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4% The strongest warrior / Chapter 2: 2. RR

Chapter 2: 2. RR

The southern sector is primarily used as a

cheap rental area. It's packed to its limits

and each of the apartments are like huge,

square concrete poles and are built with

no consideration to sun's exposure.

Han Sen's home is on the 32nd floor out

of the 36 floors in a certain apartment.

"Han, wanna go to the dojo tonight?" Wei

Wen says as he heads toward another


"I have to go out for some family education

matters tonight. After that's done, I might

go to the dojo. Don't wait for me tonight."

Han Sen smiles and waves his hand and

then flies up the staircase; each of Han Sen's step covering four stair steps. Like a

speeding panther, Han Sen reached the

second story within two blinks.

Third floor, Fourth floor...

"Step! Step!"

Even while sprinting, Han Sen is still

extremely flexible, having enough time to

make way for other residents on the


"Han, out of school?"

"Yea, Uncle Wang." Han Sen's breathing

pattern is not affected at all. As an 'Elite'

member, this speed of climbing is no

different from a relaxing walk.

To the vast majority of the residents

opinions', no elevator was built in the

building. If an elevator was built, then the

residents' rental fee would be increased.

As of now, to many of the residents,

climbing up a few dozen stories is very


To them, building a elevator in the building

is just a waste.

Since electricity is expensive and the city's

defense system is electric-powered, the

entire country needs electricity.

32nd floor!

On the 32nd floor, there are eight families,

and Han Sen is one of them.

"Kacha!" Holding the key, Han Sen opens

the door.

"Brother, is that you?" A sound came

within the home.

"Yup" Han Sen closes the door. At a

glance, Han Sen's home consists of one

room and one living room, the area being

36 ping*.

A "ping" is approximately 3.306 square


Ever since the beginning of his memory, he

has lived here with his brother and

parents, a family of four, in this 36 ping


"Hua, what are you reading?" Han Sen

heads toward the balcony.

On the balcony, a skinny, sickly white

teenager sits on a wheelchair, holding an

english book. When Han saw that, he

laughed, "Oh, is that 'Pulaisi' the investing

expert? Within the investing experts, isn't

the stock god 'Bafeite' the most famous?"

Towards investments and stock, Han Sen

understands nothing.

"Bafeite isn't really suited for me. Also,

Pulaisi's theories and thoughts are closer

to my own ideals, so I can learn more from

them." The skinny teenager raised his head

and let out a small smile.

"You continue reading." Han Sen laughed.

Inadvertently, Han Sen glanced at his

younger brother's legs and felt a pain in his

heart... During his younger years, his

younger brother's legs were crushed by a

car. Everything below his thigh was

crushed, which crippled him. As a cripple,

he faces immense pressure under living in

the current society. Even his education can

only be taught through long-distance

internet lessons.

Since he hasn't been exposed to any

sunlight for a long duration of time, his

brother's face is a sickly white, as if he's


And.... he doesn't have many friends, since

he is a bit introverted.

"Mom and Dad's salary aren't high and

they have to raise me and my brother, and

my brother is even crippled... the burden

on our family is too large, so we can only

live in this cheap rental home."

"I have to change the destiny of our


Han Sen thinks to his heart.

"I have a crush on Xu Xin, and yet I haven't

made any moves, haven't tried to start a


"According to the law, one can marry at 18

years old, so lots of people have

relationships during high school and marry

when they graduate. Those who haven't

had relationships in high school are few

within few. How come I don't have one?"

"Because, I don't have time to waste on

romance! My family isn't rich, so I don't

have an amazing teacher's guidance. I can

only depend on myself for everything." Han Sen's gaze lands on the living room's old

sofa, which could also act as a bed. "This

many years, a family of four, just in this

house of one room and one living room.

My brother and I are in the only room,

while after all these years, my parents

sleep on the living room's sofa..."

"I will definitely let my family live in a huge

house, a huge house with an elevator."

"Let dad and Mom sleep on a huge bed."

"Let my brother not have to struggle so

much when going down the stairs."

"The house must have a huge window so

the sunlight can completely shine


These words have been repeated through

Han Sen's mind countless times, which is

why he is so hard working.


He became one of the three 'Elite'

members in the #3 high school and is the

only one out of the three who has an

average family. The other two are

extremely wealthy.


"Huahua~~" From the faucet's unending

stream, it filled up the electric kettle very


"Chichi..." Plugging in the electric kettle,

Han Sen sat on the sofa with a history

textbook in home, continuously

memorizing the important parts of the




The kettle's water has boiled. Han Sen

puts down his book and pours the water

into an insulating bottle. He also poured it

into a large plastic cup and placed it on the


"AD 2026, the battle of Hong Ze happened

in the Hong Ze lake... Yup, year 2026." Luo Feng memorized historical events one by

one. Out of his regular education, Han Sen is best at math. However, he is most

interested in history. Because everytime

he sees the 21st century's history


He feels uneasy.

This is the history of human reformation!

"Hua." Han Sen walks towards his brother.

"Yes, brother?" Younger Brother Han Hua

puts down the book in his hands.

"I have highlighted the 139 important parts

in this book, quiz me a bit." Han Sen hands

the history textbook in his hand. Han Hua

listened and laughed. "Sure, I rarely get the

chance to quiz you. Brother, listen up, I'm

going to give a question. If you get it

wrong, it would be embarrassing."

"Ask away." Han Sen laughs, sitting on the

couch."There was one man who slayed the 'Tiger

head dragon' and saved hundreds of

thousands of people, which let thousands

of them successfully transfer to the Jiang

Nan base. Who is the hero? From where?

How old was he when he died?" "What

exact date did this happen?" Han Hua

asked as he flipped through the book.

"The hero was 'Dong Nan Bao' who was

granted a four star hero medal by the

country. He's Yuan Jiang Tai Xing. He died

when he was 39 years old. This happened...

should be AD 2018..." Han Sen raised his


Han Hua continued asking, "The exact date

is AD 2018, what month, what day?"

"Um.. I think it was..." Han Sen said

hesitantly, "June 18th."

"Haha, you got the first question wrong."

Han Hua shaked his head, "Dong Nan Bao is indeed from Yuan Jiang Tai Xing and died

when he was 39 years old. However, this

happened on AD 2018, June 16th."


Han Sen hit his head and laughed bitterly.

"I get 16 and 18 mixed up all the time,

continue asking."

"Okay, listen carefully, second question."

Han Hua was clearly excited. "AD 2013 in..."

The two brothers asked and answered, and

time flew by quickly.

"I already asked half the questions in this

book. I asked 68 questions and you got 63

right and 5 wrong." Han Hua raised his

head and looked at the clock hanging on

the wall. "Dad and Mom are going to be

back soon. I'll ask you one last question

and ask you the other half some other


"Last question? Okay, ask away." Han Sen's concentration increased.

"This question, is very basic. Review the

important events of the 'Da Nie Pan'*

period." asked Han Hua.

*Da Nie Pan's pan character was slightly

*different, but this basically means

*Nirvana/Grand Nirvana, or at least hints at

*it. I will call it the Grand Nirvana period

*from now on.

*Han Hua had a serious expression, for the

*Grand Nirvana period was the most

*important part of the history of human

*reformation. "In the beginning of the 21st

*century, the entire world continued to

*have several virus outbreaks. AD 2003 was

*SARS, 2009 was H1N1, and 2013, finally the

*even more horrifying R-type virus broke

*out. As the R-type virus spread, it mutated

*into around twenty different kinds, which

*made it even more challenging for

*anti-virals to fight against. As a result, all

*of the countries of the world had many

*deaths.""As the medical department advanced, the

*virus got under control."

*"However, on AD 2015 January, the R virus

*mutated into its most horrifying mutation,

*the one which became known was the RR


*"In the past, many R virus mutations were

*spread through body fluids, some which

*could be spread through water. However,

*its life span in water is very short. On the

*other hand, this RR virus could go through

*body fluid, go through water, and even

*worse... it could even go through air! With

*a lifespan of up to three hours in the


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