After talking to the Big Five about the pills and got their permission, Xiao Yan went back home to cultivate with his wives. Xiao Yan keep thinking something that can help him become stronger faster while not destroying his foundation. He just walk to his house because if he teleported, he won't have time to think when he is with his wives.
"Maybe there is Dual Cultivation Technique that won't destroy my foundation and my wives to use." thought Xiao Yan while walking. "Friday is there any Dual Cultivation Technique that won't hurt my foundation and my wives?" asked Xiao Yan.
<Reply there is a Dual Cultivation Technique that won't hurt your cultivation and your wives but it is expensive and you need to buy for your wives too. You need around 70 Millions Points to buy 7 for you and your wives.> said Friday inside Xiao Yan head.
"70 Million Points huh. Well I already have enough and might need a bit more for emergency used. I will farm or might just join the war and slaughter all Demon God Alliance Warrior." Xiao Yan thought this and know this is the best way to get points but it might attract Sage Emperor attentions.
Xiao Yan think about the pros and cons of fighting in the war but still there is too much cons then pros. "I will just farm a party of monster and Demon God Alliance Warrior that are scouting. Yeah this is the best way. I won't get Sage Emperor attentions and I can gain points."
Xiao Yan then arrived at his house and buy 7 Dual Cultivation Technique for his use and his wives use. They went inside Temporal Demon Spirit Book and do lot of 'nice' stuff and their Cultivation rise a bit. It is still faster than Cultivating alone. This is better and can help them become stronger too.
Xiao Yan and his wives went out after spending 3 days inside Complete Temporal Demon Spirit Books. Xiao Yan have miniscule amount of points. Xiao Yan went to sleep with his wives after tired 'training' with them. They all sleep while hugging their husband. Xiao Yan smile even when he is asleep.
The next day, Xiao Yan went out to farm for points but only find a little amount of monster roaming around. Xiao Yan nearly went mad and nearly want to go to Demon God Alliance base and kill them all. Luckily he still wise enough. If not, all Demon God Alliance Warrior will be killed and Sage Emperor will come to Draconic Ruins Realm.
Xiao Yan doesn't want the full war against Sage Emperor to start yet. He still not strong enough to contest against Sage Emperor, same as Nie Li. Nie Li only become Deity rank and still try to chase after Xiao Yan shadows. Xiao Yan already become God Realm Expert. If Xiao Yan went to Ancestral God Land, he will become one of the important people in fighting against Ancestral Demonic Saint Land.
Xiao Yan went home after not finding more roaming Demon Beast. If he just stay for a moment longer, he will see as squad of Demon God Alliance Warrior. Xiao Yan arrive at his house and saw Yang Xin cooking for him. He sat at the table and wait for his food. He saw Ying Yueru walking toward him and he caught he. He hugged her and make her sit on his lap.
Xiao Yan also keep whispering love words to her. She blush so hard that she look like a ripe tomato ready to be eat. Xiao Yan can't hold on any longer and drag her inside Complete Temporal Demon Spirit Book and have Dual Cultivation with her. After a day inside, they went out. It just like they miss for a second and come back.