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66.66% A Summoner's Impossible Game / Chapter 2: Escaping Slaanesh

Chapter 2: Escaping Slaanesh


An: Yo! I did not think this would actually get any traction. But since it did, here's another chapter!

Also keep in mind a few things.

One, I will power scale things however I want. If I want the farmer from Dragon ball z to be stronger than the God emperor then he shall be.

Two, while I will power scale things however I want I will attempt to keep character abilities close to the original.

Three, this is a crack fic and something I don't put a lot of thought into unlike my other Fanfiction Traveling the Omniverse with Overhaul's Quirk. So if something doesn't make sense or the grammar is shitty, while I might go back and fix it don't get your hopes up.

Uhhh that's about it. But if you like this for some reason don't be afraid to comment and leave a review.






I have been at it for quite a while now. Ranting and raving like a complete lunatic. Yelling at an admin that wouldn't answer.

Some may call my actions stupid, idiotic, or simply foolish. However, that person must understand how I felt at this moment.

I felt as if my life was kept together by a shitty condom. All it would take is a singular rough thrust and boom! Instant unhappy accident.

Almost everything in this universe was dangerous in one way or another. Literally everything other thing could insta kill me.

So yes I was understandably angry. Enraged even.

I did, however, eventually calm down as I realized two things.

One I have a system.

Two, I have a save and load button.

So then it was with a shaky intake of breath that my somewhat resided. Unfortunately in its place was another emotion.

An unending amount of depression.

Yes depression. Not fear for my life or the pain of dying only to be revived. Nor anxiety over the coming events and tribulations I would have to encounter.

Why depression? The answer is simple.

I knew I was going to die an incalculable amount of times before I was anywhere near being strong enough to hold my own, and I had accepted this fact. However, just because one accepts it does not mean they like it.

Thus the depression.

After all, why am I here if not just to suffer?

But, moving on from my newly made mental problems, I finally decided to check out the rest of the system.

Moving back to the main menu I selected summons gacha first. What greeted me was your generic wheel that spun slowly showing the names of various characters across fiction.

Some of the first named beings being Astolfo, Venti, Felix, Haku, Gasper, and Natsumi.

Above the wheel was the words" Across the omniverse".

Below the wheel was a box that showed I had one spin ready to go. Unfortunately it seemed there was no 10x button.

Exiting out and entering the Ability gacha section I was shown pretty much the same. The only difference being it was a wheel showcasing abilities instead of summons.

Finally I checked my already existing abilities. Honestly I wasn't expecting much. Clearly I didn't have a gamer's mind nor the ability not see things in level format ( though that hypothesis was based off of looking at Slaanesh. So it may just be nullifying my ability to observe it).

However I was pleasantly surprised with what abilities I already possessed.


[Immune to all mental interference]:

This ability allows the user's mind to take on an aspect of the ability known as absolute will. This gives the user absolute defense against all mental attacks, probes, and induced mental disabilities or distractions.

This does not, however , make the user incapable of panicking, anger, or another emotional response that's natural to the user.

Applies to Summons as well.

Level: max


[Immune to all soul interference]:

This ability prohibits all beings regardless of power level from tampering with, harming, and/or destroying the user's soul.

This however Is not applicable to the user themselves.

Applies to Summons as well.

Level: Max


[Summon skill mastery]:

This ability allows the user to learn the signature skills and abilities of their summons regardless of whether the ability requirements include a specific bloodline and/or other requirements.

However, only the signature abilities and skills are available, minor abilities and skills not important to their mythos are unlearnable through this ability.

This ability also increases the speed in which the user is able to learn their skills as it's level increases.

Level: 1


[Summoned Mind bond]:

Allows user to telepathically speak to their summons.




All summons are loyal towards the user and are willing to fight and die for you.

However, all Summons keep their personalities based upon their mythos.

Level: Max


Arguably these five abilities are better than the gamer's mind and body. Especially the first two. They basically decreased my growing depression by half.

It also explained why I didn't jizz my pants at the mere sight of Slaanesh.

That would have not been the most comfortable experience.

The third ability of the five was a lifesaver. If I could learn the major abilities from my summons I'd have a lot more leeway mid-game. It doesn't help me a lot now though, not with Slaanesh looking at me like it's 3am and I'm shredded cheese.

Right now all I had to rely on was lady luck, my save button, and the Gods of gacha.

Checking my current summons tab I wasn't surprised to find nothing there.

So I moved back to the Summons gacha and took yet another deep breath and pressed the button.

" Oh gacha gods please look upon this Junior acolyte and give me your favor."

The Wheel spun for what felt like eternity before it slowed and stopped.


Five stars(Full strength)

Summon: Minato Namikaze

Skills manifested with summon: Flying thunder god technique, Rasengan, Fūinjutsu, academy Justus, toad summoning, body flicker technique, and infinite Kunie creation (provided by system)

Skills learnable by user: Flying thunder god technique, and Rasengan.


(An: Just to let you readers know I actually do randomize which character the MC gets as his summons. Same goes with the abilities gacha.)

When I saw the person it landed on I couldn't help the grin stretching across my face.

There were two ways I could escape at the moment. Either pure speed, or teleporting the fuck out of dodge.

And Minato was absolutely perfect for option one!

He's fast as fuck boi!

" The gacha Gods Smile upon me this day!" I said with unfiltered joy, a singular tear falling down my face.

Truly for me to get such a pull as my first, I must be blessed.

" Now I just gotta make a pla-"

[ User has used gacha, unfreezing time.]

Unfortunately my joy was very very short lived.

"W-wait a minute! Don't unfreeze time now! I still gotta figure out a way to get away from my would-be rapist!" I said almost pleadingly while pointing to Slaanesh.

I wasn't ready to face Slaanesh yet! I still haven't even used my other gacha pull!

[ Starting time in 3…]

" System use the ability gacha pull!"

[ System can only do one function at a time. Currently unfreezing time takes priority]

" Oh that's some fucking bullshit!"

Like for real! What kinda shitty system can't do two things at once!

[ 2…]

" Shit! Um okay think. What can I do to get out of this with both my penal and anal virginity intact?"


"Fuck it! System as soon as time unfreezes, and not even a damn millisecond later, summon Minato Namikaze!"

Since I can't think of anything to do to save my ass maybe a character that was regarded as a genius could.

[ Requests recognized. Upon resuming time Minato Namikaze will be Summoned.]

"Hopefully I made the right call with this."

[0… Time has resumed]

As time resumed the world regained its color and sound. It all rushed back to me with the suddenness of the kool aid man bursting through the wall of some poor kid.

Oh yeah, I was also falling to my death too wasn't I?

It's crazy what you can forget when you're worrying about your chastity being forcefully taken from you.

[ Summoning Minato Namikaze.]

I really didn't have time to comprehend that though as the system completed my request.

In a yellow flash (how fitting) appeared Minato Namikaze in all his blond haired glory not even a foot away from me.

I didn't get to say shit however as I suddenly found myself standing in a dirty alley with a Kuni embedded into the stone wall just to the left of my head.

I blinked rapidly while looking around in pure confusion at where I was at the moment before a realization hit me.

" Minato must have teleported me. But when in the hell did he get the time to throw a Kuni? I literally summoned him less than a second ago."


~ Minato Pov when summoned~

When Minato was summoned he spared no time in analyzing his situation.

He was falling from at least two hundred feet in the air toward what looked to be a large city. Such a height wouldn't kill or injure him, his new master was another matter.

Thankfully, with a quick throw of his special Kuni he could conjure infinitely, and using his signature Fūinjutsu it could be handled smoothly.

The problem lay with the thing in front of him.

Despite it's... alluring appearance this being was quite powerful.

It gave off the same oppressiveness as a tailed beast, if not even more powerful.

Still, judging by its current facial features, it's lack of tension, and it's surprise in seeing Minato suddenly appear, this was doable.

So it was with this thought process, a process that took less than a millisecond, that Minato acted.

After producing three Kuni instantly, Minato, moving at such speeds that the average human mind could not comprehend it, threw two of his three Kuni in two directions.

One went towards an alleyway of the city below him. The other towards the demoness Infront of him. Minato simply left his last kuni slightly to his left , dangling in the air harmlessly.

Then in a quick flash of yellow Minato appeared Infront of Slaanesh, Rasengan in hand, and proceeded to slam it in the chest of the Chaos God.

The prince of pleasure didn't even get to contort it's face in displeasure at Minato's attack before getting dropped kicked hundreds of yards away..

Calculating the exact distance the demon would go before stopping, Minato conjured yet another of his Kuni and threw it in hot pursuit of the Lustful Damon god.

Teleporting to the Kuni he left near his master, a boy no older than sixteen, Minato quickly grabbed onto him before teleporting into a dirty alleyway and leaving his master on his own so he could go and face Slaanesh.

All of this happening in less than a second. Such was the speed of Minato Namikaze.


An: Hope you enjoyed it.

Umm if you have any suggestions I'll probably use them. I don't have a lot planned for this fic. It's a crack fic after all.

ForThe_Lolzs ForThe_Lolzs

Just realized this is the longest chapter for a fic I've written.

Huh neat

Besides that go check out my other fic if you want.

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