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Chapter 23: The Tenth User of <One for All>

Fair warning this might be the darkest and saddest thing I have ever written.

You have been warned.

~Izuku POV~

As I was calming down my friend Ida, we managed to get ourselves together from the sudden news of his brother's death.

Poor Ida I can't imagine the pain he must be in, but we are heroes we must persevere through this for our friends and for your brother Ida.

On this, I promise!

When we were done Ida got up as he stood up looking mentally exhausted as he says to me in a tired tone, "Yeah… sorry about that Midoriya-kun that wasn't very heroic like of me to act."

Smiling at this I scratched the back of my head of his outburst with a reply, "Yeah I was a bit scared about that outburst but I'm glad that you're ok now. Like I said before Ida we will capture this bastard for what's he done."

Ida observes me a bit before he replies to me a bit surprised, "Midoriya you have changed a bit from this have you?"

I only let out nervous laughter yeah I changed maybe for the better because those memories of the U.S.J. murders are still refreshed in my mind.

Remembering me abandoning Tsuyu, Aizawa, and Mineta behind was my first greatest mistake and the second was me being powerless against that Blackout villain.


Grinding my fist tightly I can only reply to that dream of my friends with hollow apologies as I can still remember the words of them taunting me about failing them as I hold Ochaco only to be taken away from that damn dark mist.

Just remembering it grinds my bones as I never thought I would actually hate anything in my life before at least till a few days ago…

Calming myself down I plastered my smile to Ida to let him know everything is ok, "Yeah Ida I think I have changed but I'm still me."

Ida smiles at me for calming him I think at least we –

"Take this you bimbo bunny bitch!!! DIE!!!!"


Explosions were heard outside the hallway as I and Ida were alert about this happening!

Why and how were my thoughts but that didn't matter now because we both rushed outside Ida's room only to be witnessed with something too shocking for us to process.

My childhood friend was fighting for his life against Mirko the hero that I thought has died on the news was now here holding an unconscious Neito in her arms and Shinso on the other as she avoided Kachan's explosives!


That was before I turned around to see Ida's room locked by itself!

What is happening here!

This was happening too fast as I got ready to help as Kachan addresses the situation to us, "Hey Deku and Four Eyes we have some serious trouble here that bitch bunny is here attacking us at the dead of the night and locked our way for help!"


Getting ready into my combat stance Mirko only glared at us… no at me specifically why?

Mirko then lets go of the two as she throws them hard against the walls as they grunted in pain as she punches one of her fists to her hand as she cracks her knuckles, "Good looks like the last one I needed to find came out here himself thanks for the trouble runt."


Observing the situation here is quite serious I scan her to see that she has b-blood on her f-feet as if she…

Oh god, not again, please…

Not again…

Holding myself together I observed to the other doors not open only Neito and Shinso doors were open automatically was she here to capture them especially but why would a hero do this to us?

Mirko ahead of us in the narrow hallway observed us with a confident smirk on her face as she slowly began to get near us, "Well those other brats won't be able to help you three out. Nezu specially asked them to be remodeled to handle All Might's power so don't think any of your friends are going to help you since I broke the security doors you were just lucky to get out in time although this Firestarter here caught me by surprise it won't happen again."

Ferally grinning at us I felt like I was about to have a heart attack again from this as she replies to us, "Unlike the U.S.J. murders this time it's only you three here quite unlucky for you to face a former pro hero, right?"


We were all gulping our spits hearing her voice as she began to taunt us with a cruel grin on her face I didn't think she would make, "And those friends of yours won't interfere with us now so best be hope I make this painless."

She is seriously intending to kill us!

We are just heroes in training and were going against one of the top 10 ranked heroes we are –


That was when I was having those flashes again but this time more violent than ever that made me froze on the spot but…

'Midorya please don't let go! I don't know how but another villain is using some kind of emitter quirk with blue hair suddenly dragged Mineta and Aizawa sensei! When he grabbed them, he saw me and used some kind of force to drag me I… I don't want to go!!'

Remembering those scenes replaying in my mind as Mirko began to go on the attack as I froze up as Ida went past me to help with Kachan as they began to fight…

'Don't worry hang on!! We won't let you go please hold on Tsuyu…!!!'

Mirko taunted the two heroes as she easily swept past them with her superior speed as she managed to elbow Kachan in the stomach hard enough to cough out blood as he says to her in defiance, "You damn bitch you think this is enough to stop me!!!!"



Mirko simply smiled as she swept her other leg full force at the chest of Kachan as he spat out a mouth full of blood as she replied cruelly, "Why yes after all your just a kid no hero material here. I mean what were you trying to number 1 like this please you ain't All Might firecracker."

Kachan could only glare at her at that moment for taunting his dream.

Ida managed to get behind Mirko as she says to Ida with surprise in her voice, "Hey your Ingenium brother, right?"

For a brief moment, Ida paused but that was more than enough for her…


Ida only stops briefly as Mirko took that chance to superpower kicked him in the gut as she says to him as he was sent to the wall leaving behind a crater, "Hah! The oldest trick in the book kid never let your guard down during the fight. Now then…"

'Ah, the froggy girl still holding on yes and the rest are here as well I guess I could add more of you to my use. Hahaha…! Now get over here!'

That was when Kachan got himself right back onto the fight as he charged right in screaming at her with anger in his voice, "YOU DAMN BIMBO ASS BITCH DIE!!!!!!"

Mirko managed to see that attack coming as she swiftly avoided the attack as the muscles on her legs swell as she bounced out of the way using the walls as she has two of her legs now behind Kachan back more specifically the spine…

'*Sniff* Midoriya and please everyone doesn't let me go!! I don't want to go!!!'



However, Ida managed to be awake in time to attack Mirko from behind as she changed where her attack to the air to jump away from the attack as Kachan maneuvered to our direction as he scoffs at the scene.

Mirko on the other hand only smiled at us as if she was enjoying her time, "Wow! You kids are really the greatest batch this generation has to offer…"


But next comes a voice that was so cold and murderous that made all of us shiver from our spines in fear as she snarls at us, "BUT!! You three are in the way for the greatest master alive Yami-sama has wanted this to happen so I won't let you three live anymore for his name!!"



Just like that she jumped around the hallway all over too fast for us to see only to see Ida was smacked so hard that he was sent flying to the end of the hallway as he looked no longer able to help as his arm twisted on all the wrong ways.

Next, she was right behind Kachan as she grabs his two arms as he couldn't respond as she says to him in full enjoyment at her question, "Tell me, kid? Your quirk <Explosion> you need your quirk factors on your hands, right? Say what happens if I don't know to tear your arms off your body?"

Kachan was frozen in fear from the position as I just stood there why can't I move!!

'Wait it's after me please everyone helps – '

'So, I did miss one? I guess it was thanks to you that All Might arrived huh. I'll be sure to correct my mistake by breaking you first congrats.'

These memories passing over me are holding me back from helping out and my friends are in danger I need to fight back!!

I need to go faster!!

Unaware at the time I began to grow a full green light as lighting sparks moved around me as I got close to Mirko trying to save my friends!!!

No, I don't want to be weak anymore!

I don't want to feel helpless like this ever again I need to go and save Kachan!


However, that was when I heard a voice or something telling me from the back of my head as if they agree with my resolve, 'Good…. You are worthy of our power…. So, use it well against this foe…. The ninth user of <One for All>….'

Just like that, I was filled with confidence as I couldn't lose my cool now because my friends are injured because of me I need to do this!!

If I were to utilize a percentage of the full power of <One For All> throughout my body, by letting the power course and flow through him instead of concentrating it in one location I could become more reliable in a fight instead of damaging my body!

With that in my mind, I had to be faster to save my friend as I saw strikes of red lines crossing through me as I felt the power is trying to break my body but no!

I won't till I save my friends no matter what!

With this, I should call this mode I just invented as I was now near the surprised Mirko looking to shock to respond as I yell at her, "NO ONE IS HURTING ANYONE ANYMORE!!! <One for All: Full Cowl 5%>! <Detroit Smash>!!"

Using a full of my current power of 5% of my quirk I punched the air that caused Mirko to lose her hold on Kachan but not before I she grabbed in on the head as she rips pieces of my hair out and proceeded to pluck my eyes!!


However, it looks like she couldn't hold me anymore as Kachan managed to use his quirk to make her let go of me, "Hah! You damn bitch! That is what – "

"Too arrogant for your own good."

What I saw next left me too shocked to do anything as Mirko managed to do in that little of time…



What Mirko did in that little amount of time as she was blasted away from Kachan explosions but in return, I never imagined that she would sacrifice her arms to grab both of Kachan's hands as she used the force of my power and Kachan's explosions to repel herself in great force enough to tear off my childhood friends arms off…



In a quick second, she blurs over to Kachan as she slams her foot on his head popping like fruit as she grabs his hair as she responds to him, "You know your quirk isn't that bad considering the burns I got but, in the end, just dead weight. And you thought you were going to be the next Number 1 Hah! How can you when you're dead!"

The next thing I see was that she was now behind me as she says to me in a cold tone, "You know you are the biggest threat to my master. I need you gone here and now."


With that, she cracks my neck that easily huh?

I can already feel my breathing going away no I can't let this power die with me now…

Mirko glances at me as she gets Shinso and Neito as she leaves me to die as she jokes to herself as I heard her, "Hahaha! I have to admit those two kids were certainly a blast, but this is their end. That engine brat is definitely dead for sure. Now I wonder if Yami-sama will give me a big reward~"

Hearing that she left to who knows where I can't let All Might's power he entrusted to me die like this how…?


Glancing with little strength I have left I see that Ida survived this nightmare…


As Ida saw me, I used all of my strength as he hurries to me although limping to me as he looks at me shocked, "Midoriya!!! Please don't go!! No… no… please… you promised me that we have to capture Blackout! You promised to be a hero with me and our promise!!!!"

Perfect as I grab my hair while Ida was close to my face I shoved it into his mouth as I repeat this to him with all of my breath as he swallows my will, "Ida Tenya… huff…. I give you my inherited will of the quirk of <One for All>… tell All Might that you have <One for All> he will understand…"

Ida ignores what he says as he tries to talk to me…

It's getting dark and I can barely breathe…

Is this what's death looks like…

Taking my final breath, I could only make one regret in my life, 'I'm sorry I had to go, first mom…'

After that everything went dark.

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