/ Teen / Lever

Lever Original


Teen 3 Chapters 4.2K Views
Author: predaniels33

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It was a dishonest life and accepting an out by following her father on a trip after her mother entered a coma was her only way to retribute.



"Your mother's a bitch" I said watching as she lifted her head up and tears filled her eyes.

"Pls don't say that" she croaked out, trying to wipe Back her falling tears " it shouldn't be this way but it hurts so much"

An apology teetered on the tip of my tongue but I swallowed it back. I wasn't wrong, her mother shouldn't have publicly embarrassed her that way. it was a ville way to say you hated someone.

She let out a sudden short laugh, still wiping back tears" My life is so utterly messed up that i wouldn't ask for more just to prove I can put up with this"

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Author predaniels33