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100% The World With Two Moons / Chapter 8: Hypatia's Request

Chapter 8: Hypatia's Request

With 100% determination, Hypatia waits for Chilonis to come visit her.

As a result of Hypatia's determination, Chilonis was surprised to see her daughter, who seemed to mature rapidly after the tragedy, running toward her with her small steps and hugging her waist.

"Royal Mother.."

The soft voice of young girl sounds like soft cotton flower swaying in the sea of green leaves, fluttering in the sweet warm summer breeze. The small body hug her bring the scent of milky honey. The combination of this lovely attack bring the corner of Chilonis's lips raised.

Her slender white hand raised to softly rubbed her daughter's soft black hair, which braided into several simple braids, raised upwards and only tightened into a small sweet loosen bun with golden hair pin in the shape of a butterfly.

"I want to have dinner with Royal Mother.." Hypatia raises her head to look at Chilonis. Her big green eyes seem to layered with watery thin filament, arousing everyone's heart into a soft melted butter.

Mmmm, yes.. It was not shameful for a 34 year old soul doing this to a woman with the same soul age as her. That's correct, after Hypatia counted it carefully, she and Chilonis actually had the same age.

After all, this movement which she practiced for years in front of her heartless cats, finally could move someone's heart in this world. The biggest contribution of course due to her small fragile body. Hypatia is sure that if she does this with her original body on earth, her cats will turn around and give her lazily swayed tails as usual.

Chilonis's smile widened, and she immediately told her maids to prepare her dinner here.

Not long after, King Cleombre who visited his wife's room, found out that his wife sneakily had dinner at their daughter's room. He rushed to Hypatia's room, glad that they just started to eat, and shamelessly squeezed in between.

King Cleombre didn't have any female maids, but he had several private guards who served him as his servants. His servants already moved fast, and in just short ten minutes, his dinner was sent to Hypatia's room as well.

After the lively dinner and selling extra cuteness to both Chilonis and Cleombre, Hypatia cleared her throat.

"Uhm.. Royal Father, Royal Mother.. Actually, I want to ask both of you for something." Hypatia tried so hard to make her voice as cute as a 10 year old girl could be, with extra softness and pitiful face.

Facing the pair of husband and wife who could count as her colleague according to her age on earth, Hypatia actually felt goosebumps. If she did this kind of act in front of her best friends, they would roast her until her conscience turned into ashes.

What appeared in Cleombre and Chilonis eyes was a lovely face of their beloved daughter trying to act pitiful with clear anxiety. Both of them trained in a noble family, facing each false face everyday. They could differentiate which one is sincere, which one is an act. So Hypatia's act clearly softened their hearts, thinking their daughter who rarely asks for anything for this last year, finally could act like a child her age.

What does she want to ask from them? Musical instruments? Jewelleries? Exotic toys? Fancy clothes? Rare books?

Give! What they, as highest ruler in this kingdom, couldn't give to their beloved 10 year old daughter?

But when they heard what Hypatia asks, they felt they were just struck by thunder. Dear all the Gods above, we are thankful you bring back our daughter to life. But why can't you give back their pampered childish daughter??

Hypatia's request was as follows.

"Royal Father, Royal Mother, I have already finished my trip around the palace. I was so amazed that I live in this beautiful and big palace. But.. I found that some parts of the palace need improvement. I promise i won't ask you to buy me something expensive, so can i use my own allowance to fix the palace?"

The first response from this pair of husband and wife was, "Which part of the palace needs improvement?" They thought Hypatia wanted to fix her own little palace, or the garden she used to hang out in.

Hypatia's response which shocked them was as follows. "Kitchen should be clean and spotless. After all, it provides food for humans. But I noticed the kitchen for maids and guards was not as clean as the kitchen for my sisters and brothers. Even though the dishes they make for our maids and guards are not as complicated as us, I pity those who need to cook in that condition. The palace's slaves even don't have their own kitchen. I want to build a simple kitchen for them. And the bathroom for our maids and guards…."

The list was so long it made Cleombre and Chilonis speechless. They try to rack their brains to understand what their daughter wants. It was not a big deal for them to grant Hypatia's wishes. But.. They can't understand why.

The maids and servants who listen to their conversation almost want to kneel and tremble in fear. They afraid The King and The Queen will torture them, suspecting them for planting weird thoughts on Her Highness Royal Princess.

"Please.. Can I? I already checked my allowance with Palace Administrators, it might take three years of my allowance, but I promise I won't ask for anything in these three years." Hypatia pleads once more when she has bad premonitions by looking at Cleombre and Chilonis' expressions.

Cleombre took a deep breath, "Why?" He asked.

Hypatia's spirit wilted from hearing the cold tone of Cleombre. He never used this kind of tone when Hypatia launched a cuteness attack.

Is she acting too far from the original Hypatia in this world? Is she acting beyond the normal culture in this world?

"I just want this palace, under my Royal Father and Royal Mother's rules, to be the best palace in the world. I want everyone who worked here, and everyone who read history later on, to proudly say even after hundreds, or thousands years later, that the greatest King and Queen ever ruled, was my father and my mother." She softly said. Hypatia deliberately lowered her head, not to let Cleombre and Chilonis notice any further anomaly from her.

She knows they, as King and Queen, were never simple people easy to fool.

Chilonis and Cleombre stare at each other after hearing Hypatia's words. They decide to postpone their decision, and walk back to their room. Chilonis' room precisely. Ever since they got married, Cleombre rarely stayed at his palace, always sleeping at his queen's room, except when he had many things to do which forced him to work until late at night.

Cleombre called the palace administrator on the next day, asking them to calculate the renovation Hypatia asked for. There were so many, but Cleombre remembered each one of them. The most expensive renovation Hypatia asked for was actually the stairs and roads. Hypatia requested the stairs and roads not to be slippery when it's rain or snow, along with a canopy to prevent people from running under the rain. To prevent the maids, guards, and slaves, to be exact.

What Cleombre didn't understand, why his daughter was suddenly thinking about those people. Cleombre and Chilonis are wise rulers. They treat their maids and servants well. But, those people are definitely lower than them. It's good if they're given good treatment according to their status. Why need to elevate this treatment to these lower classes?

Chilonis checks with Honorable Dionius, what kind of lectures Hypatia has taken lately, for her to have such thinking in her brain. After carefully checking, she didn't find anything weird. So, who planted this kind of idea to their daughter? She wisely knows, the maids and guards dare not to, most importantly, those people don't even have capability to think that deeply.

From cleanliness, a healthy environment, to public safety, this is not the kind of thinking a maid will plant on a 10 year old girl. Usually the wicked maids only trick their master to grant them clothes and gold, never this kind of benefit which will profit them as whole, especially never to benefit the slaves.

It didn't bring harm either for them…

Chilonis checks with Cleomenes and Cleonymus without revealing Hypatia's true request. She knows their temperament is bad if it is something related to Hypatia. She didn't want to change another batch of maids for Hypatia.

In the afternoon, Cleombre received a detailed report from the administrator. Just like Hypatia said, her allowance as princess is quite high. It amazes Cleombre to find the calculation from the palace administrator exactly like Hypatia said. Her three years allowance is required to renovate the palace.

It's true, for the last year, Hypatia rarely spent her allowance as Royal Princess. Mainly her clothes and jewellery were all the old ones, she didn't ask for the new one. Compared to her half sisters and brothers, she does not even use a tenth from their average spending.

If the royal family's palace needs renovation, it will be very expensive. But since this is only for servants, the cost is low.

Cleombre sighs. Hypatia really is Chilonis' daughter. Her brain is definitely different from other girl's brains. His other daughters from his concubine are very simple and content with their life as princesses.

This stale state of discussion went on for days. On the seventh day, Hypatia who pestered Chilonis for her answer everyday, finally gave up. She gave a long and sad face, and didn't talk much.

She was disappointed in herself. Is she too obvious showing that her soul inside is different from the original Hypatia? Do they start to suspect her after this? She was quite afraid..

Chilonis couldn't take it. She didn't hear her daughter pester her again, but the silent, sad dejected face tore her heart apart.

At night, Cleombre who ran away from his daughter for days, afraid can't reject her daughter's requests, was given the cold shoulder and sent away by his Queen.

"You let me face my daughter's sad face alone, dare not to reject her request by yourself. I don't want to be the bad mother she is afraid of while you always have the role of a good loving father. If you don't want to reject her by yourself, don't come to my room ever again."

Under this heavy pressure, the depressed Hypatia receives happy news on the next day. The palace administrator, who was very confused and bewildered, came to give her the King's verdict.

"Under the command of His Highness The Mighty King Cleombre, hereby we declared for the following project to approve under the name of Her Highness Royal Princess Hypatia. The King approved all the projects the Royal Princess proposed before without any limitation of expenditures. All will taken from the Palace's expenses, and sealed the command under Her Highness Royal Princess Hypatia's supervision."

Thus for that year, Hypatia happily watches all her requests come true. The only ruckus from this event was Cleonymus almost interrogating every maids and guards, even not sparing Honorable Dionius, to find out who planted this kind of thing into Hypatia's mind. He was afraid people would use her lovely sister whose memories were wiped clean after the tragedy.

Hypatia uses her ultimate move to prevent her second brother from doing other cruel things to her maids. Even though her 34 year old soul felt weird for hugging Cleonymus tight, she as a 10 year old girl calmed herself. Besides, Cleonymus is only 16 year old this year. He could count as young radish in Hypatia's eyes.

"Royal Brother, why bother to think that my request was so weird? I actually just want this palace to look better. Is my request wrong? My mind might not healed properly yet from my injury before, but I will learn more and more from my Royal Brother Cleonymus to be a better princess. Why don't you teach me again today? You know.. I love to spend my time with Royal Brother Cleonymus the most." Last sentence was said with big eyes, a whispered pleading voice, as soft as she could.

Mmm.. This move always works. Her brothers were all very weak toward her when she said she loved them the most.

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