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42.1% A World belongs to the Black / Chapter 16: Interlude - parte 3

Chapter 16: Interlude - parte 3

It was 3 days before the start of the school year at Hogwarts and I had done yet another outrageous skill. But before we talked about her, I had some decisions to make.

First, what would my policy be with Asholedore? I knew he was for some reason trying to sabotage the wizards of magical Britain and was doing a great job of it. It couldn't be just for power, right? After all, he was old, what good is he so much power and influence if you're about to die? It just didn't make sense.

What was your goal?

On the one hand, it was never clear, even in the fanfics I read about their good and bad versions, what the purpose was. He wanted to defeat Voldemort, that was for sure, but why? Why bother? I, for example, wouldn't give a damn about that in his position.

He had money, position, influence, fans... and while the mental one is very traumatizing, I'm sure he could get any young witch to proliferate his decaying bloodline. So what was missing?

Youth was one thing he didn't have.

Force? He may no longer be able to get erections easily or perhaps he is a eunuch? Who would know?

Maybe... um... If we think about it like that, he might really miss those two things. If I think pragmatically, what is the one thing young Potter has that would secure so much attention from the old bearded man?

The first would be youth, obviously, but potential would be the answer. Harry Potter was the destined boy and his power should be equal to that of young Tom Riddle whom the strange headmaster had come into contact with long before the brat became a crave for Dark lord.

Harry also had an endorsement of fate. Basically a kind of free pass. The prophecy, which I hated and hoped never to have one about me, guaranteed that he wouldn't die until he faced Voldemort, and although I get the impression that the prophecy was manipulated by the old goat, that meant the magic itself (and here I'm talking about the laws of magic that govern this world) somehow favored Harry Potter.

So what does the old man gain by helping and hurting (living with the Dursleys is more than enough evidence to prove it) young Harry?

If I were to bet, I'd say the old man has the same goal as Voldemort. Escape from death. But I believe he had prepared vases, just like Orochimaru, that would ensure his continued life. Thinking about it makes a lot of sense.

To weaken the wizarding world as a whole would guarantee him the ability to quickly identify the most talented and promising young people. Being in a school for magic that basically took a significant amount of them to school every year could also legitimize my theory. Besides, Voldemort must have been his first target. A wizard descended from Salazar Slytherin, Parselmouth, magically gifted (it's clear that Voldemort was gifted when we see his orphanage history basically controlling wandless magic), young and handsome. Also, an orphan, with no one to complain about him. The only flaw was that Tom was as good a silver tongue as my grandfather and he managed to win over many with just charm... The old goat's preference was certainly for antisocial children.

And then Tom splits his soul in two. Hell, how could he find out about Horcrux so easily? How did he read about it out of nowhere and even in his school days he was able to perform the soul-splitting ritual?

All of this smacked of the old goat's manipulation.

In fact the odds were so great that I almost felt a shiver in my body comparing the old goat to Orochimaru... considering that my grandfather admitted to having an affair with the bastard and I knew he was into men... poor Severus, must be the target of your current wishes...

But ignoring my jokes... the chances of this actually happening are great. Harry Potter was hit by the death spell in the last movie and he found the old goat in the supposed train station that led to the afterlife? I do not believe.

Nor are we going to talk about him waking up and fighting the noseless at the last moment and beating him because the wands were loyal to him when he disarmed Severus? Much more coherent to say that the wand was loyal to him because by that time the young Potter was no longer alive and the old goat's soul finally possessed him.

Now, should I stop?

If I were to be honest about it, I didn't like Potter. Whether it was Albus in his body or not, that didn't concern me. As far as I know, inccubus don't die of old age and branding my teammates will guarantee them vitality equal to mine. All I need to do is fuck them occasionally and that's it. Sorted out. No problems with a short lifespan.

I also had no reason to oppose Assholedore. He was my grandfather's boyfriend after all. After all, a young body will be more attractive for my grandfather to enjoy when he releases him in thefuture. So he saw no reason to save young Potter.

And that is if my theories are correct.

As far as I know he may be the good old gay man who feels guilty for inadvertently creating another Dark Lord after heroically defeating one. Anyway, I'm not interested in the adventures of the green-eyed snotty brat.

Yes, I respect your mother for her genius. And I'm a fan of hers. But that doesn't mean I would protect her considerably less talented offspring... If anything, I should help Assholedore take her body and have smarter grandchildren in the future. After all *Harry* fucks Gina Weasley and has children with her... thinking about it leaves a certain doubt about the real sexuality of the old goat... maybe he is bisexual?

Anyway, I'm not going to put my hand in that pot full of wasps.

Getting back to my magic... I was studying means of transport. Specifically Portkeys and Apparition.

Using some pretty serious analysis I learned the difference between one and the other.

Portkeys basically create an anchor at a location that is magically linked to another location. So when it activates, the enchanted item throws the user out of the space it temporarily inhabited, as seen in the movies, and then the anchor at the specific location pulls the one that was previously released.

It had many interesting applications and it worked very well, although it causes discomfort during transport, those who created PortKeys were absolute geniuses for sure. I really couldn't imagine how I could improve this in such a short time so I just focused on the production and what would make the trip more stable...

As for the Apparition... The theory was much simpler actually. The Apparating mage basically created a hole in the space between the realities, coated his body with magic and then made that body-covering magic slide through the hole focusing on the final destination where another space hole would be created so he could exit. It was application of space magic at its best and explained the need to get used to it with the help of another wizard. It was why the Wraith used magic to make the coated body look like an eel, compressing and decompressing in succession.

Anyway, such a good application of space magic and used so roughly. Yes, it was creative and pretty cool all in all, but... wouldn't it be better instead of creating a small hole in space, creating a bigger one? One the size of a door for example?

That was my main idea for creating a new transport spell. I figured using the mental image Shun Walford used in the Kenja no Mago anime would be helpful.

Okay. First, I took a deep breath. The Apparition magic was one used by 7th graders and it wasn't just because the magic was dangerous, but the demand on control was so great. I even had my wand as I doubted it would work the first time without it. Not to mention opening a gap in space, the size of a door, wasn't the smartest thing. It could end up going very wrong.

Now that I think about it... maybe it's better to get out of the small portable pocket size I created. That's what I did.

I walked to the back of the Black Mansion, where my underground factories were located and pointed my wand at the space in front of me. I needed to focus a lot on what I wanted my magic to do. First I sent my energy to the wand with the intention of forming a 2m×1m rectangle and then I made it vibrate until I felt the break in space.

As soon as this happened my magic started to become unstable, but I prepared myself properly for it and sent even more magic, this time containing the rip to the edges of my rectangle. After that the ripples started to stabilize and I had a kind of Portal with just darkness right in front of me.

The tear has been made and stabilized. That was step one.

Now let's imagine a place I once went. I focused on this quite clearly and slid the wand in front of the black space. It rippled a little and a pasture replaced the image of darkness.

The link to a specific place has been completed and the image of the place I wanted to go doesn't seem to have any problems. I could even see some winged horses running in the distance. It was working accordingly. Step two.

Now I should cross.

The theory of my magic basically eliminated the need to cover my body with magic. But let's be honest. I wasn't stupid to skip this to test an experimental spell, and using neutral magic to protect my cute little body won't damage the newly created spell. So I covered my body and walked through.

The feeling was quite unusual. It was like when someone crosses a waterfall. There was a certain amount of physical pressure (Not magic so the use of magic as protection was irrelevant) as I walked through, but it passed pretty quickly.

So I found myself in the desert pasture I visitedbefore Andromeda moved in with me. The trip was much easier than I imagined. Well, I was genius. Although the applications were almost useless for battle, or quick escape, it was still better than Apparating. The spell was a success. I must polish it, develop the rune theory behind it, and create a vocal spell that is easy to use.

"Gate" I thought. Since I used Shun Walford as the mastermind of this spell so let's use the name too. To close the spell in turn... it wasn't difficult either. The space naturally tries to repair itself when broken and all I did was attract the edges until it was fully closed.

Let's call the spell To close the portal "fuingard". Fuin for seal in Japanese and gard for guardian in French.


I cast the spell to return to my house, thinking of the curious fact that such a spell bypassed the mansion's defenses. Looks like I should make this a familiar spell and not let anyone outside the family have access to it.


I closed the gate and decided to rest for the day. That was a busy day anyway and I wanted more kisses and cuddles from my girls.

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