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17.64% Beyond The Grave / Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Chapter 3

2 weeks into college

It has already been two weeks into college and I have a test. Of course it's in Advanced biology. Right now I want to cry. I also have a test in Advanced chemistry and Physics all requirements of becoming a doctor.

Besides those classes I easier classes so I can chill out. I have swimming, art, and Music. I'm learning to play the guitar.

I don't have any classes with my friends but that's fine, because I didn't expect to have any with them anyway.

Today I found myself studying on the bleachers in the soccer field. I had all of my books with me. I also had my laptop and was researching a couple of vocabulary words. I came upon a document. I opened it expecting a vocab word but it was completely the opposite of what I wanted to see.

It was a description of two murders on the date of March 3rd 2015. Which was the year I graduated from high school. I looked farther into it and found out it was in Hunters Hollow. But I didn't remember a murder much less two.

It said there was a girl and a guy. The guy had his head sliced off my a sword and the girl was shot in the head. I wonder why.

I looked farther down in hopes to find the victims picture but only found Jackson and I.

Wait Jackson and I? March 3rd? What? My mind was racing along with my heart. This information sent my brain scattering.

I read below the pictures:

Adena Parker

Jan 15 1997 - March 3 2015

Jackson McGarth

April 21 1997 - March 3 2015

I died. But how am I still here? I don't get it! What the hell is going on? This defies all the laws of science and life. I walked down off the bleachers leaving my books and laptop behind. I found a soccer ball in the middle of the field. I kicked it and it went straight to the goal.

I heard clapping. I turned all around trying to find the source. Then the soccer coach walked out from behind the bleachers.

"That was good, kid." She said


"Can I ask to see you do that again?" She asked

"Sure." I shrugged

What's the harm. She threw me a ball. I caught it and set it on the ground. I backed up and sent it flying into the goal. She handed me another from the bag she held full of at least ten soccer balls. I sent all of them into the goal one after another.

"Would you like to join the team?" She asked

"I don't know-"

"Come on, your obviously amazing! We could use your talents on the field." She pushed

"With all respect, I have classes I really need to focus on." I say

"Okay, I'll be in my office if you ever change your mind... There will always be a spot for you on the team." She said

She headed to the goal with the empty bag and put them all back in there. I walked back to the bleachers collected my things and walked away.

I had no more classes for today so I headed to my dorm room. I unlocked it and laid down on my bed and the room was completely dark. My phone lit up the room. It was from my Dad. I looked at it.

Adena, can you call me?

I picked it up and called him, and being the lazy person I am I put it on speaker,

"Hello? How are you doing Hun?" He asked

"I'm okay, I guess." I sigh

"Are you sure?" He asked

"Why?" I ask

"I just was calling to check up on you." He said

"Dad, can I ask you a question even if it may seem a little unrealistic." I sigh

"Sure..." He said

He sounded confused.

"I found this article online, it was about a year ago and it said some things that I just can't believe." I say

Meanwhile I'm sitting in the dark on my bed curled up in a ball.

"Like what?" He asked

"The article said that Jackson and I died a year ago today." I said

All I heard was silence.


"Adena I don't know how to tell you this-"

"Are you saying this is true? Why? How am I alive now?"

"I think this conversation would be better if we talked in person." He sighed

"No Dad I need to know, right now!" I demanded

"You know how I'm a mechanic?" He asked

"How does this have to do with anything?"

"I also work at a lab, your mother knows about it but she told me not to tell you girls because it could put you both in danger... Anyway I work with a man named Zachariah Ports and he's pure genius... He's the one who developed the first ever serum to bring the dead to life, he used it on Jackson and you and swore never to use it again... I promise it is safe." He said

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want a reaction like this... And you where happy without the information... But please don't tell Jackson or anyone else." He said

I hung up. The door opened a Jackson walked in.

"How much of that did you hear?" I ask

He shut the door and turned the lights on.

"I heard enough to know I'm not alone, and neither are you." He smiled

He walked over to my bed and hugged me.

"Thanks Jackson, you did hear the don't tell anyone part too... Right?" I ask

"Yeah, trust me I won't... Even if I did who'd believe me?" He laughed

We let go of each other and starred into one another's eyes. Jackson leaned in and kissed my cheek.

"Night, Dena." He said

He got off my bed and went to the couch. He was about to turn of the lights when I opened my mouth,



"This isn't a weird question at all but do you wanna sleep on my bed?" I asked

"I don't wanna kick you to the couch." He said

"I didn't mean that, I meant... I just don't wanna sleep bye myself tonight." I sigh

He turned off the light. He walked over to my bed and kicked off his shoes. He lifted up the covers and laid next to me.

"You sure your okay?" He asked

"I don't know, I'm still processing all of it... How 'bout you?" I ask

"I'm okay... I guess." He shrugged

We where both facing each other.

"Night." He said


He then draped his arm on my waist and pulled me closer. I laid my hand on his chest and felt his beating heart. I nuzzled my head underneath his chin. I soon drifted off to sleep.

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