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6% The strongest warrior / Chapter 3: 3. Jiang-Nan City

Chapter 3: 3. Jiang-Nan City

"Right when the RR disease appeared, it

rapidly spread around the world. All forms

of life, as long as they needed to breath

(whether human or flying beasts), were


"By the time humans found the existence

of the RR disease, it was already too


"After the infection of the RR disease, the

death rate was reaching 30%. In a matter

of those three months, excluding the mass

deaths of animals, the population of the

world dropped by nearly 2 billion!"

"The survivors neared 5 billion, whom all

have a natural resistance against the


"During these nightmarish three months,

the whole planet experienced excruciating


"During this process, the 5 billion survivors

realized that their bodies have

strengthened. Virtually everyone's power, speed, rate of cell division, and skin

toughness have at least doubled! Even an

average man could easily surpass the

previous world champion in running and


"And then... disaster started!"

"The humans who have lived so

comfortably have strengthened so much.

The beasts who have survived the RR

disease have went through even harsher

conditions. In their transformations, their

strength has raised surprisingly far beyond

humans'. And some of these horrifying

beasts got even smarter!"

"September, 2015. Starting from the attack

of the plethora of organisms in the sea,

countless of 'beast' transformed animals

started attacking human settlements!"

"Blood, madness!"

"In the war between human and beast, the

humans have realized that their explosive

weapons that they were so proud of only worked on the lower-grade beasts. The

stronger flying and crawling beasts had no

fear towards the cannons. The bullets

couldn't even scratch their armor! Homing

missiles are easily dodged by speedy,

quick-reacting beasts."

"Even when humans used nuclear attacks,

they shockingly found out..."

"The defense capability of the monsters

were too great; only those within the blast

radius of the bomb died. The monsters in

the surrounding area weren't killed. The

power of the bomb wasn't as strong as the

humans thought it would be. Even though

it killed a horde of monsters, the radiation

from the bomb gave birth to even more

horrifying monsters. The most famous and

horrifying monster of that year was the

'Crimson Sky Wolf', which could fly and

massacred hundreds of thousands of

people. It was at this time people

realized.... radiation could actually mutate

the monsters!""Although horrifying monsters appeared,

powerful warriors also sprung out from

the human side. The Crimson Sky Wolf was

defeated by a super powerful warrior who

could also fly (ranked number 2

internationally: 'Thunder Lord')."

"These warriors saved a large amount of

normal civilians in a crucial time. They

assisted the army in fighting off the horde

of monsters. During this time, many epic

stories came about."

"Human Scientist 'KeLuo��DeSenNa'

used materials from the corpses of

monsters along with a metal called 'Blue

Gold' found on the moon to make a metal

alloy even harder than diamond: the Ke

Luo Alloy! Given these powerful weapons

that could cut through the monsters'

armor, the powerful warriors didn't have

to rely on just their bare hands


This portion of history was very clear in

Han Sen's mind."During the war, a large portion of the city

was destroyed."

"In the continent of Asia, countries were

hastily building six major bases to transfer

the huge population to. For the warriors...

my country and India have the largest

amount! For technology, the United States,

European Union, and Russia were


"Since the number of monsters in the sea

are immeasurable, all of the island

countries were destroyed!"

"Even now, the sea is the monsters'


"In the war between humanity and

monsters, the only countries that are

capable of defending themselves are: India,

the United States, the European Union,

Russia, and my country. The rest of the

countries were destroyed a long time ago.

In the critical moment, the United Earth

Federation was formed, with the five countries as its nucleus. The United Forces

of the United Earth Federation helped

create many human bases all around the


Han Sen marveled.

A war that lasted five and a half years, the

most horrifying war! In this war, deaths

totaled to nearly 10 billion. Only the

system maintained by the five countries

stayed intact, the rest of the countries'

survivors mixed together in various human


Until now����

On land, the humans maintain the

advantage. But the countless monsters in

the sea maintain their control over the sea.

"From 2013 to 2021, in these eight years,

was the Grand Nirvana period of human

history!" Han Sen sat on the couch.


[DONG]The clock's sound echoed within the


The clock on the wall rang five times,

which signals that it's currently 5 PM.

"The Grand Nirvana period." Han Hua


"Brother, truthfully, I can't really wrap my

head around what the world was like

before the Grand Nirvana Period. There

were over 200 countries, so how many

people were there? Only 7 billion. Some

countries would be in grave danger; just

one powerful beast would be able to wipe

an entire country off the map."

Han Sen nodded, "Which is why the whole

world is comprised of five powerful

countries and 23 cities."

On the entire planet, there were five

countries in total: China, India, the United

States of America, the European Union,

and Russia. Locations such as South

America and Africa made up the 23 cities, or bases.

China had six human bases, which are the

present's Six Major Cities.

Han Sen's home was Yi-An region's Yang

Zhou city, one of the eight parts of

Jiang-Nan City.

The entire population of Jiang-Nan city

neared 200 million. Yang Zhou city of

Jiang-Nan City's Yi-An region had over a

million people. Jiang-Nan city base used to

be comprised of Yuan Jian Su*. Of course

there were also Yuan An Wei*.

These are different kinds of ethnic


"So long ago" Han Hua looked towards the

clock hanging on the wall, "Right now it's

2056; the Grand Nirvana Period is already

more than 30 years into the past. In our

society, virtually everyone has to go train

in a dojo. Our society is much stronger

than it was 30 years ago."

Han Sen nodded.In 30 years, there definitely was a major

increase in powerful warriors along with a

steady progression in technology.

However, many terrifying monsters have

also been born.


The door was opened and a middle-aged

couple walked in. The man's shirt was

drenched in sweat and had some paint

stains. It was clear he was very tired. The

woman, holding a basket containing

vegetables and meat, wasn't very tall.

"Dad, Mom" Han Sen immediately rose;

they are his parents.

Father Han Hong Guo, Mother Gong Xin


"Haha, Feng, keep reading, keep reading.

Don't bother with me." Han Hong Guo

laughed. Since his son has exams soon,

studying is of utmost importance in Han

Hong Guo's eyes.

Han Hong Guo lowered his head and saw a

large plastic bottle of tap water. The fact

that there was always water ready for him

everytime he returned warmed his heart.

After working all day, he would take this

bottle and drink the entire thing in one

gulp, letting out a satisfied breath of air.

"Hurry up and go take a shower, you reek

of sweat." Gong Xin Lan laughed.

"Haha" Han Hong Guo laughed and

immediately went to get a change of

clothes, headed towards the small corner

that served the family for many years as a


Gong Xin Lan laughed and looked at her

two sons, "Sen, Hua, today Mom is going

to make roasted meat!"

"Roasted meat is my favorite!" Han Hua

yelled right away.

Han Sen also laughed. As he watched his

mother put on her apron and prepare to

cook dinner, Han Sen was clear... Mom

always went grocery shopping in the evening after her work, since the price for

the groceries are much cheaper than the

morning's. However, the groceries

wouldn't be as fresh by then. Han Sen

then glanced at the bathroom, thinking "I

must hurry and get the title of 'Fighter' so

Mom wouldn't have to go grocery

shopping during the evening and Dad

wouldn't have to go work so much."

In his heart.....

Han Sen has always wished for his parents

to be able to take a break and enjoy the

sunlight and good food in peace.

"Sen" Han Hong Guo walked to Han Sen after finishing his shower, "Dad has

something to tell you."

"What?" Han Sen looked at his father.

Han Sen laughed a bit, "It's like this, Feng.

I never asked you what your plans you had

for after high school graduation. Could you

tell me?" Han Hong Guo rarely talked about

these kinds of matters with his son because he didn't want to pressure him.

He knew that his son worked very hard

and has performed very well.

Right when Han Hong Guo said this, Gong

Xin Lan's cooking movements started to

slow down a bit. Han Sen's parents really

cared for their son's future.

"Dad, I was thinking like this."

Han Sen added, "According to my grades,

I'm sure that getting into 'Jiang-Nan's

number one military academy' wouldn't be

difficult. Now that I have earned the dojo's

'Elite' title, I would be raised as an officer

in the military academy. Mom and Dad can

enter into the family section of the


There were also different tiers in the


China, of course, recruited soldiers.

However, regular soldiers didn't receive

much. However, for a young man holding

the title of 'Elite' and getting into

'Jiang-Nan's number one military

academy', would have intellect and strength. The country would surely focus

on such people and give their families a


For the family of an officer, the conditions

would be tens of hundreds of times better

than this cheap, rented home.

"Then what if you can't get in that number

one military academy?" Han Hong Guo

said, "Sen, don't give yourself too much


"There are two main military academies in

Jiang-Nan city. If anything goes wrong in

your exams and you are unable to get into

the best academy, there is absolutely no

problem with going to the second one."

Han Sen clearly understood his grades:

normally, he can score around 50 points

higher than the average Bachelor. For the

second military academy, he only has to

reach the average.

In the tests today, there are only two

types: Bachelors and Specialists. There is

also only one dividing line. Those above

that line are Bachelors, and those below

are Specialists."In the second military academy, having

the title of 'Elite', I would also be nurtured

as an officer. There wouldn't be too much

of a difference in treatment." Han Sen


To become a Bachelor...

Only two out of ten people could do it.

However, for a high school student, only

one out of a thousand people could

achieve the title of 'Elite'.

"Yup, if you got the confidence then that's

great. However, little Han, don't give yourself

too much pressure. Me and your mom just

need a stable life, that's all." Han Hong Guo

nodded his head slightly, "This kid, just

gives himself too much pressure."

"Not at all." Han Sen laughed, "I don't

really have much pressure. Since I'm

young, I just have a bit more energy and


Han Sen says that out loud, but in his

heart: "Mom, Dad, brother, after my

exams, you will soon be able to enjoy a good life. After I achieve the rank of

'Fighter', you guys won't have to live so


"Hurry and get the bowls and chopsticks

and move the dishes onto the table. Dinner

is ready!" Gong Xin Lan laughed and urged.

"Aight." Han Hong Guo laughed and stood

up to get the bowls and chopsticks.

"The vegetables smell great!" Han Sen

sniffed the pot and helped carry the


"I smell the smell of roasted meat, yay~~~"

Han Hua shouted excitedly and moved his

wheelchair towards the table.

A family of four, enjoying their time.

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