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48.27% Game of Thrones: Dragon King of The North / Chapter 14: Chapter 14

Chapter 14: Chapter 14

It took us a lot longer than I expected to get everyone ready to leave. Finding suitable clothing for the dozen women in the place wasn't easy. But after an hour or so we were ready to go. Not a single one of the women wanted to go on their own. So it seemed I was going to have to take them all with me.

"Alright, is that everyone? Good, let's head home." I said as we made our way outside.

Once everyone was out, some of the women began crying and I gave them a moment to collect themselves. Once that was taken care of we were off. It took us four hours to make it back to the village. Mainly because the women walked slowly or just needed help along the way.

Once the village came into sight however they seemed to walk with a bit more pep in their step. As we neared the fence, Jaren and a few others came to greet us. I explained the situation to him and he had the others help get the group situated. As I made my way to the main hall, Aela appeared beside me.

"Why didn't you tell me you were going out? I could have helped." she said, sounding irritated.

"I know, when I made the decision Gentle and Gunnar were there and we were ready to go right then and there. The three of us were enough, more than enough if you want to be honest about it." I replied.

"Still, I could have helped." she insisted.

"I'm sure you could have. But I made my decision, and that's all there is to it. If I feel I need your skill set I will call for you. Now, has anything happened during my absence?" I asked, getting slightly annoyed by her titering. She was silent for a moment while looking at me. But after a second she answered.

"Nothing really, the feast is nearly ready. The traitor is in holding, his family doesn't know yet. All in all, nothing has happened." she finished.

"Good, I want the group to meet up in five minutes. Spread the word to Ivar, everyone else already knows. I'll see you then." I said and walked off.

Entering the hall I immediately made my way to the meeting room to await the arrival of the others. I took off my helmet and laid it and my sword to the side. I sat at the head of the table and just sat back. Things are moving along nicely, though I will admit to staying here a little longer than necessary.

On the bright side, I've begun to establish my own following. Most of them are noncombatants, but that's fine. Rome wasn't built in a day and neither will my own group. As of now, the only thing I have to worry about is getting Lord Stark to make me a vassal. Not only that, I have to convince him to give me land.

It's not entirely unprecedented, I mean just look at house manderly. They had the advantage of already being a noble house, but they weren't from the north. Yet they were still given lands. I have no idea how they managed that, but where there's a will, there's a way.

Just then the door opened and the others began filling in. Gentle, Gunnar, Ivar, Aela, Brant, Zakar and Jackar entered. I was surprised to see Jackar but it wasn't that important.

"Take a seat." I said to the group and they all did as instructed.

"First, allow me to introduce two new members to our group. Everyone, This is Ser Brant, a knight who has given me his oath. Beside him is his son Zakar who has also given me his oath. Treat them as you would treat one of us." I said and they all eyed each other up.

"If anyone has any words on the addition of these men to our circle, speak now. And if anyone wants to vouch for them, I ask that you do so now." I added.

"I will speak for them." Gentle spoke as he stood.

"Brant here is a fine warrior. One I wouldn't mind going into battle with. His boy is young, but he has a fierce heart. I say they are more than welcome." Gentle finished and sat back down.

"Hmm." Gunnar added, nodding at Gentle's words.

"Anyone else?" I asked, no one stood up and I nodded. Brant would make a great addition to my inner circle. He was a native, not only that, he might be my ticket to increasing my chances of establishing myself. His son is young, but he shows promise.

"Before we move on, I would like to address one more thing." I said and looked towards Zakar.

"Why are you here?" I asked the boy. He stood from his seat and knelt before me.

"Forgive me my Lord, I was unable to make my intentions known due to being occupied with my sister. Now that I am able, I too would like to give you my oath." He spoke softly and without hesitation. Seems I stumbled upon a family of capable people. Well, at least the father was, but the sons have potential.

"No problem at all, I accept your oath. Now take your seat, unless anyone has any objections? Good." The boy stood, bowed and went back to his seat.

"Now that we have taken care of the necessities, let's move on. After this feast, we leave at first light tomorrow. We have lingered here long enough. Our destination is Winterfell, seat of house Stark. Our goal is to become their vassals and claim the lands of Sea Dragons Point. The land we arrived at before coming to this village." I paused to look at them all, none having any objections, I continued.

"That is all I have to say really. Brant, I wonder if you could do something for me?" I asked the older man and he sat up straighter.

"What is it you require, my lord?"

"As a knight, you have the right to knight others, yes?" I asked.

"That I do my lord."

"Then I would ask you to knight me." I said.

"That will not be a problem, my lord."

"Really? Surely you must have some objections. Is knighthood a sacred thing? Something not to be taken lightly or given out so easily?" I asked, genuinely curious about his thoughts.

"As I told you before, my lord, the gods have never done anything for me before, so I don't care about the deeper meaning of this. In all my days, I have only met a few who truly embodied the spirit behind being a knight. Most just pretend to look above the common rabble. If you think becoming a knight is necessary, then so be it."

"Very well, we don't need to perform the ceremony as I too don't care about the gods. As far as we're all concerned, I am a knight, by your hand." I stated, not really in the mood to perform the ceremony.

"As you say, my lord." Brant answered with a nod.

"That is all I have to say. Anyone want to add anything?" I asked and Ivar spoke up.

"What will we do with these people? Are we taking them with us? Or are they staying here?" He asked.

"Most of them will be staying here. I might have Jaren accompany us, though i'm not entirely sure yet. Originally I would have brought him, but with Brant here, I think we have enough. Is that all?" I finished, and after a moment of silence I dismissed them.

An hour or so later the feast began. Everyone was joyful and grateful that their suffering was over. Gentle sang a tune, we drank, overall it was a good time. But, it was time to address more serious matters. Standing at the head of the table with Jaren by my side, something no one made an issue about, gathered everyone's attention.

"Today is one for celebration, for you have earned it. But, we have things to discuss. First, I would like to thank you all for your hospitality. I have enjoyed my time spent with you all." When I finished, they all cheered. I gave it a moment for it to die down.

"Sadly, this will be my last day here. I and my people will be leaving at first light." The hall descended into silence. The villagers looked shocked at my declaration.

"I will be traveling to Winterfell for business. But fear not, if all goes well I will be returning to you all." More cheers rose up at my words and I could see the villagers vissabley relax at hearing of my return.

"You all fought bravely to protect what was yours! And for that, you have my respect. However, there was one amongst you who did not have your vision. A man who you all thought was one of you, in your final hour, betrayed you. I ask that this coward be brought forward."

Gasps could be heard at my words. All coming from the woman, since all the men knew who I spoke of. From a side room, Levir was brought out bound in chains by Jackar and Zakar. They brought him to stand some distance beside me for all to look upon him.

"This man, in the dark of night, went to those same men who plundered your wares, and offered you all up. He went to them carrying word of your anger, your indignation, and your planned retribution! He sold you all out when you needed him the most! I know I have only been here for a short time. But I know the courage it took for you all to stand and fight. So I humbly request the right to lay judgement on this man! And in the event of his guilt, his punishment."

My words had the desired effect of igniting the anger of the people towards this man. They shouted for me to pass judgment. Medieval life was no joke, you were either with us, or you were against us. And people didn't take too kindly to traitors.



"How could you!"

"He deserves what is coming to him!"

Words were shouted, and most cried for justice at this treachery. All but one, a lone woman spoke in his defense.

"No! Stop this, please he didn't know what he was doing! Please, he didn't mean it! He is sorry, he will work to earn back your trust!" The shouting died down as the wife of Levir spoke up. They looked at her with pity as her children stood behind her. Her daughter and two younger children, a boy and a girl. Tears ran down her face as she spoke, to no avail as everyone had no sympathy towards a traitor.

"The people have spoken, and I proclaim him guilty of cowardice and treachery. His sentence is death." I spoke with finality and those gathered cheered.

"You can't do this! You're not a lord, you can't pass judgment on anyone!" the woman yelled.

She was right, but I doubted anyone cared. They wanted him dead, so he would die. In all honesty, they probably would have killed him on their own anyway and just moved on with their lives. I just made a spectacle out of it. With Levir kicking and screaming, and his wife having to be restrained, was hanged outside. After the event people went back to their business as if a man wasn't just executed. Gotta love medieval folk, they are very adaptable.

His wife weeped at the feet of her dead husband with her children behind her. The two youngest, not knowing what was going on while the oldest daughter looked completely unaffected. After an hour or so people began heading for bed. I slept in my meeting room with Floki and Sceolang by my side. If that woman decided to kill me in my sleep, they would handle her. I just wanted to sleep, I had a big day tomorrow.

Bigbaby Bigbaby

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