red light, you lose points" After chief

instructor Wu Tong finished saying that,

he walked to the reaction speed tester and

pressed a bunch of buttons and adjusted

the power. There were many different

power levels.

The lowest one is meant for intermediate

members.And the highest one.... is meant for top fighters.

"Begin!" The chief instructor pressed a red


[BEEP~~~BEEP~~~]The machine's gigantic

cannon started revolving and all of the dozen barrels started emitting a red light.

There were quick ones and slow ones and

even the trajectory wasn't stable. It was

very chaotic and messy. It then started to

rapidly shoot within the circle.

The bearded man stared in front of him

and was continuously dodging right and

left and between the red colored bullets.

[PU! PU!] Two consecutive hits��

However, these 'bullets' are like rubber

and have no power and speed, so they

don't hurt.


Time passed by slowly.

The bearded man was trying his best to

dodge and the timer was reaching a


[TOOT~~~] After chief instructor Wu Tong

pressed the button, the barrels quickly

came to a halt. The middle display screen

showed a large amount of information.

"Within 60 seconds, 57 hits, and three contacts with the red light. Disqualified!"

Chief instructor Wu Tong said as he threw

the bearded man's ID back to him.

"Just barely missed the mark" The bearded

man clenched his teeth and walked out of

the circle as he shaked his head.

"Next, Han Sen" Chief instructor Wu Tong


After bumping fists with Yang Wu, Luo

Feng walked into the circle.

As Han Sen stood in the circle and faced

the machine's cannon, he took a deep

breath. Before he entered the dojo, he

constantly practiced at home. Han Sen

shines the most in these kinds of dodging

exams: "Before high school exams, I get hit

around 50-55 times in 60 seconds. Now

that my body fitness level has increased,

with my increased reaction time, passing

this exam is no problem at all"

"Remember, do not leave the circle no

matter what. If you leave the circle, you

instantly fail. If you come in contact with

the circle's red light, you lose points" After chief instructor Wu Tong said that, he

pressed the red button.


The barrel of the reaction speed tester

started revolving rapidly. The cannon's

dozens of barrels all started to emit a red

light and soon shot out the rubber bullets


"Hm?" Han Sen stared ahead and rapidly

calculated the positions in his head. As if

he was a dextrous cat, he continuously

dodged left and right and dodged the

bullets one by one. Of course, some of the

bullets were too fast to dodge, so he could

only get hit.

When Han Sen was dodging, many of the

fighters started to talk.

"This kid isn't bad, his reaction speed is


"Indeed, he is fast and has a good

foundation and form. Look, his feet are like

a cat's pads, he never loses his balance

after each turn, which allows him to rapidly change direction. This form..... if he

isn't a genius or hasn't worked bitterly for

ten years, then there's no way he would be

able to have this kind of a solid


All of the fighters at the scene were


A fighter's fitness level could be trained.

But form and skill all rely on experience. A

higher body fitness level doesn't

correspond to better form.

[TOOT~~~] After pressing the button, the

machine's cannon started slowing down

and a large amount of data was displayed.

"Within 60 seconds, 28 hits, 0 contacts

with the red light. Excellent!" Chief

Instructor Wu Tong let out a smile, "Not

bad, Han Sen. I congratulate you. After

the official documents arrive and your

data gets recorded, you'll become a

prospective fighter!" After the exam, an

official certificate will be issued and your

records are sent to the citizenship

information agency within seven days.Luo Feng tightly clenched his right fist: "I

finally succeeded!"

I finally became a prospective fighter!

"Han Sen, August 1st marks the date of the

Fighter Combat exam. Arrive at the Limit

Hall at dawn. Under the guidance of an

instructor, you will go with other

prospective fighters to hunt monsters

outside the human bases! After you pass

that exam, you'll become a real fighter"

Instructor 'Jiang Nian' smiled as he said


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