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Chapter 5: Chapter 4

       Mhhh I moaned. My bed feels so soft and warm and not to mention the silk sheets against my skin it feels like heavenn.

Hold up wait my bed is not  that soft and silk sheet I don't even own one I might have money but not that much to afford silk sheets. This is not my bed I said opening up my eye and flyed up in a sitting position taking in my environment trying to find out where am I .

Wow this room is beautiful ,with cream walls and white curtains most of the room is white and white is not really my colour but I must say they did well with this room . Looking down at the white silk sheet against my skin it feels so rich and smooth this type of material must  cost a fortune, lamp like chandlers hanging  from the roof . A Chair like thingy at the foot of the bed and a couch at the windows with green pillows this room is really beautiful .

Focus Riley how did you get here and where is Olivia?

Wait I remember, it was my birthday and we  decided to to go up to the old castle to have a sleepover and then  some weird shit started happening.

Then there were two male gaints I think and one of them and I had a weird connection , like I was drawn to him some how like he was the missing piece to my life .Then he said Olivia and I are coming with him I'm guessing this is the place he was planning to take us ,well  after that it seems that I can't remember anything else .

I heard the door knock ,should I answer what if they have come to kill me are something. No Riley let's not over think things now maybe they have come to check up you. Ha, ye right , they kidnap you why would they come check up on you, they so are going kill you maybe thats what they did to Olivia.

Oh god I'm guessing this is it I lived a good life I think,I'm too young to die.

As I was about to answer ,the door nob turned and a middle age woman step through.

Hello dear your finally up , My name is daisy. Wow She is so beautiful, her voice is so gentle but yet still had some form of authority in it . She had that motherly aura around her.

It's very rude to stare daisy chuckled.

I'm sorry ,it's okay my dear .

Come my dear the king does not like to wait. What king , where am I and where is my friend I asked .

Well dear your in the world of Azeroth. World?

Yes world  your not in  your deminsion anymore what's it called again ,Ah earth. As for your friend she is okay she is also getting ready to see the king.

What , who brought us here I asked. Well the king, only him and his general can travel through different deminsion without permittion well why you asked because he is the ruler of all the deminsion expect earth and as for the general the king gave him that power to travel daisy answered.

Well I want to see this king of yours and give him a piece of my mind for taking me and my friend here  without our permission and to demand him to take us home.

I turn to look at daisy but only to see her holding her belly and laughing . Why is she laughing did I say something funny.

I must saying you got some fire in you child your really are is other half you will do well here.  What are you talking about I asked .

Nothing dear everything will fall into place in due time. Don't tell me she is the type to speak in riddle I hate them they are so hard to figure out .

Well dear good luck with what your about to do because your going to need it . Oh and please don't get anyone angry around here most of us are quite large and the small ones are feisty she said turning to me

I nod ,very well  then come along we have waisted to much time . As I step through the door I'm just realizing that the door way is quite large, hmm maybe there are some large people around here.

As we begin to walk to where ever she is taking me

oh ye to her so call king I cant wait to give him a piece of my mind but I couldn't help but look around at this magnificent place who ever that was making this place took there time . The hall is so clean not a spick of dusty can be seen and on the ceiling there  are some beautiful art forms  and  chandlers hang all the way down the hall on each side   lightening up the hall making it more glamorous.

Come along now dear you'll have plenty time to wonder around. I ran to catch to her , after 2 minutes of walking we came upon a gaint gold like door . Daisy push open door with ease.

If it were for me that door would never open  we would be standing here forever because the size of that door little me couldn't have open it.

As we step through  there were a number of girls and boys line out all looked scared,some were even crying.

Paula were are going to be okay after I married the emperor I will make you my personal handmaid  and you'll be under my protection so stop cry a red hair girl in the corner said  trying to comfort the girl next to her confidence much.

Daisy what is the red hair girl over there talking about marrying the emperor .

Oh my dear don't pay her any attention  she likes the king and thinks that the king will fall for her.

She comes here with the expectation thinking that she is going marry him . Which will never happen because the king got eyes for someone special. She sayed winking at me. That's weird.

So anyways ,daisy Who and why are the other girls and boys here ?

Well most of them are slaves from master that would give the king as present for him to do what he please ,others sacrifice themselves for their family and the list goes on .

Why would they sacrifice themselves I asked daisy

Well child in most cases someone in there family commited a crime but instead of the person who did the crime another person in family sacrifice themselves for them.

For most there punishment is drain and drink  there blood until they die

Who drinks blood I thought to myself. Well we're  in a different world so anything can happen.

Note to self don't cause any trouble or commit any crime.

And if they don't drink there blood the would become slaves and would be given to a master daisy continued.

Your world is really strict I said.

Oh they aren't all that bad daisy chuckled.

Riley ! I heard someone called out my name I turn around to see who was calling .

Olivia! I run up to her.

I was so worried because I woke up in an unknown bed and apparently an unknown world base on what I've  heard Olivia kept rambling on.

I miss you too Olivia I said to hugging her.

Ahh ,you can let go now Riley

Oh I'm sorry , Olivia I would like you to meet someone. This is daisy I said resting my hand on daisy shoulders, and daisy this is my best friend Olivia.

Oh nice to meet you Olivia daisy said

Nice to meet you as well daisy Olivia reply.

Alright it seems as though the king is not here as yet said daisy. I thought you said we were running late daisy.

Yes we were the king said we must all be here in the great hall in 25 minutes and we have been here for more than that but it Seems as though he is the one running late.

Alright girls and boys line up now daisy shouted he is near.

How do you know that I  asked

He just told me daisy reply


He just  telepathically told me daisy said smiling.

What, how ? Come along now dear you asked to much questions.

We all lined up waiting for there so call king to come . After a few second the gaint door to the side open up and a gaint guy step through followed by another both aura seem to hold some form of strong power and authority . Wait I've seen them before but where?

Riley do these guys look familiar to you Olivia asked

Yes they do but where have we seen them I relpyed.

Silence! The one with black raven hair said.

Olivia and I turn to each other with realization dawn on us.

For most of you who don't know who I am he continued.

I'm emperor Alaric ,king of all deminsion except for earth . This is Ajax my general.

As for you guys for being here your all my slave and today you guys will be asigned to your duty and before I forget you  slave will address me as master  if you dare address me by my name I will not hesitate to drain you of your blood he sayed wiping he tongue over his teeth that would look like fangs. Waoh this guy got fangs. Cool.

Did he just say Slave,I'm no one slave I said to myself but I did not saying out loud well are you crazy have you seen the guy

(Well no😃 but you can use your imagination 😉)

He does not have to use his hands to kill me one look with those eye and you will be seeing my lifeless body on the ground that's how intimidating he is.

A  young girl around my age are older came and started asigning they girls and boys to there duty some got kitchen duty ,cleaning , gardening, stabling and ect

I hope I get kitchen duty

After she called out everyones except for 4 of us  she leads the rest out of the hall.

Then daisy came in front of us and started speaking. Seeing as though the four of you are left ,two will be assigned to the king and two to the general.

I'm just reliezing the other two that are left apart from me and Riley is the red hair girl and the other girl she was trying to comfort from earlier I think Paula was her name.

Paula and Olivia you will be serving the General and Riley and Sara you will be serving the king .

Oh shit ,why me the Ajax guy seems way nicer.

Well does anyone got anything on there mind they would like to say daisy said looking at me with a knowing look.

I change mind I'm good I don't got nothing to say. All three of us nod our heads saying no except for sara.

I promise I will serve you and give you anything you need your highness Sara said with a r

Seducing look on her face  swaying her hip walking up

to king Alaric and rest her hands on his arms

( Sara and Paula are elves in case your wondering so they are a bit taller that and average human 😊)

What the hell is she doing  I said to myself and why am I getting angry. It's  not like he's mine or we're together, then why am I angry.

Okay calm down Riley and let's not get work up over something stupid.

Hmm you might come in handy king Alaric said

I have something important for you to  do in my chamber he said to sara

And you he said point at me and looking at me with disgust.

What is this guy problem and why is he looking at me like I'm covered in dirty or I smell stink to him  because I  know I'm not.

I want you  to do my laundry and get me my lunch and is 10 o'clock he said looking at his watch  and I want everything I told to be done by 12 do you  understand

And if your not you will be spendinf a night in the duegnon he said the irration lace in is voice.

Asshole yes alari.... I'm sorry master.

Very well then daisy will show you where to go . Everyone your dismiss and you he pointed to sara will come with me

Yes master she said with a divious smile on her face.

It's okay my dear don't mine him he can be like that sometime said daisy

Come along and let me show you to the Landry room after you have finish your duties I will show you around.

After a few minutes we came upon a door I'm guess the wash room daisy open it and show me all the king Landry that need to be wash

Holy mother of cow look at the amount clothes.

Do worry my dear you will finish in no time

Ye right

Best I better get started then.

Hey guys👋

Thanks for reading

And sorry about the incorrect grammers😊

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