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35.04% Modern Weapon Summoning System / Chapter 75: Assault on Encampment

Chapter 75: Assault on Encampment

The trip that would take more than six hours by horse only took thirty minutes by car. They finally arrived at Liverley. It looked like that the whole village was normal aka business as usual. However, there was something new on the side of the town. There was an encampment that pretty much looked militaristic.

"That should be the military camp for our targets," Del stopped his car right before he entered the village.

"What's the plan, Del?" Anna asked.

"Alright, team leader, it's your turn now," Cole said.

"Well, let me think, Anna, give me the tablet, and show me the map of this entire Liverley region," Del asked Anna to give him his tablet.

Interesting… Liverley wasn't as flat as Del previously expected. There were two hills on the west and on the east side. The camp was located on the north side of the village so it would prove to be an advantageous vantage point for any marksman in their team. They could probably put Cassandra on one of the hills.

It also looked like that there was only one entrance to the village from that military camp itself. There was a large gap, probably as wide as two hundred meters between the military camp and the village that would serve as a kill zone. Cole probably would be able to hold them off from entering the village and making the villagers hostage. After all, he had a .50 BMG turret that could kill anything except for some creatures, such as the serpent.

The rest were Wolfie, Del, and Anna. Sure, they could attack the camp from multiple directions, but leaving Anna alone was certainly not an option. After all, Del couldn't leave someone who could barely hold the pain of sitting down on the chair of the car. Del decided that Anna and he would do an attack from the west side.

"Alright, here's the plan. Cassandra, you go to the hill on the east. Your job is to provide long-range assistance for all of us. You have to deal with the high-value target, or should I say, anyone that wore the shiniest armor. Cole, I'll park the car between the village and the military camp, your job is to make sure that nobody, absolutely nobody, gets inside the village. Anna and I would attack from the west side," Del said.

"Ah, clever. Anyone who ran to the north will be shot by me," Cassandra commented.

"Precisely, now, Cole, I will place the car around one hundred meters from the military camp. Your job is to shoot at anyone that runs at you, don't even shoot at the camp without my permission, alright? We don't want to risk any friendly fire here," Del explained.

"So my job is to guard the entrance to the village?" Cole sighed, "Fine…"

"Not so interesting, but it's quite important, in fact, you are the decisive factor whether this assault will turn sour or not, because, as far as I'm concerned, everyone on that camp could be killed," Del said.

"Yeah, time for a little payback," Anna put a magazine into her M16.

"Cassandra, you better walk since this car sticks out like a sore thumb. Anna, you and Wolfie better start walking, I will go to your position later. When you hear gunfire, start engaging, alright?" Del said.

"Ok," Cassandra walked out of the car, followed by Anna and Wolfie.

All of them started moving towards their designated position. Del waited around five minutes so he wouldn't accidentally compromise the safety of Cassandra and Anna. Truth be told, if the presence of that car somehow started a combat alert in that military camp, Del wouldn't be surprised. It meant that it was plan B and they had to use a more direct approach.

It didn't take too long until everyone arrived at their staged position. Cassandra's scope glare was very much indicating that she had arrived at the hill where she was supposed to be staying. Anna had arrived at the other side of the camp. It was all left to Del to drive to the gap between the village and the military camp.

"Cole, you need to remember something, if you think you're overwhelmed, just abandon the car, alright?" Del reminded Cole of that.

"Sure, sure, don't worry about it," Cole said.

"Alright, I'll have to go, take care, alright?" Del asked as he got out of the car with a machine gun in his hands.

Del circled around the military encampment while maintaining a wide enough distance from the encampment to make sure that no one took notice of him. Even if they did, he would look too small to be a threat for them all.

Del walked slowly in order not to get the attention of the rogue Elbanian soldiers. To be honest, some of them had begun looking at Cole and Del needed to hurry up or it would be dangerous for Cole. He eventually ran and arrived at Anna's position.

Anna was looking through the sight of her assault rifle. "Hmm, it looks like the security is not as tight as I expected. But well, I'm getting used to hero's party security so I can say that the security on this camp is pretty lax in comparison."

Well, let's see, two soldiers were patrolling around the north side of the camp. At least one archer was on each corner of the camp. Mages were basically circling the entire camp while looking for any hostile. Why would these people make a camp in broad daylight when they were hunted down by the Elbanian? Del had no clue, but money was still money.

"Look, Anna, see that soldier over there, I want you to kill him," Del pointed his hand at one of the soldiers that didn't wear any helmet.

Anna put her eye closer to the scope, "Consider it done." She pulled the trigger of her M16. 5.56 bullet flew to the head of that soldier, killing it instantly. The whole camp was immediately went on high alert. Soldiers were running out of their tents with their undergarments. They were scattering to wear their armor.

"Hmm, magic doesn't slow you, even one bit," Del commented.

"C'mon, marksmanship is the only thing I remembered from our pa, do you think I will forget it?" Anna asked.

"Let's move, Anna, I will provide suppressing fire while you pick at any target that you like," Del said as he lay himself down on the ground and deployed the bipod of his machine gun.

"Sure, fire away," Anna replied.

Del pulled the trigger of his machine gun. A stream of bullets immediately flew in the direction of that encampment, causing mass hysteria. Mages were shooting their fireball in the north direction, but they were too far away from Del.

"Del, 3 o'clock, an armored man with Mithril armor, engage him!" Anna pointed out the target for him.

"Alright, I will kill him," Del moved his machine gun in the right direction and he sprayed the man with the leftover AM-IHEAP ammunition from the rescue operation, turning the man into red mist.

Suddenly, an arrow landed right in front of his machine gun. Del didn't know who fired that arrow, however, Anna was useful. "Del, look at your 12, there's an archer located next to that red-striped tent, kill her!"

"Alright, got you!" Del said as he pulled the trigger.

The archer fell to the ground immediately after Del literally exploded her body with the rounds that he fired. Among her were also dead bodies, Cassandra seemed had picked some of her targets well. Evidently, some of the enemies that were running to the east side immediately had its head blown off. One really shouldn't underestimate that vampire sniper.

"Let's take a closer look at that camp," Del said as he stood up.

"Yeah, I agree with you," Anna said.

Both of them walked closer to the camp. Del led the way while Anna watched his flank. Their objective was the most obvious looking tent in that encampment. It should house the most important person in that military camp.

"Hmm, there's not enough blood here," Anna commented on the lack of personnel that she killed.

"Well, I do admit that this is nothing in comparison to the advanced tactics that the SSU used against us, still, this was a good warming up, don't you think?" Del asked.

"I have to admit it, it's fun," Anna replied.

Normally, if this was a normal condition, Del would be terrified by that statement. However, this was another world where her sister was burned alive, Del understood that more than anyone. "Yeah, killing Elbanian is fun."

Suddenly, footsteps could be heard from besides him. Suddenly, someone charged Anna with full force. Anna fell to the ground and the soldier tried to stab her in the chest. In split second, Anna pulled her combat knife and stabbed that soldier in the eye. Del responded with a quick burst from his machine gun.

"That was… rather close," Anna commented as she wiped the blood that dirtied her knife.

"Well, yeah, please be more careful," Del commented.

"How was my knife skill? Was that good enough?" Anna asked.

"That was impressive," Del said.

Anna kicked the body on top of her body and she stood up. "Damn, now my whole back felt the pain from being slammed to the ground. Bloody hell…" Anna kicked the soldier as far as she could from her feet.

He then entered the biggest tent on that encampment. Once he entered, he was greeted by someone none other than the commander of that unit. "So, you are the person that slaughtered my entire unit, did the military send you?" the person asked.

The commander was standing in front of a table with a map. He was a bearded man wearing a gold armor. Even from a glance, Del could tell that he was not someone to be messed with. "Military? Please, I hate the military."

"I don't care," the commander pulled his sword from his sheathe, "Even if you're not from the military, I will still kill you."

Del shot the sword with his machine gun, shattering it to pieces. "You know, my sister here has a little bit of grudge to the Elbanian. I think you'll be a good example," Del nodded while smirking.

The commander didn't fear, instead, he laughed, "That little girl? What can that bandaged girl do to me?"

Anna responded by shooting two bullets from her M16 to the feet of that commander. The commander groaned in pain as he fell to the ground. Anna put her rifle on her back, "So, commander, what do you think of this little girl?" She unsheathed her combat knife.

Without any hesitation, she immediately stabbed that commander in the eyes, multiple times. The commander groaned in pain, but Anna kicked his mouth with her combat boots, "Shut up, you have a way easier way to die than me!" She continued stabbing the commander until her hands were drenched in blood. Del was too busy to help, he was searching for a ledger.

She then wiped the dirty blade on the map on the table. "That was satisfying, anyway, what do we have?" Anna asked.

"Well, this book, and this ledger that the guild master wants us to find," Del said.

"Nothing else?" Anna asked.

"Well, nothing else, maybe we can loot off the bodies of the soldiers in this area, but we will need Cole and Cassandra to help us," Del said.

"Fair enough," Anna nodded.

"Yeah, we need money to kill Eric, after all," Del said.


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Chapter 76: Trap

Del parked his car in front of the guild building. The street of Alder was awfully quiet today, Cassandra didn't tell Del about this. Nevertheless, it was probably only his guts telling something wasn't right, or out of the ordinary. "Anna, do you want to come with me?" Del asked.

"Sure," Anna nodded as she followed him from behind.

Cole and Cassandra would be waiting near the car. It was not like there was someone that was going to steal the car anyway, but the car still contained all of their gold coins and all of their money. If someone stole it, it would be problematic.

Del entered the guild building. The receptionist was as friendly as usual. However, it seemed that the activity on that guild building was lesser than usual. Del approached that receptionist's table. He asked the guild secretary, "Excuse me, I'm here to give this ledger to the guild master."

"Ah, who are you?" The secretary asked.

"My name? I'm Del Moore," Del said.

"Ah, you're the usual person, hahaha, sorry, I'm new here, and who's that person beside you?" The secretary asked.

"She's a friend of mine from a place very far away," Del said.

"Ah, I see, well, you can follow me." The guild secretary left her desk. She walked upstairs.

Del and Anna followed her to the main office of the guild which was located on the second floor. He walked through the hallway of that guild building until he arrived in front of a large white wooden door with a nameplate on it. It was the room for the guild master.

The secretary opened the door, revealing a room full of bookshelves filled with books of unknown origin. There was also an empty desk in the middle of the room. There were also two chairs in that room, it looked like someone was planning to greet them indeed. Del and Anna entered that room.

"Please wait, the guild master will come soon," the secretary smiled and closed the door.

Del sat down on one of the chairs. It was comfy. The room was showing the status of the guild master. There was an armor stand with a full set of Mithril armor. Del was captivated by the amazing aura of the room that he forgot to notice his surrounding.

Suddenly, someone locked the door of the room. "Weird, why would they lock the door of the room? That's pretty rude," Del commented.

"Should we blow the door off?" Anna asked.

"No, don't do that yet," Del wasn't sure what was going on, but he was as sure as heck didn't like it.

Then, Del heard a bunch of carriages from outside. He wondered what happened. He immediately went for the window to peek at what was going on. The whole city was under lockdown in just a little amount of time. The car was also gone, who moved it? Cassandra and Cole were also gone. What the hell was going on?

There were also a bunch of footsteps coming from downstairs. Suddenly, an arrow flew straight through the window, only bouncing off from his helmet. "What the fuck?" Del ducked from the window as a barrage of arrows was flying to the window.

"Del, what should we do? Should we fight our way out?" Anna asked.

"Wait, there could be a bunch of A-rank adventurers out there," Del said.

"Damn, shit, what should we do then? We are as sure as hell won't be sitting ducks in here," Anna said.

"For now, barricade the door, that should stop the adventurer for a while, right now, we need to think," Del shouted.

A-rank adventurer was very strong. One of them could easily beat Del in a one-on-one battle. Heck, if they didn't think fast enough, the door would act as nothing other than a thin barrier between them and their death. Del needed to act as quickly as he could. There was an option to blow the floor beneath them, but they were on the fourth floor.

There was only one solution that would prove to be the cheapest, but the most effective as well. Any cheaper than that option and it would be very ineffective in their effort of getting out of there alive. Del opened his tablet.


[Killstreak Menu]

[Tech Level: 6] [Total Balance: 312,000$]

[Sentry Gun] [5,000$]

[Precision UAV] [20,000$]

[Precision Airstrike] [50,000$]

[Juggernaut Suit] [60,000$]

[Cluster Strike] [80,000$]

[Cruise Missile] [120,000$]

[Chopper Gunner] [150,000$]

[Escort Helicopter] [180,000$]

[Gunship] [120,000$/Hour]


Del pressed [Juggernaut Suit]. At the very least, they could get out of that building without destroying the guild building and risking a friendly fire on themselves. Anna probably could take cover right behind Del.

[Juggernaut Suit Has Been Delivered. Remaining Balance: 252,000$]

Two crates appeared right in front of him. Del opened one of the big crates and he was surprised on what the content. There was an M134 Minigun inside of that crate alongside the armor itself, and a storage backpack.

There was also an instruction on how to put the thing on. Del read that instruction quickly and followed the instruction. He put his Interceptor Body Armor inside of that backpack. Del put the pieces of armor one by one including replacing his helmet with the one included inside of that juggernaut suit.

"Del, what in the bloody fuck is that???" Anna was shocked to see the thick armor that Del wore.

Juggernaut suit was an EOD suit covered in thick armor platings. Probably, it should be able to stop a direct hit from explosive weaponry. His helmet was also made from a very durable material alongside a tank-grade bulletproof glass visor.

"This is a juggernaut armor. Anna, that M16 wouldn't do shit to any A-ranked adventurers, use this!" Del said as he gave Anna his M240 picked up the minigun and connected it to the ammo bag on his back.

"Ok, ok, I understand," Anna said as she looked at the machine gun that she held with her hands. "How to even operate this darn thing? Just pull the trigger and hope for the best?" Anna asked.

"Sort of, do you think we have to talk about that?" Del asked.

"I…" Before Anna managed to say any word, one of the adventurers had started broken through that wooden door. They fired everything that they had to that door. Even blowing that door off alongside the table that barricaded it.

Two adventurers appeared right in front of him. All of them were wearing heavy Mithril armor and holding a sword. The sword emitted some sort of otherworldly aura. The aura covered the sword in some sort of blue mist. "It's too bad that a newbie like you has some expensive price on your head, now, prepare to die!"

Del pushed the trigger of his minigun and a mist of bullet was fired at those two adventurers. The stream of bullets shredded their armor and their body in half, leaving their upper torso separated from their legs. "PUSHING THROUGH!" Del shouted as he kept pushing the trigger of his minigun.

"WHAT THE FUCK? [Energy Barrier]!" an adventurer shouted.

An energy field protected the adventurer, but not for long, the rate of fire of the M134 minigun shredded that shield quickly. The rate of fire on that minigun was maximized so it spitted six hundred rounds of 7.62 Bullets at the shield per second from the ammo backpack that seemed to be bottomless.

Archers were shooting their steel arrows to the armor that Del wore. The arrows simply bounced off and Del retaliated by continuing shooting his minigun. Anna watched his back and she fired her machine gun every once in a while if she saw an enemy. "God damn it, Eric wants both of us dead."

"This is Eric's doings? How???" Del asked.

"Hell, I don't know, this is only my assumption, but as far as I'm concerned, we're fucked," Anna commented.

Suddenly, a person appeared. That person was very tall, very buffed, and clad in heavy armor. He also held a very big sword. Del was probably only half of his height. "You little pest, and that traitor, you two should die now!"

Del pulled the trigger of his minigun, "Eat this!" Del shouted.

Another stream of bullets flew in that person's direction. That person also dropped dead to the ground once the stream of bullets split his body in half. Del walked in his direction with his heavy armor, "So, what do you think?" Del asked the person.

"Impossible… a mere C-rank…" The person died.

"Alright, let's proceed to the first floor," Del walked slowly to the staircase.

Del went downstairs to the first floor. The first thing that greeted him was an explosion that would almost certainly kill him if it was not for the juggernaut suit that he wore. The explosion also produced a flame trap that started burning the staircase.

"Damn it," Del pulled the trigger of his minigun and sprayed the whole room full of lead.

He made sure nobody stood up again after being shot by him. He continued shooting his minigun at anything that moved, even if it was only a slight movement from the dead bodies on the ground. Anna jumped through the fire pit and she landed immediately on the first floor.

"Alright, the whole floor should have been cleared, I think," Anna looked around the whole room.


Suddenly, a bunch of explosions destroyed the entrance to the guild building, then followed by a bunch of fireballs that burned the floor of that guild building. "Anna, get down! Find somewhere to hide!"

"Sure." Anna crawled to the far corner of the guild building's first floor.

Del fired his minigun at that crowd, however, some of them were hiding behind the armored carriages that protected them from standard 7.62 rounds easily. "Damn it, where's Cole and Cassandra when you needed them?"

Suddenly, a chugging of a heavy machine gun could be heard from a distance. Cole was firing the heavy machine gun at the cowards that were hiding behind those armored carriages. The car headed in their direction and stopped right in front of the ruins of the guild entrance.

"Damn, what took you two so long?" Del lowered his minigun, "And how the hell Cassandra is driving?"

"You know, to see is to learn, so yeah," Cassandra shrugged.

Cassandra moved out of the driver's seat and she went to the backseat. Del entered the car driver's seat. Anna went to the front passenger's seat. After that, Del drove out of Alder without looking back. Cole kept shooting his machine gun to make sure that no armored carriage followed them from behind.

"Damn it, sorry, Del, it's my fault," Anna said.

"Hey, Eric will come after me sooner or later," Del said.

"We need to retrieve something important from the house," Cassandra mumbled.

"Research, how about your research?" Del asked.

"Yeah, that's why we need to get back to our house," Cassandra said.

"Let's go, before the military mobilizes its unit, we better get there right now!" Del hit the gas even harder.

Del drove to the region where his house was located. He hoped that he arrived there in time before the whole military of the East region mobilized itself and searched the whole region for them. Del didn't doubt that they hadn't seen the worst of it.

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