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Chapter 37: Round 2

Chapter 37: Round 2

Authors note: you guys might not get a chapter tomorrow, since I upload only 6 times a week. I will try to see what I can do, if I am free I will upload something

(Other side of the battle field)

Shikomu's Jutsu didn't hit anyone, since every single person was able to dodge.

He was able to make a massive crater, though that didn't really matter since the amount of Chakra was using right now was well beyond the amount a peak Jonin would have been able to use.

'The Uzamaki bloodline really is overpowered huh.' Naido thought as he was trying to fall towards the ground gracefully.

Hundreds of clones began to make contact with their Rasengan, taking out plenty of Shinobi from the battle immediately.

"Boss, help me move my friends away." Naruto asked, to which Gamabunta used his tongue to safely move an unwilling yet docile Sasuke and Sakura away from the massive battle.

Gamabunta then turned to see Kakashi keeping up with B who had yet to activate his tailed beast transformation state.

"Naruto, remember what Jiraiya was trying to teach you before we came to the battlefield?" Gamabunta asked the original Naruto, as he looked down at the battlefield.

"You mean that Jutsu?" Naruto asked.

This almost made Shikomu fall onto the ground he had just landed onto.

'What the hell? Naruto is learning multiple Jutsu? Was this done because Jiraiya knew he wouldn't be around Naruto all the time and actually trained him or something?' He thought in confusion.

It was such a main character thing, to go on 1 training session and to come back with 2 Jutsu that were completely broken in their own right.

But now he had more?

"Yes, let's use it against that batch there." Gamabunta said as he drew his massive blade and pointed in the direction of some Ninja.

"Um…I don't remember the hand signs." Naruto said honestly to which the giant toad began to swear at him.

Sounds like Naruto alright.

(Authors note: Before I get some hate comments I just want to say that I am just setting some foundation for the future chapters)

"Then I will take care of it." Gamabunta said in a calm tone, as he disappeared from where he was standing, and reappeared right behind all the enemies.

He had a calm look on his face, as if nothing had just happened.

A massive gust of wind hit all the shinobi, before all of a sudden, their bodies were cut perfectly in 2.

Gamabunta calmly resheathed his sword, however a voice broke his moment.

"Boss, that was so cool!" Naruto shouted excitedly as he began to pat Gamabunta's head.

Shikomu on the other hand saw tens of Shinobi dropping from a single slash and looked at his current circumstance while sighing.

'Time to get to work.' He thought. Since he had no trees near him after Gamabunta destroyed all of the ones relatively nearby, Shikomu made due with different methods instead of his chakra strings.

The shadow possession Jutsu of the Nara, could use the shadows of others and extend itself even further.

This just meant that Shikomu could use people he had already captured and go further and further like an inevitable spider, catching prey into his trap.

He first made 2 shadow clones, and then began to use his [Shadow Possession Jutsu]

The shadow under him took his call, and immediately surged towards his enemies as it reached one person after another, as his clones took care of them.

"He is a Nara, move back!" One of the smarter shinobi's realized the situation and shouted, causing some of their eyes to light up in recognition.

"Move away from the Shadow!"

"Easier said than done, it is night right now!" One of the men shouted, and he was right.

Right now was where my Jutsu was at its strongest, it took the least amount of Chakra to move the further amount of distance.

Stopping any and all enemy movements the second they fell into Shikomu's domain of the Shadows.

As Shikomu was concentrating on his Jutsu, some lightning style Jutsu began to be formed as they lit up the night sky in a bright white flash.

Shikom's Shadow Clones moved for him, and shot back with his own Jutsu, however there was 1 major problem.

His chakra amount was falling at a rapid rate.

'I need to preserve more Chakra.' He thought, as he looked at his clones shooting Jutsu after Jutsu, his Shadow Possession Jutsu itself being used to reach enemy after enemy as his clones killed them, or he used the Shadow Strangle Jutsu.

It just meant more and more Chakra was being used in this battle, while there were 2 Jinchuriki on the battlefield.

"Back to the basics." He told himself, as suddenly the Shadows that surged out from him all quickly rushed back towards him when he stopped feeding the Jutsu with Chakra.

"Get him, he is out of Chakra!" A kunoichi shouted, as 10 people began to rush me.

[8 Gates- Second Gate of Healing: Open]

Shikomu's aura didn't suddenly change, but he felt more controls of his body, as everything inside of him worked in an overdrive of 120%

His brain was able to process things more quickly, and he was able to even move faster.

And right as the fastest Shinobi of the enemy had approached him, he used the Strong Fist technique Guy has taught him.

The fundamentals of the Strong fist were simple.

It was to be strong.

It was to be unyielding


And undefeated in the face of stronger opponents.

That was Might Guy's Taijutsu, and that was the Taijutsu he would adopt in his fight against tens of enemies above his rank.

As Shikomu took a step forward, the Earth below him quaked slightly as he struck his first opponent with an upper-cut, and right after followed up by by rotating his body and round house kicking his enemy in the chest, breaking their ribs and putting them out of commission.

He used his enemy as propulsion towards another one, and charged towards another one.

This one tried to use a Kunai to slash his face and while confronted with the weapon Shikomu was calm. 

He grabbed his opponents wrists and using his thrusting motion against him, sent his opponent to the ground and punched his jaw making him either faint or worse.

Following this, using impeccable footwork, Shikomu danced around the battlefield calmly, and his opponents fell one by one.

The occasional Jutsu was thrown towards him, yet he was easily able to keep multiple people occupied at the same time, not even letting them weave their hand signs.

He would grab their fingers mid weave, throw Kunai towards their faces before they build up chakra to shoot anything, stop their feet from moving or any other thing.

Within a ten meter sphere, Shikomu was indomitable.

"MOVE!" A loud voice resounded in the battlefield, as the Shinobi moved away while a massive dome of Earth trapped me and I couldn't even move out.

"Finally." Someone said out loud in happiness, but before they could truly celebrate trapping me, a familiar voice resounded outside the dome.

"RASENGAN!" Naruto screamed, as the massive dome of earth began to crumble apart as quickly as it was build.

One of Naruto's clone stood back to back with me as we both had our Kunai's out while looking at the enemy.

Words didn't need to be said among the duo, as they moved into their respective battles.

Shikomu eventually appeared in front of someone who was matching him blow for blow in combat.

No matter how he tried to counter his enemy would stall by blocking his attacks and staying on guard.

'Maybe it is about time.' Shikomu thought as a green aura surged around him and veins bulged around his body.

[8 Gates- Third Gate of Life: Open]

Shikomu sighed, as hot vapor left his mouth and his speed drastically increased to the next level and he swung his arm like a makeshift whip, and smashed right into the enemies guard, completely shattering his arm and making him sit out of the battle.

As Shikomu's speed reached a new level, among the hundreds of Shinobi fighting against Naruto's clones, some of them shifted their attention to Shikomu who was causing an alarming amount of damage for a single person.

He didn't make a mistake at a single point, and like a warrior confidently stepped into each part of the battlefield destroying his enemies in the process.

However after defeating 10 more people, Shikmo suddenly stopped on the spot.

He had met his match, among one of the strongest enemies standing on the field in front of him.

He clenched his teeth and fist and concentrated on his chakra.

His chakra surged in a visible amount for everyone around to see it, and his speed and power got amped up to one more final degree.

Yet there was a deep confidence in his eyes, as if he was assured of his victory.

[8 Gates- Fourth Gate of Pain: Open]

Maybe it was because he was using the 4th gate for the first time in a real battle.

Maybe it was because in the past few weeks he had fought plenty of Jonin to be able to fight the combatant in front of him.

Or maybe it was because of the original body of Naruto who was beside him, his eyes in a dangerous red color, his iris becoming extremely thin as his whiskers became more profound,

Gamabunta himself was going on a rampage but Naruto decided to join Shikomu, in stopping the second in command of this side of the battlefield for the Hidden Cloud.

An Elite-Jonin!

[Status Panel of Player Michael

Name: Shikomu Nara  


            Nara Clan Member

(Training speed increases by 100% in the clan compound)

Konoha Shinobi

(Training speed in Konoha increases by 100%)

Fuinjutsu Genius 

(Training in Fuinjutsu increases by 100%. Stackable)

Blue Beasts Apprentice

(Training in Taijutsu and Physical training increases by 100%. Stackable)

Ninja Rank: Genin

(Access to Genin level missions) 

Physical Stat: Above  Peak- Chunin(300/300)

Chakra Amount: Above  Peak-Chunin (300/300)

Chakra Control: Advanced 


S-Flying Thunder God 

(1000/ 5,000)

A-Shadow Clone Jutsu


B- Lightning Dispersal Jutsu


B-False Darkness Jutsu


C- Shadow Neck Bind Jutsu


C-Shadow Possession Jutsu


D-Body Flicker Jutsu


D-Clone Jutsu


D-Substitution Jutsu 


D-Transformation Jutsu 




D-Imaginary Illusion Jutsu



Forbidden- 8 Gates


A- Strong Fist 


B- Maito Guy Special Taijutsu


C-Konoha Taijutsu


Fuinjutsu: Intermediate


EXP: 995]

Authors note:

You can read some chapters ahead if you want to on my

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