Evan was assembling papers. The bell chimes as it expresses, it's lunchtime. Evan puts his head on the table as he sighs. He stares out of the window. "Oh! how beautiful those mountains are." He thought. "But should I enjoy being here? What I am even doing here-". But before he could express more, he was interrupted by someone.
"Don't wanna eat your lunch?" A familiar voice asked. "Yea, Not in the mood." Evan said as he told James to sit down. "How are you?" Evan asked in a gentle tone. "Just fine. What were you doing? I hope I am not interrupting your work." "Oh, I was checking some copies. Mr.James, I have something to ask you." "What is it?"
Evan clears his throat and asks curiously; that he tried to hide.
Evan- "Perhaps, have you heard the name of the lady Irenie around here?"
James raises his eyebrows and tries to hide his smirk.
James- "May I know why you wish to know about her?"
Evan- "Um ah, I have heard Teacher talk about her so was curiou-s who she i-is?"
James- "You are not good at lying."
Evan- "......I know"
James- "Well, what you wish to know about her?"
James leans back and stares outside the window. "..Irenie." He sighs.
James- "Irenie and I became friends back in 2014..."
James was standing at the bus stop. He wore a white sweater and jeans. James looked like a teenage boy who just turned 20. He was nervous. He moved towards the bus. As he sat on the 2nd the last seat, he saw a woman running towards the bus. She tries her best to catch the bus.
It was Irenie. She had a rosy flushed skin tone, her wavy long brown hair would fall on her face. She seemed polite yet fierce. Her confidence and determination in her eyes said it all.
She sat down behind James. by chance, James and Irenie stoped at the same place. "Are you going to the orphanage too?"Irenie asked me calmly and sensibly. "Oh, y-yea. It's my first day in this city." "Well, Good luck!" Irenie smiled as she entered the orphanage.
"And then?" Evan asked as if his life was dependent on this story. "Um..It's a secret!" James stood up and exited the classroom as he teased Evan. "I-" Evan facepalm himself. He soon returned to his home.
the weather was getting colder and colder slowly. Evan looked at the little lights shining from the other side of his window, looking like a lighthouse.
He was calm, yet unaware of till when will this pleasure might end. He was quiet yet loud. He puts the coffee mug down and starts reading the journal.
Date- 6th of October.
Where did I go so wrong? which point was I so wrong that I punished myself? What did I do to hate myself? Questions, answer, question answers, life has never been fair. I lost my star but was told to build one. I lost my hope but was told to try harder. Do you know what? heck you, I don't care. Call me dramatic, irritating, stupid, or dumb. For the need of tomorrow you speak of, I lost my today. I don't care what tomorrow is, Let me ask you what today is?
Be smart, be bold. Be confident, not too slow. Be everything but you. Be me, but you. How long do I have to bear this 'be'? I don't have a problem with you but with me. The problem lies inside me. and the very first thing, I want to chance Is the devil of you inside my brain.
In this fear of getting hurt or judge, I am not supposed to bind myself. How can I manage tomorrow if I can't manage today? Plan future, plan or you fail. This line has never been fair. I fall and fall but you don't care, cause all you want to hear is a golden tale.
Guess it's the end, of me you though. I am not perfect or the way you want. I fall, break and cry sometimes, yet I make sure to be bold and stand again. It's not what you say but what you do. And I? Ha, I will show it to you.
Evan sighs as he tried to turn the page but failed. Guess, The journal was too old, the pages were ruined. All he could find was a girl with her face covered with her hands, Looked like she didn't want to take that picture but did it anyway.
"I guess, She ain't that perfect person too." Evan thought. Irenie has always given a mature, calm, and considerate vibe to Evan. But today Evan seems to discover a secret. Guess Evan realized, No one is perfect, and that's what made them perfect.
when did you realize, that in need of the future you lost your present?