Thursday afternoon, Iraqi desert, 25 April 2019.
"Sir, it's time to go."
"Why?" Curt asked without looking at his aid. Doug smiled. The man had forgotten about the getaway.
"The chopper will take you to Bagdad at 22h00," he informed him undisturbed.
"You delivered the file?"
"Yes, Sir."
"Good. I will get my stuff ready."
"Here is the itinerary and your tickets."
"Thanks, Doug. It has been a while since I have been this excited about a getaway."
"Enjoy, Sir."
Curt had checked the website. If it resembled the pictures, he should enjoy the stay.
At 20h00 he rushed to his quarters and changed into civvies. From the shelf he grabbed an overnight bag, throwing in the necessities. At the last moment, he packed a dress shirt and pants. Maybe …
The mirror showed a person of confidence - a faint grin enhanced the attractive face. He still had it and stretched. The broad shoulders looked great under the shirt and the denim gloved his narrow hips sporting well-toned legs underneath.
The moment he sat in the chopper he relaxed.
All the worries would be Monday's problem.
The younger man was kind enough to offer it to him, and he will not disappoint him.
He laid back and listened as the pilot went through the checklist, and then lifted. The swooping blades overpowered every other sound. God, he loved it; shutting his eyes with appreciation.
Once in the air his thoughts drifted to the children. Guilt: a strong emotion he had to deal with. Vivian's lover left emotional scars on his boy. Mark did not know where he belonged. He always believed his children should find their own path, but he will let go of that resolution if he had too. The military a good straightener.
Jillian also struggled, and with the added pressures of her studies she barely held on. There was more to the story. Nevertheless, she did not confide in him. His children needed him.
Rattled, he prayed - something he neglected for years. The weight of parenting lay heavy on his heart. He could only speak to One Person.
21h00 Bentiu, Thursday evening.
Back in her room, a knock disturbed the quietness. In no mood to receive visitors, Sonia opened the door. Haleema greeted her with a soft smile. She opened the door wider. "Come in, Matron."
"Thank you, Sonia." The door closed with a soft click.
"Please sit." She watched as the matron examined her living space and followed her gaze. Except for a table which sported an empty vase, a handmade frame, a gift from the matron's daughter and a wired beaded rose, there were no other memorabilia. A decorated lamp in the room's corner removed the sombreness.
When a yawn escaped, she covered her mouth.
"I do apologies for my late intrusion. I know how tired you must be. It was a long week."
Haleema lifted her hand before Sonia could respond. "I have wonderful news I had to share with you. I know this is unexpected, but I took the liberty to book a holiday," she said, her soft voice filled with care.
"You can't go on like this. You need a break."
"But …"
"No buts. You will leave early tomorrow morning to Khartoum. There my uncle will meet you and fly you to Cairo. An Alitalia flight will take you to Valetta, on the island of Malta. I have a nephew who works at the Excelsior Grand Hotel. He arranged everything. Your visit includes a stay of two nights and three days."
When Sonia finally understood the meaning, she embraced the woman. Shock made way for surprise but raised her spirit tremendously.
"This is a wonderful surprise, thank you."
"You deserve this holiday, dear."
"I didn't expect this, though."
"The best part is that the spas are inside the hotel." She handed her a white envelope. Tugged inside gift vouchers waited.
"The island is small enough to stroll or to rent a scooter to the places they recommend and maybe have a romance." Warmth spread over her as her friend chuckled.
"Move on, Sonia; find someone to love and cherish. You have so much love to give." She stared at her friend.
Was her loneliness that obvious? She could not even remember the last time she had a relationship. Romance, the last thing on her mind.
"This is such a surprise. I never thought you would actually do this. Thank you."
"You are welcome." About to leave, Haleema stopped and turned. "The weather is sunny, pack your bikini."
"Yes, Ma'am." She giggled, the sound so unfamiliar to her. Her insides flipped with the unexpected adventure and she fell on her bed. The idea revitalising and she did an air-dance. This is something she had not done in a long time, but the act so free that a smile erupted on her lovely face.
Fascinated with the island, she searched the web. The rich history and baroque landmarks inspired her.
Tucked away at the southernmost part of Europe, it promised to be the perfect place to test the waters for romance.
The opportunity to change a good possibility and opened the door to the cupboard with renewed energy.
"Thank you, Lord."
04h00 Bentiu 26 April 2019.
"You sure you heard correctly?" Jabu asked.
Abasi looked around, terrified of the danger. Die-hards roamed the empty streets, women of the night advertised their goods. The youth stood close to burning konkas, sipping liquor they confiscated from drunkards.
Jabu had asked him to meet at the hospital. A fierce expression marked his face that demanded obedience even if you knew it was wrong.
"She leaves tonight and will be back Sunday night."
"I can grab her at the airport. It will be the best place while it is quiet," he mumbled.
Abasi regarded him with trepidation. If not for the money he owed, he would have never done it. He admired nurse Sonia. His mother would kill him when she learned about his deceit. He knew he mixed with the wrong crowd when he lost SSP20 (South Sudanese pound) during gambling. He did not know how to repay him, but Jabu said he should not worry. It sounded good at first … information for a clean slate. He never thought Sonia's name would be the one when he agreed to it.
Jabu leaned on an old run-down jeep parked in the shadows of the dilapidated building. Talking with a person inside the jeep shielded in the shadows.
The moment nurse Main left the living quarters, Abasi stepped deeper into the shadows as she got in the taxi.
"I want you to let me know if her plans changed … and Abasi, not a word to anyone."
"Yes, Jabu." Abasi received a slap.
"Fool! You never say my name in public," he hissed while he skimmed the area.
"Punten." (Sorry) Tears pricked his eyes, his lip quivering.
"Run, baby!" Jabu chuckled. "Not a word to Mommy."
Abasi ran as fast as his twelve-year-old legs could carry him the five blocks before he reached his home.
Jabu scrutinised the boy as he hurried away. Jabu had a name amongst the children. Enforcing fear, a game he played with anyone who dared to challenge him.
"Well?" The leader's voice trembled with impatience, a trail of smoke the only sign of his existence.
"Is everything in order?"
"Yes, Haji." He swallowed the fear that wanted to stop him. He only had one chance to do this.
"I set it for Monday morning. The kid will collaborate with us?"
"Yes, all set, Haji. The kid's scared; he will not talk," he replied, his face a blank mask. One wrong word would alarm the leader of his deception.
"Good! I have great plans for you, Jabu."
"Thank you, Haji." He feigned humbleness and shielded the grin.
Valletta Capital of Malta, 26 April 2019.
"Mr McGee?" A Grey, Haloed Man Greeted HIM. Curt lowered his sunglasses and nodded.
"Follow me, please."
"Sure," he responded with light-heartedness. Ever since the trip began, he forced himself to think happy thoughts. The dark that hardened him left at the compound.
With excitement he had studied the brochures on the flight. Streets stretched in straight lanes along Valletta. From the air it looked like an architectural artwork. The palace with its golden roof blazed in the rising sun whilst sail ships cruised the coastline. Others moored in various marinas along the coastline - the main marina, the Grand Harbour, vexed in time were cluttered with colour. The brochures described it accurately.
The White SUV waited outside the terminal with the Grand Excelsior Hotel emblem in big bold gold prints. Curt placed his bag at the back. Inside the cab the guide introduced himself: "My name is Armanno," and proffered a chubby hand.
"Please to meet you, Armanno. Call me Curt." As he pulled into the traffic Armanno pointed out distinctive landmarks, his enthusiasm tangible.
"Where did it all start?" Curt's curiosity peaked.
"It goes back to the 16th Century. During the crusade period."
"That long back?"
"Malta has a proud history. We are the smallest capital city in the European Union. In 1813 we became a British colony and served as a way station for ships. We were an important Allied base for the North Africa and Mediterranean operations. We received our independence in 1964 and became a Republic in 1974. Our history includes the Ottoman invasion. You will find noteworthy museums here. They showcase the relics of each period."
"I never knew it's importance and the vital role it played in history. The museums are on my itinerary for the weekend," Curt promised.
"You will not be disappointed. There is always something new to discover."
They followed Route 6. The landscape changed from city to country. At a circle Armanno turned left. They continued with Triq Vincenzo Dimech road. Minutes later they entered another dense region. The imposing wall of the fortified city in view declared a World Heritage centre. It attracted visitors across the globe.
At the hotel the entrance caught Curt's attention. The circular garden boasted with two fountains. Small decorative trees lined the pathway and three limestone arches completed it. At the zebra crossing they entered the coolness of the shade. Impressive glass doors invited them inside. A serene atmosphere filtered through the marble entrance.
Tourists took pictures, fascinated with the surroundings. His attention drifted upwards. The crystal chandelier stressed the enormity of the place and gave it an elegant superiority. They stopped at the mahogany desk. Next to it a marble horse and boy stood hip high, the craftsmanship precise.
A young, soft-spoken Italian supplied him his card. "Gracias," he thanked her.
Armanno wished him well and left him in the care of a younger man. The bellboy stepped forward. "Can I carry your bag, Sir?"
"No thanks." The bellboy bowed slightly and led the way.
"This way, Sir."
Classical music played inside the lift. Mirror covered walls reflected a tired image, an image he planned to rectify.
The doors opened on the second floor. A whiff of spices accosted him at the door. He missed the brunette by millimetres as she stepped in. The smallest of smiles transformed the youthful face. A glimpse of emerald eyes met his. Then she disappeared.
"What a sight," he sighed and smiled.
"Did you say something, Sir?"
At his door the bell boy produced the card and opened it. The large canvas of translucent aqua left him breathless. From the balcony the amoeba-shaped pool gleamed like polished crystal. The cool wetness offered relaxation.
"I hope you find this satisfactory?"
"Yes," he answered, handing the bellboy a euro bill. He returned to the panoramic view and filled his lungs with the ocean breeze. Next to the fountain colourful umbrellas dotted the pool. Guests relaxed on deck chairs.
About to turn, the brunette re-appeared, her green sarong swayed with her. One tanned leg revealed itself cheekily with each step. From his advantage point he appreciated the perfect curves, the delicate shoulders of the slender body. At a deck chair she removed her sunglasses and let the material slip.
With graceful fluency she disappeared into the water. He followed her blurry outline until she re-appeared. All rational thoughts of unfaithful women aside.
His body reacted in a delicious way, a memory so vague that nostalgia tucked his body. With a final appreciative look he changed into his swimming trunks. A bright red towel draped around his neck.
Inside the elevator he tapped the rail as it glided to the main lobby. The doors swished open, and he trotted to the pool with a feeling of excitement. An empty chair next to hers waited for him and he dropped his towel. He spotted her at the far end of the pool already returning back towards him. She glided through the water with easy strokes. Sinking into the coolness he waited in her path. Corny, he thought with a grin. He had to see the emeralds and glorious smile. It was not possible that he imagined her smile. He needed the reassurance. The moment she touched him, he helped her to her feet. His eagerness captured in a moment of quietness.
His world, as he knew it, stopped when she smiled. Twin dimples appeared in an open face. The emeralds glitter with enjoyment and he could not help himself. He laughed, a deep belly laugh that released the ache in his heart.
A momentous second … a turning point of his entire world.
Sonia's heart jumped. It is him!
She stepped back and shielded her face. Water dripped from day-old stubble, blue eyes sparkled with merriment. His bulk dusted with a wisp of light hair, the crew cut neat. What a hunk, she gushed.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't notice you." Her breaths betrayed her energy kick. The encounter with Mr Hunk added to the exhilaration, a pleasant stop which removed the cobwebs she drowned in the coolness.
He was not part of the itinerary, but plans could change. Right?
"The pleasure is all mine, Ms," he said in an American drawl. His eyes displayed genuine interest.
She wiped the water from her face and to hide her admiration. Someone pushed against her and she fell into him. His arms locked behind her. His face lowered. She stopped breathing - shocked, but in a good way. She could not believe what he was doing.
"What …?"
Stunned their lips connected. A cascade of colour enhanced it. Worlds shifted and ears blocked the noise. A soft tone manoeuvred its sound waves between them, caressing the connection. They forgot all except for the here and now.
"From the moment I saw you, I wanted to kiss you." He breathed. "I call that an excellent introductory to a surprising experience." He drawled softly.
A pregnant silence followed, brought on by the unexpected link. Sonia rested against him. The rapid pulse beneath his skin mimicked her own heartbeat. She cupped it with her hand. He groaned and drew her closer.
Infinite time locked in seconds passed.
Retreating backwards, dumbstruck.
What just happened?
The distance caused cool water to fill the space she created. Bereft of a vital part, she shivered.
"Don't …" He reached out, but she shook her head. Fantasy made way as her mind registered the reality of it.
This never happens. This partnership is not possible.
"I have to go."
"I want to see you."
"I'm not sure it is a good thing."
"Because …" She suppressed a giggle. There was no reason not to meet. Besides, the matron ordered her to have a romance. "I will love it," she whispered and got out.
Out of character she knelt at the edge. "By the way, my name is Sonia," and trotted away. The tone's sound waves stayed with her and she smiled.
"Ms Main?"
"Please follow me."
Comfortable on the massage bed her thoughts focused on the pool, the immediate connection of the meeting. They formed an undeniable bond in those tender moments.
"Ms, are you all right?"
"Yes …"
"You are shaking, are you sure?"
No, I am not, I am terrified. How is it possible that every barrier I had erected, broke?
He is a stranger. Do not do something stupid, Sonia. You hardly know him. You read too much in the stolen kiss.
But I can have a brief romance, can't I?
The conversation in her mind quieted as she surrendered to the ministrations of the beauticians. After an hour she left the spa in high spirits. A boutique caught her attention.
"Welcome. Are you looking for a specific dress?"
"Something elegant. It's been a while since I spoiled myself."
"Let's correct that." The saleswoman smiled and led her to a colourful display of lace and silk. Brushing through the latest fashions Sonia stopped at a soft, yellow tea gown.
"The dress is a classic, and with your skin tone it will look lovely. Would you care to try it on?"
"Yes, please." In the fitting booth she agreed with the woman as she twirled in front of the mirrors. The price tag caused a deep intake of breath. It was steep, but she could spoil herself. Years of working in Africa allowed her no reason to spend. Her savings had grown in a tidy sum.
Content with her shopping spree she entered the lift.
The setting sun gave her a marvellous view of the Manoel Island Yacht Marina which she enjoyed. Taking her time to adorn herself with the things she bought, she twirled again. Her reflection showed a different person she had not seen in a long time.
Her stomach growled and she smiled. The last time she ate was breakfast on the plane. She could do with nourishment among other things.
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