Chapter 738: A sight that made even a seasoned King nauseous.
A Werewolf tried to ask what was going on: "Patriarch Leonidas, what is-" But his voice was cut off by the scream of pain that echoed throughout the mansion.
Leonidas closed his eyes. His heart felt heavy. As a Werewolf, what he had just done went against all he believed in. Wolves should stick together, but he had no choice... He was weak.
Leonidas clenched his fist tightly, frustration showing on his face. In this world, being weak was a sin in itself; he understood that very well. Between his entire Clan and useless grandson, he, of course, chose all his Clan.
But that didn't mean he wanted his grandson to suffer this kind of torture. If a Wolf had done something wrong, that Wolf must be punished by the Clan, not by an outsider.
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