It was a dragon! A real dragon, that much I could tell. Except, it had a few distinct differences with the dragons I imagined. It had no scales: just a smooth, slimy skin. No eyes, either, but from the front of its snout protruded several long whiskers. Its tail winded like a whip, and its limbs were long and ended in paws with disturbingly long and thin fingers. The wings that grew out of the creature's back were obviously made not for flying, but for combat: there were no membranes between the bones, but plenty of spikes and blade-like protrusions coming out of them.
Its general shape, though, was still that of a dragon. Huge as a house beast with four legs, wings, lizard head and tail. Despite its size, the dragon was nimble and swift. The giant spider the dragon attacked didn't stand a chance. In a blink, it was gone, and the dragon moved on, slithering with grace that looked almost supernatural.
I decided that I had enough random encounters. But I have a little creative crisis here... *sighs*