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35.82% Druid? / Chapter 17: Chapter 16: Grimspeakers

Chapter 17: Chapter 16: Grimspeakers

Fire- And lightning flashed in the sky, he heard the screaming of his father calling out for his brotehrs as htey ran down the stairs, holding weapons to fight against the creatures outside, A roar echoed in his ears, making him flinch as his mother cursed and pulled the string of her bone bow back, releasing an arrow back and shot one of the creatures in the heart, making it growl and look at them, opening it's gargantuan maw and release a stream of fire towards them- his mother placed him behind her as she raised and slammed her bone shield down on the ground, protecting him against the powerful blast of heat and flames. "Mokza!" she shouted as he flinched, he was only a kid, and yet, he had to fight Dragons!

He pulled the string back of his short bow, the arrow he had was also a strong Dragon bone arrow, his arrow flew and luckily hit the eye of the Gigantic red fire dragon that fell to the ground, upon where his father and older brother hacked at it with their great swords, cutting away the thing's wings and killing it- But then they jumped away as a bomb of acid fell from the sky as a black dragon landed just before them, followed by a lighning bolt, a blue dragon landind there- Then a cloud of poison, as a green dragon landed beside the black dragon.

Cold wind blew as a giant white dragon with a person on top of it landed beside all the dragons- More and more dragons landing around them- "Ah... Grimspeakers." A voice echoed in the silence of the night, the figure chuckled as their hands spread out in an almost t-pose, where they began laughing like a maniac: "Looks like the hunters became the prey today!"

"Who are you?" His father raised his large greatsword with one hand and pointed it towards the person, his older sisters and brothers beside him, his eyes then saw a sight he would never forget- A five headced dragon, raising from the ground- "Tiamat..." His mother whispered in fear, this was the very first time he saw her affraid of something- "Run!" She pushed him away, looking at the dragon. "Go, Mokza!"

He loked at the dragons and back athis family- He turned back and ran.

"make sure the kid dies as well." The figure smiled at one of the dragons, who raised from the ground and flew after Mokza-

Screams and sounds echoed inside his head as a hand touched im- Makng him wake up from his nightmare.

His father Thonemmevaen Grimspeaker-

His mother Gimdegatheghil Grimspeaker-

His sister Namothore Grimspeaker

His brother Physsyoxarath Grimspeaker

His sister Tallilnil Grimspeaker

His bother Grogindrerk Grimspeaker

His family- Completely slaughtered.

"Mokza?" A whisper brought him out of his thoughts,, he blinked and saw himself not there with his family anymore, but inside a cave that was illuminated by these glowing little spheres of light that reminded him of the FIreflies of Gaundur, thousands upon millions of the flying upon the endless grassfields that was breathtaking. His eyes found the man that saved him- Náttúrumaður Grænn, The small 6' feet man who had burned honey colored eyes, Mokza stared deeply into his eyes and sighed, until he smelled blood, and looking down- His hands were scaly, his fingernails were grasping the arm of his savior, which was now bleeding.

Immediatly, he released the arm and backed away, his back hitting the stone wall of the cave behind him, he just looked at his fingers and saw the blood as a voice in his head said: [Blood? Good! I need more!] His eyes must've shined in a red light as he looked at Nátt, who just sighed as his injury glowed in a bright green light before the injury healed right before his eyes, closing as a new, pink flesh and skin appeared. "Are you okay?" Mokza was really surprised that the man ignored what happened to him to ask him- The aggressor- if he was okay? What is this? Mokzaxirrathan couldn't believe people selfless like this existed, most people flinched or simply ran away whenever they look at his red eyes, they fear him, they hate him, and yet- Here he is.

A person who was so worried about him that he ignored the evil inside him to ask him if he was okay.

"Yeah." He hummed, his eyes slowly going back to normal as he stared at the blood in his hands- "Oh, let me take care of that for you." Nátt used his fingers and touched the bloodied hand of Mokzaxirrathan, who stared up at him as the blood vanished from his hands, they stared into each others eyes for a few seconds- Their faces were so closed they could feel each other's breath.

[Huh. He smells good] That voice inside his head that he oh so hated echoed his private thoughts, making Mokzaxirrathan shake his head and pushed away as he hissed: "Shut up." Náttúrumaður just hummed as he backed off, saying: "If you're hungry, i can make you something?" Mokza just hummed in agreement as his mind stopped him from opening his mouth to speak, he didn't know if his teeth were sharp as his nails, this was what he hated!

His scales vanished as he slowly calmed down- Dreams always make him partially lose control.

"i don't have any meat on me right now- I gueess you'll have to eat some fruits and vegetables." Nátt called from where Mokza thought to be the kitchen area of this cavern, that was compeltely covered in soft moss and grass, he could walk here barefooted perfectly, there were no sharp rocks or stones to cut his skin (not that any rock or stone could cut his skin, it's too thick) and its very comfortable, so he walked barefoot to an opening above the cave where the smoke and steam rose, and there, in a stone stove with clay pots and pens on his hands stood Náttúrumaður Grænn- Who was making a simple broth of vegetables and legumes to feed a hungry Half-Titan with something inside his soul.

That something being a dragon.

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