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16.34% My Life as a Gamer Across the Multiverse(ENG) / Chapter 13: Primary School Shintoko

Chapter 13: Primary School Shintoko

After an hour back and putting the objects that block the entrance to the mall back in their place, we returned with our group who were already awake and waiting for us, so by approaching them I made our presence known.

So after a talk about our trip to the police station, I called Shizuka and Saeko to a more private place to tell them a half truth about what I am, so after a minute of walking I turned to them and told them

"As you have probably noticed, I am stronger than I was before."

Hearing my answer Saeko nodded as Shizuka nodded absentmindedly, after seeing that they were still paying attention I told them "Well it's time to tell you a bit about that."

After that I replied that I was someone who got stronger as I killed more, and that probably in the future I could travel to different universes and become stronger than I already was.

Finishing saying that to the girls I asked him a question "That's why I wanted to ask, would you come with me if I went to another world?" when saying that the girls only responded with a smile and said

"I already decided to follow you to the end of the world Danna-sama, you don't have to ask that" Saeko replied as she approached and gave me a kiss full of affection and love on the lips.

The next to respond was Shizuka who said "Well I have no problem following you, but before that I wanted to say goodbye to Rika before leaving this world" finishing saying that, she approached me and gave me a hug.

Listening to what I was saying, I said "You don't have to worry about that, once I get out of this world you can put it on pause and come back whenever you want" upon hearing my answer Shizuka's smile became more loving and said "That's why I love you Frank" finishing saying that he kissed me on the lips.

After that moment of telling them a half truth, and several kisses, we returned to the group, after seeing us return and telling them that we were talking about our relationship, we returned to more important issues.

"We should get food in this place and continue our search." Hearing my response the group nodded, after a talk about our action plan and inviting the officers to join our group, we went to various stores to find food for our trip .


Several minutes later and removing the objects blocking the entrance, we left the mall with various foods in different backpacks that we grabbed from some nearby stores.

So getting into the vehicle and with Alice sitting on my lap, we went to Shintoko Elementary where Takashi's mother works. After a few hours of travel we had to stop at a gas station to refuel.

Getting out of the car with Alice I said "Do you want something Alice-chan?" Hearing my question Alice answered with a nod and said "Hm Frank-Onii-chan" upon hearing her answer I just gave a smile while saying "Then follow me".

Entering the gas station store I approached the shelves where there were chocolates and grabbed two "Take Alice-chan" giving one to Alice and eating the other. We spent talking and playing for a while until the tank was full and we left again. our search.

[You have gained 19 Affection with Alice Maserato for spending time with her]

[Frank, unless you want to have a love relationship, I would recommend you not to reach more than 80 affection]

Hearing Ruby's warning I nodded mentally as I sent her a thank you for her warning, after hearing that I looked at Alice who was sitting on my lap while humming happily.


This was our trip that lasted a day and several pauses, to get to Shintoko Elementary where Takashi's mother works, so Saeko, Takashi, Rei, Kohta, Saya; Minami,

Asako and I said "Let's clear the place" while giving a smile.

Hearing my answer they responded with a nod, after seeing them nod I headed towards the entrance of the school, after seeing it for a while and seeing several zombies walking around, including many children and some teachers, I just gave a sad smile, after that using the necessary force to open the gate that prevented the entry and exit of more zombies.

Entering the elementary school, I told the group "Let's make as little noise as possible, we don't want to get caught between them." Hearing what I said, they nodded as they separated in a group of two Saeko and I went to kill the zombies in the entrance yard


[You have gained 160 Experience]

[Saeko's deaths have been added to your quest]

After thirty minutes, Saeko and I cleaned the entire entrance area of ​​the zombies, so letting Saeko regain her stamina I asked her "Are you ready?" Hearing my question, Saeko just nodded while answering "Hm".

Entering the school, we saw that there were dead zombies, so taking a look we continued on our way in search of the others, several minutes later we found the first pair of people which were Mina and Asako.

They were catching their breath, because in order not to make too much noise, they had to use knives attached to broomsticks that we made in the shopping center, approaching them I asked "Did they finish this area?"

Upon hearing my question they Minami replied "Yes .. we finished this area" giving a smile I said "Well done, let's go find the others" hearing my answer they only nodded as they followed me.

Walking another minute we managed to find the couple of Kohta and Saya who had finished killing what seems to be the last of this place, noticing our arrival they greeted us with a smile.

Arriving towards them and chatting for a while, they joined us in search of the last group, which was Takashi and Rei. After an extensive search of the first floor we saw that we had already cleared it, but there was no clue of Takashi and Rei .

So heading upstairs, we spent another time in which we found several corpses on our way that were increasing, after seeing that we accelerated our pace.

After a race and Saya killing the occasional zombie with her crossbow, we found Takashi and Rei defending a group of elementary school students and several teachers so seeing that I ran towards them together with Saeko.

When we got there we saw the smiles of relief from Takashi, Rei and the group of students and some teachers, so after many minutes and using all my current skills we managed to kill what seemed to be where all the zombies were.

[You have gained 440 experience]

[Saeko's deaths were added to the quest

Killing the last zombie, we approached Takashi and I asked him "Are they okay?" With a worried look on my face, Takashi just nodded while Rei had a small blush on her face when she saw me.

[You have gained 16 affection with Rei for caring about her]

Noticing the blush on Rei's face, Takashi just shook his head and continued talking to me. After that talk we went to the group of students and teachers who thanked us, except for a woman who went to Takashi with tears in her eyes.

After seeing the woman heading towards Takashi, she only smiled while some tears escaped her face. When the woman stopped hugging Takashi tightly and gave them several kisses on the face, she separated from him.

When she was separated from him, she began to talk to him, so leaving him for a moment alone in what we believe is his mother, we went to the group of survivors of teachers and students.

[You have earned 32 Reputation with Takashi for helping find his mother]


Several hours after letting Shizuka and Alice know that it was safe, we spoke with the teachers, who agreed to follow us as long as we gave them a safe place for their students and them, so after speaking they would have to help us find food and strengthen school, they accepted.

[You have gained 33 Affection / Reputation with Shintoko Elementary]

Ending that talk we headed towards Takashi who motioned us to go towards them, so after approaching them, Takashi's mother approached us and said.

"Thank you for helping my son" said Takashi's mother who bowed to us, after seeing that we said that we should not thank our friends for that, hearing what we said, Takashi's mother just gave a smile while It said "Anyway, thank you very much for helping my son since this started"

[You have earned 37 Affection with Hana for helping her son]

After that moment he turned to all of us and said "He probably doesn't know me except you Rei." I laughed" to which the aforementioned nodded "Then I introduce myself my name is Komuro Hana, a pleasure to meet you" after saying that I looked at Takashi's mother now known as Hana

She was a woman of average height probably about 1.65 cm, she had long brown hair tied in a ponytail and eyes of the same color, she has bangs that cover her forehead and two other sides that frame her face, she has modest chest and a narrow waist with wide hips and plump thighs.

Finishing observing, I approached her with the group to speak with the group of survivors to reinforce the entrance of the school and clean all the corpses, so approaching the group we began to speak with them.


Several hours have passed since we spoke with the teachers and children we rescued, who in total were 12 not counting Takashi's mother, 8 children and 4 teachers. So after leaving Shizuka and Alice with the children, the rest of us began to reinforce the entrance and remove the corpses of the children and adults.

After doing that, we cleaned the classrooms on the second floor to make them habitable, which took another hour and on top of that there was no mattress, so writing that down for the next exploration I slept in another classroom just with Shizuka and Saeko.

"Good night Saeko, Shizuka" hearing my response the girls smiled and hugged me tighter, returning good night and a kiss each, I returned to the land of dreams.


An hour had passed since we all woke up, because we had to look for food and liquids for the Shintoko school group and ourselves, so after making a plan we discussed it with the teachers we saved.

After talking with them and telling them, they reluctantly accepted, because they did not want to go out and take risks, so we had to tell them that they had to help or we did not protect them, when they heard that they accepted.

So after bringing the only man from the group of teachers and the other teachers, we left Hana, Shizuka, Alice, the elementary students, Asako, Minami, Saya, Takashi, Rei, and the rest of us got into the car, leaving me as the driver. Well, he did not trust the teachers at all.

Starting the engine and rearranging the mirror, I drove to the small stores that should be in this area. Several minutes later we arrived at a small store, so turning off the car and keeping the keys, I got out of the car.

"We will watch you take everything you can" I said while I gave him the bags we had, feeling more secure once I said that they nodded and entered the small store to get all the possible food and liquids.

Several minutes went by like this, in which we watched the teachers and nothing bad would happen so after a few seconds the teachers came back to us with two full bags, nodding towards them I told them

"Good job" listening to my words, the group nodded with a relieved smile, after getting on we got on and went to another store, in which within minutes they returned with the last two full bags.

So before we left I told them "We are going to go to mattress stores for the children, and look for tools." Hearing my words, my group nodded, and several minutes later we found a mattress store.

After getting off and loading and tying several king-size mattresses on top of the car, we went to a tool store which in a minute we arrived, so after grabbing a couple of tool boxes with everything in them and other useful objects we went back to the store. base.

When we got to the entrance I saw Takashi, Saya and Shizuka waiting for us with a smile at the entrance. After taking my hands out and greeting them they opened the gate, which we tried to fix but without the tools we could only do so much.

Entering elementary school we got out of the car and I said "You probably already noticed but I brought several king size mattresses for the children" hearing my answer Takashi, Saya and Shizuka nodded.

"I also brought tools to fix the door and whatever we need" hearing this last, the group nodded, so approaching Takashi and calling Kohta, and the teacher named Yuuto went to fix the door while the others brought the mattresses for the children. kids.

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MoonDevourer MoonDevourer

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