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100% Kamen Rider Kabuto Within The Arrowverse / Chapter 33: Aftermath

Chapter 33: Aftermath

Ichigo and Blackheart began to walk in a circle without taking their eyes off each other. Ichigo was the first to make a move by jumping upwards but at an angle then front-flipped toward Blackheart. Blackheart condensed Hell-ice into his right hand and rushed forward to the spot where he determined where Ichigo would land. Right when Blackheart's attack was about to land, Ichigo suddenly jumped once more in mid-air and twisted so that he was facing Blackheart. Ichigo attacked with a downward karate chop and Blackheart quickly twisted his body just in time to dodge the attack. Ichigo's attack missed but the strength behind it created a crack in the floor. Ichigo wasted no time continuing his offense and began to unleash a flurry of punches. Blackheart was caught off guard and became flustered while blocking the flurry.

"Johnathan, do you know who that man is and why did he call you his junior?" John asked.

"I do know of him, but I don't know him personally. But I know for sure he won't target us." Johnathan responded as sat down on the floor using the remaining ki in his body to draw in more to heal the hole in his stomach.

"My question is, where was that Portal's destination?" Johnathan asked John.

"It was for a wasteland in the other sections of the hell. But it seems that there was a fluctuation and the destination changed. Thankfully, Blackheart managed to stay here, because I don't even want to imagine what would have happened on the other side." John replied. Blackheart was finally able to grab hold of Ichigo, but Ichigo swiftly countered by grabbing the left arm of Blackheart and twisted it to flip him over. Blackheart hit the ground hard and Ichigo quickly mounted him to begin raining down punches. Blackheart covered up to defend themself from the punches but for some reason, he thought that the punches from Ichigo hurt more than the others. Soon Ichigo's punches broke through and Blackheart was defenseless for a brief moment.

"Rider punch!" Ichigo shouted as his right hand began to glow red. Blackheart's instincts screamed and he knew that this was the attack that damaged him heavily before. Blackheart exploded his demonic energy to send Ichigo flying away before he could land his attack. Ichigo swiftly back-fliped midair and landed gracefully to regain his footing,

"Seeing it in person makes it kind of cringe, but it also makes my spirit tremble," Johnathan said as he was watching but then he spat out some blood.

"Fuck, I don't think I'll be able to heal my body. I took too much damage, should've thought of a better plan." Johnathan said to himself before lying fully down on the floor. He turned toward John for a moment,

"Not to be that guy, but when can you open another portal?" Johnathan asked.

"Probably another 10 to 15 minutes, why?" John responded and Johnathan nodded his head a couple of times.

"Well, it was nice to know you all, but I don't think I'll be making it. I give it about fiveish minutes before I pass out and another two before I die of blood loss." Johnathan stated and everyone had a shocked expression.

"Why the hell are you explaining it so nonchalantly!" Chloe shouted and grabbed Johnathan's collar shirt with both her hands. Then she began furiously shaking him around, Lucifer came over and stopped her from doing it anymore,

"Detective, I don't think you should be doing that to a dying man. Granted he deserves it but I think we should be trying to find a way out of here." Lucifer suggested. Just then everyone could feel the room get below freezing temperature. Blackheart knew he couldn't defeat Ichigo due to expending most of his demonic energy in the first two battles. So he decided to detonate the remaining energy because he knew that he would be resurrected in hell. The only thing is he would be restricted for at least four to five years from coming to Earth, but he was willing to do it if it meant killing everyone here.

"I think he is trying to blow himself up," Johnathan said while feeling the drowsiness overcoming him.

"Hey! You can't lose consciousness now, if you do then there is no saving you!" Chloe shouted to try and keep Johnathan awake. Johnathan took a small sphere out of his jacket and tossed it at John, who caught it by surprise.

"What is this for mate?" John asked,

"If I don't make it, use that to create a portal to my Earth and give what is inside to my friends. There should be a GPS tracker that will tell you where to go," Johnathan responded before sitting up with difficulty.

"I see that you are taking the coward's way out, Blackheart. I believe that you told me that it was an honor to know your name but it seems that is all a lie." Ichigo stated as he took a different fighting stance.

"It is an honor for it will be the last name you hear!" Blackheart retorted and ripped open his chest. He then pulled out a demon core and was about to crush it, but Johnathan used the remaining ki he built up to create multiple stone pillars to trap Blackheart and hold him in place.

"Fuck it, if I am going to die then I will make sure I take you with me," Johnathan stated. Ichigo used the wind to enhance his speed, he ran toward Blackheart then when he was about a few feet from Blackheart. Ichigo jumped into the air and flipped mid-air.

"Rider kick!" Ichigo shouted and red energy enveloped his right foot. Ichigo's speed picked up with the help of the wind pressure and he rocketed toward the trapped Blackheart. Ichigo's foot collided with the chest of Blackheart and the pillars shattered upon impact. The two of them flew together for a few feet before the back of Blackheart smashed into the wall. Ichigo flipped backward to get away from Blackheart before he could counter, but Ichigo's final attack shattered the insides of Blackheart. So he couldn't counter even if he wanted to. Soon his body began to crumble into dust and began to dissipate.

"Looks like Blackheart is finally finished," Maze stated before walking toward Johnathan.

"He doesn't look too swell," John said as he checked Johnathan's body. Ichigo heard them talking about Johnathan's condition and began walking over to them as well. The group was about to put their guard up, but the aura that was flowing from Ichigo made them realize that he was not a threat. Ichigo knelt beside Johnathan for a moment,

"No matter where it is. This aura cannot be mistaken. You truly are my junior," Ichigo stated with pride in his voice before putting his hand above Johnathan's wound and it began to glow bright yellow. Johnathan's mind began to wander around in a pure white space.

"Shit, this reminds me of when I first died. Don't tell me, that I'm going to meet with God again," Johnathan said to himself.

"I knew you were an odd one," a deep voice stated which startled Johnathan for a moment before he turned around to see who it was. A seven-foot black man wearing a futuristic outfit with a long black cape attached. The man was also holding onto a rather large brown book.

"Anti-monitor," Johnathan said with disbelief and Anti-monitor just nodded his head while smiling.

"So you have heard about me. Then this should make things go smoother," Anti-monitor said while walking around Johnathan.

"Why are you here?" Johnathan asked while following the Anti-monitor's movements with his eyes.

"That is a simple answer, you," Anti-monitor answered. Johnathan began to brainstorm but he couldn't come up with anything besides all the jumping he had been doing.

"That is correct, I have been keeping an eye on you after your first jump to Earth - 1. Then you made another jump to Earth - 666, at first I assumed it was a coincidence, but when you did it again, I decided that you could play a big part in the future. I was going to strike a deal with you, but it seems that someone has beaten me to the punch." Anti-monitor stated before Johnathan could say anything.

"It seems my time is up, just keep in mind that we will meet again shortly," Anit-monitor added before pushing Johnathan away. Johnathan let out a gasp as he sat up. He looked around in a daze before his sight became clear again.

"Look who came back from the dead," John said with a smirk.

"Damn, and here I was hoping I would have a fun companion for all of eternity," Maze said with a frown.

"Maze, dear. We both know that my dear dad would have snatched this bright soul before it went anywhere else." Lucifer added while patting her shoulder. Ichigo just chuckled at their interactions,

"It seems my junior has quite the companions," Ichigo stated before a flash of light appeared and Ichigo's rider armor disappeared. There stood a six-foot Asian man in his early forties, with luscious long black hair and a stern yet gentle face. Johnathan quickly got up and bowed toward Ichigo.

"I appreciate you saving our lives, Ichigo," Johnathan said while bowing.

"It is not a problem, I only did what I should," Ichigo replied while waving his hand.

"By the way, how are you able to speak and understand English so fluently?" Johnathan asked with curiosity.

"I don't understand what you mean. I have been speaking Japanese this whole time. Honestly, I was going to say that your Japanese is pretty good too," Ichigo replied. Johnathan looked back at John for a moment,

"It probably has something to do with the portal. It might have activated another spell which can translate different languages to the language of the person who entered through." John explained then shrugged his shoulders,

"Or who knows Magic is quite complicated and complex. No one knows everything about magic." John added.

"Speaking of that, Ichigo, how did you find the portal?" Johnathan asked after turning back toward Ichigo.

"Well, I was in the middle of an investigation of the revival of Neo-Shocker, when a portal appeared out of nowhere. At first, I was wary of it, but I could feel a familiar aura coming from it and yet it was foreign. It was also diminishing quite rapidly as well, so trusting my instincts, I jumped through." Ichigo responded and Johnathan shook his head while laughing.

"You sound like a crazy bloke," Lucifer said and Chloe nodded along. Just then two portals appeared behind the group and everyone turned to look at John.

"Uh.... this isn't me this time," John stated with both hands up.

"So if magic is real then....." Chloe said before slowly turning toward Lucifer. Lucifer noticed the intense stare from Chloe, so he turned toward her and smiled.

"My, my, Detective. I was wondering when you would fall for my charms," Lucifer said with a chuckle and Chloe just scoffed at him. Maze began laughing at the two, while the other three were examining the portals. When the trio looked closer, they could see flashing images within the portals. One portal showed 20 other riders standing behind one rider whose armor was magenta pink and green eyes. With a violet color gem in between a barcode-like visor. The group was currently facing off against an army of monsters.

"It seems that my juniors need my help over there as well," Ichigo stated as he turned toward Johnathan.

"Before I go, I want to give you a gift," Ichigo said as he put his hand out to Johnathan. Johnathan did the same and the two shook hands then a vortex began to develop around the two. Johnathan could feel a surge of power entering his body and reconstructing his bones making them denser. After letting go of Johnathan's hand, Ichigo handed over a ring that was similar to his rider belt.

"Use this when you are in a tight spot, Farewell my junior. Till we meet again," Ichigo said before turning around and stepping into the portal. The portal soon closed once Ichigo stepped through, leaving only one other portal. Johnathan stepped up to the portal to see what was on the other side and to his surprise it was his Earth. The images shown were the recent events that happened while Johnathan was away. It was like watching the show all over again, first, it showed Kara meeting with her aunt Astra and trying to get Kara to join them.

Then it showed Hank revealing himself as a Martian to the two women. It also showed Johnathan's team trying to track him down by investigating and infiltrating Lex's research labs. There was one new scene that Johnathan never saw and it was a battle between a newly developed Doomsday fight against everyone. It was his team and the DEO team, from the scenes unfolding it looked like a hard-fought battle. It was also an eye-opener for the DEO to start investigating Luthor's involvement and this all unfolded due to Kara's involvement in finding out more about Johnathan's disappearance. There was another scene unfolding and it was the battle between the DEO and the Kryptonians. It seems that the DEO team reached out to Johnathan's team for assistance as well.

"It seems that I have been gone for a while due to the time distortion in this place," Johnathan muttered to himself. He then turned toward the group,

"It seems that our time together will be cut shorter than I was expecting, but it has been quite the trip," Johnathan stated.

"Yes, quite the delight, would not like to do it again," John responded with a chuckle,

"I don't know, it was very thrilling, don't know when I will get another taste," Maze said while gazing at Johnathan who just smiled at her.

"Well, whenever you are back in town, please do let us know. I will make sure you get the VIP treatment for your help," Lucifer said which shocked Maze.

"What?" Lucifer asked while looking at Maze.

"To think that a day would come when Lucy would offer a VIP treatment to someone, especially a male, heavens," Maze replied.

"Oh give it a break," Chloe stated before turning back to Johnathan.

"Thank you, truly. For everything you did today." Chloe said to Johnathan and he waved goodbye to the group before stepping into the portal. After a few seconds, Johnathan could feel the motion sickness hit him once again.

"I will never get used to this. I don't know why the show didn't say that everyone gets motion sickness from traveling through portals," Johnathan said as he began to recover. He then used KZ to call for the Kabuto Extender and it shortly arrived a few minutes later. Johnathan quickly hopped on it and began driving back to the city.

"Hopefully I'm not too late," Johnathan muttered as his speed began to pick up. Inside National City was now a battleground with destruction all around. There were agents currently in a firefight with green monsters, in the distance, people could hear sonic booms coming from different directions. In the sky was Supergirl currently fighting against a man wearing black clothing. There were currently in a power lock,

"Non, you don't have to do this. We can find another place to rebuild Krypton." Supergirl pleaded,

"You do not have a say in this, Kara. You were not able to understand our mission before or now. You have taken the side of the humans and disregarded the Kryptonians. You are now our enemy and we will prevail." Non retorted and then threw her out of the sky into a building.

"Your friends may have found a way to negate the Black Mercy, but it does not affect our plan at all if you are immobilized or not," Non shouted as his eyes began to glow red, Supergirl noticed the change and her eyes began to glow red as well. The two heat visions collided creating multiple sparks, in another part of the city was a man and woman dressed in similar clothing as Non. They were currently standing back to back and watching any blind spots. Soon two blurs could be seen attacking the duo,

"It is going to take a lot more than speed to defeat us!" Mor shouted while swiping at the afterimages of the blurs. Lora began using her heat vision to try and create tripping hazards to stop their enemy's movements along with her ice breath. Once she was finished, someone soon came into contact with the hazard and tumbled. The figure quickly regained its composure, but Mor swiftly counterattacked with his heat vision. When the beam was going to make contact another figure appeared and redirected the beam with their two blades.

"I appreciate the help, Gattack," TheBee said as he slapped the shoulder of Gattack.

"I don't need to remind you that the people we are dealing with are not people we can take it easy with, right?" Gattack stated.

"Yes, I know. But everyone makes small mistakes and I will do my best not to do them again." TheBee responded and Gattack just shook his head. The two of them could finally be seen by the two Kryptonians.TheBee, with his sleek black and yellow armor, and Gattack, with his fierce blue and silver design, stood side by side, ready to face the two challengers that stood in front of them.

The battle that ensued was nothing short of spectacular. The Kryptonians unleashed their devastating heat vision and super strength, but TheBee and Gattack were quick to counter with their lightning-fast attacks and powerful weapons. The streets shook with the force of their blows, and the sky lit up with explosions as the two sides clashed in a fierce struggle for dominance.

Despite the overwhelming power of their opponents, TheBee and Gattack fought with unwavering determination and skill. They dodged and weaved through the Kryptonians' attacks, landing precise strikes and dealing out punishing blows of their own. The tide of the battle began to turn, as the duo riders slowly gained the upper hand against their formidable foes.

Mor and Lora, realizing that they were facing opponents unlike any they had encountered before, decided to combine their powers in a last-ditch effort to defeat TheBee and Gattack. The two Kryptonians flew into the sky to unleash a devastating energy blast that threatened to engulf the entire city in destruction, the duo riders quickly activated their clock and ran up to a building that was still intact right behind the Kryptonians. Once they got to the correct altitude of the Kryptonians, the duo riders jumped off and towards them. The bee pressed the button that was on top of the wasp zecter,

"Rider Sting!" The wasp zecter uttered and Gattack swiftly pressed on the three buttons on his stag beetle zecter as well.

"1, 2, 3," the stag beetle zecter uttered and Gattack quickly closed and opened the horns,

"Rider Kick," the stag beetle zecter uttered and the two riders were covered in electricity. The duo riders made contact with the two Kryptonians in mid-air and the collision created a huge storm of dust. When the smoke cleared, Mor and Lora lay defeated at the feet of Kamen Rider TheBee and Gattack.

"This is Gattack, we have subdued two of the Kryptonians. Taking them to the secure location now," Gattack stated over the radio. In another part of the city, chaos reigned as two powerful beings clashed in an epic battle. Drake and Sasword ran side by side, fighting against the Kryptonian Larz.

With a mighty roar, Larz launched himself at the two warriors, his fists blazing with energy. Drake and Sasword dodged and weaved, their movements were fluid and precise. They knew they had to work together if they were to stand a chance against this formidable foe.

Drake began firing multiple energy blasts with her gun, Sasword kept Larz at bay with his razor-sharp blades, sliced through the air with deadly precision. The two warriors fought with a grace and skill that left onlookers in awe.

But Larz was no ordinary opponent. He seemed to shrug off their attacks with ease.

"No wonder, Boss, always tells us to be careful when fighting against Kryptonians. Their freaking skin is unbreakable." Drake stated as she swiftly dodged a laser beam from Larz.

"It is a good thing they can still accumulate damage from brunt forces and energy blasts," Sasword added. Drake and Sasword knew they had to come up with a plan and fast.

As Larz charged at them once more, Drake and Sasword sprang into action. Drake used her energy blasts and agility to distract Larz, while Sasword struck from behind with a series of devastating blows.

"You know that this type of tediously is not attractive to a woman," Drake said as she kept firing energy blasts at Larz,

"Shut it, you sow!" Larz shouted as he tried to get into close quarters but Drake was not letting it happen.

"I believe that is not how you should talk to a lady," Sasword added as he slashed the back of Larz making him angrier. The two warriors fought with a synchronicity that was truly awe-inspiring.

But just when it seemed like they had the upper hand,

"Enough!" Larz shouted and unleashed a blast of heat vision that sent Drake and Sasword reeling. The city around them trembled as the force of the blast sent shockwaves through the streets. Drake and Sasword quickly got back up,

"Someone is quite cranky," Drake said while removing some rubble from herself.

"I think he is trying to end things," Sasword added while getting up as well. Larz began to float and soon rushed toward the duo. Drake quickly put the dragonfly zecter's wings together and folded them downwards.

"Rider shooting," the dragonfly zecter uttered, and blue energy began to gather around Drake. Soon a soccer ball size energy ball was formed in front of Drake's barrel,

"Rider slash," the scorpion zecter uttered as Sasword pushed in the scorpion zecter's tail and black poison appeared on the blade. They both initiated their clock up and Sasword rushed forward to collide with Larz. While Drake waited in the back for a clear shot, Larz was able to move just enough to not take the full cut of Sasword. Even though Larz was able to dodge half of the cut, it was enough for Sasword's poison to paralyze the Kryptonian and Drake took that chance to fire off her Energy blast. The poison didn't take effect immediately so Larz was able to try his best to avoid the energy blast. The duo knew what he was going to do and were ready for it. They quickly bombarded Larz with flurries of punches and slashes. Larz knew that he couldn't take too many slashes from Sasword so he decided to take most of Drake's punches without care. But soon the poison took over his body and he could no longer move, and the energy ball was near his back.

"Checkmate," Drake said before sidekicking Larz into the energy ball, and a small Shockwave was created from the collision. With a final, decisive blow, Drake and Sasword brought the Kryptonian to his knees.

"This is Sasword, we have subdued another and are taking him to the secure location," Sasword reported.

With a wicked smile, Non taunted Supergirl, 'Look at what you have caused, Supergirl! This city is in ruins because of your inability to control your powers. I should be the one ruling them, not you.'

Supergirl, although angry at his words, remained calm and replied, 'I am not the one causing destruction, Non. You are the one who needs to be stopped.'

Their battle began once more, and the streets of National City were once again filled with the sound of their clashes and destruction. Supergirl was determined to protect her city at all costs, while Non was determined to defeat her and take over as its ruler.

As the battle raged on, Supergirl noticed that Non seemed to be getting stronger and angrier with each blow she delivered. She knew that she had to find a way to end this before things got out of control.

With a roar, Non unleashed a powerful blast of heat vision towards Supergirl. She countered with her heat vision, creating a powerful explosion in the sky. Once the smoke cleared they continued to clash, their powers matched evenly.

But Supergirl's resolve was stronger than her uncle's. Suddenly, Non's attacks became more erratic and desperate. Supergirl could see that he was losing control. She knew that this was her chance to put an end to this battle once and for all.

Using all of her strength, she flew towards Non and grabbed him in a powerful grip. She could feel his energy-sapping from his body as she held him in her grasp. Non struggled and thrashed, but Supergirl's grip was unbreakable. Non unleashed a final burst of energy to break out of Supergirl's grip and quickly kicked her away. Supergirl was able to regain her posture while maintaining in the air.

"Once again, it shows that living with these humans has made you soft. This would not happen if we ruled, I am giving you one more chance to join your Aunt and I," Non stated with his hand out.

"We don't need to rule, it is better to co-exist and find peace rather than take by force while ruling by force," Supergirl retorted.

"Fine have it your way," Non replied with a sigh. The two soon clashed once more, while the two fought. In another part of the city was another battle ensuing between Alex, the Martian Manhunter, and Astra. Astra was currently fending off the two with powerful blows. Alex was wearing the newly developed exo-suit that enhanced her to superhuman strength, but even with the power she was having trouble adapting against Astra. It was a good thing that John was fighting beside her because he was able to help deal with her shortcomings. Even with the kryptonite sword at their disposal, Astra was able to keep up with two and not lose an inch.

"I'm glad that my niece has a strong foster sister, but it all ends here," Astra stated as she rushed toward Alex. Alex quickly slashed downwards with her sword to intercept Astra's charge. Astra twisted her body to the side to dodge the attack and swiftly regain her footing to make a counter-attack. Alex brought the sword back just in time to block Astra's fist, but the strength behind it was still enough to send Alex flying a few feet. Luckily John was there to catch Alex before she flew off the roof.

"Thanks, John," Alex said while catching her breath.

"Least I could do," John said as he flew towards Astra.

"How many bouts are we going to have before you realize that you are not a match for me, Martian?" Astra remarked before flying as well. The two clashed with one another and began to ascend while exchanging blows. Alex pulled out a pistol that was loaded with kryptonite bullets and aimed. The two were entangled so much that Alex didn't have a clear shot, so all she could do was wait. John noticed what Alex was trying to do but Astra noticed that John's attention went elsewhere for a split second. That was enough for her to blast John away with heat vision from her eyes. As soon as John was blasted away, Alex quickly shot off four rounds at Astra. Astra noticed the bullets heading towards her, but she simply scoffed at the feeble projectiles. When the first bullet appeared near her, she used the back of her hand to swipe the bullets. Once the bullet made contact with Astra's hand it went right through, but she was able to react in time to dodge it from hitting anything else.

"You insignificant piece of shit!" Astra shouted as she began to dodge the rest of the bullets.

"I was going to keep you around for my niece's sake but you dare do something this foolish!" She added and shot towards Alex. John was able to get back up and tried to intercept Astra's path but was easily tossed to the side. Astra soon approached Alex and grabbed her by the throat. Alex tried to slash Astra with the sword but Astra was able to grab onto Alex's wrist. She then snapped Alex's wrist so that the sword would no longer be a problem. Alex let out a small scream due to the pain but that put a smile on Astra's face.

"I will make sure you suffer greatly for your foolishness," Astra remarked and put her other hand on Alex's throat and began to squeeze. Alex could feel the immense pressure closing in on her neck and could feel her mind fading. Then there was a loud boom and blue lightning soon followed which caught the attention of everyone on the roof. In a split second, Astra could feel a heavy impact on the left side of her face and soon she was sent flying. Alex began to cough uncontrollably due to damage, but she was finally able to catch her breath. She looked up to see what happened and to her surprise, she made eye contact with a blue visor.

"Kabuto," Alex managed to say with a strained voice.

"It seems that I was late to the party," Kabuto said as he surveyed the area.

"Not looking to swell, John" He added while looking at the Martian who was getting back up.

"Where the hell have you been?" John said with a bit of anger, but Kabuto just shrugged,

"Too long of a story, will have to tell you about it over a drink someday," Kabuto replied. Astra flew back up to the roof and was staring daggers at Kabuto.

"You!" Astra shouted.

"Nice to meet you once again, although it seems that you decided to attack when Boy Wonder isn't around. Quite underhand don't you think?" Kabuto remarked which made Astra angrier and she flew rapidly towards him. Blue lighting began to generate around Kabuto as he got into a runner's stance. He pushed off the floor with ki and the speed force to shoot into the air at Astra. Once the two got closer, Astra threw a right cross directly at Kabuto's face, but before it could make contact, he front-flipped mid-air and slammed his left heel onto the back of Astra. Astra was sent flying downwards from the attack, Kabuto circulated his inner Ki towards his legs and feet once more and kicked the air to send him after Astra.

"Damn, Ichigo. You upgraded me and the suit well," Kabuto said to himself while chasing Astra. Kabuto quickly caught up to the falling Astra and began to unleash a flurry of punches. Astra covered up to defend against the punches and her eyes began to light up. Kabuto realized that Astra was about to blast him with a heat vision, so he kicked the air once more to dodge. The heat vision was still able to nic Kabuto's left side of his stomach, but he soon countered by materializing six kunai and threw them at Astra. Astra couldn't trust to block any projectile anymore due to Alex's kryptonite bullets earlier, so she twisted her body mid-air to dodge the kunai but one was able to puncture her left arm. Her decision was correct because when Astra ripped out the kunai its blade had an outlining of kryptonite.

"Damn, pest! Should've known that Lex was a snake." Astra shouted before throwing the kunai away before it could do her any more harm and rushed at Kabuto. Kabuto quickly kicked the air once more to send himself toward a rooftop, so he would have a better footing to fight. Astra chased him without a care and the two began fighting in close combat. Both were equally accumulating damage at a rapid pace, but Astra knew that her endurance was far stronger so she sped up her output. Kabuto on the other hand was quite surprised at how much his endurance has grown due to Ichigo's power up. Kabuto knew that fighting head-on like this was not in his favor but felt like he couldn't back down for some reason.

"Looks like you are something different. I will admit that you are stronger than the other pest. But this is not enough to stand toe to toe with us." Astra stated before kicking Kabuto and shooting him with her heat vision in quick succession. Kabuto was sent flying off the roof and Astra chased him while Kabuto fell. Before Astra could punch him again, Kabuto kicked the air and dodged her attack. He quickly pressed the three buttons on KZ and flipped its horn as well,

"Rider kick," KZ uttered and blue lighting generated around Kabuto then it flowed to his right foot. Kabuto initiated his clock up and kicked the air once more to get behind Astra. Kabuto then charged forward with his right foot in the lead toward Astra, who was not able to respond in time due to the difference in speed. Astra was struck by the rider's kick and sent flying into the ground below. A giant crater was made from the force and velocity that Astra's body created. Kabuto landed next to the crater and walked closer to check whether Astra was still in the fight or not. Once Kabuto got close, he saw her spit out a good chunk of blood but she was quite angry.

"I take that as you surrendering?" Kabuto asked,

"As if," Astra retorted.

"We both know that you are done. I'm sure fighting the two up there and I took everything out of you." Kabuto stated.

"You may be right, but I can't let myself be captured here. I didn't want to use this disgusting creature but it seems that I have no choice." Astra said before pressing a button that she had in her hand before Kabuto got there. Kabuto began to sense a sinister aura approaching quickly from above. It was heading towards Alex and John,

"Got two choices to make, me or them. But knowing your past actions, I wouldn't be surprised if you put me in cuffs right now." Astra stated before quietly chuckling to herself.

"How far is everyone from my position?" Kabuto asked through his comms,

"Boss? When did you get back?" TheBee asked,

"About thirty minutes," Sasword replied.

"I am with Sasword," Drake stated,

"We are about forty-five minutes away, we had to lock up the other Kryptonians at the DEO base," Gattack stated as well.

"Everyone converges to my location ASAP, this is going to take all of us. If you run into Supergirl, bring her along as well." Kabuto said before rushing toward Alex and John. But before Kabuto could take off he heard Astra saying something,

"That is quite a surprise. The cold ruthless Kabuto running to save someone. Who knew that you had a heart? You will regret letting me go,"

Kabuto let out a sigh before continuing towards Alex. Kabuto knew that he wouldn't be able to handle the monster at all. If he hadn't just fought with Astra then he would have a fifty percent chance at winning. But if he, Alex, and John hold it off until the team gets here then their chances of winning would be higher. Kabuto initiated his clock up while kicking the air so he could get to higher ground. He could sense the sinister aura closing in on Alex and John. Kabuto circulates his ki faster within his body,

"Let's see how we'll this new body can last using the Flood Gates techniques," Johnathan said before opening up the Black Tortoise Gate and White Tiger Gate. With the power up, Kabuto was able to close the distance in an instant and saw the newly improved Doomsday worm hybrid. The appearance looked the same except for its skin color. It was dark red and the amount of spike protruding from its body made it look like a hedgehog. It was currently fighting against Alex and John. It was able to toss John, who was using his shape-shifting power to wrap himself around it, off of it and throw him across the roofs. It turned to Alex and jumped upward toward her, the monster raised its fist mid-air to slam then them down at her. Kabuto was able to intercept the monster and catch its arms before it could smash its fist down,

"Fuck! It's strength is on a whole different level!" Kabuto shouted as he gritted his teeth. The building couldn't withstand the immense power behind the monster and all the weight pressing on Kabuto. The building began to cave in and the three of them began to free fall. The monster used its immense power to jump from debris to debris so that it could close the distance to Alex and Kabuto. Alex was able to do the same just not as fast but she was able to make her way to the ground safely. Kabuto on the other hand initiated his clock up once more and began to bombard the monster with a flurry of attacks. The monster slowly began to adapt to Kabuto's speed and after a few more attacks. It was able to grab a hold of Kabuto's left leg and drag him down to the ground. Before the monster could smash Kabuto into the floor beneath them, he quickly initiated the rider kick sequence. Blue lightning generated around Kabuto once more and he kicked the air with his right foot to get a better position, then kicked the monster in the face with a roundhouse which released him from the grasp of the monster. The monster then plummeted down to the ground creating a huge crater and Kabuto kicked the air to land safely next to Alex. The two still had their guard up due to past encounters with the doomsday prototypes and it paid off because the monster shot out from the crater towards the duo. Kabuto met the monster head on and the two began a power struggle, while Alex made her way around to slash the monster's back. The monster tried to break loose from Kabuto's hold so that it could attack Alex, but Kabuto was using all of his strength to hold on. They needed to make sure that the Doomsday monster accumulated enough damage so that it would be easier to bring down Supergirl. The monster was getting angrier due to Alex's attacks, so it turned toward Kabuto and used a good amount of its strength to headbutt him. Kabuto was caught off-guard by the headbutt and was not able to dodge in time, their foreheads collided in which shattered the rider helmet. The monster was at last free, so it turned around and kicked Alex in the chest sending her flying into a building. It began to rush forward so that it could erase the pest that was hurting it, once it was closing in on Alex, the hand of the monster began to transform into a spearhead and it jumped forward to gain momentum. Alex could see the monster closing in on her but she was too hurt and couldn't move, so she closed her eyes knowing that it was the end. A few seconds went by and she didn't feel anything stab her except for something dripping on her face. Alex opened her eyes and a familiar face was in front of her, but the person who she was seeing was wearing the same armor as the anti-hero who caused a lot of headaches for her and Kara. 

"Johnathan?" Alex asked in confusion but the man just chuckled and spat out blood. The spearhead that was supposed to stab Alex was currently imbedded through the back of Johnathan and the tip was protruding out his stomach. 

"I guess it was going to come out sooner or later, but it hurts a lot more than it should," Johnathan replied with a smile but the reunion was cut short cause the monster retracted it's arm and raised it once more.

"Rider Sting! Rider Kick!" Two Zecter uttered while Blue and Yellow lighting appeared on the side of the monster. Gattack and TheBee's attack was able to send the monster flying away before it could attack once more.

"Oh shit, Boss. You need some serious medical attention!" TheBee shouted once he saw Johnathan's condition.

"You guys have to focus on that monster right now, If it gets loose then everything else will get worse. Alex should be able to take me for medical help," Johnathan ordered but the other two showed up just a few seconds later. They were also shocked to see their leader in the same condition when they last saw him. They wanted to help him, but Johnathan shook his head and pointed toward the monster that was rushing at them. They were relucent but the team knew what they had to do, so all they could do was rushing toward the monster.

"Kara is on her way now, she just dropped of Nox at the base," Alex said while grabbing Johnathan and putting his arm over her shoulder to carry.

"Alex, you have to make sure Kara doesn't know about this. If she finds out then it will just make things worse than they already are," Johnathan said while using some of his Ki to stop the bleeding.

"What do you even mean. You have been keeping this a secret for so long and even when we shared ours. You still held out on us," Alex remarked,

"I swear, I was going to tell you two, but after what happened that day and how everything played out. I couldn't gain the courage or more like I wanted to bury it." Johnathan replied and began to cough up more blood.

"Fuck, I so want to beat you up right now," Alex retorted but kept dragging Johnathan who just laughed.

"I would take your beating over this," Johnathan replied,

"I swear to god, only you could be making jokes at this time," Alex said.

"I don't want Kara to blame her cousin or herself for what happened that day. I know that it was mainly my fault, I overlooked things and didn't expect there to be a traitor that day. He shouldn't have been there but that man just was too excited and wanted to surprise us." Johnathan said with sorrow.

"You can't blame yourself for that, things happen and they are out of your control. No one is perfect nor omniscient, if they were then the whole world would be at peace." Alex replied.

"Give some time to rearrange my head and I will let Kara know," Johnathan said,

"You have two weeks, after that I will spill the beans. Also where the hell have you been for the past two months?" Alex stated.

"Long story, will definitely tell you after we get out of this mess," Johnathan replied.

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