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54.54% Kamen Rider Kabuto Within The Arrowverse / Chapter 18: Getting a little help

Chapter 18: Getting a little help

Johnathan and Barry made it back just in time to see Eddie talking with Captain Singh. Joe was also sitting in the office because Eddie was his partner.

"I wonder what they are talking about?" Johnathan asked Barry.

"I think they might be talking about me," Barry responded.

"The other you," Johnathan added to which Barry nodded his head. That's when a young beautiful woman with black hair and light brown skin walked next to Barry,

"What's going on in there?" She asked Barry.

"Iris, nice to see you, and to answer your question it seems Eddie is telling Captain Singh that the streak shouldn't be trusted," Barry replied to which she had a face of disbelief. Then she turned around and noticed Johnathan standing there.

"I'm sorry, but you look familiar." She stated as she stared at Johnathan.

"Oh, sorry about not introducing myself. My name is Johnathan Takahashi, but you can just call me Johnathan." Johnathan said as he extended his hand out for a shake. Iris shook Johnathan's hand,

"Name is Iris West." She replied. Johnathan pointed at Joe and gave her a look as if to say, "Your Father?", to which she nodded.

"He should look familiar to you, Iris. He was in most of the movies you loved watching and could stop talking about him." Barry added with a smile.

"You mean he is that Johnathan," Iris asked with disbelief to which Barry nodded.

"In the flesh." Johnathan joked. Before Iris could say anything else, Eddie and Joe walked out of Captain Singh's office. Iris took one look at Eddie and forgot about Johnathan for a moment because she was charging at Eddie.

"So first you tell me that you don't believe in the streak, and now you trying to say he is a menace." She puffed.

"Thanks, Barry," Eddie said looking at Barry,

"Sorry," Barry replied with a sympathetic face. Eddie turned his attention back to Iris,

"No worries, the Captain shot me down. I'm sorry but I'm not feeling like lunch right now. I will see you later." Eddie said and walked off. Iris turned around to the duo,

"He's just jealous." She said,

"Of who, the Flash?" Barry asked and she nodded.

"Should he be though? One is a meta and the other human." Johnathan added to which made everyone silent.

"I should get going. It was nice meeting you, Johnathan. We should all get coffee sometime so I can pick your brain of all the fan questions I've been dying to ask you." Iris said before leaving. Joe walked up to the duo after he made sure Iris left,

"You two need to head to Star Labs so that we can get something out of this," Joe stated to which the duo nodded and left the Precinct. The duo made it to Star Labs and walked into the HQ room where everyone else was at. Dr. Wells rolled into the room, but one thing that stood out was that he was patched up for some reason.

"Dr. Wells, what happened to you?" Barry asked in shock.

"Some punks were feeling a little brave today." Dr. Wells replied.

"You should be more careful, Dr. Wells. Do you need one of us to come to get you?" Caitlin asked.

"I don't mind doing that for you, Dr. Wells" Cisco added. Dr. Wells just waved it off.

"We'll worry about me later. Right now we have to find out what is causing anger, hate, and aggression within people." Dr. Wells stated.

"A Jedi craves not of these things," Cisco said imitating Yoda to which no one responded to him.

"What? None of yall is feeling that quote?" Cisco asked to which everyone just shook their heads except Johnathan. He gave Cisco a thumbs up, but quickly put his hand down so that he wouldn't ruin the serious atmosphere. Cisco gave Johnathan a military salute and got serious also.

"Well, like I said this morning they were turned into savages then in eight minutes they came back to their senses," Barry told the group.

"Anger can be a powerful emotion. If this meta-human can enhance irrational feelings of anger in his victims, then he can cause serious damage." Dr. Wells added. Caitlin was sitting down at the computer looking through some stuff,

"Detective West helped me get a copy of the CAT SCAN from the hospital where all the people from the bank were taken," Caitlin said as she pulled up a picture of a brain scan. Everyone looked at it to see if there were any abnormalities. The first person who caught something was Johnathan to everyone's surprise.

"The emotion centers of the brains are still showing signs of being overwhelmed," Johnathan said to which Dr. Wells gave a nod of agreement and approval.

"Particularly the area that controls executive function. That's the part of the brain that stops people from doing whatever random potentially destructive things that pop up in their head." Caitlin added.

"That sounds like some voodoo magic right there," Cisco said.

"Well, we need to stop whoever is doing it because many people will get injured due to its destructive power," Barry stated then his phone rang showing that it was Iris that messaged his alter ego.

"If you guys find out anything let me know. I have to run an errand." Barry stated as he walked up to the Flash suit.

"Another ominous hook-up with Iris?" Caitlin chimed in.

"No... She probably wants to ask me, no him about Meta-human stuff for her blog." Barry stuttered making him look even worse. Caitlin gave him a tilted head stare while Johnathan and Cisco were stifling their laughter.

"Would you like some advice?" Caitlin asked,

"No matter what I say, I'm getting it either way," Barry responded.

"Exactly, You shouldn't get too involved as the Flash or yourself because you don't want to be the reason why they separate," Caitlin stated.

"She is right, Barry. In my years of being the third wheel in relationships, they tend to get a little sticky when sides are broken. Plus no matter what side you choose everyone loses in some sort of way." Johnathan added.

"You? The third wheel in relationships." Cisco asked in shock to which Johnathan just shrugged and nodded.

"Didn't you and the beautiful Alice Eve get together during your time in Star Trek?" Cisco asked to which Caitlin gave him a stern stare making him shiver. Cisco leaned closer to Johnathan,

"You need to give me some details about that," Cisco whispered while Johnathan just chuckled. Barry just shook his head and zoomed off to his meeting.

"So how long has he been at this?" Johnathan asked.

"Quite a few times actually," Caitlin replied.

"I'm guessing that Iris is his childhood love," Johnathan stated.

"Hit the nail on the head, buddy," Cisco said as he began to walk towards his computer.

"So I'm guessing he lost his chance to confess due to the particle accelerator incident, then she found comfort with her father's partner who I'm not going to lie looks pretty good. One thing led to the other and now he is chasing something he may never get because he has hope." Johnathan added.

"Damn, you just got here and you deduced all that. You are in the wrong profession, Detective Takahashi." Cisco said. Johnathan turned to look at Dr. Wells,

"You sir are one of a full killjoy," Johnathan chuckled to which Dr. Wells just shook his head.

"It's not like I knew what he was trying to do and decided to mess up his love life, Mr. Takahashi." Dr. Wells responded with a tint of anger in his voice.

"He was only messing around, Dr. Wells." Caitlin intervened trying to calm him down. That's when Cisco's computer went off notifying him about the raid of the suspect who stole the money. He quickly contacted Barry,

"Barry, the police got a ping on who stole the money and the SWAT team is closing in on the 1600 Block of Pass." Cisco relayed.

"Now stop ruining Iris's love life and get over there," Caitlin added. Inside the warehouse on 1600 Block of Pass, the SWAT team made their way into the building checking every room till they finally cornered a person that was wearing a black outfit and sunglasses.

"Stop! Put your hands up and don't move!" Joe shouted at the man to which the man complied.

"Certo cuff the man," Joe ordered the Sarge. Certo walked up to the man to cuff him, but then Certo stopped moving.

"Certo, what are you doing? Hurry up and cuff the man." Joe stated to which Certo turned around and aimed his shotgun at Joe,

"You don't tell me what to do!" Certo stated with a tint of red in his eyes. Certo racked the shotgun and fired at Joe,

"Get down!" Joe shouted at everyone in the group. Barry zoomed into the building just in time to see the gun go off, so he quickly pushed everyone out of the way and tackle Joe to the ground in time. Barry looked up and noticed that the mysterious man held a pistol in his hand. Before the man could shoot Barry, two arrows were fired and struck the man's legs pinning him down to the ground. Barry and Joe turned around to see who fired the arrows, only to be greeted by a man in a green hooded outfit.

"Nice mask," The hooded figure said before disappearing.

"Who was that?" Joe asked,

"A friend," Barry replied. Joe got up and went around to check up on the SWAT team to make sure everyone was okay. But they noticed that the suspect had disappeared. So Joe told Barry that he would wrap everything up and Barry could leave. Barry nodded and speed off after the green hooded person. Two figures could be seen talking to each other in front of an abandoned building,

"You know every time we travel no matter what Big Belly Burger will always taste like Big Belly Burger." the Blonde woman with glasses stated to a tall gentleman that was standing next to her.

"You mean salt and grease." He responded to which she gave him a surprised look,

"I thought those were the secret ingredients." She replied then they heard a motorcycle engine roaring down the road.

"Oliver is back." The woman stated but then a yellow lightning streak speed past Oliver who was driving the motorcycle. Barry appeared before the two people catching them off guard especially the gentleman.

"By the way, I gave Oliver a half-hour head start," Barry said to the duo.

"Hi, Barry." The woman said,

"Hey, Felicity," Barry responded. Barry turned towards the gentleman,

"Hey, how is it going, Digg?" Barry asked.

"You're fast." was all Digg could get out due to the initial shock of Barry's superpowers. Barry turned towards Felicity,

"You guys didn't tell him about me?" He asked.

"Well, seeing is believing or drooling." She replied to which they both chuckled due to Digg's reaction. Oliver soon pulled up and began walking towards the group. Barry walked up to him,

"Hey, thanks for the help but I had it back there," Barry said to which Oliver just shook his head.

"What, I was getting ready to make my move," Barry responded.

"What move, you mean to the Morgue?" Oliver questioned.

"Wait, why are you guys here in Central City?" Barry asked.

"Working a Case. A suspicious homicide in the styling where the murder weapon is a boomerang." Felicity answered and pulled out a metal boomerang from her bag to which Barry grabbed to examine.

"Cool," Barry said out loud which got him a stern look from Oliver.

"What I meant to say is terrible." Barry corrected himself.

"That boomerang you're holding there has traces of Iron Oxide within in and from what we know Central city has the highest concentration of Iron Oxide in the country. That is why we are here." Felicity said.

"Did you know that Australian Aboriginals used these to hunt down Kangaroos mainly," Barry stated and was about to ramble on more but was stopped by Oliver?

"We were following a lead when we heard the SWAT raid over the radio, and I thought that I would stop by and see you make your move," Oliver stated and there was a silent awkward moment for a couple of seconds until Digg broke it,

"You know, I had a cousin that was hit with lighting. He just developed a stutter." Digg said. Barry didn't know how to respond to that so he just changed the subject.

"My team and I were after a nasty Meta-human who makes people angry," Barry said.

"Cool," Felicity responded to which everyone gave her a weird look. "I mean awful." she corrected herself. Barry just smiled while the others just shook their heads.

"Well, since you guys are in town let's team-up. We can help you guys find your murderous boomerang guy and you guys can help us find our super rage-a-holic." Barry said.

"We would love to," Felicity responded.

"No, we'll handle our business then head home," Oliver interjected.

"To be fair, Oliver. This is the fastest way to find out everything we need to. Because with the help of Star labs will give us a wider range of things we need." Felicity retorted. Oliver gave out a long sigh,

"Enough people know my secret identity," Oliver responded.

"That's fine because I can go. I already met everyone there so I'll keep you guys updated. Plus I will meet up with you guys later after you drop me off." Felicity stated and began to walk towards the motorcycle. Barry then picked her up in a princess carry,

"I'll give you a lift," he said as he zoomed off with her in his arms. Digg just stared at the spot where the two were just at. He looked at Oliver,

"That is not freaking you out?" he asked to which Oliver just smiled and shook his head.

"Let's go, Digg. We have some digging to do." Oliver said as they both left.

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